Freckles Removal and Remedies

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To most people, freckles are unpleasant spots on the skin and affect the outlook. The advancement of science and medical has seen many remedies of removing or reducing freckles on the skin. The three most common remedies are through laser operation, chemical peels and natural freckles removal cream. The former two methods are generally more expensive, while the latter choice are probably the most cost-effective.

Laser freckle removal is one of the most effective method of getting rid of freckles. This method utilizes laser beam with controlled energy and directs towards the freckle spots. The laser beam diminishes the melamin pigments residing underneath the skin and freckle spots will then disappear. Green lasers are widely used as it is the most effective. Depending on the severity of freckle spots (location/depth of melamin pigments in the skin, duration which they have existed), the duration and difficulty may vary. In general, most patients will experience slight amount of skin irritation after laser is performed, but will usually last no more than two weeks. To ensure long-lasting results, the patients are advised to take special care to the skin by appropriate usage of sunblock creams (if sun exposure is inevitable). It must also be noted that this treatment may not be permanent, as subsequent prolonged exposure to sun will make the freckles to reappear.

Chemical peel is another way for freckle removal and is widely used for many skin improvements, including freckles, acne, blemish, etc. Usually applied in a doctor's office or surgery center, skin surfaces under treatment are thoroughly cleansed and chemical peels are applied. Some of the common chemicals used are glycolid, salicylic, carbonic or lactic acids. Upon application of the peel, they dissolve on the skin surfaces and create a "blistering" or "peeling" effect after the peels are removed. The "peeled off" skin surfaces will regenerate themselves and look younger, with less spots and blemished. Slight skin irritation may take place such as redness and itchiness on the applied skin. In some cases, bandages may need to be applied. The discomfort will usually last for several days but will eventually disappear. Similar to laser treatment, the patient must practice caution and care by avoiding direct sunlight. If needed, dermatologist may prescribe oral medicines for faster recovery.

Another popular freckle removal remedy is the use of freckles removal cream. These freckle removal creams are usually off-the-shelf products, or organically-produced at home. The choice is a personal thing some would prefer well-known off-the-shelf products that have proven track records while some others may prefer organic stuff that are generally more natural and less chemical. Depending on the severity of freckles, the effectiveness of these creams may vary. A general rule of thumb is to opt for freckles removal cream that contains the following ingredients: Kojic acid and Arbutin. These ingredients have proven results and are generally safe. Be extremely cautious, however, to the use of Hydroquinone, which is one possible causes of cancer. For those who prefer home-made stuff, sour milk or lemon juice are excellent ingredients for face wash in freckle removal. One can also try to mix some amount of parsley juice and lemon juice, coupled with daily face wash cream and it produces amazing fading results with consistent use.

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Causes of Sudden Hair Loss in Women

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Ninety percent of hair loss cases in women can be attributed to hereditary thinning of hair. Thinning of hair in such cases starts in an early age (20-30) which can even lead to pattern baldness in women. However, hair loss in women is not always of that serious nature. Normally, hair loss in women can be reverted.

There are a number of reasons for such sudden but restorable hair loss. It is advisable that women in such cases see a hair restoration physician who is able to evaluate the causes for the hair loss. Young women having sudden hair loss may also need to do a hair analysis test for ascertaining nutritional deficiencies or for ruling out certain causes. The sudden hair loss occurring in women can be categorized as follows:

Drugs that cause hair loss

Telogen effluvium
There are a large number of drugs that cause hair loss leading to a condition which is called telogen effluvium (TE). In this case, most hair in active growth phase is shifted into a resting (telogen), non-growth stage. Hairs that remain in a non growing stage for few months are finally shed in large numbers. Some times this condition can be confused with genetic female hair loss. However, normally TE is characterized by generalized thinning of the hair which does not follow any particular pattern. There is more thinning on top of the scalp than at the sides and back of the scalp. The hairs that are shed are typically telogen hairs which can be recognized by a small bulb of keratin on the root end. Drugs that are known to cause sudden hair loss are the following:

Oral contraceptives
Anti thyroid medication
Blood pressure medication (such as beta-blockers or water pills)
Blood thinning medication such as coumarin, heparin and propanolol
Excessive vitamin A
Cholesterol-lowering drugs
Anti-histamines/ulcer drugs
Anti-convulsant drugs
Anti-thyroid drugs
Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Arthritis drugs
Tricyclic anti-depressant drugs

Telogen effluvium is not normally a permanent form of hair loss. Eventually, the hair follicles can recover. Recovery and return to normal hair density is very slow and can also take many months after the causative factor is removed.

Anagen Effluvium
Besides the telogen effluvium, there is another condition called as anagen effluvium which can be induced by certain drugs. Drugs that cause this kind of hair loss are cytoxic drugs that are given for cancer therapy. These drugs and other such stop the proliferation of cells which are responsible for hair growth. In contrast to telogen effluvium, anagen effluvium involves the shedding of the anagen hair which can be recognized by a tapered or feathered root end. This condition results in rapid hair loss, sometimes to extent of loosing all the scalp hair. The hair loss can be very extensive, but often reversible when the medication is stopped.

Other than the drugs causing hair loss, there are a number of other factors responsible for sudden hair loss. These include the following:

Diet deficiency - Lack of vitamins or minerals and particularly iron

Crash dieting - Hair follicles in this case do not grow for the lack of nutrients.

Hormones/Pregnancy/Childbirth - Abnormal hormone levels in women especially during pregnancy and child birth are known to result in hair loss due to lack of nutrients, as the embryo or feeding the baby causes a drain on supply
Fever induced alopecia - High body temperature, in response to infectious chronic disease, stresses dividing cells of the hair follicle and they respond with reduced activity and stop growing.

Ultra violet (UV) radiation - Low dose UV radiation may destroy some of the sensitive hair follicle cells and slow down growth activity

Acute blood loss - Blood loss effectively starves the hair follicles of nutrients forcing them into reduced activity

Hyperthyroidism or
Hypothyroidism Under and over activity of thyroid hormones have a profound affect on hair follicle activity leading to hair loss.

