All You Need to Know About Pure Anthocyanin

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The leaves of blueberry are not the only useful part. The pigments that come from blueberries (bilberries), black currants and other berries, as well as the skins of some vegetables anthocyanins have marked therapeutic effects. I recommend a highly concentrated 80 mg anthocyanin capsule (MEDOX Optimal) for any client with diabetes to slow the multisystemic degeneration associated with the condition.

MEDOX is a veg-encapsulated anthocyanin extract from wild Norwegian bilberries (Vacciniummyrtillus) and black currants (Ribesnigrum). MEDOX is produced in Norway. Consumed in Norway and throughout the European Union as a phytoceutical sold in pharmacies and doctors offices, MEDOX is now a powerful botanical ally for Americans. Existing in a phytochemical color spectrum that moves through red to purple and deep blue, the pigments in MEDOX contain unique biological activity in humans. Few, if any other, products on the worldwide market have the intensity of color that indicates such a threshold of powerful and concentrated anthocyanins.

A unique and patented technology provides for large amounts (80 mg) of anthocyanins per capsule. The capsules are processed using chromatographic membrane technology. The special processing allows free and complete anthocyanins to quickly penetrate plasma at an affordable cost per milligram yielding sustained levels in connective tissue. The absorption and beneficial effects of MEDOX have been clinically documented at Scandinavian university hospitals and clinics.

Anthocyanins have proven efficacy for a range of modern medical problems, especially those related to the cardiovascular system, nervous system and eyes. MP865, the anthocyanin blend found in MEDOX, is also known to regulate healthy cell proliferation, blocking progression of cancer at various stages. Anthocyanins have demonstrated to be powerfully anti-leukemic. Preventing invasion of cancer by reinforcing the strength of collagen and blood vessels, anthocyanins from MEDOX induce apoptosis, organized cancer cell death. They also discourage angiogenesis and inflammation, major factors enabling cancer to spread. In this sense, MP865 from MEDOX is carcinostatic and anti-metastatic. Studies have been/are being conducted on anthocyanins and MEDOX for prostate, lung, brain, gastric, esophageal and colon cancer, though it may prove to be effective on a wide range of cancers.

Anthocyanins from bilberry are perhaps best known for the roles they play in protecting the eyes from injury related to oxidative stress and poor capillary microcirculation, such as macular degeneration and cataracts. Bilberry anthocyanins improve night vision and retinopathies. Mitigating and reversing complications related to diabetes and insulin resistance is a unique domain of anthocyanins in that they protect the blood vessels, eyes and kidneys. Furthermore, studies from Ulleval University Hospital in Norway indicate that 2 caps daily of MEDOX Optimal lowered C-reactive protein (a marker of inflammation) by 28% after two weeks. Though this study was performed on a small sample size, compare the results to 17% reduction for statin drugs, which bear considerable side effects.

Other as yet unreleased studies from Ulleval show significant decreases in resting heart rate and blood pressure after short-term MEDOX therapy. Anthocyanins (from MEDOX) are safe and effective and have no known side effects or contra-indications. In practice, I have clients pair MEDOX with blueberries (and other berries), which contain the soluble fiber, caloric and other nutritive components. In the colder months, I also recommend blueberry solid extract, a delicious concentrated paste made by Herbalist and Alchemist that clients can spread or mix in smoothies.

Anthocyanins are efficient atherosclerosis fighters through their ability to counter oxidants. Studies have shown anthocyanins to lower oxidative LDL levels, which are significant risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Anthocyanins have a proven ability to protect the integrity of the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels. They regulate nitrogen oxide synthesis, offering further cardiovascular and erectile support. The resulting effect of taking MEDOX anthocyanins is smoother, better dilated, more flexible and stronger blood vessels.

In theory, MEDOX and anthocyanins paired with magnesium supplementation should greatly reduce risk of sudden cardiac death and stroke, thus I often recommend them in combination. The preceding interrelationships of anthocyanins' benefits offer promise for improvement in the big picture of the diabetic tangle.


Patients and practitioners are looking for new ways to manage various chronic diseases, including those related to insulin resistance and diabetes. A multi-faceted approach must ultimately be part of diabetes treatment. We can start with education for prevention, diet, lifestyle modification and exercise. Supportive nutritional and botanical therapies can also play vital roles before reliance on multiple medications and more costly interventions.

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