Mesothelioma: Mesothelioma Cancer main factors

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Mesothelioma cancer can strike anyone, but appears more often in men than in women. It is a disease mainly linked to asbestos and smoke, since most people who have worked on jobs where they breathed in asbestos particles, have developed this pathology.

Experts believe that smoking does not seem to be a directly related risk for developing the disease only by its own, but its combination with asbestos exposure increases the risk of Mesothelioma, so stop smoking if you are exposed to asbestos in your workplace.

According to statistics eight out of ten of all reported cases were exposed to asbestos, however there are cases of people that have not had any exposure to the fibers of this mineral.

Therefore, the main risk factor for developing Mesothelioma can be found in asbestos, a group of fibrous metamorphic minerals which have an special resistance to fire. Asbestos have been exploited for a variety of purposes, such as industrial products, roof shingles and flooring products.

However, some uses of asbestos are banned in many countries, since it is known that the inhalation of some kinds of asbestos fibers can cause various illnesses, including Mesothelioma, lung, larynx and kidney cancer and asbestosis, a chronic lung ailment, but a non cancerous pathology.

Most asbestos fibers are invisible to the unaided human eye and the problem increases because just one asbestos fiber can become the source of hundreds of thinner and smaller fibers over time. As they get smaller and lighter, they become more mobile and more easily to be driven and carried by the air.

That is why people who work in asbestos mines and mills or producing asbestos products must wear personal protective equipment to lower their risk of exposure, according to acceptable levels of asbestos exposure in the workplace set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the United States.

In order to reduce your chance of getting ill with some of the asbestos-related diseases if you are a asbestos worker, is not only to wear the proper clothes and equipment, but also take a shower and change your clothing before leaving the workplace to diminish the possibility of dust brought home on your clothing or hair.

Next Article: Mesothelioma Symptoms

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Skin Cancer Treatment

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Most common type of cancer is skin cancer. Most of the time skin cancer irrupts in the epidermis; as a result a tumor is generally visible.

Types of Skin Cancer

There are three most common skin cancers widely known - basal cell carcinoma, melanoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. Basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas develop gradually and are easily treatable, when found at an early stage. Melanoma is one of the most serious types of skin cancers. It affects inner layers of the skin and has the strongest potential to disseminate to other tissues in the body. Squamous cell carcinoma can also spread internally. Although this disease can surface any time, there are a few risk factors that enable persons prone to this disease.


fair skin (people of fair skin are specifically at risk)
excessive exposure to sun
arsenic exposure
burns or scars
radiation treatments
intake of immunosuppressive medicines
ulcers of chronic skin inflammation

Symptoms of Skin Cancer

Tiny, smooth and shiny patches of skin with waxy texture
Raised, small, brown or red marks
Unusual bleeding or scaling
Wounds that did not heal at all

Display of these signs necessarily does not establish that you are suffering from melanoma; nevertheless, you should not take any chances. It may be risky. You should consult a good skin cancer doctor for the same.

How Is Skin Cancer Diagnosed?

At initial stage if there is a patch of skin looking suspicious, your dermatologist may ask for a sample, called a biopsy. In this biopsy a small piece of the related skin is removed and sent to a pathologist for the examination of it under a microscope to detect whether or not there is any possibility of cancer. Good news is that the toughest skin cancer e.g. melanoma is easily identified using this methodology.

Treatments of Skin Cancer

If detected at an earliest stage, skin cancer is in fact one of the easiest cancer to treat - the infected tissues are simply removed. This is not the end of treatment though, because there is always a chance of its reoccurrence, patients generally need consistent monitoring to ensure that the cancer has not spread to other parts of the body.

If there is metastasis, radiation or chemotherapy can also be required. Skin cancer specialists can advise you what to expect and refer you to some oncologist for further treatment.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Lung Detox After Stopping Smoking

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Currently, almost everybody understands the debilitating implications of chronic smoking on one's body, specifically the risk it can cause to the lungs (not to mention other major organs).

One of the main ingredients present in cigarette smoke is tar, which builds up in the lungs and ultimately causes clotting in the lung cells. As time passes, the cilia of your lungs can be actually covered by numerous layers of tar.

The cilia cells essentially act by ridding your lungs of harmful substances, pollutants, and germs. But when your lung's cilia are obstructed by the presence of tar, the person increases the risk of developing various afflictions that will typically spare individuals who don't smoke.

In addition, the tar in cigarette smoke also consists of various extremely harmful compounds like carcinogens. Researches have revealed that applying cigarette tar on animal skin causes skin cancer no less than 60 percent of the time.

When you stop smoking, your lings cilia cells will no longer be bombarded by excessive amounts of tar, and in good time resume their normal functions. Gradually but steadily, your cilia cells will begin to cleanse your lungs of the disorder caused by all those years that you've smoked. Your lungs will be cleansed by your cilia cells totally within about a decade after you've stopped smoking. If you can't wait that long, embarking on something called a lung detox program can accelerate the process.

Lung Detox

"Lung Detox" is an e-book that tells an ex-smoker's personal experiences and his efforts to overcome his addiction and subsequently regain his health. The ebook contains helpful insights including guidelines on how stop smoking, or cope with being a nonsmoker and the consequences that this may entail.

Additionally, the Lung Detox e-book offers a useful lung detoxification program that incorporates a natural system involving natural extracts and vitamins. Fundamentally, the method aims to break down the particles of nicotine and tar and consequently facilitate their removal from your lungs more rapidly. this detox program is meant to clean your lungs in merely a few months to 1 year.

The detoxification program can potentially lead to various adverse side effects, including gastrointestinal illnesses. But then again, such effects are declared upfront and are closely correlated with the symptoms of withdrawal.

Aside from its lung detoxifying system, this program also helps you defeat your smoking addiction by causing a certain distaste for cigarette smoke. Presumably, this program can also help in weight loss, which is a rather frequent problem among ex-smokers.

Today, there are contrasting viewpoints about this e-book and its methods. A number of people have actually demanded a refund and decided to try a different technique. In contrast, there are also people who have reported desirable results as well as a remarkable advancement in terms of their health, well being and quality of life in general after undergoing this program.

The choice to try the lung detox program is of course yours alone, but bear in mind that this program claims practically zero side effects as well as gives you the chance to significantly improve your health. With these in mind, how can you possibly go wrong?

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Cancer; One Of The Top Killing Diseases In The World

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It's sad, but very true. Variations such as prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, skin cancer, and bladder cancer have widely become "top killers" amongst people all over the world. One of the reasons for this is because of the way people eat. I know that might sound really far-fetched, but if you do a little research you soon find out that this is actually a very true fact. Fatty foods, candy, junk food, etc can possibly turn your body into an infestation of not only fat, but also some other scary diseases such as cancer.

For men, the two top diseases as far as malignant neoplasm goes is prostate and pancreatic. For women, its ovarian, skin and breast cancer. Obviously as far as skin cancer goes - this doesn't really have much to do with your diet. But the other ones listed above very much do. It seems that a lot of people simply eat what they eat because they aren't sure what kind of diet they should be ingesting. Thankfully for us, there are several million websites and books on this subject, however, this can become quite time consuming.

One of the best things I can suggest to you is to find a website that is specifically designed in selling natural treatments for cancer books. These are going to be books that you can buy, download and read at your own leisure. They are going to teach you things like:

- The 2 ingredient diet about which an oncologist said; "this diet is far and away the most successful anti-cancer diet in the world". He further claimed that the inventor of the diet (a six-time Nobel Prize nominee) "demonstrated to my initial disbelief, but lately, to my complete satisfaction in my practice is: cancer is curable, the treatment is dietary/lifestyle, the response is immediate; the cancer cell is weak and vulnerable..."

- The nutritional supplement for which physicians are reporting complete remission of aggressive, stage IV cancers that have metastasized, as well as continued positive responses in other patients with previously chemo-resistant cancers. One treatment center has noted a 70% positive response rate in Stage IV cancer patients with most taking eight teaspoons of the supplement per day. One Stage IV breast cancer patient who refused chemo and radiation and was given two weeks to live by Hospice, got better with the help of this supplement. This supplement has also been shown to reduce the negative side-effects of chemotherapy and radiation.

- The unique device that is reported to reduce pain, raise energy levels, and increase survival. Apparently, many physicians are recommending it to their patients. This device increases the levels of negative ions of oxygen in the body's fluids and tissues, exactly as Nature produces. As two-time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg said "Cancer cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment". Additionally, the device utilizes specific frequencies that may enhance your immune system and eradicate bacteria and viruses linked to your cancer.

- The gentle, inexpensive DIY treatment for when you need to carry on as normal with a 50-60% estimated success rate. This London biochemist has been trying to get authorities to check out his treatment for 20 years. It apparently knocks out the mitochondria or 'energy centres' in cancer cells whilst leaving normal cells unharmed. It is backed up by over 50 research papers, and apparently has succeeded for breast cancer, colon cancer, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, glioblastoma, pancreatic cancer, etc. A low cost source is identified for the 3 25mg tablets that need to be taken each day - working out around 60 cents a day!

From the info stated above you can see that some of these books are literally going to answer all of your questions and concerns, but they are also going to teach you step-by-step procedures and methods on how to get rid of cancer the healthy way, how to eat better, and what other methods you can use in order to keep away painful side effects that cancer can often bring to the table (depending on the disease) such as chronic pain, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, wheezing, abdominal swelling, etc.