Extreme physical stress such as surgery - Surgery places extreme physical and emotional stress on the individual and can lead to telogen effluvium

Emotional stress - Chronic emotional stress or sudden shock can adversely affects hair follicles although the mechanism by which it works is not known

Severe illness - Severe or chronic illness alters the normal functioning of the human body and this may have an impact on hair follicles.

Excessive washing, drying and perming All these process cause disruption of hair cuticles at some places resulting in swelling and fraying at those places. It may ultimately lead to hair loss.
But as in most cases hair loss is not permanent. Hair growth can be restored after the factor causing hair loss is removed.

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Understanding Asthma Treatments – Relievers and Preventers

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Millions of people around the world suffer from Asthma, a chronic lung condition characterized by difficulty in breathing. During an asthma attack, the sufferer's airways become irritated and react by narrowing and constructing. That causes increased resistance to airflow, and obstructs the flow of the air to and from the lungs.

How is asthma treated?

Asthma is treated using two main types of medicines:

* Quick Relief Treatments: also called relievers. These give rapid, short-term treatment and are taken when you have worsening asthma symptoms that, left untreated, can lead to asthma episodes or attacks. You will feel the effects of these medicines within minutes.

* Long-Term Control Treatments: also called preventers, and are for people with persistent asthma, who need long-term control medicines. Preventers are taken every day, usually over long periods of time, to control chronic (long-term) symptoms and to prevent asthma episodes or attacks. You will feel the full effects of these medicines after taking them for a few weeks.

Drugs related to hormones

Drugs, such as those resembling two of our hormones, can help treat asthma. These two hormones are epinephrine (adrenaline in the UK) and hydrocortisone (a steroid). Epinephrine is pumped into our bloodstream when we have a sudden fright or emergency psychologists often call this state fright or flight. Epinephrine is the quick-acting hormone from the middle of the adrenal glands near our kidneys. It makes your pulse race, your heart thump, and readies your body for emergency action. In asthma, the medicines which resemble adrenaline quickly relieve asthma for a short time, and are from the reliever family.

Hydrocortisone comes from the outer part of our adrenal glands, called the 'cortex'. It is also partly an emergency hormone but it works much more slowly, for much longer, and in a completely different way to adrenaline. Medicines which resemble hydrocortisone slowly allow the lining of air tubes in an asthma sufferer to become normal. As a result, your asthma becomes less severe and you are less likely to get asthma attacks. So these steroid medicines are part of the preventer family. Steroids are the most powerful preventers currently available.

Other long-term treatments include:

* Long-acting beta-agonists are bronchodilators, not anti-inflammatory drugs. These medicines are used to help control moderate and severe asthma and to prevent night-time symptoms. Long-acting beta-agonists are taken together with inhaled corticosteroids

* Leukotriene modifiers (such as montelukast, zafirlukast, and zileuton) are long-term control medicines used either alone to treat mild persistent asthma or together with inhaled corticosteroids to treat moderate persistent asthma or severe persistent asthma.

* Cromolyn and nedocromil are used to treat mild persistent asthma.

* Theophylline is used either alone to treat mild persistent asthma or together with inhaled corticosteroids to treat moderate persistent asthma. People who take theophylline should have their blood levels checked to be sure the dose is appropriate.

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Rock Hard Erection - A Harder Erection and Increased Libido Naturally and Quickly

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If you want a rock hard erection quickly and naturally you can get one, by taking the herbs enclosed. Let's take a look at why erection problems occur and why the herbs we will look at in this article, will help you get a hard erection quickly...

So why do healthy men suffer erection problems? There are a number of reasons and some of the most common are outlined below.

One of the most common problems is poor blood circulation and for a strong erection, you need to pump blood to the pelvic region and into the penis. Any man who suffers from poor erectile function, is likely to have poor blood circulation.

Low levels of testosterone is another problem and you simply need to have enough for both, to obtain a rock hard erection and a healthy libido.

The mind plays a key role as well and if you are stressed or anxious, body energy will be depleted and you will not have enough energy to think about sex.

You are what you eat, give your body the right fuel and you can cure low libido and erection problems. The combination of herbs below are found in all the best natural male sex pills and cure erection problems quickly.

Horny Goat Weed

Horny goat weed increases levels of testosterone and contains the flavonoid icariin which is a cGMP-specific PDE5 inhibitor like the synthetic prescription drugs.

The herbs also increases levels of nitric oxide which is one of the keys to hard erection. During sexual arousal an erection is mediated by nitric oxide released from nerve endings close to the blood vessels of the penis. Relaxation of these blood vessels causes blood to enter and pool in the penis producing an erection. If you don't get enough nitric oxide you simply won't get an erection.

Finally, Horny Goat Weed decreases stress and enhances overall body energy, to put you in the mood for sex.


This herb increases nitric oxide levels and acts as a PDE5 inhibitor to help you get a stronger harder erection. Cnidium is also known to increase blood flow throughout the body and to the sex organs, delivering blood to where it's needed quickly.


A great all round tonic herb which helps to improve blood circulation, decrease stress, enhance overall body energy and lift mood.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba improves blood flow around the body and to the sex organs. The herb also helps maintain healthy tissue, protect blood vessels, reduce arteriosclerotic lesions and furring of the arteries. In terms of getting a harder erection, it helps increase the half-life of the endothelium relaxation factor, which allows you to get a stronger erection and hold it for longer.

Get them ALL Now

You will find them in the best herbal sex pills combined with other herbal libido enhancers to get you a rock hard erection quickly and naturally.

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Causes of Diabetes – What are the Risks Involved

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The Causes of diabetes are still not fully understood. Neither are medical scientists able to explain why some people develop diabetes and others don't. Certain factors have, however, been clearly identified which contribute to the development of diabetes.

Is Diabetes Inherited?

Heredity is a major factor. That diabetes can be inherited has been known for centuries. However, the pattern of inheritance is not fully understood. Statistic indicates that those with a family history of the disease have a higher risk of developing diabetes than those without such a background. The risk factor is 25 to 33 percent more.

