Revision Rhinoplasty - The Cure For A Bad Nose Job

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For those people that have had a nose job that find the results to be disappointing, there is something they can do about it. Revision rhinoplasty is a form of plastic surgery that is considered to be extremely specialized. Very frequently it finds use in making
corrections to results that are less than perfect or for overly aggressive surgery that results in the patient winding up with structural abnormalities, such as a polly beak, some breathing difficulty, or a crooked nose tip.
Doctors that have decided to specialize in revision rhinoplasty have considerable more experience and training in nasal surgery than those that just do basic rhinoplasties.. It is pretty much always more difficult, more complex, and costs more than that of routine rhinoplassty surgery. Even though unsatisfactory nose jobs are responsible for a large majority of its patients, it also finds great use in the treatment of cancer patients with loss of cartilage or part of their nose. Cartilage and skin grafts are very useful for the restoration and improvement of a patient's appearance. A surgeon that is skilled can
accomplish the amazing when it comes to the correction of a bad nose job.
One should wait at least one year from the last rhinoplasty before undergoing a revision rhinoplasty. This will allow the original incisions from the last surgery time to heal. The formed scar tissue inside the nose will then be much softer and allow much easier manipulation and removal and all swelling should have disappeared by then. According to figures, about 25% of all nose job recipients are not happy with the results of their original procedure for some reason. Scar tissue can clog up the air passageway and make breathing difficult or perhaps produce a noisy whistling sound when breathing and must be corrected. A condition develops in some patients known as rhinorrhea, which is also known as chronic post nasal drip. This condition commonly occurs in rhinoplasty for a few months.
If it persists longer than that, it should be taken care of by your doctor. Breaking of the nasal bones, surgical instruments, scar tissue, and sometimes just poor luck can result in these problems developing.
Continual dissatisfaction with surgical results is a whole different story. For someone that has received two plastic surgeries by two different physicians and is still unhappy with the results, an re-evaluation of why the surgery was performed in the first place would be a good idea. Unfortunately, there are some people that become out of touch with
what an average person would call attractive or for some reason do not have a good perception of what looks good on them. These people may be suffering from an image disorder and will never be happy no matter how good they look! Surgery is not the right solution and shouldn't be done as a fix for some emotional or mental disturbance in a person's life or because someone else has an idea that your looks would improve with a new nose. One needs to think carefully before having more surgery because each time a nose job is redone, it is more difficult to do, becomes more expensive, and the person may still not be pleased with the results.
There are surgeons who solely specialize in doing revision procedures and it would be a good idea to utilize their extensive training and experience in the field. When you consult with a surgeon, have a good idea about what you hope to accomplish from a revision and pay close attention to all advice he gives you. Most of these medical practices can show you lots of before and after photos of the results of their previous efforts. Through use of a computer program, you may be able to get an idea of what results will look like. By carefully considering all the possibilities, having expectations that are realistic, and with the help of a good surgeon, your revision rhinoplasty could very well be the solution to your problems.

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