Natural therapies ARE the way to go. And if you aren't sure if this IS the best thing for you I have to say to you; what do you have to lose? Nothing. You only have to gain from trying new things out which may in fact either cure you or make you at least feel and look better!

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Best Natural Cure For Leucorrhoea, White Vaginal Discharge

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Leucorrhoea is a heath disorder characterized by oozing out of whitish discharge from the genital part of female. Main causes contributing for leucorrhoea in women include cervicitis, trichomonal vaginitis and monilial vaginitis. Severity of this health disorder varies from one person to another. Yellow color discharge with severe itching is a common symptom shown by women suffering from leucorrhoea. Coming out of whitish discharge depicts the abnormal functioning of reproductive organs. Depending upon the severity of cause, duration of leucorrhoea or whites may be temporary or persisting. Chronic leucorrhoea trouble may induce several health risks on patients like constipation, irritation, black patches under eyes, lethargy and frequent headaches. Healthy lifestyle plays a key role in preventing the risk of leucorrhoea troubles. Let's see some among the best cures used to treat leucorrhea problem in females.

Intake of nutritive diet is a natural cure for leucorrhoea or white vaginal discharge. This helps in minimizing the risk of fatigue problems due to chronic leucorrhoea troubles. Patients suffering from this health disorder are advised to intake detoxification diet for flushing out toxins from body. Following lemon cleansing diet purifies blood cells and improves the energy level of person. Most of the health practitioners recommends for including a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in patient's diet. Some among the best recommended food items for leucorrhoea include onions, okra, cranberries, lemons and oranges. Regular exercise is another natural cure suggested to cure leucorrhoea problem in women. Practicing exercises improves blood circulation, strengthen immune system of body and oxygenates body cells to achieve immense energy.

Restful sleep is a safe cure for treating leucorrhoea problems in women. Having good sleep during night hours prevents the risk of nervous disorders like stress, depression and anxiety. It calms down nerve cells and promotes the production of cellular energy. Fenugreek seed is an effective cure used for the treatment of leucorrhoea. Patients can use this herbal cure both internally as tea and externally as douche. Douche of fenugreek seed acts as a perfect home remedy for treating leucorrhoea troubles. Amaranth root is another safe home remedy for preventing the risk of leucorrhoea. Those females troubling from chronic white discharge are advised to drink a cup of amaranth root juice daily in the morning and in the evening.

Walnut leaf is an effective herbal remedy used for the treatment of leucorrhoea troubles. It has been used for centuries for the treatment of skin problems and infections. Presence of astringent ingredients in walnut leaves fights against germs and prevents the risk of infection in genitals. Apart from curing infections, walnut leaves are also used for treating other health risks like acne, eczema, cancer, allergies and excessive sweating. Similar to walnut leaves, tender leaves of guava is another herbal cure for leucorrhoea. Douche made by the infusion of guava leaves acts as a powerful astringent and cures infection. Patients are advised to avoid tea, coffee and forms of white sugar from their diet. Mango seed, lady's finger, bananas and coriander seeds are other home remedies for white vaginal discharge.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Healthy Skin: The Importance of pH Balanced Skin Care

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Many of us are familar with the term "pH balanced," when it comes to skin care. But do we even really know what it means? Sometimes we can find this term on a product label or package. But are the skin care companies giving us all the information we need? It is not unreasonable that the consumer be given this critical information before making a purchase.

I am not suggesting that skin care companies are being deceptive, but it is interesting to note that out of the thousands of products out there, how many actually tell us what the actual pH level is? The next time you find yourself looking at skin care products in your local store, see if you can find this information somewhere on the product packaging. If provided, it would read something like, "pH balanced at 5.5." Here you are looking for an actual numeric value; a real number.

First, we need to understand what pH refers to and why pH balanced skin care products are critical to the health and beauty of your skin. The term pH (power of hydrogen) refers to how acidic or alkaline a substance is. The pH scale ranges from 1-14. A pH of 7.0 is considered neutral (water is neutral) and anything over a pH of 7.0 is alkaline.

Healthy skin has a slightly acidic pH in the range of 4.5-6.0. This is referred to as the acid mantle. The acid mantle is a film on the surface of the skin consisting of sweat, sebum and amino acids. The acid mantle has a critical purpose; A slightly acidic environment can fight off bacteria, fungus and pollutants. The acid mantle can also be negatively affected by stress and hormonal changes, causing it to break down. As a result, the skin's pH can become more alkaline.

When the skin becomes too alkaline, it not only can become dry and irritated, but also loses its ability to fight off bacteria which can lead to blemishes and breakouts (pH imbalance may be a major contributing factor in acne). Alkaline products should be avoided, or minimized. Most commercial cleansers are very alkaline, with a pH of 8.0 or more (particularly foaming cleansers). Most soaps have a pH of 9.0- 11.

Conversely, using products that are overly acidic (such as strong glycolic peels) may also damage the pH of the skin, causing excessive redness, dryness, irritation and vulnerability to the sun. Using gentle exfoliating products which effectively slough off dead skin cells without damaging your skin will help keep it healthy, smooth and radiant.

Always choose skin care products that have a pH close to that of your own skin (alpha hydroxy products must have a lower pH in order to exfoliate). As a result, you will feel more confident that the products you use will not disrupt the skin's protective acid mantle.

Avoid potentially toxic ingredients which are used as pH adjusters. Triethanolamine (TEA) is commonly used in many products for this purpose. It may be contaminated with nitrosamines which have been associated with cancer.

Learn as much as you can about the products you use on your face and body. Arm yourself with as much information as possible. A well informed consumer always has the best advantage.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Most Asian Men Show A Better Capacity For Surviving Prostate Cancer than White Men

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Following skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most frequently seen type of cancer in American men and it is predicted that nearly 220,000 men in the United States alone will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2007 and that approximately 27,000 men will die from the condition.

However, as is the case with many diseases, survival rates from prostate cancer are not the same everywhere and this should give us the data that will permit us to improve our treatment options.

A recent study examined data on nearly 117,000 men suffering from prostate cancer (just over 108,000 white men and almost 9,000 Asians drawn from the six largest Asian ethnicities - , Korean, Japanese, South Asian, Filipino, Chinese and Vietnamese). The study looked at survival rates and prognostic factors for these men.

Amongst the many findings of the study it was found that the risk profile for Asians was worse than that for whites, with Asians being more likely to suffer from advanced cases of the condition at the time of diagnosis and of being treated with a range of non-curative therapies. However, the study also showed that the survival rates for Asian men were either equal to or better than those seen in white men.

These results were especially surprising when we note that the age at which most Asian men are diagnosed with prostate cancer is far higher than that for white men and that their cancers are generally more advanced, which should clearly indicate a reduced survival rate.

When the statistics were examined in more detail however it was discovered that there was a significant variation between different groups of Asian men. As an example, Japanese-American men were one-third less likely to die from prostate cancer, while men from South Asia (including, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, India and Bhutan) were forty percent more likely to die from the disease.

So what does this mean? Unfortunately the answer would seem to be not a great deal. These variations are without doubt large enough to be significant, but the wide variation between many broadly similar groups makes it virtually impossible to draw any real conclusions. Without doubt there are a variety of things, like diet, exercise and genetics, that are a factor but many of the findings seem to be almost contradictory.

The result is that, a study that it was believed would point to differences across ethic groups which would permit us to improve our treatment options has actually raised more questions that it has answered. Indeed, other than underlining the dangers of drawing conclusions from too broad a group, as seen in the difference in the figures for Asian men in general and men from just South Asia, the study has revealed that the differences were larger than many people had thought and therefore suggest that these variations might indeed be more significant than previously thought.

At the end of the day, this study has not taken us any further forward but has at least highlighted the need for more investigation that will hopefully provide better data and allow us to take advantage of the better survival rates amongst many Asian men in putting together treatment plans for prostate cancer.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Bladder Cancer Treatment in India at Affordable Cost, Mumbai Delhi Cancer Surgery India

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Bladder Cancer


The normal bladder

Your bladder is a hollow pelvic organ with flexible, muscular walls that stores urine. The average adult bladder holds about 2 cups of urine. Urine is made by the kidneys and is then carried to the bladder through tubes called ureters. The urine leaves the bladder through another tube called the urethra. In women, the urethra is a very short tube that ends just in front of the vagina. In men, the urethra is longer. It passes through the prostate gland and the penis, and ends at the tip of the penis.

Cost Bladder Cancer, Bladder Cancer Surgery, Bladder Cancer Surgery

The wall of the bladder has several layers. A layer of cells lines the inside of the kidney, ureter, bladder, and urethra. These cells are called urothelial or transitional cells, and so this layer is called the urothelium or transitional epithelium. Beneath the urothelium, there is a thin layer of connective tissue called the lamina propria. Next, there is a layer of muscle tissue called the muscularis propria. Beyond this muscle, another zone of fatty connective tissue separates the bladder from other nearby organs. These layers are very important in understanding bladder cancer. As the cancer penetrates or grows through these layers into the wall of the bladder, it becomes harder to treat.

Bladder tumors are grouped into several types by how their cells look under a microscope. The type of bladder cancer you have can affect your treatment options. This is because different types can respond differently to treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy.

