Actos Bladder Cancer - A Condition Actos Users May Develop

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Actos bladder cancer is actually a complication developed by people who use Actos medication to treat type-2 diabetes. This drug is manufactured by Takeda Pharmaceuticals to regulate the blood sugar levels of patients struggling with diabetes. Research on the drug showed that more than two million patients have been exposed to the side effects the drug poses. This is because of the fact that there were no warning labels on the side effect that may caused by the drug.

The side effects of Actos are cancer related with Actos bladder cancer being the most typical. It's believed that about 60% of the population that had been prescribed by this medication have developed this kind of cancer. Lately, FDA warned patients using this drug on the negative side effects that they may experience or develop. If you have already been taking this drug or you know someone using it, then there could be a very good chance that you experience Actos side effects like Actos bladder cancer.

The great news though is that the manufacturer, Takeda Pharmaceuticals won't go unpunished for being neglectful in informing the public regarding the involved risks that the medication poses. Many people, particularly people that experienced bladder cancer are coming out to file a lawsuit settlement to ensure they get right compensation for being affected after using the drug.

If you would like to know whether you qualify for an Actos lawsuit or not, it would be best to get the advise of a lawyer that has years of experience in dealing with cases like this. You will be able to get the help you need for the negative effects the drug has caused you. As long as you can prove that the condition is caused by the intake of the drug, you will be entitled to getting compensation.

There are plenty of lawyers today that specialize in Actos lawsuit. They are properly versed about the proceedings, gathering the proofs and in helping you file your claims. The monetary compensation you will receive later on will offset the expensive treatments for bladder cancer, lost of earnings and pain and suffering caused by the consumption of the medicine.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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How Wrong Colon Cancer Treatment Suggestions From Doctor May Lead To Lawsuit

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There are over one hundred forty two thousand new instances of colorectal cancer found each year. It takes the lives of fifty three thousand additional men and women each year. In the last 10 years there have been advancements in the treatment options available for patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Since the cancer starts as a small growth, when it is found very early it may by and large be taken out during a colonoscopy. If the cancer grows too big to be removed during a colonoscopy the treatment gets more complicated.

What treatment methods are suggested will be based on the kind of colorectal cancer, the stage of the cancer, and issues like the age, other medical conditions, and overall wellbeing of the patient. The primary treatment for stages I through III is frequently surgery. Laparoscopic surgery has become more common for stage 1 and stage 2 colorectal cancers. There are circumstances, however, in which surgery may not be advised. This sometimes happens in certain advanced stage III and in some stage IV cases. In certain instances patients need a colostomy or ileostomy. These can change the individual's quality of life.

When drugs are given to combat the cancer this is known as chemotherapy. Chemotherapy improves the prognosis for individuals who have had a surgical procedure to remove the cancer from the colon but are vulnerable to having the cancer come back. It can also be used without surgery. Chemotherapy is, for example, often suggested for patients with stage III colorectal cancer. Stage III is described by spread to one or more lymph node. Chemotherapy is also used to treat patients with stage IV cancer. Stage IV is characterized by spread to other organs, such as the liver or lungs. Despite the fact that at stage II the cancer has not spread beyond the colon if the person has certain risk factors or is young chemotherapy may nonetheless be advised. A variety of drugs are now frequently part of the chemotherapy regimen were not commonly available only ten years ago.

Chemotherapy may, however, have major side effects. The side effects depend on a number of factors, like which drugs are administered, the amount of chemotherapy drugs use, how long the treatment lasts, as well as the age, other medical conditions and general health of the individual. Some of the most common side effects are nausea and vomiting. Other possible side effects include mouth sores and problems with the extremities. The treating oncologist can prescribe other drugs to help combat the side effects of the chemotherapy.

Sometimes physicians may recommend chemotherapy (and perhaps radiation therapy) as the inital treatment which is then followed by surgery if the chemotherapy (and radiation therapy) sufficiently reduces the size and amount of the tumors to make surgery viable.

In the event that the treatment is effective doctors then put the individual on a monitoring program to look for any recurrence. Despite the fact that blood tests are not utilized to diagnose colorectal cancer because at the present time there do not exist any blood tests that are specific enough to be useful for diagnostic purposes, one blood test is in some cases helpful in testing for recurrence. The test, known as the CEA test, looks at the level of carcinoembryonic antigen in the lood. A percentage of patients with colorectal cancer have high CEA levels. When an individual whose CEA level was high prior to commencement of treatment and had normal CEA levels following effective treatment elevated CEA levels might signal a recurrence. Other methods for checking include imaging studies like CT scans and X-rays as well as other blood tests to check for abnormalities (such as problems developing in the liver - a common area of metastasis).

Colorectal cancer may be deadly. Detecting it early greatly raises the odds that treatment will be able to kill the cancer. The more time that passes before the cancer is treated the lower the probability that the patient will be to beat it. Likewise, advising the right treatment can also make a considerable difference. In the event that a physician does not offer chemotherapy to an individual with stage III colorectal cancer, for example, that patient will face a higher chance of the cancer coming back.

The preceding is not to be considered medical advice. Check with your physician about screening for colorectal cancer and about any symptoms or issues you may have. If a doctor failed to suggest screening or dismissed complaints of symptoms and you were subsequently diagnosed with colorectal cancer, or the physician failed to suggest suitable treatment, you ought to consult with a medical malpractice attorney to determine whether you might have a claim.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Astrology Reading for Cancer

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If you are born between June 22 and July 22, you are born under the zodiac sign of Cancer.

Cancer Astrology Reading: Health

Some who were born under this sign feel a sense of unease due to the disease of the same name. People who are born under the sign of Cancer are not any more prone to getting the disease than people who were not born under this sign.

Vulnerable areas: the stomach, liver, bladder, bowels, and organs in the gastrointestinal system are all more vulnerable in a Cancer.

These people are frequently overweight and tend to have low blood pressure. They should try to avoid becoming constipated, because this allows poisons to circulate in the body and can lead to depression. They should try not to drink too much of any beverage, both those that contain alcohol and those that do not. During a full moon, they should avoid sleeping too much.

Cancer is prone to psychosomatic illness because of their depressive phases. Doctors are powerless in these situations. It is essential to modify lifestyle, nutrition, and sleep patterns.

Prevention: Cautionary practices include proper nutrition, soothing soaks in a tub, adequate rest, and consistent sleep. Specific depressive conditions may be remedied with cautious application of hypnotic and magnetic therapies.

Cancer Astrology Reading: Temperament and Character

Cancers "darkness" allows intellect into the soul. Cancers are highly intelligent and have great memories, though that combination is not something they should use when soul-searching or for revenge or regret.

It would be good if Cancer could learn to use their variety of experiences in life as a method of self-defense, and not as a nest to which they retreat. If they stopped fearing imaginary phantoms that they themselves created, but instead made their imaginations work for them; if they could only stop dreaming about their lives, but live them! If they considered what awaits them rather than what the past holds! But due to fear, Cancers move backwards or sideways. When they need to, they will proceed ahead, yet often fearfully with their breath held.

People born under the sign of Cancer have the most potential to be tender, and they are extremely playful and loving. If these circumstances do not exist, it is possible that the Cancer will attempt to hide from cruel life in his or her subconscious.

Cancers tend to miss their home, or Motherland, much more than any of the other signs. The Cancer requires time to reflect and can't be rushed. You will reap great rewards if you have the patience to treat Cancers as if they were a rare plant. Cancer women enjoy caring for their bodies well. They have long hair and like to wear silk and lace in delicate colors, combining fashion with elegance. Cancer men, when young, are sleek and well mannered, though they have a tendency to be more careless as they age.

Cancer professions

Young Cancers are in no hurry to grow up. The life of a Cancer is involved with satisfying the most basic needs. They wait to see what fate has in store. Many of them go into the family business, but they may rebel and go into a field that is totally different instead. Moon-type Cancers are sluggish, lazy, obtuse, indifferent, like routines, and require a minimal amount of intellectual effort. When engaged in work activities, their minds are filled with their own concerns.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Ten Most Common Doberman Health Problems

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You must never ignore the Doberman health problems. There can possibly be more problems underlying it. Learn the top ten health problems that your Doberman may suffer from in this article.