Children are most likely to develop diabetes if either or both parents are diabetes, or if the expectant mother became diabetic, or if the mother was a confirmed diabetic prior to conception. This may not always be true. It is possible for parents who were, or are diabetic and the other remains free from the disease.

It is, however, essential that the blood sugar level of an expectant mother who is diabetic be maintained within the normal range, so that diabetes is not passed on to her child. It the blood sugar level is kept under control, the infant may not have nay symptoms of inherited diabetes, but a risk factor cannot be ruled out.

One reason why diabetes, especially type-2 diabetes runs in the family is because of the diabetes gene. But even it is caused by genetic factors beyond your control; there is no reason to suffer from it. Diabetes mellitus cannot be cured in full sense of the term, but it can be effectively controlled so that you would not know the difference.

Intensive genetic research is currently underway to identify genes associated with both type-1 and type-2 diabetes. In a study sponsored by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases of USA the relatives at risk of type-1 diabetes are being treated with low doses of either insulin or an oral medication to determine if drugs may prevent the disease.

Surveys show that in India diabetes is more prevalent among males than females. In this population, family history of diabetes mellitus was present in 5.5 to 11.6 per cent. Amongst diabetics, 18.3 per cent urban and 6.4 percent of rural population had a direct relative with diabetes. Therefore, genetic predisposition in India is comparable to that observed in other parts of the world.

Diet: A Self inflicted Causes

Diabetes has been described by most medical scientists as a prosperity' disease, primarily caused by systematic overeating. Not only is eating too much sugar and refined carbohydrates harmful, but proteins and fats, which are transformed into sugar, may also result in diabetes if taken in excess.

Too much food taxes the pancreas and ultimately its normal activity of producing insulin gets paralyzed. It is interesting to note that diabetes is almost unknown in countries where people are poor and cannot afford to overeat.

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How Colon Cancer Can Affect Men And Women Equally

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Most cases of colon cancer begin as small, noncancerous (benign) clumps of cells called adenomatous polyps. Cancerous tumors found in the colon or rectum also may spread to other parts of the body. Cancer of the colon and rectum (colorectal cancer) is a malignant tumor arising from the inner wall of the large intestine. If signs and symptoms of colon cancer do appear, they may include changes in bowel habits, blood in your stool, persistent cramping, gas or abdominal pain. Since colon cancer can grow for years without causing any symptoms, it's best to get regular colon cancer screenings.

Almost all men and women age 50 and older should have a colon cancer screening. Screening tests can help prevent colorectal cancer by finding pre-cancerous polyps so they can be removed before they turn into cancer. For normal risk individuals, screening tests begin at age 50 and the preferred approach is a screening colonoscopy every 10 years; an alternate strategy consists of annual stool test for blood and a flexible sigmoidoscopic exam every 3 to 5 years.

Special screening programs are used for those with a family history of colorectal cancer. Colonoscopic surveillance (also called screening colonoscopy) needs to be available at more frequent intervals for individuals at high risk for colon cancer (for instance, those with a personal history of colorectal cancer or adenomatous polyps; family history of colorectal cancer; non-hereditary polyposis; colorectal cancer; or a pre-disposing condition such as inflammatory bowel disease. Since your genes cannot be changed, if there is a family history of colon polyps or cancer, a colonoscopy should be performed to remove the polyps before they become malignant.

In the area of prevention, researchers are looking at the effects of curcumin (found in curry), resveratrol (found in red wine), ginger and the Mediterranean diet on the growth and development of colon cancer. Recent research suggests that a high fiber, low-fat diet plays a role in prevention; how great a role it plays is unclear. Although the exact cause of colorectal cancer is not known, it is possible to prevent many colon cancers through: diet and exercise. It is important to manage the risk factors you can control, such as diet and exercise.

A detox program, in most cases shall include a mental shift in attitude towards diet, improving nutrition, removing toxins, returning the desired flora in your internal system, maintaining a balanced pH level in the body and improving the overall mind and body relationship. Diet plays an important role in preventing the development of colon cancer. Diets high in fat and low in fruits and vegetables, such as those that include red meat, fried foods and high-fat dairy products, may increase the risk of colorectal cancer.

A body cleanse diet, is a diet that aims to clean and remove harmful toxins from your body. A well known detox diet for your body is the increasingly popular lemon detox diet, which incorporates a number of ingredients and requires you to consume a drink of these ingredients once everymorning, then drinking water with a hint of lemon juice throughout theday. Generally, a healthy and safe detox diet will not require you to starve yourself, and it contains highly nutritious food that can help to boost your metabolism.

While you are doing your colon cleanse, make sure you are getting plenty of sleep and exercise. Exercise is believed to reduce the risk of colon cancer. Light exercise is also a good way of getting the blood circulating in your body. Gentle, no-impact exercise safe and beneficial for people of all ages. There are tons of exercise programs and plans out there, or just walkingfor at least 12-15 minutes a day is beneficial to the colon function.

Detoxification is an efficient process of removing toxins from the body. The bodies natural detoxification system had simply not evolved to deal with the future man made pollutants that were to come. With the increase of toxins within the environment and foods we eat, it is not surprising that the majority of people are at a level of toxicity that is past the point that the bodies own natural detoxification system can cope with. Regular detoxification will help avoid serious problems and keep you feeling better, both mentally and physically. Detoxification kits may be bought from health food stores, or a qualified practitioner or natural physician can recommend detox products.

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The terror of throat cancer

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Uncle Sam would be shocked when he finds out that 3% of the American population who has cancer has stage 4 throat cancers. According to statistics, about 89% of cases are men and are most likely to die from such an affliction than women. Worst still, people who are diagnosed are already on the advanced stages. But with a simple change, this type of cancer can be avoided.

Oropharnygeal cancer is the sudden fast growth of the cells in your larynx. It is divided into four stages and it gets worse as the patient goes up a step. As mentioned before, the most common culprit is tobacco use but alcohol abuse also contributes in increasing the risk of developing the disease. Other causes would include cultural practices like the chewing of tobacco, familial disposition, and exposure to certain sexually transmissible infections, work-related hazards and even gastric reflux.