The main types of cancers that affect the bladder are: -

transitional cell carcinoma (also called urothelial carcinoma)

squamous cell carcinoma


small cell

These same types of cancer can also grow in other places in the urinary tract, such as the lining of the, kidney (called the renal pelvis), the ureters, and the urethra. In fact, patients with bladder cancer sometimes have a similar tumor in the lining of the kidneys, ureters, or urethra. Therefore, when someone is found to have a cancer in one part of their urinary system, the entire urinary tract needs to be checked for tumors.

We do know that the following factors increase a person's risk of developing a bladder cancer: -

Smoking: - Smoking is the single greatest risk factor for bladder cancer. Smokers have more than twice the risk of developing bladder cancer as nonsmokers.

Chemical exposures at work: - People who regularly work with certain chemicals or in certain industries have a greater risk of bladder cancer than the general population. Organic chemicals called aromatic amines are particularly linked with bladder cancer. These chemicals are used in the dye industry. Other industries linked to bladder cancer include rubber and leather processing, textiles, hair coloring, paints, and printing. Strict workplace protections can prevent much of the exposure that is believed to cause cancer.
Diet: People whose diets include large amounts of fried meats and animal fats are thought to be at higher risk of bladder cancer.

Aristolochia fangchi: - This herb is used in some dietary supplements and Chinese herbal remedies. People who took this herb as part of a weight loss program had higher rates of bladder cancer and kidney failure than the general population. Scientific studies on this herb have shown that it contains chemicals that can cause cancer in rats.

Age: - Seniors are at the highest risk of developing bladder cancer.
Sex: - Men are three times more likely than women to have bladder cancer.
Race: - Whites have a much higher risk of developing bladder cancer than other races.

History of bladder cancer: - If you have had bladder cancer in the past, your risk of developing another bladder cancer is higher than if you had never had bladder cancer.

Chronic bladder inflammation: - Frequent bladder infections, bladder stones, and other urinary tract problems that irritate the bladder increase the risk of developing a cancer, more commonly squamous cell carcinoma.

Birth defects: - Some people are born with a visible or invisible defect that connects their bladder with another organ in the abdomen or leaves the bladder exposed to continual infection. This increases the bladder's vulnerability to cellular abnormalities that can lead to cancer.

common symptoms
The most common symptoms of bladder cancer include the following: -

Blood in the urine (hematuria)
Pain or burning during urination without evidence of urinary tract infection
Change in bladder habits, such as having to urinate more often or feeling the strong urge to urinate without producing much urine

These symptoms are nonspecific. This means that these symptoms are also linked with many other conditions that have nothing to do with cancer.

Having these symptoms does not necessarily mean you have bladder cancer.
If you have any of these symptoms, you should see your health-care provider right away. People who can see blood in their urine, especially older males who smoke, are considered to have a high likelihood of bladder cancer until proven otherwise.

Blood in the urine is usually the first warning sign of bladder cancer.

Unfortunately, the blood is often invisible to the eye. This is called microscopic hematuria, and it is detectable with a simple urine test.
In some cases, enough blood is in the urine to noticeably change the urine color. The urine may have a slightly pink or orange hue, or it may be bright red with or without clots.

If your urine changes color, you need to see your health-care provider.

Bladder Cancer Treatment

Although medical treatments are fairly standardized, different doctors have different philosophies and practices in caring for their patients.

You may want to talk to more than one urologist to find the one with whom you feel most comfortable. Clinical experience in treating bladder cancer is of the utmost importance.

Talk to family members, friends, and your health-care provider to get referrals. Many communities, medical societies, and cancer centers offer telephone or Internet referral services.

After you have chosen a urologist to treat your cancer, you will have ample opportunity to ask questions and discuss the treatments available to you.

Your doctor will describe each type of treatment, give you the pros and cons, and make recommendations based on published treatment guidelines and his or her own experience.

Treatment for bladder cancer depends on the type of cancer and its stage. Factors such as your age, your overall health, and whether you have already been treated for the cancer before are included in the treatment decision-making process.

The decision of which treatment to pursue is made with your doctor (with input from other members of your care team) and your family members, but the decision is ultimately yours.

Be certain you understand exactly what will be done and why, and what you can expect from your choices. With bladder cancer, understanding the side effects of treatment is especially important.

Like all cancers, bladder cancer is most likely to be cured if it is diagnosed early and treated promptly.

The most widely used therapies are surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, either alone or in combination.

Immunotherapy or biological therapy, which takes advantage of the body's innate cancer-fighting ability, is used in some cases, especially for patients with stages Ta, T1, and CIS.

Your treatment plan will be individualized for your specific situation.
Your treatment team will also include one or more nurses, a dietitian, a social worker, and other professionals as needed.

Bladder Cancer: Eating Well to Feel Better

Try these ideas to make sure you get the nutrients you need: -

Stay positive. Most appetite-related symptoms go away over time.
Go small. Try eating small meals more often, rather than a few large ones during the day.

Up the protein and calories. Keep high-protein, high-calorie snacks nearby so you can have one when you feel up to it.

Soup for you. Try soups, shakes, or smoothies instead of solid food; they go down easier.

Be gentle on yourself. If nausea is a problem, eat foods that are easy on your stomach. These include toast, crackers, noodles, baked or broiled skinned chicken, soft and bland fruits and vegetables, clear liquids, ice chips, and carbonated drinks.

How Diet May Help Reduce Bladder Cancer Recurrence ?

Maintaining a good diet during cancer therapy can help you heal properly and keep your weight and energy levels up. A healthy diet will also support your body's immune function so you can fight off infection. After cancer therapy, a good nutrition plan will also help keep you healthy and reduce the risk of recurrence.

The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) has several recommendations for cancer prevention that also apply to patients recovering from cancer treatment: -

Maintain a healthy body weight.
Plan for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day.
Avoid sugary drinks and foods, especially processed foods high in added sugar, low in fiber, or high in fat.

Eat lots of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes, like beans.
Limit the amount of red meat in your diet, like beef and lamb, and avoid processed meats.

Limit alcoholic drinks to two for men and one for women each day.
Limit the amount of salt in your diet.

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Natural Remedies For Eczema - Healing Eczema From The Inside Out

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In order to really benefit from natural remedies for eczema, it is important to learn more about what causes the condition in the first place. Unfortunately, the exact nature of why eczema occurs in some people and not others isn't fully understood. That said, there has been evidence that points to common causes including allergy, immune system and hereditary factors playing a part.

The likelihood is that, if you suffer from eczema, then there are going to be several factors at play that have caused it. Because of this, you won't find one single cure that will work as a magic pill, but by combining several different natural remedies for eczema it is possible to become eczema free.

In the first instance, it is important to look after your skin on the outside. This can be achieved in two ways: using moisturizers to reduce inflammation and soothe the skin, whilst preventing any contact with irritants that trigger the problem. When choosing a moisturizer, look for one made with natural ingredients that will not irritate the skin.

Identifying anything that triggers your eczema is important in getting over the problem, and you may already know what triggers the condition for you. Once you have identified something that triggers eczema to flare-up, it is common sense to remove it from your home. Common triggers are household products like soaps and detergents, as well as dust mites and animal hair. A flare-up of eczema can be caused by these triggers in a couple of ways: by causing an allergic reaction on the surface of your skin, and by toxins present in them getting past the natural barrier of the skin and causing a problem internally.

These toxins are believed to be a very common cause of eczema, once they are able to breach the barrier that is the skin, and so any natural remedies for eczema should address this. These chemical toxins don't just get inside via contact with them on the skin, but we also breathe them into our lungs in the polluted air and put them straight into our gut with our food.

When people think of natural remedies for eczema, or any other disease, diet is often not one of the first things to come to mind. The truth of the matter is that a diet full of over-processed food, crammed with chemical additives, plays a big role in letting harmful toxins in. Once inside, these toxins have the ability to disrupt the natural balance of the body and cause the immune system to behave in unusual ways.

In order to properly apply any natural remedies for eczema, it is important that they are accompanied with a healthy nutritious diet, as this is the best way regain the balance of the body and fight eczema. A detoxification program is also a good idea, to get rid of the toxins that have built up over time. This combination of eliminating any common triggers and taking care of the skin, in conjunction with improving the immune systems ability to fight disease, the possibility of beating eczema can become reality.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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From Resin To Oil: The Amazing Benefits Of Frankincense

