Practice Sun Safety To Protect Your Skin From Harm

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Our dermatologists at Associates in Dermatology, with extensive use of patient handouts and other educational materials, routinely provide extensive sun protection education. We want our patients to understand the best ways to protect their skin from the harmful rays of the sun, and education is the best way to express these safety tips. During the summer months, spending time in the sun is a common activity. Whether you are taking a stroll along the lake, hitting the beach or even the local pool, you tend to be in the sun as much as possible in the summertime.

Of course the sun is good for many things, such as making flowers grow and providing light, but it can also harm your skin due to the release of ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet A rays from the sun are called aging rays and can cause wrinkles, age spots and tans. Ultraviolet B rays are known as the burning rays because they can cause sunburn. Both types of UV rays reach the earth every day, and even on a cloudy day the UV rays can damage your skin.

Changes in Your Skin

As your skin is exposed to the sun's harmful rays, it begins to look and feel differently than it had before. Mild and moderate sunburn will show dark reddening of the skin's surface in conjunction with severe pain and peeling. Skin cancer is one of the most serious side effects of too much sun exposure.

Almost half of all fair-skinned people will have some form of skin cancer in their lifetime. Wrinkles can also be increased as a person spends a lengthy period of time in the sun, and can be an indicator of too much sun exposure. If you have freckles, pay close attention to their color, shape, and texture because if they begin to change it is important to call your dermatologist as soon as possible for a biopsy. Any changes in the skin's color, appearance, the addition or change of freckles, or any other changes occurring after being in the sun should warrant a visit to your dermatologist for early testing and detection.

Protecting Your Skin from the Damaging Effects of the Sun

Take extra precautions and be sun smart. You can safely work and play outdoors without increasing skin cancer risk or premature aging if you take extra measures in protecting your skin from harmful rays. Follow the ABC's of skin protection:

A. Asymmetrical
B. An irregular Border
C. More than two Colors
D. Diameter that is wider than a pencil eraser
E. Evolving

In other words, if you notice any change, even if it doesn't fall under these categories, it could indicate something serious. If it gets bigger, but is still smaller than a pencil eraser or bleeds or itches, tell your dermatologist immediately.

Your St. Louis, MO dermatologists can tell you about the different options for treatment, protection and to help reduce the signs of skin aging. With early detection and prevention, skin cancer has a high cure rate. Protect your skin now and watch out for the harmful effects of the sun.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details


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