Paraben Free Facial Moisturizers - Why Should You Use Them?

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Paraben free facial moisturizers and paraben free hand cream is the future of the skin care industry. At least that will be the case with responsible manufacturers.

You are probably thinking: What makes the difference whether my skin care products are paraben free? (See my article: "The Dangers of Parabens - Do You Know What They Are?")

Let me ask you, how often do you use a facial moisturizer? For most women the answer is everyday.

Would you use a chemical that you thought could be cancer causing on your face everyday? Because if you are using a face cream manufactured with parabens that is exactly the risk you are taking.

Parabens are Synthetic "cheap" Preservatives

Parabens are the most commonly used synthetic preservatives for skin care products. They ensure a long shelf life by inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria, yeast and mold in beauty products.

We may use the same facial moisturizer every day, several days a week, for months or years. In addition, we use dozens of personal care products daily, not just one.

Another example of something used regularly everyday is hand cream. How many times do you apply hand cream in a day. Are you using paraben free hand cream?

Exposure from one product on one day may be small, the fact is we use numerous products a day for extended periods of time. As a result, scientists are finding chemicals such as parabens accumulating in our bodies. There is a suspicious connection of parabens with breast cancer. More research is now underway. So be cautious.

Safe Alternatives Are Available

We know safe alternatives do exist and are already being used by some cosmetic companies. The notion of "safe" or "acceptable" levels of hazardous chemicals in our cosmetic products should only be tolerated when we cannot find alternatives.

Safe Ingredients Replace Parabens

Many paraben free facial moisturizers contain grapefruit seed extract and Vitamin E to replace the chemicals. In many cosmetics essential oils like cinnamon, eucalyptus, lavender, lemon and tea tree are being distilled and turned into natural preservatives.

Paraben free products are the future of cosmetics. Companies will be forced by health conscious consumers to take the natural and healthy approach in manufacturing their products.

It's a trend that's just beginning and will change the way cosmetics and other products are manufactured. So if you are not using paraben free facial moisturizers probably will be in the future. But the "future" should be now. Start today using paraben free facial moisturizers and paraben free hand cream.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details


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