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Deeply revered for many thousands of years, Frankincense has perhaps the greatest association with spiritual practice of any natural plant material on earth. In many great ancient cultures, including the Egyptian, Babylonian, Persian, Hebrew, Greek and Roman civilizations, it has played a role in religious and domestic life. Frankincense resin has been sought after by kings, valued as highly as gold, and offered as a gift at the birth of one of history's most revered prophets. More recently, the essential oil is gaining popularity with spiritual seekers and natural healers alike - what's so unique about the rich smelling resin and it's essential oil, and how might we use it for our own benefit?
"Frankincense" refers to the dried resin of the Olibanum tree or shrub. A great many varieties of the essential oil are available, from 3 different species and two distillation technologies. The resin is typically collected in the wild -- no need to worry about finding a "certified organic source, as wild-crafting produces the purest, cleanest of all natural medicines. The most popular botanical variety is Boswellia carteri, the species also with the greatest amount of scientific research backing its medicinal use. The aroma is lovely, with fruity and woody notes combining to make a very uplifting scent. Boswellia seratta from India produces an oil with a deep and mysterious scent, treasured for its great aroma-therapeutic value.
The most medicinally efficacious essential oil is possibly the "super-critical carbon dioxide" distillation of Boswellia carteri -- this fancy new distillation method makes a more complex, thicker, and possibly more healing oil than the classic steam distillation. One of the advantages is that the plant material is not heated nearly as much as it would be if processed with steam, the result being a product closer to the original in chemical formulation. Some prominent aromatherapists who didn't particularly care for this extraction method with other plants have given it the "thumb's up" when used with Frankincense.
The essential oil is noted by experts to have a very diverse set of therapeutic uses. For skin care, it is considered one of the premier oils for mature skin. The tough, desert trees somehow belie this use; the oil may be particularly helpful for skin that has been prematurely aged from overexposure to the sun. Scientific research has even "proven" the effects, by testing Frankincense extracts in skin care preparations side by side on participant's faces. The results showed a significant improvement in skin texture and the reduction of fine lines. You can easily benefit from this property yourself by adding four to twelve drops of the essential oil per fluid ounce of any cream or lotion you're already using. Or if creating a new, personal aromatherapy skin care blend, try adding the oil, alone or in combination with other essential oils, at a concentration between 1/2 and 2 percent.
Boswellia extracts (like the CO2 distillation) have found their way into many common over-the-counter pain relieving and anti-inflammatory preparations for joint and muscular pain. Natural chemicals in the oils inhibit the action of pro-inflammatory enzymes. Frankincense essential oil in combination with other anti-inflammatory and analgesic oils can be of great support for arthritis, fibromyalgia, and other painful conditions. A blend to consider for these needs: in each ounce of carrier oil (sweet almond is fine), add 40 drops Frankincense, 40 drops Ginger CO2, 40 drops Sweet Marjoram and 40 drops Plai. Not only is the pain likely to be significantly reduced, but you're knees will smell wonderful as well!
Perhaps the most impressive therapeutic potential of Frankincense lay in its now extensively researched anti-cancer activity. The resin and its extracts have been shown to specifically target cancer cells in a number of different organs, causing apoptosis (normal cell death, which doesn't "normally" occur in cancer cells) to the cancerous cells, leaving healthy ones unaffected. While treatment protocols are still a ways off, it is possible to include daily doses of Frankincense as a protective measure. The essential oil is rapidly absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream -- small doses can also reasonably be ingested with the guide of a natural health professional.
In terms of "aroma" therapy, Frankincense can be an excellent antidepressant and grounding aromatic. A diffuser or warming lamp can be used to disperse the aroma throughout your environment. Frankincense oil can be applied directly to the forehead where you can both capture the aroma and absorb the oil directly (it is non-irritating or sensitizing, though if you do experience sensitivity, simply dilute to 5-10% in a carrier oil). It is considered deeply calming, and has been noted to have the potential to actually slow the breathing rate -- a very interesting effect, considering that some physicians believe our life spans to be governed by the number of breaths we take, and not the number of heartbeats. Our breathing patterns are also directly related to our stress level: under stress, we tend to take shallow, rapid breaths, and while relaxed, breathing is slower and deeper.
With the incredible history Frankincense has as a natural healer, we are especially fortunate at this time to have it readily available to us in many forms. The new CO2 extracts make it especially easy to utilize for every one of is therapeutic actions. This form is a wonderful way to add a little of this highly revered medicine to your life, to the potential benefit of your mind, body and soul.

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Find Out How to Recognize Asbestos Ceiling Tile in Your Residence

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Is asbestos ceiling tile hiding in your home? Are there asbestos particles in your flooring tiles, acoustical or decorative ceiling or wall plaster, insulation, or other items used to build your house? Before beginning any remodeling, repairs, or replacements it is important to know the answers to these questions. Disturbing any building materials that include asbestos will most likely discharge asbestos dust into the open air where they might be breathed into the lungs. This can result in lung cancer and mesothelioma, a deadly form of lung tumor.

Once asbestos dust particles are inhaled into the lungs they will cause the body to send immune system cells to fight them. Sadly, while making an attempt to free the body of those hazardous fibers the immune cells will die. Over the subsequent years scar tissue will develop around the dead cells, eventually generating so much scar tissue the lungs will cease working. Finding and safely removing or encapsulating items made with asbestos has to be performed before any work or repairs are begun. Asbestos removal cost is not economical, but is a small price to pay for eradicating this danger in your home.

What is toxic asbestos?

You can find asbestos all around the world as a naturally occurring mineral. It's found in an estimated two-thirds of all rocks in the earth's crust. Naturally-occurring fibers are launched into the environment as a consequence of erosion. A typical individual will inhale roughly 10,000 to 15,000 asbestos fibers and dust particles every day. Though this seems like quite a bit it is not considered a health risk. Nevertheless, being exposed to higher levels can result in lung cancer and mesothelioma.

Where is asbestos found?

Up until the 1970s asbestos was a standard ingredient found within items that had been used to build schools, workplace buildings, and homes. Standard items that contain this toxic mineral are asbestos ceiling tile, vinyl sheet flooring, cement, air conditioning ducts, sprayed-on ceiling and wall plaster, textured paints, blown-in insulation, roof tiles or shingles, sealants, sprayed-in fire-retardant materials, and thousands of other items. The quantity of asbestos used at this time has dramatically dropped as a result of government restrictions and warnings. Nevertheless, it still appears in many older houses, schools, and workplace buildings.

What is asbestos ceiling tile?

Asbestos fibers are sturdy and flexible enough to be spun into products that are fire and flame retardant, in addition to being resistant to heat and electricity. This makes them excellent as an insulating material. In addition they soak up noise effectively which is the reason they are terrific for soundproofing rooms. Asbestos ceiling tile was most frequently used in ceilings that had been dropped or suspended from the roof. This allowed an area to be created between the ceiling tiles and the roof which helped reduce noise. This space is also where heat and ventilation ducts and vents are found which may blow dangerous fibers throughout the building.

Some asbestos ceiling tiles are plainly marked as containing the toxic mineral and can easily be spotted, while others are not. Visually inspecting ceiling tiles won't enable you to determine with certainty whether or not they include asbestos unless the tiles are clearly marked. By law, a ceiling tile is presumed to include asbestos if it was produced previous to 1981.

It is exceptionally vital to not disturb any likely asbestos-containing items should you intend to remodel or repair items in your home. The very best strategy is to have an inspector let you know whether or not it is safe to start your remodeling job before the remodeling work begins. If your home contains this toxic material it must either be encapsulated or completely removed. Lethal consequences might be the end result if proper steps are not followed.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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TENS Unit – Get Pain Relief

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TENS Unit is the short form of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. This is a special type of machine that helps to get relief from chronic and heightened pain. These machines are tiny and shaped like an I-Pod. It is one of the best power management methods that can help to treat joint and muscular pain. This device is just great and works wonderful for people who are facing body ache due to imbalanced work hours. These machines consist of electrodes that decrease organic and muscular discomforts. If you turn back the pages of time and move to the year 1974, you can find that TENS unit was highly accepted in countries like the United States among doctors and medical professionals. It was accepted that these machines have the ability to reduce headache and muscular pains.

Now, here the question arise that how TENS Unit machine really works. These machines are something that you need to buy for you and it works great. Surely, these machines are designed for everyone, but it is not recommended to ill health people those suffer diseases like cancer, heart disease, patients with pacemaker and others. If anyone facing such type of diseases must avoid using this type of rehabilitation pain relieving kit. Are you feeling insecure to use TENS device in a civic area? Nothing to be anxious, as it is a wonderful way to keep you fit even in public places. The best part is that these devices are so small that it can be carried anywhere you go, whether it may be cinema hall or a shopping arcade. Just you need to safely attach this machine to your waist belt or you can hide it under your garments. Now, without any hassles you can enjoy your family get-together or can visit your favorite holiday destination while getting total muscle pain relief.

Is this device really good in decreasing ligament pain? Disappointingly, you won't get a satisfied answer to such question. Low note of electric impulse is put on the affected region and slowly pain gets decreased. Endorphins are released and at the same time pain impulse is not being carried to the receptor part of the brain. This is not at all an automatic procedure to get free from muscle and joint pain. The true fact is that TENS generate minute electric impulses that may damage nerve or cellular tissues. Therefore, it is advisable to take recommendation from a qualified doctor who have years of experience in treating people in the right manner. In many medical research the usefulness of TENS unit is debated and know for its pioneering treatment method in the field of neurologist, orthopedists, cardiologist and many more. In countries like the United States, many licensed doctors have opt these machines for getting relief from body pain than using artificial drugs and medicines.

If you are running with a difficult work schedule and don't have much time to pick the right remedy, then this machine is just for you. Now, when you have all the facts, TENs Unit falls is the appropriate treatment options for you. These features are available for purchase in various pharmacies and stores at competitive prices online intermediaries thirty thousand dollars, and local health authorities. Retailers are Supported;;; If you suffer from pain or muscle irritation of the daily crush of life, then time to reduce physical disabilities such as Cerebral Palsy, Arthritis, Whip lash, or carpel-tunnel syndrome, then talk to your doctor.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Cancer Markers

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There, I said it - the big C word. No one wants to hear it. You may well possess a household member who has it, be a survivor yourself, or know someone who has died from it.