Doberman health problems are commonly overlooked by some dog owners. They are not fully aware that some of the causes for their Doberman dog's undesirable behaviors have stemmed from the health issues that their own lovely pet is facing unless they have him checked regularly by a veterinarian.

Over the past few years, animal doctors have diagnosed and found out these common health problems among Doberman dogs. Most of the diseases enumerated herein are common yet affect drastically the health of Doberman dogs.

The following top ten Doberman health problems are listed below:

Doberman Health Problem One: Von Willebrand's disease. This is the most common disease that can be found among Dobermans. Experts say that this is a genetically acquired disease which can cause the life of your dog. It is a condition where there is an abnormality in the blood clotting system.

Dobermans suffering from this disorder will experience excessive bleeding which can be treated with blood transfusion. So, you should be careful with whelping and docking with your Doberman.

You must take extra care that they must not be injured as little wounds might cause them death. A wise prevention also is that before you take a Doberman home, always screen him with certain diseases. It is important that you go to reliable dog breeders before taking a Doberman. A thorough selective breeding works best in preventing such ailment.

Doberman Health Problem Two: Hypothyroidism. The abnormality on the functions of thyroid gland among humans are also the same in this type of disease in Dobermans. This causes the abnormal metabolism of your dog.

Some symptoms include weight loss, anemia, skin and coat issues, obesity, weak joints, slow heart beat and depression.

Doberman Health Problem Three: Bone Cancer. Another health problem that is commonly present in Dobermans is the so called "Cancer of the bones" which can be detected by the lumps that are unusually developed on healthy Doberman dogs.

Doberman Health Problem Four: Prostate and Mammary Cancer. In connection with the cancer issues among Dobermans, they are also prone to Prostate cancer among the male dogs while Breast cancer among the females. The same chemotherapy procedure is done to treat Dobermans with this disease.

Doberman Health Problem Five: Wobbler Syndrome. This is common to Dobermans that are very active and love to run. Although exercise is necessary for them, take note that they are prone to injury in the spinal cord that affects their legs. This causes them to stand incorrectly and have a swaying leg when walking.

Doberman Health Problem Six: Dilated Cardiomyopathy. This is among the most fatal diseases a Doberman can manifest. Usually, there are no signs that can warn the owners that their dogs have this disorder.

Furthermore, as Doberman matures, they are prone to heart muscle failures that may cause them to collapse suddenly or have difficulty in breathing.

Doberman Health Problem Seven: Hip dysplasia. It is also an inherited disease where a Doberman can suffer from a mild to worse malformation of the hip joint. A hip joint surgery can save your Doberman from this disease.

Doberman Health Problem Eight: Progressive retinal atrophy. This is another inherited disease in which a Doberman can suffer from a progressive eye blurriness for months or years and eventually gets blind. This disease can occur at an early age.

Doberman Health Problem Nine: Albinism. This is a disease among Dobermans wherein an abnormal skin or coat color (white) occur of which not usual for this breed. Doberman albinos are barred from the breeding society in US.

Doberman health problem Ten: Bloating. This is one of the most fatal health problems your Doberman can get. They suffer from swelling of the stomach either from gas or water that causes their stomach to twist. There is no exact reason that can identify why bloating happens, but it usually occurs when they eat a large amount of dry foods and excessive drinking of water after eating.

These are the most common Doberman health problems to look for in your pets. Your dogs are your treasures, so ensure their health and safety at all times

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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A Non-Invasive Procedure for Prostate Cancer HIFU

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COMPANY NAME Dr. Richard Lotenfoe, M.D.
FAX NUMBER 407-454-7888

A Non-Invasive Procedure for Prostate Cancer

Celebration, Florida November 12th, 2007. Prostate cancer strikes one in six American men. The diagnosis can be a terrifying, life-altering experience, requiring very difficult decisions about what kind of treatment is best. Nearly all options carry certain risks involving longevity, and lifestyle impairments such as impotence and incontinence. However, there is a new procedure that is changing these risks and giving patients with prostate cancer their lives back.

HIFU treatment is a non invasive procedure that can destroy prostate tissue while preserving the nerve bundles around the prostate. The HIFU procedure, which is short for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound, is a state-of-the-art technique that utilizes the power of focused ultrasound to destroy deep-seated prostate cancer tissue with pinpoint accuracy. The control and precision of HIFU treatment reduces the risk of common side effects such as impotence and incontinence. HIFU treatment is a 1-3 hour, one-time procedure performed on an out-patient basis under spinal or epidural anesthesia, in most cases. The patient experiences no pain and no bloodloss during the procedure. The prostate specialist uses continuously updated real-time images of the prostate to map out and execute the entire process. These images show the progress and permit the doctor to instantly and continuously customize the procedure for maximum safety and effectiveness. Unlike radiation, HIFU treatment is non-ionizing so it can be repeated if necessary without damaging healthy tissue. This means that the HIFU treatment can also be used as a salvage technique if other prostate cancer treatments fail.

A breakthrough procedure like this is to be celebrated! And this news is to be shared. Dr. Lotenfoe is more than happy to answer any questions you have on the revolutionary procedure that is changing the face of cancer treatment. Call today to find out more about HIFU treatment! 1-877-458-8443 (877-I-LUV-HIFU) or visit

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Durolane Injections are a Treatment for Osteoarthritis and an Alternative to Osteoarthritis Surgery

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Osteoarthritis sufferers already know just how painful and inconvenient it can be. Simple acts such as getting in and out of your car or opening a jar can be surprisingly challenging, and the pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints: can be debilitating. Osteoarthritis generally affects individuals after the age of 45 but is also common in athletes who are younger. As a disease of the joints where the cartilage in the joint begins to break down over time, Osteoarthritis typically affects the hips, knees, hands and feet. Since cartilage in the joint cannot heal itself, those who suffer from Osteoarthritis benefit from treatment once symptoms present themselves.

There are a number of surgical and non-surgical treatment options for Osteoarthritis sufferers. Surgical treatment of Osteoarthritis may include:

Joint replacement

Bone realignment also known as osteotomy

The fusing of bones

Arthroscopy and debridement which involves the cleaning out of bone and cartilage fragments that may be the cause of pain and inflammation. There is some scientific evidence, however, that this sort of surgery may not give people any material relief in the long term.

Surgery can seem invasive; therefore many Osteoarthritis sufferers prefer non-surgical treatments for relief from Osteoarthritis.

These are also quite effective. Non-surgical treatment options for Osteoarthritis include:

1. Hot and Cold Therapy

2. Medication that relieves pain and inflammation

3. Physical therapy

4. Weight reduction

5. Targeted Exercise, such as that prescribed by a physiotherapist

6. Assistive devices such as custom foot orthotics and custom knee bracing

7. Durolane injections

Durolane injections have become very popular as an alternative treatment for Osteoarthritis and involve injections directly into the joint affected. Durolane is a gel that contains hyaluronic acid that lubricates joints. This improves joint-function and range of motion. Durolane's cushioning of the joints also brings pain relief to Osteoarthritis sufferers. These injections are quick to administer and are an innovative drug- free alternative treatment.

As Durolane injections target the affected body part, they may also offer long term relief by helping to delay or reduce the need for hip or knee replacement. So starting on injections early in the course of osteoarthritis is imperative. This is why many younger people with osteoarthritis have Durolane injections.

Since Osteoarthritis is a disease that occurs more regularly within the aging population, seniors may prefer Durolane injections as they pose considerably less risk than surgery. While Osteoarthritis surgeries are performed every day posing minimal risk, many see Durolane injections as a method of avoiding the headache of possible post-surgical complications. Reactions to anesthesia, bleeding inside the joints, blood clots, blood vessel or nerve damage, damage to cartilage, muscles, ligaments or tendons or infection are unpleasant side-effects that Durolane treatments help Osteoarthritis sufferers avert. Each individual's personal circumstances, health and lifestyle will play a role in customizing a treatment plan that works right for them.