Stage 4 throat cancer survival rate primarily depends on the general condition of the patient, the aggressiveness of the treatment and to a certain degree the will power of the patient. However, it is good to note that the survival rate is relatively high. Early stages of the disease account about 90% while those on advanced stages would get about 30% chance of survival which is generally high compared to other advanced stage of other cancers. But the survival rate may change because there are also factors to be considered such as the general health of the patient, the assertiveness of the medical team in giving their treatment and most of all how ell the patient is coping with the disease.

However, a stage 4 throat cancer prognosis is affected by how good it was staged. This would require diagnostic examinations like biopsies to advanced imaging procedures like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Proper staging is important because this will greatly help the medical team in properly treating the patient. Unfortunately, there were cases wherein the tumor came back despite the aggressive therapies and lowers the survival rate to less than five years. This time line is also the gauge in determining total remission.

As mentioned earlier, this type of cancer is very preventable. The primary thing to do is a big lifestyle change. Quitting the habit of smoking, limiting the intake of alcohol, proper nutrition and proper exercise can greatly help in lowering the risk of throat cancer. Equally as important, having a regular check-up with your doctor would also be good for early detection especially since patients cannot feel the symptoms of the disease in its early stages.

It is a very scary experience when one is diagnosed with any kind of cancer. However, one must always remember that surviving such an affliction depends not only in the treatment and the doctors but also the will to survive and having the proper support can help you get through it.

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Fibromyalgia, Tools for Survival

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Your doctor may help you to create a unique treatment program involving cognitive-behavioral therapy and an interdisciplinary program. Cognitive-behavioral therapy involves teaching patients to deal with stressful situations. Interdisciplinary treatment programs may involve relaxation techniques, biofeedback, and education regarding chronic pain.

Self care is also very important in treating fibromyalgia. Self care includes reducing stress, achieving adequate sleep, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet. There are also alternative therapies that might help alleviate the stress and pain associated with fibromyalgia. These therapies include chiropractic care, massage therapy, meditation, yoga, acupressure, physical therapy, light aerobics, aromatherapy, herbs, nutritional supplements, myofascial release therapy, application of heat/cold, and acupuncture.

Visiting a doctor of osteopathy may be beneficial for treating fibromyalgia. Doctors of osteopathy are licensed to perform the same therapies and procedures as medical doctors but are also taught the use of manipulation to address joint and spinal problems. A doctor of osteopathy may be more apt to see the subtle signs of fibromyalgia.

There is no cure for fibromyalgia yet, but hope is on the horizon. The fibromyalgia patient has many resources to help deal with this disorder such as support groups, organizations, and medical professionals to help improve your quality of life. Fibromyalgia is not life threatening and treatments tend to improve the severity of the symptoms over time. There are many tools that the fibromyalgia sufferer can use to become a fibromyalgia survivor!

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Esophageal Cancer - Current and Emerging therapy Modalities

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There are some treatment methods such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery and so on. There are also some current and emerging techniques available in the treatment of esophageal cancer such as laser therapy, photo dynamic therapy, argon plasma coagulation, pain management, radio frequency ablation, cryoablation, multi polar electro coagulation and endoscopic mucosal resection.

Various types of lasers have been used in gastroenterology for the mucosal ablation including the neodymium, potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP laser), yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG laser), YAG laser and the argon laser. The laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) will generate an intense beam of light which is directed at the abnormal mucosa and used to heat it until the cancerous cells are destroyed. The ablative injury depth depends on the type of laser and it ranges from 3-4 mm with the Nd: YAG laser to 1mm with the KTP or argon lasers.

Photo dynamic therapy involves the administration of a chemical photo sensitizer, some of which becomes concentrated in the abnormal esophageal mucosa (5- aminolvulinic acid) and some in the stroma (porfimer sodium). The destruction of the abnormal esophageal mucosa is done by the activation of the photo sensitizer by endoscopically applied light source at appropriate wavelength and results in the generation of cytotoxic species and singlet oxygen.

The high frequency monopolar current is conducted to the tissues via the ionized argon gas which flows through the catheter placed in the accessory channel of an endoscope. The complications due to this may include pneumatosis, subcutaneous emphysema, pain, bleeding, stricture, ulceration and even death.

Pain management can be aimed at easing the pain which is caused by the esophageal cancer. The pain can be either acute or chronic. Acute pain is caused due to damaging of tissues and it can be limited for a period of time. While chronic pain is persistent for more months and will cause anxiety, insomnia and depression. Pain management either controls the pain or changes the sufferer's perception of it. The assessment of pain can be based on the location of pain, intensity of pain, pain effects, behaviors observed and so on.

Balloon- based bipolar radio frequency ablation is a new technique involved. This technique requires the use of sizing balloons which determines the inner diameter of the targeted portion of the esophagus. It is followed by placing a balloon based electrode with a 3cm long placement area which incorporates tightly spaced, bipolar electrodes that alternate in polarity. The electrode is attached to a radio frequency generator and some selected amount of energy is delivered in less than 1sec at 350W.

In this newer technique low pressure spray cryoablation, liquid nitrogen is used. The components of the cryoablation device includes a nitrogen tank, a dual foot pedal for controlling cryogen release, electronic console for monitoring and control of oxygen release and a multi layer open tipped catheter for spraying super cold nitrogen gas through an upper endoscope. Cryoablation includes apoptosis and causes cryonecrosis at super cold temperatures (-76 degree C to -158 degree C) which may result in transient ischemia at cryoablation site and causes immune stimulation.

Natural Remedies for Esophageal Cancer:

There are certain natural remedies that offer a promising cure for esophageal cancer. Along with the natural remedies and a well-researched different diet pattern, a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle can make a huge difference to your efforts for prolonging the life for several years. You can increase your chances of surviving esophagus cancer now by trying these proven natural remedies discussed here

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Lymphedema and the Help of Compression Socks

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In its simplest definition, lymphedema is the buildup of fluids which causes swelling in the arms and legs. Lymphedema occurs because of a problem in the lymphatic system -the part of your body that works with the immune system to fight off foreign substances. The lymphatic system is comprised of lymph vessels and lymph nodes. Excess fluid is collected from the body and passes through the lymph vessels and the lymph nodes act as filters to remove harmful bacteria and debris from the fluid.

