Secret Power-Foods that Guarantee To Make You Lose Weight Naturally

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They way you Look is probably the main reason for you to shed those excess pounds. Looks are important because the way you look helps to determine your self image, and therefore the way you behave.
A better self image will help you act in such a manner as to better satisfy your desires. If you think you look better, you'll have higher self esteem, confidence and you're more likely to make yourself happier.

The second reason is obviously the health issue, most people know that obesity is associated with an enormous number of health problems, heart and circulatory diseases, lower back pain and degenerative joint disease to name a few. If you carry too much body fat, you should eliminate as much as is desirable.

Easier said than done?

Low carbohydrate diet, high protein diet, fruit and vegetable only diet, the list can go on and on, doesn't matter which you choose because most diets don't work for a multitude of reasons.

In this article I will describe the foods that the professors of the weight loss industry call power foods. These Professor Experts' from around the world concentrated on finding certain foods that would allow people to eat and still lose weight.

Now despite their power when it comes to losing weight they do need to be accompanied with normal healthy eating habits and an exercise program of some kind to see results. Say a brisk walk for an hour, three or four times a week and concentrate your diet on these foods you'll get excellent results.

These foods boost your metabolic rate, which means they burn more calories throughout the day. This will result in you shedding the pounds!

Top on the list is Green tea. It contains fat burning chemicals that will help you with your weight loss. There are many green tea varieties, but without a shadow of doubt the one to drink is Japanese green tea' it is far superior, it tastes a little bitter and is a green colour when its poured into the cup, (most green tea is brown) so if its green and bitter you'll know it's the real thing.

This power food is a secret weapon in the weight loss world.
Another benefit is those who drink three cups of green tea a day were 50 per cent less likely to suffer a heart attack than those who didn't research also shows that drinking green tea on a regular basis can help prevent certain types of cancer.

Next on the list is Garlic yes the smelly one!
Garlic contains vitamins, oil and mineral antioxidant properties, its key health-giving property is a compound called Allicin that gives its powerful pungent smell. Scientists claim garlic can prevent weight gain and cause weight loss due to its unique properties that help burn fat.
Evidence has already shown garlic is effective in preventing high blood pressure, treating diabetes, lowering the risk of heart attacks and killing cancer cells.

Garlic has been used as a medicine for thousands of years. Egyptian records reveal that garlic was given to the workers who built the pyramids to keep them strong and healthy. On days it was not available the workers would not work! It's best to eat in its raw state, next time you make a tuna fish sandwich, finely chop a garlic clove and mix it in with the tuna delicious!

Next it's the humble Onion, again eaten raw will give the best results, simply chopped up added to salads or sandwiches. Should be added to any soup or meat dish you prepare. Don't forget to put them in with your breakfast of scrambled eggs, lovely! You may be surprised to know that eggs are one of the only foods that contain naturally occurring vitamin D.

Onions have antioxidant properties in the form of minerals and oils that help break down fat deposits. Onions also contain ample amounts of chromium, a compound that is extremely helpful in losing weight.

Another fat fighter is the Cucumber makes a great addition to sandwiches, salads and other dishes because it contains elements that are good kidney stimulants. Proper functioning kidneys flush out uric acid. When uric acid is flushed out of the system, fat deposits are removed along with the acid.

Carrots are a great food for snaking between meals; they are high in carotene content that speeds up the metabolism rate while getting rid of fat. Carrots are also good for preventing cancer because they contain antioxidants.
If the thought of eating raw carrots is not to your liking then grab some Apples!

The old saying of an apple a day keeps the doctor away certainly holds true.
Eating an apple will help to reduce your hunger before meal times, as they contain fibre that helps fill your stomach quickly, making you feel full. Apples are rich in vitamins, potassium and iron. These help the metabolism and control the amount of cholesterol in the body which in turn will help you lose weight.

Almonds from the nut family have consistently shown excellent cholesterol lowering properties, they are a leading source of vitamin E, magnesium, fibre, iron, potassium and calcium. Research studies have shown the healthy benefits of almonds practically as a food that helps fight obesity as they help you burn fat by boosting your metabolic rate.

Chicken and turkey meat is one of the best weight loss foods you can ever eat because it contains a high amount of protein and very little fat, especially tasty if its been cooked with the skin intact as this seals in the natural juices and the fat from the skin does not seep into the meat, simply remove the skin before eating.
Turkey provides folic acid, is a good source of vitamin B, potassium and zinc, these nutrients have been found to keep cholesterol down.
Protein is an essential ingredient to build lean muscles. Lean muscles will help you burn fat by accelerating your metabolic rate!

Research from the Professor Experts' has proven that certain fats are essential to the human body and actually fight against cancer and heart disease. These studies have shown that Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, salmon being top of the list, tuna being a close second, can help lower blood cholesterol levels and are great for weight loss.

Weight is gained because of a hormone called leptin which stores fat inside the body. Omega-3 fatty acids will cut down on leptin; when that happens, you are certain to lose weight! For the healthiest option, make sure the tuna you obtain is packed in spring water, rather than oil.
Eating a twice-weekly helping of fish lowers the risk of heart disease by more than 30 per cent, thanks to those omega-3 fatty acids!

Berries such as raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, (blueberries contain the highest level of antioxidants found in any other fruit) strawberries, oranges etc will help you with weight loss by suppressing your hunger.

These are just a sample of the types of super foods that will aid your weight loss.
It should be quite obvious to you now that losing weight does not mean you have to starve yourself by eating nothing but salads and drinking water. In fact, eating just the a foe mentioned is a recipe for disastrous consequences for the health of your body.

You need proteins, minerals and the right kinds of fats as well as vitamins and antioxidants to turbo charge your diet program.
Couple these power foods with a basic exercise program and eating only healthy snacks when hungry between your main three meals, will prove it self in a few weeks when you see the pounds drop off.

How excited would you be if I told you that there is a diet plan out there in which you can lose weight without starving yourself or hitting the gym for hours on end? You would be ecstatic wouldn't you?

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