In many cases the best treatment for Osteoarthritis can be found in sports therapy clinics that provide regular assistance to athletes and non-athletes who suffer from it. The best sports therapy clinics will likely provide access to a multi-disciplinary medical team. There are many treatment options for Osteoarthritis, therefore you may want to educate yourself and explore several at once. The additional benefit of sports therapy clinics is one-stop access to a team of professionals who can help in this regard.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Paraben Free Facial Moisturizers - Why Should You Use Them?

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Paraben free facial moisturizers and paraben free hand cream is the future of the skin care industry. At least that will be the case with responsible manufacturers.

You are probably thinking: What makes the difference whether my skin care products are paraben free? (See my article: "The Dangers of Parabens - Do You Know What They Are?")

Let me ask you, how often do you use a facial moisturizer? For most women the answer is everyday.

Would you use a chemical that you thought could be cancer causing on your face everyday? Because if you are using a face cream manufactured with parabens that is exactly the risk you are taking.

Parabens are Synthetic "cheap" Preservatives

Parabens are the most commonly used synthetic preservatives for skin care products. They ensure a long shelf life by inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria, yeast and mold in beauty products.

We may use the same facial moisturizer every day, several days a week, for months or years. In addition, we use dozens of personal care products daily, not just one.

Another example of something used regularly everyday is hand cream. How many times do you apply hand cream in a day. Are you using paraben free hand cream?

Exposure from one product on one day may be small, the fact is we use numerous products a day for extended periods of time. As a result, scientists are finding chemicals such as parabens accumulating in our bodies. There is a suspicious connection of parabens with breast cancer. More research is now underway. So be cautious.

Safe Alternatives Are Available

We know safe alternatives do exist and are already being used by some cosmetic companies. The notion of "safe" or "acceptable" levels of hazardous chemicals in our cosmetic products should only be tolerated when we cannot find alternatives.

Safe Ingredients Replace Parabens

Many paraben free facial moisturizers contain grapefruit seed extract and Vitamin E to replace the chemicals. In many cosmetics essential oils like cinnamon, eucalyptus, lavender, lemon and tea tree are being distilled and turned into natural preservatives.

Paraben free products are the future of cosmetics. Companies will be forced by health conscious consumers to take the natural and healthy approach in manufacturing their products.

It's a trend that's just beginning and will change the way cosmetics and other products are manufactured. So if you are not using paraben free facial moisturizers probably will be in the future. But the "future" should be now. Start today using paraben free facial moisturizers and paraben free hand cream.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Some Important Facts About Organic Tea India

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Nowadays, people have become very health conscious. They generally want to take some healthy measures to keep their body fit and fine. It has been seen that in modern time they prefer to buy healthy foods and beverages. This awareness has grown into them because they have witnessed many kinds of diseases which are not easily curable like, Cancer, Heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and so on. So, it has been seen that most of the people are looking for healthy food items. Tea is also not beyond of it. We know that, we cannot get everything healthy but we can easily get a healthy tea like organic tea.
What is organic tea?
Food products which are grown and processed without the use of any kinds of chemical products are called organic products. These products have been grown without any fertilizers or pesticides. Organic tea is almost same like a normal tea but its cultivation process is different. It requires some kinds of natural treatment. To produce this, the producers have to be very cautious about the maintaining of soil fertility and soil composition. For enrichment of the soil, the tea producers take the help of Vermiculture.
Types of it and How does it produce?
Generally, two types of organic teas are popular. They are Organic green tea and Organic Orthodox tea. The cultivation process are little different of these teas.
1. Organic green tea:
It is grown without the use of any kind of chemicals. It can be seen growing in elevated farms. In these farms, the finest quality of tea leaves are produced by keeping the temperature, moisture, components of the soil under control.
2. Organic Orthodox tea:
This tea is also growing naturally. It has widely been produced on the foothills of Assam. Minimum processing is required to produce this type of organic tea India. It contains full properties of tea. One does not need milk and sugar to prepare and drink it.
Benefits of organic tea India:
Organic tea of India has many benefits which can help us in a number of ways. They are as follows:
1. It checks the blood pressure and blood cholesterol
2. It has the excellent ability to control obesity
3. As it has anti oxidant agents, it can help your skin to fight against some harmful effects, thus it has the ability to reduce wrinkles, skin aging and skin cancer.
4. It is the boon to the patients of diabetes
5. By drinking it you can make your bones very strong thus it contains Fluoride which can increase the bone density.
6. It is a great relief to the patients of Asthma
7. You an increase your immunity and can easily fight against cold and flu.
But, the main problem is, nobody knows how much we should consume these organic teas in order to get all the above mentioned benefits. Research is going on this issue.
Nowadays, it has been that, some corporate sectors prefer to give their employees different types of tea in beautifully wrapped boxes. Some tea manufacturing companies are there which have come up with some new Corporate gifts suppliers india. They produce some unique and elegant gift boxes in which they keep various kinds of teas. This is really an exclusive idea for corporate gifts.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Revision Rhinoplasty - The Cure For A Bad Nose Job

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For those people that have had a nose job that find the results to be disappointing, there is something they can do about it. Revision rhinoplasty is a form of plastic surgery that is considered to be extremely specialized. Very frequently it finds use in making
corrections to results that are less than perfect or for overly aggressive surgery that results in the patient winding up with structural abnormalities, such as a polly beak, some breathing difficulty, or a crooked nose tip.
Doctors that have decided to specialize in revision rhinoplasty have considerable more experience and training in nasal surgery than those that just do basic rhinoplasties.. It is pretty much always more difficult, more complex, and costs more than that of routine rhinoplassty surgery. Even though unsatisfactory nose jobs are responsible for a large majority of its patients, it also finds great use in the treatment of cancer patients with loss of cartilage or part of their nose. Cartilage and skin grafts are very useful for the restoration and improvement of a patient's appearance. A surgeon that is skilled can
accomplish the amazing when it comes to the correction of a bad nose job.
One should wait at least one year from the last rhinoplasty before undergoing a revision rhinoplasty. This will allow the original incisions from the last surgery time to heal. The formed scar tissue inside the nose will then be much softer and allow much easier manipulation and removal and all swelling should have disappeared by then. According to figures, about 25% of all nose job recipients are not happy with the results of their original procedure for some reason. Scar tissue can clog up the air passageway and make breathing difficult or perhaps produce a noisy whistling sound when breathing and must be corrected. A condition develops in some patients known as rhinorrhea, which is also known as chronic post nasal drip. This condition commonly occurs in rhinoplasty for a few months.
If it persists longer than that, it should be taken care of by your doctor. Breaking of the nasal bones, surgical instruments, scar tissue, and sometimes just poor luck can result in these problems developing.
Continual dissatisfaction with surgical results is a whole different story. For someone that has received two plastic surgeries by two different physicians and is still unhappy with the results, an re-evaluation of why the surgery was performed in the first place would be a good idea. Unfortunately, there are some people that become out of touch with
what an average person would call attractive or for some reason do not have a good perception of what looks good on them. These people may be suffering from an image disorder and will never be happy no matter how good they look! Surgery is not the right solution and shouldn't be done as a fix for some emotional or mental disturbance in a person's life or because someone else has an idea that your looks would improve with a new nose. One needs to think carefully before having more surgery because each time a nose job is redone, it is more difficult to do, becomes more expensive, and the person may still not be pleased with the results.
There are surgeons who solely specialize in doing revision procedures and it would be a good idea to utilize their extensive training and experience in the field. When you consult with a surgeon, have a good idea about what you hope to accomplish from a revision and pay close attention to all advice he gives you. Most of these medical practices can show you lots of before and after photos of the results of their previous efforts. Through use of a computer program, you may be able to get an idea of what results will look like. By carefully considering all the possibilities, having expectations that are realistic, and with the help of a good surgeon, your revision rhinoplasty could very well be the solution to your problems.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Caffeine and Coffee: The Good Side

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After many years of being a much maligned drink, coffee, and the caffeine in it, is being seen in its true light. Many agencies are seeing the good side of caffeine and coffee. This lively brew has recently been re-examined by the likes of the United States Food and Drub Administration(FDA), the American Cancer Society, the American Medical Administration, and the Framingham Heart Study, just to name a few. All of these agencies have given caffeine a clean bill of health while showing the good side of caffeine and coffee. I would suggest you use only organic blends. Coffee in one of the most pesticide ladened crops in the world.