Since I have PBC (key biliary cirrhosis) I am concerned about liver cancer. I have blood tests every last so a lot of months to keep an eye on my liver enzyme levels. There may be a high incidence of liver cancer resulting from individuals who have had liver cirrhosis.

You may perhaps have been curious how doctors can tell what stage of cancer a person has.

Alpha-fetoprotein or AFP is a type of tumor marker which is employed to diagnose cancer. These markers are applied to determine which stage of cancer a patient has. Tumor markers are substances (mostly proteins) that happen to be made by the human body or by the tumor itself in response to cancer.

A high reading of sure proteins in an urine or blood sample could indicate a much more aggressive cancer. Ordinarily, the higher the resulting number on the marker, the higher the stage of cancer.

Where symptoms suggest cancer in a patient, urine and blood samples are taken and submitted to a laboratory to become tested for cancer tumor marker levels.

The results assist the physician in determining if a patient has cancer. They can also help diagnose the type of cancer the patient has.

Cancer markers also are helpful in determining the prognosis for your patient. They're also put to use to check to see if cancer has returned after remission.

A biopsy is taken once a diagnosis of cancer has been made, and again tumor markers can help to determine the amount of cancer which is present from the patient's entire body.

Advanced cancer is indicated by higher tumor marker levels along with the prognosis is less beneficial.

With the help of cancer markers, a doctor can then determine the best treatment for your patient.

Forms of Cancer Markers

Some with the most common cancer markers (AFP) are applied for diagnosing the following cancers:

Cancer research is ongoing in hopes to discover tumor markers for other sorts of cancers.

Not just one tumor marker is utilised for all cancers, and not all cancers have tumor markers that work specifically for their diagnosis and treatment.

Once cancer treatment has been started by a patient, they will need to have further testing with tumor markers to see if their particular treatment is working.

If the tumor marker level declines, it generally is definitely an indication that the current treatment is working.

If the level increases or stays the same, the physician may perhaps try a different form of treatment.

It really is important that a selected amount of time has passed between cancer marker testing to give the treatment a chance to work to the tumor.

Drawbacks of Cancer Markers

You can find only a few cancer markers which have been able to find cancer within the early stages. In fact, you will find particular noncancerous illnesses which can contribute to a high tumor marker level.

On occasion, cancer marker levels may well not be elevated in a person who really has cancer. It will be important that all tests are taken into consideration, like a complete physical examination, history of your patient, other laboratory tests and scans.

Another drawback of testing with markers is that from time to time you get a false constructive. You will find a few factors that might contribute to an inaccurate lab test. Particular medications can alter the results of blood and urine tests, together with Vitamin C, Naproxen Sodium or Tylenol. Some antibiotics can also affect the tests.

False positives rates for cancer marker tests are normally 5 per cent. For other false positives or false negatives and their causes go to this link.

Personally, I have lost a boss to cancer from smoking. It was not lung, but nose cancer. He was way too young to die, and was a very kind man. He was a chain smoker.

I am glad that research continues on these sorts of markers to help in detecting cancer cells early on so a person has a better chance of surviving.

If you have peculiar symptoms, breast changes, weight loss, uncommon bleeding, unexplained fatigue, gnawing pain, indigestion, changes in lymph nodes, depression, or persistent cough or sore that will not heal, go to see your doctor. It really is better to become tested early rather than wait until it will be too late to deal with it.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Get Rid of Acid Reflux

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You want to eat but then again you don't, because "IT" will come for you. The heartburn that happens with GERD is a life interrupting annoyance that makes you want to scream, "I NEED to get rid of acid reflux!!"

Can you feel it? The heartburn, the bloating, the throbbing gut, the constant burping (sometimes accompanied by vomit---vurps), the discomfort seems to never quit. You worry about the long term effects on your body. You feel depressed because it is affecting everything in your life.

You eat antacids like candy; sometimes it helps a little but it is only treating the symptoms. You go to the doctors but they only want to prescribe drugs; an answer with its own set of problems.

Make The Burning Stop!

The burning vurp. . . you just dread it. You try to concentrate on work or listen to your child's problem but you are distracted because of the acid reflux indigestion.

You are even concerned about having a sexual encounter because "what if . . . ?" those darn vurps come at anytime. You begin coughing and your throat is burning and the romantic mood is ruined.

Oh, My Aching Gut

Many people who suffer from GERD experience the upset stomach and that uncomfortable fullness. An aching gut ruins just about any event in life; just try to have fun and laugh when your stomach is throbbing. This is a disorder of the body that can ruin your whole life, and run it into the ditch!

How Can You Get Rid of Acid Reflux?

You can choose drugs . . . but to win my battle with GERD I wasn't thrilled about being an experimental animal for the medical industry to try out its new guesses on. Many of those drugs are pulled from the market 2-5 years later because they caused more problems than what they were supposed to cure.

The Answer Is In Your Mouth

You know the saying, you are what you eat, right? GERD got so bad in my life that I was almost completely shut down. I finally went to a holistic doctor---maybe an acid reflux alternative treatment would work.

I was in such pain sometimes I didn't know whether to cry or put my fist through a wall. The doc made it simple. He said that there is some evidence that GERD and Celiac Disease (intolerance to gluten, a protein found in most grains) are connected.

He explained that to get rid of acid reflux I could go on a gluten free diet for 3 weeks and see how I felt. I couldn't imagine a life with no bread or pasta!! I fretted on the way home. That night after another episode I decided to try it.

I thought, "What could it hurt?" Maybe I wouldn't hurt anymore! That thought motivated me greatly. I am not saying it was easy---no---that was 3 years ago and now my life is grreat! Well, as long as I stay gluten free.

If you are tired of being sick and tired, and you are very eager to get rid of acid reflux, this is just one option to consider.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Taheebo - The Miracle Herb

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Taheebo, also known as Lapacho, as it is taken from the Red Lapacho tree's inner bark, is one of the most beneficial medicinal herbs that you should include in your herbal shelf. Dubbed as a "miracle herb," Lapacho is commonly prepared as a tea, although there are also a lot of other commercially made formulations of it available in the form of tablets or capsules.

At a glance, Taheebo is enriched with a plethora of vitamins like B-complex, A and C, and packed with minerals, namely calcium, zinc, selenium, chromium, cobalt and magnesium. However, this herb offers bigger things than just vitamins and minerals.

Anti-Viral Benefit: Taheebo has a long range of medicinal benefits as it is known to have been used for over 1,000 years already, which can be dated back as far as the history of Inca's descendants - the Callawaya tribe. One of its strongest actions however, is to combat viruses.

In fact, this herb has exhibited the ability to not only kill simple viruses like the common cold, but also inactivating stronger viral strains like the sarcoma, avian myeloblastosis and polio viruses. Although still at its early experimental stages, this herb has some positive effect against the virus responsible for the dreaded AIDS disease.

Taheebo has the N and A factors that acts against the RNA/DNA synthesis of viruses. By doing so, viruses are no longer able to self-replicate or harm healthy human cells. Together with Yerbamate, a sulfurous compound present in some plants, the effectiveness of this herb is strengthened further and its side effects are significantly lessened.

Anti-parasitic Properties: Tropical countries are some of the top users of Taheebo, because some tropical diseases like Trypanosomiasis and Schistomiasis can be countered by taking this herb. These diseases are brought about by parasitic infestation. Although the herb's exact therapeutic action against parasites is not clearly understood even up to this day, it prevents them from penetrating the mucosal lining of the gastrointestinal tract.

Progress against Cancer: Taheebo has taken some great strides forward for cancer treatment. The results in some studies have proven to be so remarkable that the National Cancer Institute has got its own hands involved in the action.

However, they have been quite cautious in drawing out conclusive findings, since the herb has led to some side effects as well. Two of the most common reactions are nausea and diarrhea.

On the other hand, majority of animal researches on the herb have led to some amazing finds for tumor suppression. It has also significantly increased red blood cell production, which is a good therapeutic effect against leukemia.

Another group of researchers from South America did their tests on actual cancer patients within one month to two years and found that there has been a general cessation of pain and cancer progress among patients on this herb. There was even one case that reported complete remission (cancer-free stage) for a very long time.

Other Therapeutic Benefits: Especially when ingested orally, Taheebo is said to improve appetite, remove internal toxins and strengthen the immune system in general. With prolonged use, it can also serve as a remedy for arthritis and arteriosclerosis (arteries becoming abnormally hardened). Additional benefits include treatment of skin diseases like psoriasis, fungal infection and eczema.

This article is about the remarkable herb "Taheebo" and it's many benefits and uses in improving health and even combating cancer.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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The Dangers Of Parabens - Do You Know What They Are?

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The dangers of parabens are just beginning to surface. Weight gain, skin aging and certain types of cancer are suspected to be caused in part by parabens.

It is a fact that up to 60 percent of whatever we place on our skin goes into our blood stream. This is where the danger starts. A paraben is the most commonly used synthetic preservative in many cosmetics. They ensure a long shelf life by inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria, yeast and mold. But they are suspected of posing grave health risks with long term exposure.

Paraben Dangers Are Minimized By Irresponsible Companies

When asked Are parabens bad? The cosmetic companies insist they are not harmful because they remain on our skin and are not absorbed into our bodies. But, recent studies found parabens in human breast cancer tissue. This raises obvious questions about their ability to accumulate in our bodies.

