Colon Polyps And The Risks Of Colon Cancer

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A group of cells that grows inside the area of the intestines known as the sigmoid colon is known as a sigmoid polyp. It is often simply called a colon polyp. A sigmoid polyp is regarded by doctors as a precancerous condition. In other words, it may become malignant, but it may not.

Although it's a fact that lots of sigmoid polyps never become cancer, your doctor will recommend removing them when they're discovered. Removal is possible while you're having a colonoscopy. A colonoscopy is a relatively quick and simple surgical procedure during which a a specialist in gastroenterology can look at the lining of the colon to be sure that there's no cancer or other colon disorders. The specialist uses a device called a colonoscope. A colonoscope is a long flexible tube with a tiny video camera on the front, giving the doctor a chance to look for signs of cancer in the walls and the inside lining of the colon.

A number of different kinds of colon polyps have been defined. One type looks small and flat. This kind is referred to as sedentary colon polyps. Polyps they can look more like a mushroom with a stem, and is known as a pedunculated colon polyp.

Once again, a sigmoid polyp may be - as small as a pea. Others could be huge and can be the size of a golf ball. Those that are smaller and shaped like mushrooms become cancerous less often than those that are flat and large. Typically, the larger that sigmoid polyp, the higher the chance that it will become cancerous someday.

A number of major risk factors have been related to sigmoid polyps, which include

* Growing older - they seem much more frequently after age 50

* Putting on a lot of weight

* Using tobacco

* A diet that includes a lot of fatty foods

* Family history - you're more likely to have a sigmoid polyp, if there are others in your family who also had them

Unless you get a colonoscopy, you might never know that you have small sigmoid polyps because they don't present signs and symptoms. This is why your doctor is likely to recommend colon cancer screenings.

Noticeable signs and symptoms are possible with large colon polyps. They might include

* Traces of blood in stools

* Bowel movements that have narrower stools than usual

* Painful bowel movements

* Bowel problems like diarrhea and constipation

Colon polyps that are diagnosed early can typically be removed safely and completely. The main step is to ascertain whether a mass is cancerous or not. Your surgeon can take a sample during a colonoscopy and have it analyzed.

There is no way to prevent sigmoid polyps from developing. But you can safely minimize your risk with lifestyle changes and regular screenings.

It's important to get some regular exercise and eat healthier food (especially high fiber types) certainly help. Ensure you get adequate calcium because it helps protect you against cancer. Broccoli, kale and canned salmon are good sources of calcium. Vitamin D also appears to lessen your risk.

If you smoke, stop. If you consume too much alcohol, cut back.

A sigmoid polyp not need to alarm you. The most important thing is to find out if you have sigmoid polyps or not, and to have them removed if you do.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details


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