According to the results of the recent research endorsed by these organizations, moderate intake of caffeine does not increase your risk for several diseases. Moderate intake is considered to be 3 to 6 cups or 350mg of caffeine per day. Caffeine was once thought to contribute to certain types of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, bone loss, and complications during pregnancy. In fact the opposite is true in many instances. The good side of caffeine is that it can increase physical performance, endurance, and may protect against heart disease. Any increase in blood pressure is short lived. It is usually the same, or less than, what is seen if you climb a single flight of stairs. Another good side of caffeine and coffee is that they can be performance and endurance enhancers. Recent research performed at the University or Guelph, in Canada, has proven that caffeine works. The battery of tests proved that ingesting 330 mg (5mg per kg of body weight) one half of an hour to an hour before your workout will result in an increase in endurance, faster times, less fatigue, and a more rapid recovery. On average this increase was 30% in each category. You have to be careful though. Very high doses, 600 mg or more, cause the effects to diminish. Also, since caffeine is a powerful diuretic, the high doses can lead to dehydration. Because of the dehydration potential, you should never take caffeine or drink coffee while you are working out.

The good side of caffeine and coffee is further demonstrated by its qualities as a fat burner. While it should not be the only component of a weight loss regimen, caffeine has several beneficial aspects in fat loss. First of all, caffeine increases your metabolism. Caffeine breaks down fat cells into fatty acids. If you are working out, your body will break down these freed fatty acids and burn them immediately. As the fat is being burned, the sugars in your blood are being held in reserve. That way your blood sugar level will not drop as drastically while you work out.

The many good sides of caffeine and coffee have been brought to light by recent research. Nearly all of the old myths have been blown out of the water. A moderate intake of 3 to 6 cups, or 350 mg, per day has many benefits that are of interest to people who want to stay in shape. By increasing your endurance you can get more reps in each time you work out. The release of fatty acids will help to change your overall body mass index, and keep your blood sugar level in the proper range longer. The good side of caffeine or coffee is the increased metabolic rate that you will experience. An increased metabolism normally translates into a more fit you.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Oxybenzone and Benzophenone in Sunscreens Can Cause Skin Wrinkles!

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One of the causes of skin wrinkles is UV-induced damage to the skin's cells. There are compounds that help protect against the damage and others that increase the damage. Here's a look at what's good and what's bad for your skin's health and appearance.

Some sources say that the sun is primarily responsible for the visible signs of aging, but most people need some sun exposure in order for their bodies to produce vitamin D, an important antioxidant essential to good health.

Overexposure to the sun contributes to an aged appearance and plays a role in skin cancer. When those facts became public knowledge, cosmetic companies began adding sunscreen to everything from facial cleanser to body lotion. Most of the anti-aging products on the market contain a sunscreen ingredient or two.

Doctors believe the increased use of sunscreen is partially responsible for an increased incidence of vitamin D deficiency seen in recent years. Research suggests that some sunscreen ingredients may increase a person's risk of skin cancer by increasing the amount of UV damage done during sun exposure.

That evidence means that sunscreens could also contribute to skin wrinkles. Both problems are related to UV damage. The cells may be damaged directly or indirectly. Damage to cellular membranes and DNA strands can occur. When the cell's DNA is damaged, it can mutate and form a cancerous cell.

Oxybenzone and benzophenone are two of the sunscreens mentioned in scientific studies. They probably do more harm than good.

Some parabens have been shown to have the same effect. They increase the amount of damage that occurs during UV exposure.

Parabens are the most commonly used artificial preservatives. Most cosmetics contain two or three of them. They cause allergic reactions and now we know they may contribute to skin wrinkles and other visible signs of aging by increasing UV damage.

These are the reasons that some of the best anti-aging creams are free of parabens and sunscreens. There are times when you should use a good zinc oxide sun block. A day at the beach is an example. If you spend a lot of time outdoors, it's a good idea to wear a hat to protect your face and to use UV-blocking sunglasses to protect the delicate area around your eyes.

Regardless of how much time you spend outdoors or your current age, your skin's health and appearance will benefit from the regular use of a cream containing nano-particles of coenzyme Q10. The particles have been shown to reverse sun damage and skin wrinkles by an average of 30% after three months of daily use.

Antioxidants like vitamin E are known to help prevent sun damage. One of the best anti-aging formulas on the market contains vitamin E and the nano-particles of coenzyme Q10, as well as other nourishing ingredients.

You may be aware of how good nutrition affects the health of the inside of your body. It affects the outside too. Some nutrients work to fight skin wrinkles when they are applied directly. That's the good stuff.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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How to Differentiate Hemorrhoids From Three Other Common Diseases of the Butt

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The most common cause of unpleasant symptoms in the butt is hemorrhoids. About 50% of the adult population in the USA would experience the symptoms of hemorrhoids at one time or the other by the time they are getting up to the age of 50 years.

The typical symptoms of hemorrhoids include:

- Nil symptoms in some very mild cases

- Painless rectal bleeding during defecation

- Pain and acute inflammation

- Itching

However the fact that you experience some of these symptoms does not always mean that you have hemorrhoids and the following diseases could cause similar symptoms:

1 - Anal fissure

This is an ulcer of the lower anal canal, it occurs more commonly amongst middle aged women. The symptoms of anal fissure include the following:

a) Pain during defecation: There is a sharp and agonizing pain that starts during defecation and stops suddenly after about an hour or more after defecation. Once it stops the victim will not experience any pain until the next bowel movement.

b) Bright red rectal bleeding: This is usually slight and it is seen as streaks of blood on the feces and on the toilet paper. Although the bleeding of hemorrhoids is also bright red, it is usually painless and usually blood also drops after passage of feces to stain the inside of the toilet bowl.

c) Mucus discharge

2 - Other causes of anal itching

Anal itching which can accompany piles could also be caused by these other conditions:

- Allergic skin reactions to the use of certain soaps or skin care products.

- Diabetes mellitus which is usually accompanied by the symptoms of excessive thirst, excessive urination and weight loss.

- Anal warts which can be seen as ugly looking skin colored growths around the anus.

- Pin worm infection of the skin around the anus which is commoner in children.

- Eczema of the peri-anal skin.

3 - Colo rectal Cancer

This is perhaps the most sinister cause of anal symptoms. The common symptoms of colo rectal cancer include:

a) Painless rectal bleeding associated with defecation: This is why it is essential that every case of what looks bleeding hemorrhoids should be examined and confirmed by the doctor to rule out similar bleeding from a colo- rectal cancer.

b) Sense of incomplete defecation: Cancer of the colon is accompanied by a false urge to move bowels even when the bowels are empty.

c) Alteration in bowel habits: This is a very common and distinguishing symptom of the cancer of the colon, there is either increase or decrease in the number of times the victim moves the bowels.

Early morning diarrhea is highly characteristic of cancer of the colon
If you are experiencing hemorrhoid symptoms you should check for the symptoms of these other common anal diseases to be sure that the symptoms you are experiencing are actually caused by hemorrhoids.

However once you have confirmed that you have hemorrhoids you should start treatment promptly to prevent onset of complications which make the treatment of your piles even more difficult.

So how can you start early treatment of hemorrhoids?

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Benefits of Body Cooling

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There are a number of reasons why body cooling is advised especially in the hot weather. There are a number of methods through which this can be achieved. One of the common ways is by use of towels that cool down the body. There are a number of benefits offered by body cooling. One of the benefits of cooling the body is due to the reduced risk of hot flashes. These hot flashes can make you quite uncomfortable and can be controlled by body cooling.

Another benefit of body cooling is in preventing sun burns. Sitting in the sun for too long, especially on the beach, can lead to sunburns. This is because the heat from the sun is too much. Therefore, in such cases it is advisable that body cooling techniques are considered. This will prevent sunburns since these can cause a lot of harm to the skin. Sunburns are quite dangerous and have been linked to skin cancer in some researches carried out. Therefore, body cooling is also beneficial for health related purposes.

