Reduce Your High Uric Acid Symptoms of Gout Using These 5 Simple Natural Remedies

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The high uric acid symptoms of gout are nothing short of excruciating and, as soon as they appear, need to be addressed as quickly as possible. Now, you can deal with the symptoms using drug-based medication or, as more and more sufferers seem to be doing, using natural remedies. This short article describes 5 natural remedies you can use to reduce your high uric acid symptoms...

The typical symptoms of high uric acid levels causing gout in a joint are; redness, swelling, very warm to touch, inflammation, tightness across the joint, and extreme pain.

Gout is caused by high uric acid levels in the blood which in turn gives rise to the formation of urate crystals in the joints and surrounding tissue. Your body's natural inflammatory reaction to these needle-like crystals is what actually produces the agonizing symptoms of gout. Once a gout attack strikes, the faster you can start treatment the better the outcome will be.

Once the high uric acid symptoms have been professionally diagnosed as gout, the normal procedure is to take prescribed medications to reduce the symptoms and relieve the pain. You may also be prescribed long-term uric acid reducing drugs, to be taken after the attack has subsided, in an attempt to prevent future attacks.

Unfortunately these types of drugs have bad side effects for many people so that they tend to look for more natural, drug-free remedies. Apart from that people are increasingly looking for natural ways to treat their problems in any case. That's what we are considering here...

Here are 5 simple natural remedies for helping you to reduce the high uric acid symptoms of gout:-

1 - Water

Drink plenty of water, at least 3 litres per day. Not only does water help to flush excess acid and urate crystals out of your body, it also helps to keep you better hydrated which in turn helps to prevent further crystal formation.

2 - Cherries

Eat lots and lots of cherries on a daily basis. You perhaps have heard of this before, but that's only because this works for many sufferers and is a pretty popular natural remedy for gout. Cherries are known to have natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Some research has also shown that they can rapidly lower acid levels. Consume about 40 cherries per day in between attacks and 40 every 4 hours during attacks. If you can't get fresh cherries then concentrated cherry juice from a health food store will do.

3 - Vitamin C

Take vitamin C, preferably through a healthy diet, but if needs be through supplements. Foods high in vitamin C are things like fruit (particularly oranges, mandarins, tangerines, etc.) and vegetables (especially things like red bell peppers, red cabbage and potatoes, etc.). Studies have shown that vitamin C can aid in acid excretion and in the reduction of blood serum uric acid levels.

4 - Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is thought to help alleviate high uric acid by changing your blood pH. To drink just add 3 teaspoons of vinegar to a glass of water and drink 1 to 3 glasses per day. If you need to you could add some honey to make it more pleasant to drink. Note that it has to be raw, un-distilled, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar.

5 - Herbal Remedies

Lastly, think about taking an herbal remedy, such as Devil's Claw. This particular herb has been shown to reduce high uric acid levels. Experts have suggested taking 400 mg of the dried herb extract three times per day. Check with the pharmacist in any case.

These are just five home remedies to address your high uric acid symptoms. Of course there are many more, too many to discuss in this article. Just do a search online for "natural gout remedies" or "how to lower uric acid" and sift through the results that are thrown up. Of course, always first discuss with your doctor any natural remedies you might consider using.

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