How Do You Interact with a Taurus

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Taurus is the zodiac sign of people who are born between 20th of April and 20th of May. Their symbol is The Bull, and souls of this zodiac sign are practical, unfailing, preserving, confident, successful, steadfast willed and stimulating. Their color is Green and their stone is Emerald. They are ruled by the planet Venus and their element is Earth, which is why they are accommodating. Their birth charts say that they are unstoppable once they commit themselves.

When meeting a Taurus, one essential thing you notice is their subtle personality. They may become more friendly later but at the start, they are very strong yet humble.

Taurus compatibility with Aries:
When a Taurean meets an Aries, they are more submissive at first as Aries can be overpowering by nature. Aries are also forbearing and assertive, but Taurus can keep the convergence going because earth and fire are not completely out of range when are combined.

Taurus compatibility with Taurean:
When a Taurean meets another Taurean they are basically subtle and resolute. They react affirmatively when they meet anyone new but when they happen to meet another bull, their attitude may be helpful and sometimes more aggressive. Bulls are beastly animals and two beasts may cross swords at times when combined.

Taurus compatibility with Gemini:
Taurean when interacting with a Gemini tend to be very favorable and outspoken because Gemini's are melancholic and good listeners.

Taurus compatibility with Cancer:
Cancers are coolheaded and when meeting a Taurean the relationship is compatible because water and earth are a great combination and they move along together very well.

Taurus compatibility with Leo:
Taurus and Leos are opposite but go well together. Leos are lions and they are basically very chivalrous in their character. But when they interact with some Taurean the reaction is usually warm and thus forcing a Taurean to stay cool.

Taurus compatibility with Virgo:
Interaction between a Virgo and Taurus depends a lot on the type of relationship. When a Taurean meets a Virgo his effect is friendly, but when two family members share this combination of signs the two couldn't be detached by any means. Both of these signs belong to earth and their compatibility is strong.

Taurus compatibility with Libra:
Taurean's interaction with Libra is distinct and likable. Taureans are more like to move towards Libras because they are fair and accommodating.

Taurus compatibility with Scorpio:
Interactions between a Taurean and Scorpion can be mixed. They have somewhat similar attributes in their signs and while opposite attract - similar repel.

Taurus compatibility with Sagittarius:
Taureans interaction with Sagittarians is always admirable and friendly. Sagittarius is very friendly by nature and they could make anyone their friend and the same is true for a Taurean. So, Taurus interaction with a Sagittarius rarely fails.

Taurus compatibility with Capricorn:
A Taurean's interaction with a Capricorn may be a bit cold and dawdling. They both have earth as their element but their features are unlikely to create a good partnership.

Taurus compatibility with Aquarian:
Aquarius is tranquil and eccentric. When a Taurean meets an Aquarian, the reaction is positive. They can be a well-suited pair as one is independent and other is dependent.

Taurus compatibility with Pisces:
Pisces can be mild and dreamy and a Taurean tends to be an idealistic person. So, a relationship between a Taurean with Pisces may not be long lasting.

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