After taking part in exercise, work out or sports it is essential that a sports towel is used to reduce body temperature. This enables the safe return to normal heart and respiration rate. This is advisable so that the body can go back to the state it was before the exercises. Body cooling is the only way to return this body processes back to normal. This is essential so that you reduce the risk of spasms and cramps that are normally experienced after exercising.

Body cooling is also essential in order to reduce recovery time after exercise. This helps start the recovery process after a workout. When you reduce-body-temperature, the body can start recovering from the excesses of the workout session. This helps you prepare for the next workout session. It also helps you feel energized during the exercise so that you do not end up tired after your workout. Personal cooling is also essential to help reduce the tension in the muscles after workouts. The muscles become tensed due to the heat you experience after working out.

Personal cooling is also one of the ways through which you can reduce fever. Fever is normally characterized by high body temperature. One of the ways to reduce the fever is by cooling down the body. There are fever reducer towels that help you reduce-body-temperature when you have a fever. This is quite beneficial especially if you want a way to reduce your temperature without medication. This means that you can use towels to reduce the temperature and keep the fever in check.

To enjoy these benefits of personal cooling, there are a number of ways through which you can reduce body heat. You can always take a shower or take medication. However, these are not convenient methods especially if you are somewhere you cannot take a shower. You can make use of towels that are designed for personal cooling. These are the best way to reduce-body-temperature and enjoy the above benefits.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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High Resolution CT Scans and Workers Exposed to Hazardous Asbestos

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Each year asbestos related diseases such as Mesothelioma takes the lives of thousands. Important work is being done trying to better understand disease development. One interesting study is called, Computed tomography in the evaluation of benign asbestos-related disorders - Department of Radiology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada - Radiol Clin North Am. 1992 Nov;30(6):1191-207. Here is an excerpt: Abstract - High-resolution CT is more sensitive than chest radiography and conventional CT in the detection and assessment of benign asbestos-related pleural and parenchymal diseases. The HRCT features of asbestosis correlate with clinical and functional restriction. The specificity of HRCT findings of asbestosis needs further evaluation. Given its low cost and availability, chest radiography remains the mainstay of imaging in benign asbestos-related diseases. CT (conventional or high-resolution) is not recommended as a universal screening test in asbestos-exposed workers. It has a useful role in identifying and quantitating pulmonary fibrosis distinct from emphysema and pleural disease, in distinguishing pleural disease from normal extrapleural soft tissues, and in clarifying the confusing chest radiograph or conflicting pulmonary function data. CT is useful in excluding a mass that may be obscured by extensive pleural and parenchymal fibrosis and is helpful in the follow-up of benign fibrotic masses or in the direction of their biopsy.

Another interesting study is called, Clinical features to stage alveolitis in asbestos workers by R. B
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Organic Bamboo Flooring

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There are so many benefits to using green bamboo products. Companies that apply the green, sustainable construction concept to their products and services are doing their part to protect the globe, reduce carbon emissions and expand the use of sustainable materials. Proven sustainable construction ideas work and the companies that use them should be supported. After all, in the long run, we all benefit from going green.

Bamboo is well known for its durable strength, its natural elegance and its natural beauty. The facts are that bamboo has a higher tensile strength than many steel alloys and a higher compressive strength than many concrete mixtures. Those characteristics explain why bamboo has been used by builders for thousands of years.

The regenerative qualities of bamboo make it a perfect building solution for today's sustainable, green building trends. Whereas more commonly used woods are taken from trees that can take up to 40 years to reproduce, bamboo can be re-harvested in about three years. The re-harvesting of bamboo is actually beneficial to the planet and as the roots stay in tact, no erosion of existing soil conditions takes place. Yes, bamboo is a healthy, sturdy and quickly regenerated plant that accomplishes all the sustainable goals.

The bamboo fabric is produced from weaving the silky threads that come from pulping the plant's stalks. Bamboo cloth is 100% biodegradable. When bamboo is discarded, there is no harm to the environment. Surprisingly the strong bamboo fibers are porous. The increased airflow makes bamboo four times more absorbent than cotton.

Bamboo is so diverse and contains so many health benefits that scientists at the University of Hawaii's Medical School recently performed tests on the extract from Moso bamboo leaves. These scientists found that the extract contained anti-oxidants, proteins, micro-nutrients, trace minerals, amino acids, carotenoids and soluble and insoluble fiber that may help inhibit breast cancer. Moso bamboo is the variety, which provides the strong, thick poles used in many bamboo construction projects.

In an era when so many traditional building concepts have proven to take a large measure of the planet's environmental health, it is refreshing to identify products that really work to the planet's advantage. Like solar power and wind energy, bamboo is one of those positive products.

Green manufacturers of bamboo flooring constantly strive to perfect their products. Unbeknownst to most homeowners, traditionally constructed residences contain at least trace amounts of formaldehyde. These amounts stem from the cloth and wood adhesives used in homes. Formaldehyde can cause many negative health side effects, especially in children.

Green bamboo plywood or decking materials are manufactured without urea formaldehyde. More information about formaldehyde used in many wood products can be found on the Environmental Protection Agency's web site.

Recently scientists have suggested that mass plantings of bamboo may reverse the effects of global warming. While this proposition remain under review, it does lend credence to the concept that bamboo is our greenest woody building product.

Green bamboo flooring uses strips that are cut from whole bamboo canes. These strips are then boiled in water to remove sugars and preserve the wood. After the boiling process, the premium strips are selected for manufacturing.

The selected boards are treated and dried for 15 days. When a moisture content of 6% is achieved, the strips are considered stable and ready for use. The bamboo floorboards can be nailed, glued or floated. Green bamboo floorboards that use a tongue and groove interlocking system are the most highly rated by green advocates.

Bamboo floors do it all. They are distinctively elegant, strong and durable and environmentally responsible, just the way you want them. Your choice of bamboo says a lot about you and the home you are building. Thank you!

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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The Role of Capsicum in Weight Loss

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When it comes to weight loss more and more people are getting attracted to the most natural methods of losing weight or at least prefer natural ingredients to lose their body weight fast. Nature has provided many ingredients to lose weight in the form of berries, fruits, nuts and so on. Capsicum is a vegetable; has many natural properties to help mankind lose weight fast and is no wonder to have gained wide popularity very recently.

Capsicum or Cayenne, commonly called as red chilly or red pepper, has been known to be cultivated since 3000 BC and used as a spice for its pungent taste. Capsicum belongs to a group of plants in the nightshade (Solenaceae) family. It is the same family of plants which includes tomato and potatoes. Cayenne pepper was introduced into Britain from India in 1548.

Capsicum contains capsaicinoids such as capsaicin, dihydro-capsaicin and nor-dihydro-capsaicin, which are responsible for its pungent nature. These active ingredients of capsicum are universally accepted as nutritional supplements for regulating diet and in the treatment of obesity, thus the safety of Capsicum is well established. Capsicum also contains Vitamin A and C. Capsicum is also known to contain provitamins of E, B1, B2 and B3. Capsicum contains antioxidants such as carotenes which eat away the free radicals of the body. The free radicals are known to cause cell damage and diseases such as cancer and increase the aging process.

Capsicum has been found to have weight suppressant effect as well as reducing the bad cholesterol in the blood which can lead to overweight and heart disease.

The study of capsaicin on humans and animals has been well documented. These studies clearly prove that capsaicin is capable of producing diet-induced thermogenesis which results in faster metabolism thereby increasing the energy expenditure of the body. Capsicum can also bring about a reduction in the appetite level. Recently documented studies also show significant reduction in body mass by fat oxidation in areas such as waist circumference, belly and so on. The critical factors that increase weight such as blood glucose, insulin, tricaylglycerol and leptin are also reduced by the capsaicins. These research results clearly point out the potential benefits of incorporating capsicum or its extract in the dietary formulations to curb excess appetite, prevent weight gain and thereby facilitate weight loss.