Companies say they use some form of parabens to prevent bacterial and fungal contamination. Many don't consider it harmful and have no qualms about adding it to their ingredient label. However, there is also evidence that parabens may disrupt the body's hormone systems by duplicating the effects of estrogen.

The dangers of parabens are being swept under the rug by these big companies.

Trade Secrets Used to Hide Paraben Dangers

Makers of cosmetics are required to list their ingredients unless it is fragrance and that is exempt as a "trade secret."

However be aware that words like natural and organic do not mean paraben free. Read the label, and don't be mislead by the front label. Among the ingredients, printed in small letters at the bottom of the back label is where you will find the parabens listed.

Parabens - How Bad Are They?

So...Are parabens bad? It depends on who you ask. Scientists say probably so, and they would like more testing. Big manufacturers who use them say they are absolutely safe. So why then do they hide the ingredients if that can? What is in the fragrance?

You should take action to prevent exposure to chemicals we suspect are dangerous. When a product ingredient is strongly suspected of being harmful to our health we should eliminate the use of this chemical and find a safe substitute to replace it. We should not expose ourselves to the dangers of parabens when safe alternatives do exist and are already being used by some cosmetic companies. Do a little research like the author of this article did and you will find that parabens are bad.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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How Do You Interact with a Taurus

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Taurus is the zodiac sign of people who are born between 20th of April and 20th of May. Their symbol is The Bull, and souls of this zodiac sign are practical, unfailing, preserving, confident, successful, steadfast willed and stimulating. Their color is Green and their stone is Emerald. They are ruled by the planet Venus and their element is Earth, which is why they are accommodating. Their birth charts say that they are unstoppable once they commit themselves.

When meeting a Taurus, one essential thing you notice is their subtle personality. They may become more friendly later but at the start, they are very strong yet humble.

Taurus compatibility with Aries:
When a Taurean meets an Aries, they are more submissive at first as Aries can be overpowering by nature. Aries are also forbearing and assertive, but Taurus can keep the convergence going because earth and fire are not completely out of range when are combined.

Taurus compatibility with Taurean:
When a Taurean meets another Taurean they are basically subtle and resolute. They react affirmatively when they meet anyone new but when they happen to meet another bull, their attitude may be helpful and sometimes more aggressive. Bulls are beastly animals and two beasts may cross swords at times when combined.

Taurus compatibility with Gemini:
Taurean when interacting with a Gemini tend to be very favorable and outspoken because Gemini's are melancholic and good listeners.

Taurus compatibility with Cancer:
Cancers are coolheaded and when meeting a Taurean the relationship is compatible because water and earth are a great combination and they move along together very well.

Taurus compatibility with Leo:
Taurus and Leos are opposite but go well together. Leos are lions and they are basically very chivalrous in their character. But when they interact with some Taurean the reaction is usually warm and thus forcing a Taurean to stay cool.

Taurus compatibility with Virgo:
Interaction between a Virgo and Taurus depends a lot on the type of relationship. When a Taurean meets a Virgo his effect is friendly, but when two family members share this combination of signs the two couldn't be detached by any means. Both of these signs belong to earth and their compatibility is strong.

Taurus compatibility with Libra:
Taurean's interaction with Libra is distinct and likable. Taureans are more like to move towards Libras because they are fair and accommodating.

Taurus compatibility with Scorpio:
Interactions between a Taurean and Scorpion can be mixed. They have somewhat similar attributes in their signs and while opposite attract - similar repel.

Taurus compatibility with Sagittarius:
Taureans interaction with Sagittarians is always admirable and friendly. Sagittarius is very friendly by nature and they could make anyone their friend and the same is true for a Taurean. So, Taurus interaction with a Sagittarius rarely fails.

Taurus compatibility with Capricorn:
A Taurean's interaction with a Capricorn may be a bit cold and dawdling. They both have earth as their element but their features are unlikely to create a good partnership.

Taurus compatibility with Aquarian:
Aquarius is tranquil and eccentric. When a Taurean meets an Aquarian, the reaction is positive. They can be a well-suited pair as one is independent and other is dependent.

Taurus compatibility with Pisces:
Pisces can be mild and dreamy and a Taurean tends to be an idealistic person. So, a relationship between a Taurean with Pisces may not be long lasting.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Cancer In Dogs Symptoms - Answers You Are Looking For

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You, like many other dog owners, are probably seeking answers to questions about cancer in dogs symptoms. Questions such as these; What signs & symptoms do I look for? Where do I look? Can cancer in dogs be prevented? Can it be cured? Are there alternative therapies to drug and surgical treatments? And no doubt many more unanswered questions…

Before we can know what cancer in dogs symptoms to look for we first need to understand the different types of canine cancer and where they develop. The majority of dog owners have no idea about dog cancer, the types, and how they affect our loyal companions. And the number one question: "Can my dog survive cancer?"

Cancer in dogs symptoms will differ depending if it is external (skin cancer) or internal. It may even then vary in knowing what symptoms to look for. For example; did you know dog skin cancer can develop in four forms, Papilloma, Lipoma, Cysts & Hematomas?

The various forms of cancer in dogs: 1. Lymphatic Cancer 2. Neoplasia in dogs 3. Mast Cell Tumors 4. Canine Osteosarcoma 5. Bone Cancer in dogs

Like in humans, these tumors can develop in every part of the canine body e.g. stomach, eye, throat spleen, foot, bone cancer etc. Some of these are quite common and can be treated easily, others are very rare. Don't despair, not all dogs develop cancer.

When you look for cancer in dogs symptoms, please take into account their age, weight & the breed of dog. Certain breeds of dogs are more susceptible to dog cancer than others. For example; These breeds are most likely to be affected by skin cancer ; Schnauzers, Terriers, Poodles & Spaniels. Naturally older dogs will have more chance of developing some form of cancer than young ones.

What to look for?

Cancer in dogs symptoms include: Growths, swelling, lumps, spots, rashes, skin discoloration, limping, and any signs of discomfort if touched on any part of their body. Behaviour changes are often signs of potential illness as well as licking or scratching a particular spot, Be vigilant when it comes to your pet's health and not just now but throughout their life; we often forget they grow older a lot quicker than we do.

Feeling their skin for small lumps or growths, sore spots and any signs of discomfort is a good habit to get into.

In the wild, dogs mask illness and injury to avoid being vulnerable to attack, this has passed on to domestic dogs as they are naturally very stoic and do not always show signs of illness or discomfort. So it is very important that we keep a watchful eye on our pets for any cancer in dogs symptoms and any other injury or illness.

Do not pretend you are an expert after reading this, however it will assist you in knowing what to look for.

The next step is to ensure you learn & understand about the different types of cancer in dogs symptoms to look for, especially in your breed of dog. Should you find any of these symptoms then your dog should visit a vet for a thorough check up. Positive results can be achieved if caught early. The majority of canine cancers are benign so with the correct treatment and after care your family pet will live a long and active life.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Muscle Meds Methyl Arimitest

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Dual Action Pharmadynamic Testosterone Technology
Increases Testosterone Over 10,000 pg/mL

. 7-ArimataseT Anti-Aromatase and Testosterone raising
. DihydrotaseT DHT Blocking and Testosterone Elevating
. SubZorb Delivery - Bio-Potency Amplification
. Clinically Tested

Musce meds methyl armatest represents one of the greatest research-based sports science breakthroughs in testosterone optimization, featuring dual anti-aromatase and 5 Alpha- reductase inhibition. The ingredients in this powerful formula have been shown to increase testosterone to over 10,000 pg/mL.

Compelling new research reveals a more effective way to increase testosterone levels based on a triad of intricate factors: multi-pathway physiological testosterone optimization; methylation techniques for enhanced bio-effectiveness and the application of an advanced bioactive deliver system technology.

In the development of Methyl ARIMATEST, the MuscleMeds research team knew it was paramount to inhibit the conversion of testosterone into DHT and estrogen if they were going to achieve the desired elevated and sustained levels of testosterone for maximum anabolic effects. To achieve this, MuscleMeds researchers focused on how to optimize the endogenous production of testosterone, while inhibiting negative feedback inhibition. To understand the importance of this, you must understand that the human body is a complex system of checks and balances. The production of testosterone is controlled at the hypothalamus-pituitary-testes axis. At this axis, the levels of testosterone are governed by a variety of complex signals and surges, and a negative feedback mechanism exist. This negative feedback is a physiological "turn off switch," which shuts down testosterone production in response to trying to maintain homeostasis. Methyl ARIMATEST is scientifically formulated to override this negative feedback "off switch" to sustain testosterone production and promote the higher levels of testosterone needed to trigger "anabolically activated" muscle growth.

DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) and 5 Alpha-reductase Inhibition
In the body, some testosterone gets converted to DHT, which primarily exerts what is termed "androgenic effects," such as body and facial hair growth, acne and prostate growth. Increasing testosterone levels can therefore lead to increasing DHT levels and androgenic effects, versus the more desirable anabolic muscle-building effects that testosterone exerts in muscle tissue. Research has shown that blocking the 5 Alpha-reductase enzyme will inhibit the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Additionally, researchers have recently hypothesized that reducing testosterone's conversion to DHT will allow more testosterone to remain in the bloodstream thereby increasing testosterone levels. To accomplish the goal of reducing the conversion of testesterone to DHT, Methyl ARIMATEST utilizes a clinically tested 5 Alpha-reductase inhibitor, Dihydrotase.