Understanding how the lymphatic system works will allow you to better understand the condition lymphedema. The reason for a fluid buildup is because the lymph vessels or nodes are either impaired, missing, damaged, or removed. There are two types of lymphedema, primary and secondary. Primary lymphedema is very rare and is caused by the absence of lymph vessels at birth. Secondary lymphedema, the more common illness, occurs because there is a blockage in the lymphatic system and the fluid, also called lymph, cannot flow easily through the vessels and nodes. The causes of secondary lymphedema can result from an infection, cancer, surgery, deep vein thrombosis, radiation, or scar tissue formation.

Certain surgeries and procedures can put you at a greater risk for developing lymphedema, however, symptoms may not appear for days, months, or even years after the surgery. Be aware that minor swelling is normal after surgery. Symptoms of lymphedema include, swelling in arms, hands, fingers, legs, shoulders, or chest, a heavy sensation in the arms or legs, skin tightness, and decreased flexibility in the hand, wrist, or ankle. Your doctor will be able to diagnose the condition through a series of tests and by evaluating any past surgeries, treatments, and medication you have taken.

Depending on the cause and stage of the condition, there are various ways to treat it. If the lymphedema is caused by infection, antibiotics will most likely be prescribed. Other treatment methods include bandaging, better skin and diet care, compression socks or compression hose, exercises, and drainage of the lymphatic fluids. Compression socks can reduce the swelling and relieve you of pain and discomfort. If you don't have lymphedema, but are looking for ways to prevent it, compression socks are a good way to start. Wear them after any major surgery and avoid wearing tight fitting clothing or jewelry.

Other preventative measures to take are eating a healthy diet that is low in sodium and fat. Eat foods rich in fiber and drink plenty of water. Also exercise regularly -don't forget to warm up beforehand and stop any exercise that causes pain. Take preventative measure to avoid infections and remain alert to their signs. If you already have lymphedema, always wear your compression socks or garments, avoid extreme temperature changes, and elevate the affected arm or leg when sitting or sleeping.

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Know About Health Benefits of Common Spices

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The word Spices', needs no introduction, attributing to its familiarity among all the human communities, especially among food freaks. Spices are part of daily human use. As per the layman knowledge, spices are the ingredients used in the preparation of the food to enhance its taste. In fact, these aromatic parts of the trees that add aroma, flavor and color to the food have many health benefits. There are different species of spices available. Some of the commonly used spices are Cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, pepper, ginger, garlic, turmeric, fennel, fenugreek, cardamom, mustard, poppy, vanilla, cassia, saffron, etc.

Spices are available from different parts of the plants. Most of the spices are either dried fruits or berries or seeds of a plant. Some of the spices are also from roots, rhizomes, barks, arils, flower buds, stigmas, resins, etc. Unlike other food ingredients, spices are often added in minute quantities while preparing delicacies. The essential oils present in the cells of these plant parts are responsible for adding flavor, aroma and color to the food. Every spice has its own essential oil, which has different chemical compounds in different proportions. Spices can perform their function by releasing essential oils, for which the spices have to be crushed and then used. As these oils are volatile, they tend to spread in the dish as soon as they are crushed and added.

Health benefits
Besides improving the taste of the food, the spices are also found to have many medicinal benefits. Their ability to kill harmful bacteria made them popular for curing and treating many health problems. Some of the commonly available spices used for their medicinal properties are: garlic, ginger, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, turmeric, cumin, cloves, cardamom, etc. These are used in every household, almost on a regular basis. They are found to provide many health benefits. Let us discuss in brief about the various health benefits, provided by some of these spices.

Garlic is one of the many spices having maximum health benefits. It is a favorite among the individuals struggling to control weight. It is found to have a wide range of medicinal properties, such as, anti-fungal, antiviral and anti-bacterial. It is used as a part of treatment for cancer (especially colon cancer), heart diseases (as it prevents clotting of blood). The phyto chemical substance present in garlic, called Allicin, helps in reducing cholesterol, insulin and triglycerides. Apart from these, it is also a rich source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Magnesium and Selenium.

Ginger is widely known for providing remedies for digestive problems, such as, nausea, flatulence, and other gastro intestinal problems. Ginger is found to be rich source of fibre, iron, vitamin E and Magnesium. It is also found to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which are very much essential in boosting our immune system. Apart from this, they are the natural relievers for cold and flu.

Cayenne pepper
This spice contains an enzyme called, Capsaicin, which is found to be anti-inflammatory in nature. Its antioxidant property helps in breakage of fatty cells, thus reducing body weight. It also acts as a cure for arthritis, due to its pain relieving properties. It is also found to boost immune system, prevent heart diseases and stomach ulcers.

Cinnamon is known to reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and also sugar. It is mainly used for treating type 2 diabetes. It is natural aphrodisiac for males. It is a high source for iron. The major benefits of cinnamon are prevention of thinning of blood, clotting in blood, proliferation of cancerous cells. It has got antibacterial, anti-clotting and anti-inflammatory properties.

Cumin is one of the best sources for iron among all the other spices. It is a best remedy for most of the severe stomach problems. It helps in easy digestion as it facilitates easy breakdown of food molecules.

Presence of Eugenol, makes cloves the anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and mild anesthetic. It has got antiseptic properties and hence used in mouth washes to destroy bacteria present in mouth. It also facilitates easy digestion.

It acts as a detoxifying agent and performs cleaning of kidneys. It is helpful in curing problems of indigestion and flatulence.

Turmeric is known as universal medicine, as it is useful in treating almost all the commonly occurring health problems. The chemical compound present in turmeric, called Curcumin is anti-inflammatory in nature and is used to cure arthritis, small wounds and is also found to prevent cancer. It is a rich source of antioxidants.

Knowingly or unknowingly, we take spices as a part of our daily diet. Though they are used for improving the taste of the food, they have health benefits of their own. Spices are valued the most for the medicinal benefits they provide, as not everything that tastes good is healthy. Hence, efficient usage of spices helps in preventing major complications concerning health.

