Sarcoidosis Treatment Options

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Sarcoidosis is a condition that can affect various organs in the body. It cause the formation of tiny nodules in the tissues of the organs it affects, which may later ground into larger clumps and begin to affect the organs. When this happens, the overall health of the person may be placed in jeopardy. Although sarcoidosis can potentially affect any organ, it is the lungs-and the lymph nodes to a slightly lesser degree-that are most at risk. When the condition begins to affect the lungs, it is absolutely necessary to get pulmonary sarcoidosis treatment as soon as possible in order to avoid complications.

The most favored treatment solutions for sarcoidosis by far are corticosteroids. These types of medications are remarkably effective at reducing most of the effects of sarcoidosis, and most p[people will respond favorably to a few treatments. However, there are certain risks associated with using such drugs. Keep in mind that there are very powerful medications, and they will affect the infected organ as well as any health tissue that they come in contact with. Patients who undergo corticosteroid treatment are at risk for developing symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, and weight gain. As effective as these medications are, the side effects are enough reasons for some people to seek alternative pulmonary sarcoidosis treatment.

Over the past few years, a number of new treatments for sarcoidosis have been introduced into the market, and some of them show very promising results. However it is important to keep in mind that most of these treatment methods have not been tested extensively in a clinical setting. For this reason, some of them may cause unexpected side effects. Although they are generally same to use, the new treatments for sarcoidosis should be cleared with your doctor before you undergo treatment.

One of the more promising sarcoidosis treatment options around today are methotrexate or azathioprine. Although they are more commonly used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, they may have some value in pulmonary sarcoidosis treatment as well. For these purposes, methotrexate is commonly used along with corticosteroids. The medication is typically administered in pill form and should be taken once a week. The main drawback to this new treatment for sarcoidosis is that it can cause a significant degree of damage to the liver.

Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are also commonly used in the treatment of sarcoidosis. More frequently used in the treatment of malaria, these medications also have some benefit when used in the treatment of sarcoidosis, particularly in cases involving the skin, lungs, and nervous system. These sarcoidosis treatment options are also effective when used in the treatment of certain symptoms associated with sarcoidosis, most especially hypercalcemia. As effective as this treatment method is however, patients who go for this option will have to undergo periodic eye testing by an ophthalmologist.

Finally, cyclophosphamide or chlorambucil is used for more advanced stages of the disease when other medications fail to provide results. The main drawback to this medication is that it can cause severe side effects to the kidney and bone marrow.

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