Apart from the weight loss effects Capsicum also regulates the heart and blood pressure rates. Capsicum blocks the transmission of pain and helps in relieving pain. It also alleviates constipation. Capsicum is also good for the eyes and skin.

The required quantity of Capsicum to produce enough weight loss effect in a person is about 10 grams per day. A certain company promoting slimming pills feels that this quantum of red chilly or its equivalent in capsaicinoids might irritate the mouth or stomach mucosa, so they have used a unique design to give a special coating on the ingredients. This coating of the capsules will prevent the contents getting in contact with the mouth as well as the stomach. The specific place where the ingredients have to be released is the intestines. As the acidity of the stomach is different from that of the intestines, the coating of the capsule will dissolve in the intestines only releasing the contents exactly in the place where it is digested and absorbed into the blood stream. This is where the modern technology gives a helping hand to nature in achieving its weight loss goal.

Capsicum along with extracts of black pepper, niacin (vitamin B3), and caffeine are presented in this slimming pill. If the claims of the promoters of this slimming pill are put in a nut shell then one would say: these pills can burn an extra 278 calories a day. If this slimming pill can burn an extra 278 calories a day will it suffice to produce enough weight loss effect to a person? Burning an extra 278 calories will certainly work out to about 25 pounds a year by just taking one pill a day.

Now let us take a look at how the claim has been accepted by the people who have the need for such a pill. This pill has attracted a lot of media attention for the fact that it is being used by the top celebrities. Unless the claims are true it would not be accepted by the celebrities as every one of us are aware that the celebrities have more need to be slim.

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Good vs. Bad Dog Food Comparison

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To give your dog, or any pet for that matter, a good foundation for a healthy life it is essential to start with proper nutrtion. There are many really horrible, low quality, chemical laden dog foods on the market still today, even though we have become more aware and educated about what to look for when purchasing dog food.
Cheaper dog food brands are generally sold at your local grocery store, whereas the higher quality premium dog food brands are found in pet stores, or online at specialty pet stores.

Increasing your dog's life span is easily achieved by feeding a properly balanced healthy organic dog food or high premium diet from puppy hood. An all natural healthy diet is as beneficial for your dog as it is for yourself. Improper or poor nutrition can cause diseases, allergies, obesity, and shortened life spans in your dogs.

There are many commercial grade dog food products available at the grocery store, and care must be taken when choosing one. Becoming more diligent in all facets of our lives is quickly becoming the norm, and we should include our pets in our education and improvement of lifestyle.

Here are a few general guidelines to follow when looking at the ingredients on a dog food bag:

Choose a food with high meat content. The first ingredient must be a specified meat. Another one or two meats or meat meal listed in the top 5 ingredients is a bonus, but not necessary. (Meat meal is meat with the moisture removed.)

If the same grain ingredient is used two or more times in the first five ingredients (i.e. "ground brown rice", brewer's rice", "rice flour", are all the same grain), this is not a well balanced, nutritious product. It is loaded with "filler" and made to look like it is healthy by separating the one ingredient into sub categories, but rice is rice so it should be listed once.

Using high quality grains has become the standard for the premium quality dog food manufacturers, such as barley, brown rice and oatmeal. If the grains are organic, then all the better. Wheat and corn are inferior and useless as a nutritional element in dog food, and used as filler only. Dogs are known to be highly allergic to wheat and corn.

If there are any by-products at all on the ingredient list, pass this dog food by.

There should not be any fillers.

Carcinogenic preservatives do not need to be used, and if they are don't buy the product. (They will be listed as BHA, BHT, or ethoxyquin.)

Artificial colorings are also cancer causing, and completely unnecessary. You'll be surprised to see how many products still contain this dangerous ingredient. The dyes will be marked as such - e.g. Red, Blue and Yellow dyes.

No added sugars or corn syrup should be in the ingredient list.

The more organic ingredients listed, the better.

Added glucosamine, chondroitin, pro and prebiotics, flax seed oil, barley, oats or oatmeal, and sunflower oil, are a good thing.

Slowly baked, not extruded, retains the minerals, vitamins and essential goodness of the food.

Hormone free, antibiotic free, pesticide and herbicide free, chemical and preservative free would indicate a high quality premium organic dog food.

And finally, no mystery meats should be in the list. Mystery meat will be listed as simply meat or poultry, rather than chicken or venison. The mystery meat will probably be some horrible rotten road kill, old euthanized animals, and parts of animals that are not edible.

Although the higher quality food might seem more expensive initially, it will work itself out and become cheaper in the long run. The savings in vet bills alone over the life of your pet will pay for the food.

I use a lazy homemade dog food tactic of using a high end organic dog food, and add just a few ounces of poached chicken, or broiled venison every day. The best of both worlds is then achieved for my dogs.

Always be aware, educate yourself and know that the big business of dog food manufacturing is in it for the profit, not the health and welfare of our pets. That is up to us. Just do the absolute best you can for your pet and it will be returned with more doggie love, which is never a bad thing.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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The Health Benefits of Detoxification Colon Cleansing

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A dirty colon can cause a lot of health related problems. One of the serious problems caused by a dirty colon is the intestinal cancer. Toxins should never be allowed to stay for a long time in the colon or the large intestine. The colon has to be periodically detoxified in order to keep good health. Detoxification colon cleansing is thus a much needed health protection step these days. The colon develops a natural tendency to keep within it the waste in the food we consume. The more the waste remains within the colon, the dirtier it becomes. You can find the dirty colon yourself if you have any or some of these symptoms. Consult the doctor in you experience fatigue and irritability, tired looking skin, poor digestion, food allergies, weight gain, constipation, predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or repeated headaches.

Having known the signs of dirty colon, you would do well to detoxify the colon by cleansing it regularly either by traditional means or by the modern method of the consumption of the detoxification colon cleansing capsules. These capsules are available across the internet and in pharmaceutical stores. What is more important in the detoxification colon cleansing diet is the presence of the suitable ingredients that act on the toxins and remove them totally so that the colon is purified or cleansed. Change in bowel habits is one of the main symptoms of a dirty colon. A healthy person would have two to three bowel movements in a day. If you struggle to have at least 2 or 3 movements a day, then you are certainly suffering from a dirty colon. Most people carry a few pounds of waste in their colon due to the intake of an improper diet that does not consist of fiber but is rich in fat. Such food causes the dirt in the colon. A dirty colon has to be treated well by the consumption of food rich in fiber. A good consumption of vegetables is also highly recommended in the act of detoxification colon cleansing. The colon serves as a temporary storage of waste, but the real problem arises if the waste is allowed to settle for a long time. The likelihood of these waste products producing toxins arises the longer they stay put. Metabolism lies in the breaking down of waste through elimination.

Take more of leafy vegetables as they assist in improving your bowel habits. Regular intake of ginger acts on the digestive system and facilitates digestion to a great extent. Regular cleansing of the colon is recommended because it is the most important part of the gastrointestinal tract. Hence it is understood that detoxification colon cleansing would ensure a healthy and long life. A clean colon is a step towards achieving a long life. Intake of nuts and raw foods would make the task of colon cleansing much easier. Detoxification colon cleansing also ensures weight loss to a great extent because of the fact that much of the fat and unwanted waste products get removed from the colon tract.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Vemma an Expert Third Party Review

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Expert Vemma Business Review

This article sets forth to answer several of the critical Vemma questions each new potential distributor must weigh before making a sound decision about the Vemma opportunity. It is critically important to have answers to crucial questions like -"How Long has Vemma been in business, and what is the company leadership like." "What kind of products does Vemma have and how is the quality." "How do the products affect the opportunity?" "Is Vemma a scam?" and it is vitally important to see what it's going to take for you to get involved and to become successful with this kind of venture.

Leadership Evaluation:

A Companys' leadership and longevity are factors that should be considered when reviewing any opportunity. Many companies in this industry end up going under before ever establishing momentum in the marketplace, so there is always something to be said for a company's longevity and track record on the playing field. The next new startup that comes along may be all that it is cracked up to be, or it may be a flash in the pan to the great dismay of those who've expended time, effort, and cash resources. There is a proven track record for the veterans of the industry that can be readily examined for flaws, inconsistency, or violation. Vemma has just such a track record that you may readily investigate to better understand the motives and character of both leadership and its distributor base.