Dihydrotase Clinically tested 5 Alpha-reductase Inhibitor
Testosterone Boosting Study Results

The Dihydrotase complex used in Methyl ARIMATEST was tested in an independent clinical research study, which reported significant elevations in testosterone levels and decreased levels of dihydrotesosterone (DHT). Healthy males were recruited for this
14-day study to determine the 5 Alpha-reductase inhibitor effects of the ingredients in the Dihydrotase complex. By the end of the 14-day study period, testosterone levels increased by an astounding average of 10,066 pg/mL. A significant lowering of DHT was also reported to be experienced by the research subjects.

Aromatase Inhibitors - Lower Estrogen and Boost Testosterone

Another mode of action in testosterone optimization is the use of aromatase inhibitors. Circulating estrogens in the body can be decreased by inhibition of their biosynthesis from testosterone. The metabolic target of estrogen synthesis inhibition is aromatase enzymes. Aromatase enzymes are part of the body's biochemistry system that are used in the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. So, when aromatase enzyme activity is inhibited (blocked), this prevents conversion of testosterone into estrogen. For this central role in the production of estrogen, aromatase has become a central enzyme target of inhibition for people who want to optimize their testosterone levels and minimize estrogen levels.

Aromatase inhibitors have been used extensively by the medical community as a means to reduce the amount of estrogen that is produced in the body from testosterone. Research studies have reported benefits in men using aromatase inhibitors, demonstrating lower estrogen levels and simultaneously causing an increase in testosterone levels. Therefore, the use of aromatase inhibitors have become common among bodybuilders and other strength athletes who want to maintain highest testosterone levels for maximum anabolic muscle-building effects, while reducing their estrogen levels.

Independent research conducted using aromatase inhibiting substances has reported consistent results for improving testosterone level status among men of all ages. In addition to preserving testosterone levels by blocking the aromatase enzyme conversion to estradiol, increased luteinizing hormone levels are observed. Because LH is responsible for triggering testosterone production, higher LH levels are directly related to promoting higher testosterone levels.

Aromatase inhibitor's effect on testosterone production is likely mediated by the reduction in estradiol production. Reducing estradiol production from testosterone reduces estradiol's negative feedback on the pituitary and hypothalamus glands preventing the "shut down" of testosterone production. Aromatase inhibitors appear to stimulate pituitary LH secretion sufficiently to cause an increase of endogenous testosterone production.

It is interesting to note that aromatase inhibitors have been given to men of various ages in several studies. In these studies, similar changes in gonadal steroid hormone levels were generally observed. In one noteworthy study of eugonadal elderly men who were given just 2 mg of aromatase inhibitors daily for 9 weeks, researchers reported that blood levels of estradiol decreased by 29% and total testosterone levels increased by an incredible 56%.

7-Arimatase: A New Type of Highly Bio-Active Aromatase Inhibitor

During the MuscleMeds research team's constant effort for creating an improved aromatase-inhibiting product, their attention was drawn to specialized naturally occurring compounds that were determined experimentally to have aromatase-inhibiting properties. As part of their product development protocol, MuscleMeds evaluated the bioavailability of the selected candidate substances. While several of these substances exhibited high aromatase-inhibiting activity, when it came to intestinal absorption and metabolic stability in the body, it was determined that there was a clear grouping of the majority of flavonoids that scored low and only a few that scored high.

When the molecular structures of these aromatase-inhibiting substances was examined closely, an interesting discovery was made. There were key characteristics of the molecular structure that were related to the substances aromatase-inhibiting activity and the bioavailability (intestinal absorption and metabolic stability in the body).

MuscleMeds used this research in their creation of the 7-Arimatase methylated flavone (7-methoxyflavone) molecule. When subjected to independent research, it was determined that 7-Arimatase (also referred to as 7-MF) had one of the highest aromatase-inhibiting scores, with high intestinal absorption and metabolic stability in the body.

This triad of characteristics is extremely important for creating the most effective aromatase inhibitor. You see, even if a substance has high aromatase-inhibiting activity, if it is poorly absorbed or unstable and metabolized quickly in the body, it will be ineffective. Therefore, out of all the substances examined by the MuscleMeds research team, 7-Arimatase was the top choice due to the triad combination of characteristics required for maximum aromatase-inhibiting activity inside the body.

Once the highly effective 7-Arimatase aromatase-inhibitor was created, the MuscleMeds research team focused its attention on determining the ideal route of oral administration. It was determi ned that transmucosal delivery was ideally suited for delivery of 7-Arimatase into the body. A specialized subuccal tablet was created utilizing MuscleMeds exclusive SubZorb technology. This is the fastest route of oral delivery as absorption takes place in the mucosal tissues of the mouth, and any residual that was not absorbed in the mouth is taken up via the digestive system. Getting 7-Arimitase into the bloodstream fast is important to synergistically maximize the testosterone levels produced by Methyl ARIMATEST's Dihydrotase complex, while also reducing estrogen levels.

Breakthrough Dual Action "Testosterone Looping and Pooling" Effects

Research reveals that because DHT and estrogens are metabolites (breakdown products of testosterone) the body is sensitive to DHT and estrogen levels. When DHT and estrogen levels start to increase, it triggers the body's feedback system to down regulate testosterone levels. So, by keeping DHT and estrogen levels low, this will short-circuit the feedback and keep testosterone production going, which results in optimizing, maintaining and sustaining high T levels like never before possible.

Less conversion of testosterone to estrogen and DHT means that more testosterone is available for anabolic muscle building. Couple this testosterone pooling effect with the signal looping effect to shut down negative feedback inhibition at the pituitary, and you have the most effective testosterone booster ever developed!

Supplement Facts

Formula 1 (Dihydrotase)
Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 60

Amount Per Serving

DihydrotaseT (Astaxanthin From Haematococcus Pluvialis, Saw Palmetto Berry Lipid Extract From Serenoa Repens) 800mg **

Formula 2 (7-Arimatase)
Serving Size: 1 Tablet
Servings Per Container: 60

Amount Per Serving

7-ArimataseT Methylated Flavone (As 7-Methoxyflavone) 25mg

FORMULA 1 (DIHYDROTASE): Take two capsules in the morning and two capsules in the evening with water.

FORMULA 2 (7-ARIMATASE): Place one SubZorb tablet in mouth and let dissolve completely, then swallow. For maximum effects take two Formula 2 SubZorb tablets per day: one tablet in the morning and one tablet in the evening.

For use by healthy adult males only. NOT FOR USE BY INDIVIDUALS UNDER THE AGE OF 18 YEARS. DO NOT USE IF PREGNANT OR NURSING. Consult a physician or licensed qualified healthcare professional before using this product, including, but not limited to, if you have, or have a family history of, prostate cancer, prostate enlargement, heart disease, low "good" cholesterol (HDL), or if you are using any other dietary supplement, prescription drug or over-the-counter drug. Do not exceed recommended serving. Exceeding recommended serving may cause serious adverse health effects. Possible side effects include acne, hair loss, hair growth on the face (in women), aggressiveness and irritability. Discontinue use and call a physician or licensed qualified health care professional immediately if you experience rapid heartbeat, dizziness, blurred vision or other similar symptoms.

* No claims found on this web page or in print have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. No claim or opinion about weight loss, bodybuilding or general health on this web page is intended to be, nor should be construed to be, medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional before starting any weight loss diet or exercise program.

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Health Benefits of Highly Refined Purified Fish Oil

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Purified fish oil: Beneficial Supplement

If you are looking for a beneficial fish oil supplement, it must be highly concentrated and highly pure. The benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids in purified fish oil cannot be ignored. They are highly concentrated without the impurities found in cold water fish. This great supplement can play a significant role in our lives and allows us to reduce stress as well as lead a healthy life style.

High potency high dose fish oil Omega-3 fish oil can have a great impact on chronic disease like Heart Disease, Cancer, Alzheimer, ADD and Chronic Pain. If a person can incorporate long chain fatty acids in their diet, they can enjoy some health benefits derived from EPA and DHA. Healthy kidneys, joints flexibility, strong immunity system and a healthy heart are some of the benefits that a person can experience if they take Pharmaceutical grade fish oil on a regular basis. Even a healthy person can benefit if they start taking high doses of fish oil regularly.

Ultra refined fish oil is usually rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and are a must have as it can help a person to fight again inflammation successfully. One can control the inflammation of cells with DHA and EPA because they are the two crucial anti-inflammatory agents in purified fish oil. It can help a person to improve their mental state as well as their physical condition.

The human body can't produce these essential fatty acids by itself so taking refined fish oil for building up a strong immune system is important. One needs to incorporate these fatty acids in their daily diet for attaining better health. Cold-water fish is the vital source of Omega-3 fatty acids from which the DHA and EPA are derived.

Pharmaceutical grade fish oil should have an adequate amount of DHA and EPA in it. While choosing fish oil supplements in a capsule or in a liquid form, one needs to very cautious. Before purchasing fish oil supplements, a consumer needs to corroborate the fact that these supplements are thoroughly tested and examined by an independent organization. Pharmaceutical Grade fish oil supplements are not all created equal since the term is not regulated.

