How To Get Rid Of A Mole Naturally

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A mole is nothing but a growth on the skin. Nevi is another name given to it. Moles can either be flat or they can be raised. They are usually black or brown in color. It is normal for a person to have between ten to forty moles. There are no specific places for moles to appear, they grow anywhere on the body. As long as the moles are present in places that do not cause any discomfort, they need not be removed. Having said that a lot of discomfort may be caused by some moles. They may possibly exist in places that constantly undergo friction with the clothes or the ornaments.

In instances when the irritation caused by the moles is unbearable, people often search for options that state how to get rid of a mole. Though moles do not cause any harm, there are very small chances of a skin cancer known as melanoma caused by them. Removing such moles becomes mandatory. Additionally they need to be removed only by the surgical methods.

One of the various other techniques can be used to remove the moles which are not harmful. One of the options involves using the various products with the help of which moles can be removed. Products like these need to be directly applied on the mole. Also one can get them conveniently at a medical shop in their area. Secondly one can also use the various natural remedies to get the moles removed. The natural remedies involve the use of numerous things that are easily available in the kitchen, to remove the moles.

The first kind of home remedy would involve using onion. The pulp of the onion needs to be obtained by crushing it. The juice thus extracted is applied on the mole directly. It can be applied with the help of a cotton swab. This procedure should be continued for a few weeks. Removing the mole using this option is mostly not preferred by many people due to the strong smell that the onion has. Apple juice can also successfully remove moles. For those who do not use onion juice for the reason stated above can go for the apple juice.

The next remedy would involve using garlic. Garlic is cut and put on the mole. It is then secured over the mole with the help of a bandage. Garlic has a tendency to burn the normal skin that surrounds the mole. This is the reason why one needs to apply a small quantity of Vaseline on the surrounding skin, before actually placing the garlic over the mole. Apple cider vinegar is also said to affect the normal skin around the mole. Thus the same needs to be done before applying it as well. Apple cider vinegar is applied on the mole using cotton.

The only disadvantage with the home remedies is that it is slow. The results are seen after a long time. It is thus recommended to be patient while following these procedures. The major advantage associated with this method is that it does not leave a scar after the mole is removed. In addition to it, these methods are the ones that can be afforded by everyone.

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