Brief Points Worth Considering:

Vemma is owned by BK Boreyko who is not only Vemmas' founder but who is also the owner of New Vision. New Vision has been in operation now for 14 years successfully and has operated in countries all around the world.
New Vision is one of the companies that helped start the liquid nutritional industry more than a decade ago. BK Boreyko lost his mother to cancer, and his family thereafter decided to launch New Vision on March 20th, 1995.

Vemma Charitable Contributions:

From their more than 1 billion in retail sales volume The Vemma Nutrition Company has donated over .5 million dollars to charities such as Habitat for Humanity, The United Way, and the Rainforest Foundation and the company continues to be proactive in charitable activities to this day.

Let's look at Vemmas' Products:

It is worth noting that Vemma has a solid reputation for impacting the nutritional market on a global scale. Vemma products claim to provide potent antioxidant protection for their users. Vemma provides liquid nutrition essentially in the form of a multivitamin based supplement. Both eastern and western medical training lies behind the inception of this liquid supplement, and Vemma has been on the leading edge of liquid nutrition with liquid mineral supplements since the beginning of the industry.

Vemma combines mangosteen fruit (an abundant mineral source) with organic green teas as well as organic glyconutrient-rich Aloe Vera, and other proprietary ingredients in the creation of its products. Vemma has several brands of exclusive products, the most notable is a product called Verve. The Verve product is described by its creators as an energy supplement.

Vemma also carries a line of other proven nutritional formulas, including the 'Next' brand, as well as nutritional products for adults and children. Basically Vemma combines today's science and technology with some of nature's finest ingredients to form a liquid nutritional supplement that one could consider to be a modern day health energy tonic.

How do the products affect the opportunity?

One question to consider before signing into any opportunity is whether or not you would otherwise use or recommend the type of product you will be selling if you had nothing to gain from it? Is this product something you would naturally endorse? In the case of Vemma- do your values, interests, and beliefs align with a full spectrum based vitamin that would help to maintain your health and wellness? If the answer is yes, then Vemma could be a good choice for you from a purely product perspective. If the answer is no, then you had better steer clear of the opportunity regardless of the merits it may offer. Selling is a tough business, and if you can't get yourself behind a product, believe in it, and love it, it's wrong to try and convince others to believe in it and love it. That's not the kind of "ju-ju" you want to put on your business just starting out.

If you're not sure about the products but seem to like the oportunity trycontacting an authorized distributor and trying the products for a month or so. Also take the time to research what it will really take to succeed in this industry from some third party credible sources. After researching the subject, meet with your product rep and see if they will really offer you the tools and kind of mentorship, training, resources, and leadership energy that will be necessary for you to grow and succeed. If you find the products, leadership, or training lacking in what you desire, don't sign up. If you don't think you have the right stuff, and the company doesn't seem to have the solution- find out where you're going to get it If on the other hand, you feel passionate about the products, training, and opportunity, Vemma might be the right fit for you..

A Review of Vemma's Compensation Plan:

Vemma is a Network Marketing Business. The compensation plan is a Binary Plan. There are many examples in the MLM profession, and also in Vemma itself that significant monthly incomes can be made from Binary Plans. The Binary model has a good track record in the industry that it has proven over the last ten years. You earn residual income on the sales that your team members make in product sales, bonuses, and from their new Vemma enrolees. To get the leverage and compensation from Vemma's pay plan you will have to purchase their Basic Business Package, which costs about 0. This includes a marketing website, Vemma products, and access to a personal coach.

What people are saying about Vemma products:

Vemma reviews by consumers seem to be very positive. Most people claim beneficial results from the products they use, and they seem to coincide with the product claims. An overall sense of well-being, increased stamina, and energy are all reported.

A Review of Vemmas' MLM Training:

Vemma offers its distributors (for an extra charge) "Vemma Builder" which is a system for selling Vemma products, increasing leads, recruits and sales. Reviews on the Vemma Builder are a mixed bag of results that range from excellent to a scam and a waste of money. The program provides an automated website for obtaining leads, and an automatic responder by which leads who enter their information are then contacted with more information and offered a tour of the distributor's website. The distributor must pay for the leads captured. Leads are also not pre-screened, and the cost per lead varies depending on how many are purchased. Distributors must then contact these generic type leads and determine interest level, and explain the nature of the MLM opportunity.

Unfortunately it seems that the majority of Vemma distributors are attempting to build their business on an "Old School" model of network marketing that is proven to be successful for a small fraction of all distributors. Old School Network Marketing works best for old school network marketers and most people I have met just don't weather that regimen well. High dropout rates, frustration, and limited success are too often the attributes of old school style Mlm tactics. This equals more bad publicity for the industry, not to mention the ridicule, resentments, and alienation of friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers who never wanted to sign up for your opportunity nor did they wish to be subjected to it. I hate to sound harsh but it happens.

I don't often meet too many people that have the kind of contacts, sphere of influence, marketing skills, charisma, or experience that it takes to build a significant organization using old school tactics alone. If you discover one recruit them right away, they will be a "Rock Star" in your company.

High drop-out and faliure rates within our industry is an embarrassing statistic that a growing number of internet marketers are laboring to change. That's one of the main reasons I had for putting this article together. I view Vemma as a sound oportunity, but I also understand that it takes a lot of marketing knowledge, proper training, discipline, and mentorship for most people to earn a significant income from Mlm. So I am reaching out to people who are both looking at Vemma and to those already involved, and help you learn how to recruit people and build a sustainable residual business income using modern day MLM strategies.

Proper tools and training is available for you to succeed in this industry if you want it, but there are no shortcuts to success. There is such a thing as better training and strategy, but it is ultimately up to you to decide how badly you want it and whether or not you are ready to do what it takes to succeed in this industry. Are you or are you not ready to take your business and your life to the next level?

Is Vemma a Scam?

Vemma is not a scam. Like most MLM products, opportunities, systems, and business models, some will call it a scam others will recognize it as the great business opportunity it is. What other industry on earth allows you with no formal training, education, social status, or significant financial commitment to earn as much as a Doctor every month from home with no employees and malpractice insurance? What other opportunity can offer what network marketing does?

There are scorned people who will call this business a scam, a pyramid scheme, a total rip off, and a waste of time. What side of the field you're on seems to be directed by whether you make money selling the product, and how successful you become. Two people starting the same business, in the same market, with the same opportunity will have vastly differing results. Is the problem then with the opportunity or with the individual?

The upper echelon in any Mlm Company (the ones making the money, building teams, understanding what it takes and applying it) will say network marketing is the greatest opportunity they were ever offered. Of the 95% of others, reviews are mostly a mixed bag ranging from" it wasn't for me" to "it's an outright scam and a pyramid scheme". This isn't just true about Vemma, it is true about the whole industry. The deciding variable is in the training and the person you are willing to become to succeed in this business.

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Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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DIY Eczema Treatment Tips

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Many people go to the doctors in an attempt to find a cure but are given dangerous drug based options such as Corticosteroids which can have life threatening drawbacks in some people! There are however home remedies for eczema that allow sufferers to control their condition to a point it does not pose a problem! Eczema home remedies has enormous WOW factor as they don't need you to buy expensive products, and most of what they need is available at home or in a grocery stores. Generally, these remedies are harmless when compared to other forms of modern medicines and devoid of any side effects.

1. Neem oil is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and provides instant relief to the affected skin. In the olden days neem was even used to treat acne, ringworm, athlete's foot and various other skin disorders.

2. Many substances have adverse affects on your skin condition and should be avoided at all costs to keep irritation down to a minimum. Clothing made of wool, polyester and nylon are all culprits in this and materials with rubber and plastic that can be worn are also a problem. If you do want to wear such things make sure you have a covering of cotton underneath to keep your skin safe. Another substance known to be a real issue with eczema unfortunately is soap. Many soaps and detergents have been proven to be some of the worst offenders in eczema flare ups and should be avoided whenever possible.