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is for educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Hemorrhoid Cures and Treatments - Do They Work?

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The truly wonderful news for hemorrhoid sufferers is that, although painful and debilitating when intense, they do, in the great majority of occurrences, respond to straightforward therapies and adjustments in way of living.

Hemorrhoid is a much mis-spelled and misunderstood word. Some spell it as Hemorrhoid (correct, medically, in the US), some as Haemorrhoid (correct, medically, in the UK) and more use a variety of spellings such as Hemroid, Hemorrides and yet others take the uncomplicated route calling them 'piles'.

So one can recognize the way to get free of them it definitely helps if you have knowledge of what hemorrhoids are. Hemorrhoids develop when vascular vessels carrying hemoglobin within the rectal canal swell, and may also burst leading to disturbing red spots in your stools. They are blood vessels that have been strained or inflamed in and close to the anus. As a result they come to be irritated, inducing pain and itchiness, and can bleed.

Whilst they can become very unpleasant, hemorrhoids are not typically a serious condition, and can commonly be treated when you make nutritional and minor way of life shifts and put on suitable hemorrhoid remedies. It is only in severe cases that hemorrhoids may need surgical treatment.

Next, recognize that you are not alone. It is estimated that virtually half the population will suffer from some form of hemorrhoid trouble by the time they are 50 years of age. Ninety percent of these heal in response to amateur therapies to alleviate the disorder and go away with small switches to regimen or other aspects of life.

When considering about hemorrhoid remedies and procedures there are two specific aspects to be considered. One is the treatment to ease the symptoms of discomfort and irritation that associate with hemorrhoids and the other is a cure to avoid their reoccurrence.

The most frequent cause of inflamed and bleeding hemorrhoids is constipation, particularly when that requires straining to pass the feceses. These hard feceses, coupled with great pressure, can weaken the lining of the anus and either damage or really rip the material containing the blood vessels.

Here's a five point program to help you avoid hemorrhoids or their reoccurrence if you are presently suffering ...

1. Ingest more foods items containing fiber; bread, vegetables, nuts and cereals are great illustrations. These food stuffs help promote more frequent bowel motions.

2. Drink ample amounts of fluids, particularly plain water and juices. This aids the feceses to be more damp and so to pass through the inflamed place more readily. A corollary of this is that you should reduce your intake of caffeine and alcohol both of which are dehydrating.

3. When you experience the need to go to the washroom do not postpone. Regular bowel evacuation will keep the stools flowing. If you avoid going then your body tries to compact the feceses making your feceses much firmer and dryer next time you do go.

4. Avoid foods and medications that cause irregular bowel movements.

5. Intensify your daily gentle workout and stay clear of stressing activities such as weight lifting until your hemorrhoids have moderated. This type of activity helps keep your bowel movements regular.

As for hemorrhoid cures or hemorrhoid treatments you are looking for ones that are shown to work. The active ingredients in these remedies are trying to do several things; supply some distress alleviation, reduce the itching and reduce the puffing up associated with the hemorrhoid so that it can heal and acquire toughness. All these hemorrhoid cures will perform better when associated with the changes in lifestyle discussed earlier.

Keep in mind you are not on your very own, numerous other people have trodden this journey before you and you can find out from their ordeals by going over more hemorrhoid cure reviews now you understand the situation better. Here's to a full return to health for you!.

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Hemorrhoids Treatment - Varying the Treatment for Different Stages

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Picking the best hemorrhoids treatment for your piles could be difficult, especially if you are currently suffering from a serious case of the disease. In most circumstances, people purely just wish to solve the trouble swiftly and would happily take any product that promises to deliver relief. Unfortunately, this will not work if a person does not have a good idea of what they are dealing with and so match the treatment to the problem. There are several varying steps to an instance of piles and sufferers have to know precisely what they are dealing with before starting the appropriate therapy.

This short article is not able to give you specific medical advice, but it can indicate a path to follow. So, with that in mind, here are explanations of the different stages of hemorrhoids and some initial notions about just how to treat them.

First Degree

The initial stage is when the piles are still within the anus, making it very uncomfortably and itchy. At this time selecting a treatment that brings comfort is the greatest expedient. One way to accomplish that would be to administer some cold compress, effectively numbing and soothing the anus and therefore abolishing the burning response. Note that during the first stage, it is already possible to find a bit of blood on the stool or perhaps have the sensation of constantly being full. Note that blood on the stools might have developed from other reasons and so an initial medical diagnosis should be sought.

Second Degree

This degree begins to be more distressing as you start to feel as if your bowel movements are never complete. At this point, the piles become loose, threatening to fall out of the anus. During the second degree, the piles may well fall out of the anus during bowel movement and then quickly come back in again. That is why most people think they are voiding a stool and not succeeding about it. The second degree is not always recognized by individuals and therefore home-cured, usually with ice to numb the pain. This treatment reduces pain but does not offer a real cure. Should there be any uncertainty of hemorrhoid at this point however; people should speak with a physician right away. More successful home treatments are available.

Third Degree

The third degree is reached when the body is no longer capable of automatically concealing the piles. The sufferer now needs to push them back into their place which is uncomfortable at least and frequently painful. The sufferer must seek a qualified medical opinion at this stage as the condition can no longer be ignored.

Fourth Stage

The fourth stage is when it is no longer feasible to physically insert the fallen out piles into the anus. Fortunately this is a very rare occurrence, especially if early treatment has been provided. The piles remain outside the anus and are continuously painful and uncomfortable limiting the daily activities of the sufferer.. Undoubtedly, affected individuals should be under the care of a physician at this point.

Preferably, people should speak with their physician when they find something wrong with their bowel movement. The sooner a clear analysis is provided then the sooner the right hemorrhoids treatment can be given and the greater would be the chances of recovery.

