The Wonderful Benefits Of Beta Carotene

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The bright orange color of carrots comes from beta carotene, a pigment that also has numerous health benefits for the human body. When you eat foods or take natural supplements that contain beta carotene and other carotenoids, your body turns it into vitamin A. Not only does this prevent a Vitamin A deficiency, it also provides your body protection from cancers as well as other illnesses.

Cancer Prevention

The pigment offers antioxidant protection against cancer, as it protects the cells in your body from damage caused by oxidation or free radicals. What this does is improves the communication between the body's cells. One reason cells may overgrow or develop into cancers is the limited communication between cells in your body. When the cells communicate properly, the risk for cancer is reduced dramatically and carotenoids helps the communication process.

Carotene has been shown to be somewhat effective at reducing the risk of certain types of cancer in people, such as :

Breast cancer in pre-menopausal women who have a family history of it or in women who drink alcohol to excess. Ovarian cancer in women who are past menopause. Benefits as You Age

Supplements can help slow the progression of a number of conditions, but probably cannot prevent those conditions from occurring. If you have one of the following conditions, consider taking carotenoids to treat or reduce the severity of the condition:

Age related macular degeneration: AMD in the advanced stages may be slowed when you take a carotene supplement along with Vitamin C, Vitamin E and zinc and may even prevent losing your sight according to the National Institutes of Medicine. Osteoarthritis: Carotene supplements may help slow the development of this joint condition. Other Benefits

Carotenoids provide several other benefits to your body when taken in supplement form or from food. The pigments can boost the immune system and improve the function of the reproductive system.

Offers sun protection. If you burn easily, boosting the amount of the pigment you take in each day can provide some protection. The pigment doesn't prevent sunburn in all people, though, but it could definitely help those who are particularly sensitive. It is especially effective at preventing sunburn in people who have a disorder called erythropoietic protoporphyria, according to the National Institutes of Health. Prevents asthma attacks and other breathing problems. People who smoke benefit from making sure they take in enough carotenoids, as the pigments help them to breathe and keep bronchitis away. The pigment also reduces the occurrence of asthma attacks caused by exercise. If you worry that you do not get enough beta carotene in your diet, taking natural supplements can offer protection and benefits and help you maintain your health.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details


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