3. One of the best home remedies for eczema is coconut oil. Used in its purest form, this oil is deeply moisturizing, which can help prevent the irritation from spreading and prevent the skin from cracking. You just need to apply this oil over the affected sites to get fast relief that lasts, and unlike many topical creams, this home remedy smells good!

4. Turmeric is a shrub, related to ginger, that helps relieve eczema pain. Turmeric relieves pain and speeds the healing of soreness caused by eczema. Turmeric is used in teas, powders and liquids.

5. If you are looking for a natural alternative for steroid creams, you can opt for witch hazel. It's cheap and can be bought at any drug store. For better results apply it daily with a cotton ball to the affected skin. Be sire to immediately apply a good oil or moisturizer after getting out of the shower. Avoid using products with perfumes or fragrances. Don't wear clothing that has a scratching action on your body when you move.

6. Chamomile is a flowering, daisy-like, plant that has been used for centuries to relieve pain. Chamomile also has anti-inflammatory properties that relieve itching and heal infections.

7. Application of spearmint leaf juice also reduces eczema. This is one of the best home remedies for eczema and very easy to make! You simply have to get some spearmint leaves from your garden, and grind these leaves to make a paste, this can then be used directly on the eczema regions or you can dilute the paste by mixing water. It will decrease the swelling and the sting of skin irritation.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Important Hemorrhoid Treatment Tips by Medical Experts

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Although different people have different opinions about the best way to get rid of hemorrhoids, it is always better to know what the real medical experts have to say about the best treatment for piles.

These tips have been given by different medical experts on the proper treatment of piles:

Tip 1- Do not be ashamed of yourself

Do not wallow in self pity and feel that you are the only one suffering from this disease. Hemorrhoids afflict a lot of people; famous and not so famous, rich and poor.

Napoleon the great French leader suffered from hemorrhoids, President Jimmy Carter had hemorrhoid surgery while he was in office, a lot of other famous and important people have also suffered and some are still suffering from this ailment.

The first advice medical experts give to pile sufferers is not to feel bad about themselves, lots of other people including doctors have the same ailment.

Tip 2-Aim for easier and strain less bowel movement

According to overwhelming medical evidence the major underlying cause of hemorrhoids is the generation of excessive strain during defecation which pushes out the veins of the rectum and anus causing them to over distend and enlarge abnormally.

So most medical experts advice that you must aim for softer stools that will not require too much straining on your part to void them out of the body.

Tip 3- Lubricate your anus

To aid smooth passage of stools out of your rectum and anus you are advised to lubricate your anus with a dab of petroleum jelly.

According to Dr Edmund Leff M.D, a Board Certified Colon and Rectal Surgeon practicing in Phoenix, you should apply this dab of petroleum jelly by using a clean cotton wool swab or by using your clean finger to apply the jelly about
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Eliminate Hyperhidrosis - Ways To Stop Excessive Sweating

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Do you generally sweat even if you're simply just sitting on the sofa watching television? Are you soaked from sweat after just a few hours of the day? Are you usually embarrassed to shake hands mainly because it's constantly wet? You might be suffering with excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis.

It can be upsetting if you suffer from excessive sweating in social situations. If perhaps your predicament already has an effect on you socially and also psychologically you might need to search for solutions to your sweaty condition. You'll find techniques and products which you can use to stop sweating or at least lessen it.

You could consider aluminum chloride based antiperspirant, which you can buy from the local drugstore. This tends to block the glands that produce excessive sweat. You may also use jasmine or maybe chamomile mixed with water to help lessen the body odor.

Excessive sweating could also be due to weight problems and bad food choices. Follow a more balanced diet, exercise and drink more water. If you are obese, make an effort to lose weight. Stay clear of caffeine and alcoholic drink because they set off excessive sweating. Excessive stress can also cause sweating so try to relax.

Typically excessive sweating won't be harmful to your health and wellbeing especially if it's localized sweating. This means the excessive sweating generally appears only in your armpits, feet or hands. It might also be caused as a side-effect of medicines you might be currently taking. If perhaps the sweating is generalized, or the sweating takes place over your whole body and not simply in your armpits, you may want to speak to your doctor. Generalized hyperhidrosis may be an indicator of an illness like diabetes, thyroid problems or infection, even cancer. Don't ignore this symptom - it's usually advisable to ask for your doctor's medical diagnosis just to be sure.

There is really no permanent remedy for excessive sweating however it can be managed. Aside from using antiperspirant, you could use talcum powder on all the areas that sweat to help keep the skin dry -- particularly in hot weather conditions. Good hygiene may also stop sweating, so shower regularly.

If you are happy to invest some money in a solution, you could try botox which can temporarily restrict all the nerves that can cause the body to create excessive sweat. Another treatment solution is Iontophoresis, which works by using water to transmit low electrical impulses that temporarily stops the sweat glands. Both the treatments give short-term results and therefore you'd need to go back to your doctor when the effects wear off.

Additionally, there are medications which can be purchased on the market which might stop sweating however very much like any other pills, they may have side effects, some of which can be much more serious than excessive sweating. It is always advised to talk to your doctor first, before you take any sort of drugs, to minimize risks.

Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy (ETS) surgery may also be a solution, assuming other methods and solutions don't work. Still, you may want to ask your skin specialist for other solutions considering the fact that surgery can be quite risky plus the process is permanent. In the event that you really want to undergo surgery to stop sweating make sure you look for a well-experienced doctor.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Screening For Prostate Cancer

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Screening for prostate cancer - a survey of men, aimed at identifying the disease of prostate cancer at an early stage, in which an perhaps the most effective and radical (remedial) treatments.

Low wary of world's population with regard to malignant diseases and the lack of screening are major causes of late detection of prostate cancer at dalekozashedshey incurable stage. Today in Russia, more than half of cases of prostate cancer detected at a stage when the administration of treatment almost ineffective.

The most important reason for screening for prostate cancer is the fact that at the early stages of prostate cancer clinical symptoms are absent. This leads to the fact that the vast majority of men go to the doctor only when the various manifestations of the disease. In this regard, the greatest value in the timely diagnosis of prostate cancer is preventive examinations.

In developed countries, the use of these preventive examinations led to the identification of early and curable forms of the disease, thus reducing mortality from prostate cancer more than 3 times.

Determination Of PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen)
Test to determine the level of tumor marker of prostate cancer - PSA (prostate specific antigen) can in most cases suspected prostate cancer at a stage of asymptomatic illness. Therefore, determining the level of PSA (prostate-specific antigen) is the most important indicator than the estimate of clinical manifestations of disease. In this regard, determining the level of PSA (prostate-specific antigen) should be regular preventive study of men aged 45 to 75 years.

Digital Rectal Examination Of Prostate
Furthermore, it is important to remember that the normal level of PSA (prostate-specific antigen) does not exclude the presence of prostate cancer.
Therefore, annual preventive care should also include a digital rectal examination (assessment of the prostate finger introduced into the rectum).

Transrectal Ultrasound Of The Prostate (TRUS)
Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) - is an ultrasound of the prostate, using a special transrectal ultrasound probe, which is introduced into the rectum studied. With this introduction sensor is located in close proximity to the prostate and is separated from it only the wall of the rectum.

Fundamentals advantage of transrectal ultrasound of the prostate (TRUS) is an opportunity to obtain a clear image of the prostate, with a detailed description of its various departments, which allows a well to view this body. Thus, transrectal ultrasound of the prostate (TRUS) is the most accurate method for prostate ultrasound studies in detection of prostate cancer at an early stage of development.

Biopsy Prostate
Increased PSA and the presence of dense areas in the prostate gland (according to digital rectal examination and transrectal ultrasound - TRUS) is an indication to perform biopsy of the prostate.

After 75 years of conducting screening studies aimed at identifying prostate cancer unsuitable, due to the slow growth of prostate cancer and a high frequency of complications of surgical and radiation therapy for patients in this age group. In addition, many men do not survive to lethal stage prostate cancer because of death from other concomitant diseases.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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