Note that the diagnosis of a doctor is very important before taking any drug. For individuals who suspect one of the very early phases of hemorrhoids however, it is possible to commence a natural hemorrhoids treatment to make the procedure easier. This include eating more fiber in the form of fruits and vegetables together with increasing the fluid intake. Simply put - drink more water. Usng this advice the condition will be eased and the cure begun as the stools will be softer so their passing will reduce pain from inflamed veins.

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Skin Cancer Treatment Information

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Nothing is sort of as terrifying as hearing the word cancer. Nobody desires to ever get that diagnosis, but it happens legion times every year. One common cancer is skin cancer, however thankfully it is highly treatable if it's diagnosed early. It also responds very well to treatment, thus it's vital to take any skin cancer symptoms seriously and get them checked as you see them.

Symptoms of skin cancer are normally simple to identify as a result of they show up on the surface of the body whereas alternative cancers are inside the body and not visible. More often than not, a skin cancer will present as a growth of some kind or abnormal changes in an exceedingly mole. It will even show up as a sore that will not heal and continually bleeds or crusts.

While the sky isn't falling in quite yet, there are major concerns about how the sunlight is affecting our skin and causing increasing numbers of serious and potentially fatal skin cancers. On the other hand, we also read about how we're not getting enough sunlight and we're becoming Vitamin D deficient.

Moderation is absolutely the key in most things. By taking in bits of sunshine to satisfy our vitamin D needs, we're not usually exposing ourselves to enough sunlight to have to worry about melanoma (skin cancer). However, by believing in certain myths, we just may be increasing our risk.

Young women are seeing a rise in skin cancer. According to a news release from the Society for Women's Health Research, the CDC says, "The diagnosis of all types of skin cancer has increased and melanoma has become the most common cancer among young women aged 25-29."

SkinSense Clinic uses a modern approach to skin cancer medicine. We use a digital camera specifically designed to view the skin at a magnified level. All lesions viewed through the camera are magnified 20-70 times, which has major advantages over just using normal vision or a magnifying glass.

Being able to view lesions at such a high magnification allows the doctor to see dangerous features in their early stages. This leads to earlier diagnosis and a better outcome for the patient. Using the computerised dermatoscope also allows magnified images to be stored for comparison at a later date. Comparing images at such a magnification allows the doctor to pick up any changes in a mole much earlier and more accurately. See the example below.

The basic types of treatment for cancer are: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, and targeted therapy. Obviously, many of these treatment types also depend on the type of cancer, such as hormonal therapy. Surgery is not only used to help treat cancer, it is often used to diagnose it. Doctors often perform surgery on patients to get a "sample" of the possible cancerous tissue.

SkinSense Clinic specialises in the early detection, prevention and management of skin cancer. SkinSense uses the latest camera technology to view every skin lesion up to 70 times magnification. By looking at skin lesions this closely we are able to find the early dangerous changes of melanoma.

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10 Things You Should Know About Chai Tea

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1. Chai is the Indian word for "tea." In the West, however, chai refers to spiced tea -- that is, tea with traditional Indian spices and milk. This is sometimes called "Masala chai." In India, Masala chai is more popular than coffee, and "chai wallahs", or street vendors, are a common sight. As the popularity of chai is now growing rapidly in the rest of the world, it has changed somewhat. In America we are just as likely to drink chai on ice, or in a sweetened, creamier variation known as a "Chai Latte."

2. The spices in Chai Tea have been used to promote health for thousands of years. Also there is a growing body of evidence showing that the tea in chai has numerous health benefits. Tea polyphenols have been linked in research to increased attention and focus (Theanine), cardiovascular health, protection against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's and even may have the potential to alter cancer genetics.

3. Chai is also available made with green tea instead of black, as well as Rooibos, or red tea. Green tea has slightly less caffeine, and large amounts of EGCg, a powerful anti-oxidant. It was first assumed that green tea had higher health benefits, but new research is finding that the theaflavins and thearubigens of black tea actually carry similar health benefits. Rooibos is a caffeine-free variety of tea sought for its additional health benefits. It is widely believed that it is the synergistic combination of tea and spices that make chai such a beneficial and healthy drink.

4. Commercial prebrewed chai is typically available as a concentrate to be mixed with milk. It is also available as a powder mix, or you can buy it in bulk tea and brew it yourself. Which is best? That depends on you. Concentrates are brewed under ideal conditions and pressures, so they often tend to taste a bit stronger, bolder and/or spicier. Dry mixes can be even more convenient, however. Bulk tea and bags must be brewed and sweetener added, so the process takes more time, but many still prefer this.

5. How much caffeine is in chai? A typical cup of chai tea prepared as directed contains approximately 40mg of caffeine (4 oz of black tea) compared to roughly 120mg in an average cup of coffee. However, the caffeine in tea seems to work differently due to the interaction with a component of tea known as tannin, which has a calming effect on the nervous system. This causes the caffeine to be absorbed much more slowly, avoiding the caffeine "shock" and inducing a calm, relaxed yet focused state characteristic of alpha brain wave patterns. Green tea chai contains less caffeine. Rooibos (red tea) chai contains no caffeine naturally.

6. Many people discover they actually prefer the taste of chai over coffee. (And here at we agree. It is after all, our mission to offer a healthy alternative of coffee!) Chai is mentally clarifying and energizing yet calming at the same time. So chai gives you a subtle pick me up without nervousness, jitters. And unlike standard tea, chai tea has substantially more body and flavor so it is an ideal coffee substitute. Also, unlike standard teas, chai tea tends to be stronger and bolder, enhanced by the spices. So it is a natural coffee substitute. Try chai for a week. We think you will like it!

7. Because chai doesn't have the caffeine "shock" of coffee, you can enjoy a few extra cups! And you can even have it in the evening, without disturb sleep. (If you are highly sensitive to caffeine, however, try Rooibos Chai in the evening.)

8. Many of the chai products available from are "Fair Trade Certified", which means the products are grown, harvested and purchased according to the rules of the Fair Trade organizations. We want you to help you make an informed decision about all aspects of the products you buy.

9. Many of the chai products available from are "USDA Organic". This means it is grown without chemical pesticides, fertilizers or sludge, and it is not genetically modified.