In conclusion, Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in health of the human body. Medicine is all about controlling inflammation and ultra refined fish oil is an excellent way to do that. Anyone wanting to obtain more information regarding the benefits of refined fish oil should visit this website:

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Virgo Characteristics

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Virgo is the sixth zodiac sign. The Sanskrit name of Virgo is Kanya which means The Virgin.' Its type is Earth and its Lord is Mercury. The Virgo sign belongs to the people who are born between the dates August 23 and September 22. The Virgo sign is represented by the sign of a woman lying down with the moon in her hand. Virgo people have many good habits but are also called extremely fussy. Characteristics associated with any zodiac sign differ from person to person and depend on the up bringing and surrounding of each person as well.
Virgo Traits:
The traditional Virgo traits include:
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Benefits Of Gynostemma Jiaogulan Tea

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Gynostemma Tea mainly beneficial functions in the following aspects:

First, enhance immunity

1.two-way regulation of the immune system

Gynostemma tea can improve the ability of macrophages, increased white blood cell count significantly, while increasing their phagocytic leukocyte function, and promote the body's secretion of interleukin, an increase in serum immune proteins.
Second, the regulation of the endocrine

2. lowering blood sugar

Gynostemma tea can protect the adrenal glands and thymus and the endocrine organs, so that does not shrink with age, to maintain the normal function of the endocrine system. Because Gynostemma tea has this effect, so it has a lower blood sugar and improve glucose metabolism, is ideal for diabetic drugs and health products.

3. regulate the female endocrine

Of dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation and menopausal syndrome have a good effect, but also on the female endocrine disorder caused by constipation, insomnia, face spots, pox point, and other significant results. Gan Xin soup has a very good role in regulating the female endocrine disorders.

Third, the treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

4. lowering blood cholesterol

Gynostemma tea has a significantly lower cholesterol (TCH), triglyceride (TG), low density lipoprotein (LDL), increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL), to protect the vascular wall, to prevent deposition of lipids in the blood vessel wall, anti-atherosclerosis the role. Gynostemma can adjust the oxygen in the body decomposition of waste - fatty acids, to achieve the purpose of lowering blood pressure. Normally consumed Gynostemma tea after three days, you will have a non greasy refreshing feeling, and don't want to eat too much meat.

5. lower blood pressure

Gynostemma tea has a significantly lower blood viscosity, blood pressure adjustment function, but to prevent micro-thrombosis and increased tolerance to hypoxia of myocardial cells, play a role in myocardial protection.

According to science experiments: Gynostemma tea can reduce cerebrovascular and coronary vascular resistance, increase coronary blood flow, reduce cardiac oxygen, and the effect of Gynostemma saponins surpass ginseng's.

One of the most distinctive feature of Gynostemma tea does not affect cerebral blood flow, so for hypertension, cardiovascular disease and spastic patients with heart failure is very useful. After consume gynostemma tea for two months , you can gradually reduce the use of antihypertensive drugs , and can keep blood pressure stable and normal.
Fourth, nervous system disorders (headache, insomnia, fatigue, forgetfulness)

6. sleep-promoting

Gynostemma tea soothe the nerves, can regulate the balance of excitatory in the cerebral cortex level and inhibitory responses of the central nervous system has two-way adjustment, with sedative, hypnotic, anti-stress, fatigue solutions, enhance memory effect. Especially for insomnia have very quick results. Generally sleep will be significantly improved in two days, and some users have significantly improved on the same day.
7. anti-fatigue, strength, fitness

By mouse experiments show that: taking and not taking Gynostemma mice compared to mice taking Gynostemma pentaphyllum swimming time in mice than not taking the time to about 31-57%, while physical recovery is much faster. When drinks Gynostemma tea, you feel more abundant physical energy, not easily fatigue, can easily be restored even if tired, and thus greatly increased work efficiency.

By taking Gynostemma teauser response: taking Gynostemma after two to five days, people feel the whole body will be strong, due to fatigue caused by back pain will also eliminate .
8. headache, neurasthenia

Gynostemma Tea also soothes the nerve of neurasthenia, bronchial asthma, migraine headaches, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, chest tightness, limb numbness, dizziness, headache, forgetfulness, tinnitus, spontaneous perspiration, fatigue, various other diseases has a good effect.

Fifth, constipation, gastrointestinal tone

9. treatment of constipation

Gynostemma tea can protect the intestinal wall, peeling wall deposition of waste, maintaining a normal bowel movement, and both constipation and loose stools rule, two-way conditioning. According to the user response: After taking Gynostemma tea is generally two to three days to see results, the effect was about a month, and gradually consolidated.

10. take the sour belching, abdominal distention

Gynostemma tea can be strength stomach, improve digestion and absorption. After taking Gynostemma, accelerate gastrointestinal motility, increased appetite, anti-hunger for a long time, the stomach, stomach pain and gastrointestinal discomfort have a good conditioning effect.
Sixth, skin health beauty weight loss

11. no rebound weight loss

Gynostemma tea inhibit fat cells to produce free fatty alcohols and synthetic neutral fat, prevent glucose into effect. So Gynostemma can basically avoid the generation of fat, so no weight rebound, stable weight loss results.

The experiments show that lipid-lowering diet: eating fatty at the same time insist on taking Gynostemma tea in five groups of women, and another five groups of women, do not eat meat, and not taking Gynostemma tea, carry out regular inspections comparison, two groups of women in the cholesterol and similar fat content. This shows that the body fat of Gynostemma tea have positive transformation in vitro.

In addition, because Gynostemma tea is rich in nutrients and vitamins, so it is called a skin care, body weight abundance of choice of health drinks.

12. skin care

Drinking Gynostemma tea regularly, can enhance blood circulation, promote metabolism a regular manner, so as to maintain and restore the skin's fitness. And has black hair, beauty skin effect.
Seven, to offset side effects of hormone drugs

13, Gynostemma tea has the capacity to offset side effects on dexamethasone and hormone drugs', and for the tumor-induced immune dysfunction have significantly enhanced the role of corticosteroids can cause atrophy of organs for organ recovery and prevent the shrinking role of the hormone. It is a rare health product for people who's often taking hormone drugs.

Eight, anti-cancer (tumor)

14, tumor suppressor rate of 20% -80%

The pharmacological tests show that Gynostemma tea can prevent normal cells cancerous, Gynostemma major role in tumor cell DNA synthesis, on the stomach, rectum, uterus, esophagus, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidney, lung, skin cancer and melanoma and other cancers cell proliferation are inhibited. Anti-cancer pharmacological experiments show that Gynostemma tea both to prevent normal cells cancerous, but also to promote the efficacy of cancer cells gradually return to normal, mice suffering from cancer and not taking the group taking Gynostemma pentaphyllum group, 44.8% to reduce cancer, extended survival 53.3%. Gynostemma is a highly effective anticancer drug for lung cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer and other 20 kinds of cancer, all have significant inhibitory effect. If the long-term use of Gynostemma healthy people, can also reduce the risk of cancer.

15, the prevention of prostate cancer

As the body's lack of selenium, resulting in the elderly was increased risk of prostate cancer, Gynostemma tea contains the 18 essential amino acids and rich in zinc, strontium, iron, selenium and other trace elements. Enriched trace elements in food consumption, male old age to help prevent prostate cancer, selenium-containing body more, the risk of prostate cancer less.

Nine, anti-aging, anti-free radical

16, to extend the cell life

By human cell culture experiments showed that: human skin and lung cells and fetal cells in the regeneration times for the 22-and 51 generations, and in the medium extracted Gypenosides added, respectively, can be extended to 27-and 55 generations. Gynostemma has thus confirmed the significant role in cell resurrection. Passaged cell proliferation can extend the algebra to extend cell life span 22,7%. With enhanced superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and endurance. Can inhibit the body's aging substance - the formation of lipofuscin to extend cell life and delay aging.

17, Anti-free radical

We all know that the "iron" to place a long time will rust in the air, this chemical process called oxidation. The same principle, the body's various organs, like iron, as will be called free radicals to oxidize and "rust", which lead to many diseases and accelerate aging. Gynostemma Apart from direct cell nutrients, but also against free radical damage to cells, from the side to maintain normal metabolism of cells, to ensure blood flow.

Ten, to eliminate sub-health

18, increase immunity, to eliminate sub-health

Sub-health refers to health and disease that exists between a non-health nor disease, intermediate state. Refers to the body, although there is no organic disease indicators, but there decreased immunity, physiological dysfunction, decreased energy, decreased ability to adapt to a physiological and psychological state, and Gynostemma increase the body's own immune system has a role, can effectively eliminate the sub- health status.

XI, other aspects

Gynostemma tea in the fight against cerebral thrombosis, diabetes, asthma, migraine headaches, bronchitis, mouth ulcers, gastric ulcers, chronic hepatitis B, etc. also have a significant effect.

Protecting the heart:

Gynostemma tea in reducing myocardial wall tension, ease cerebrovascular and peripheral vascular resistance, based on the heart and brain can enhance vitality, increase coronary flow, moderate arteriosclerosis, promote overall circulation is more vigorous and smooth.


Weak function of a part of the body, will produce allergic to certain substances, and the formation of bronchial wheezing, skin rash, joint pain, embolism, Gynostemma tea quite good results for these patients.

Also allows the loss of appetite, insomnia, headache, mental anxiety and other symptoms reduce or disappear.

Providing Information about Gynostemma Tea Providing information about Gynostemma Tea.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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