10. Chai Direct is also happy to offer the complete line of Yogic Tea nutritionals. These specially-blended chai formulas include specific medicinal herbs which support various body systems. If you are interested in herbal nutrition, this is a great-tasting way to get it!

Troy the Chai-Tasting Guy at

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Dry Scalp: Causes and Treatment

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A dry scalp is a condition that affects a large number of people. Dry scalp is the result of inadequate lubrication by the sebaceous glands on the scalp. Symptoms of dry scalp usually include itching, flaking and can cause hair loss. There are a wide variety of reasons why a person may develop dry scalp all of which lead to inefficient lubrication of the scalp by the sebaceous glands.

Causes of dry scalp

Use of harsh hair products
Use of shampoos which are harsh can result in dry scalp. The harsh chemicals in a shampoo get rid of the natural oil in the scalp resulting in dry, itchy and flaking scalp. They also result in loss of hair shine and texture. Switching to mild hair products can make a dramatic difference over a period of time.

Use of hard water
Hard water has increased mineral content in them which can cause dry scalp. Even though you might be using mild hair care products, hard water can solely be responsible for causing dry scalp.

Our body requires right amount of nutrition to function effectively. Our scalp is no different. Dearth of required nutrients will cause a dry and itchy scalp. Being well nourished and intake of supplements can take care of the malnutrition.
4. Medical causes

There are certain medical conditions which can predispose an individual to dry scalp. They are Seborrheic dermatitis, Psoriasis, Malassezia. Even fluctuating hormones can result in dry scalp. Appropriate treatment of the medical condition will take care of the dry scalp problem as well.

Treatment for dry scalp
The first step in treatment for dry scalp is to identify the cause for dry scalp. You can not treat a problem unless you know what is causing it. Identify the etiology of dry scalp and take steps to remove the causative factor. Trying out random treatments for dry scalp isnt likely to yield results because it will be like shooting in the dark. You need to know the specific cause for your dry scalp and base your treatment upon that.

You should ensure that you remove all factors that might be contributing to dry scalp. Do not use harsh shampoos or hair products. Do not wash your hair too often. If you are going out often in cold and pollution, use a cap to avoid exposing your hair to the harsh environment.

Eating a balanced diet helps to ensure that you are well nourished and keeps your scalp healthy too. Application of oils such as coconut oil, olive oil helps the scalp to stay lubricated. Using these before shower helps to get rid of dry scalp.
If the above doesnt work out, there are plenty of over-the-counter shampoos that cater to dry scalp. Using these along with basic safety measures can take care of your dry scalp.

Consult a doctor if the above steps do not get rid of your dry scalp. There are some underlying skin conditions which can cause dry scalp and your doctor can evaluate you for the same.

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Smoking: What Are The Effects And How to Stop Smoking?

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Smoking is a ritual, just like getting dressed in the morning or eating a meal at dinner time. Smoking has infiltrated every aspect of your life, from the friends you keep to the stores you shop at to the size of your savings account. It is also associated with very serious skin conditions, including skin cancer and psoriasis. Smoking is harmful for each and every organ of the body. In simple words, we can say that smokers are near death stage.

Cigarette smoking is directly responsible for approximately 30 percent of all cancer deaths annually in this country. Cigarettes are not like chocolate bars where you may use a display to decide whether you fancy a twix, a kit kat or a wispa. Smokers are highly brand loyal. Cigarettes become a habit. The nicotine in each cigarette causes the body to change.

Nicotine does have a euphoric effect which makes people feel better in the short run. As in all addictive drugs, this effect decreases over time, and increasing doses are needed to obtain lesser feelings of well-being. Nicotine, the addictive ingredient in cigarettes, creates stronger memories connecting environmental cues with smoking behavior. The environmental cues that are linked with smoking memories create an urge to smoke. Nicotine content interferes with the lactation producing effect in the women; as a result these women either produce very less milk or no milk at all.

Smokers may make the choice to start smoking, but not everyone who dies from smoking is a smoker. Second-hand smoke can cause death from lung cancer and heart disease among lifetime nonsmokers. Smokers also suffer from three times as many cavities as non-smokers. These effects take different length of time to develop.

90% of lung cancer occurs in those who have smoked. Each package delivers the equivalent of one chest x-ray.Also The Tobacco Industry kills more people in North America from Monday to Thursday of each week than the terrorists murdered in total on Sept. 11, 2001.That gives you something to think about?
Health information on tobacco packages is also effective, particularly where the information is specific and takes up a significant portion of the package. Studies in several countries have found that package warnings influenced many smokers to cut down or to try to quit. Next time you purchase a packet of cigarette take good look at it. (It may help you out as well). Health care officials say factors such as age when you quit, how long you smoked and heredity all play a role in whether someone will develop cancer or another smoking-related disease.

Quitting smoking is difficult and it takes time. I know several ex-smokers that quit several years ago and still have the occasional urges (me being one of them!). One must want to quit. It really is hard, so there are many different methods available. If one doesn't work for you, you should try another. Quitting smoking is the obvious way to reduce your smoking related risk of disease. However, if you are not ready to quit, other techniques are available to help reduce your risk: limiting the number of cigarettes smoked and increasing your overall wellness level.

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Eliminate Herpes Olympian Style With A Herpes Natural Cure

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Herpes is often considered incurable but you can take a tip from the Olympian athletes and keep your body in good health by using a herpes natural cure. Olympian athletes don't stuff there bodies with drugs, they use proven age old natural means to keep their bodies ready to preform. You can keep you body in perfect defense mode by using a herpes natural cure

Natural cures have been in existence before the first Olympian threw a disc or ran a race. Modern Medicine came in like a conquering hero and all the old remedies were soon forgotten and swept under the rug. It wasn't until someone investigated all the possibilities and combinations of ancient remedies that many of the natural cures became popular.

Day in and day out people are recognizing the old remedies and there becoming new again. Scientists discover that certain foods found in Grandma's cancer fighting soup did contain anticarcinogenic properties. Drug resistant viruses such as herpes also have an Achilles heel that you can attack with the right natural cures.

If you have ever suffered through a outbreak of herpes then you'll understand just how painful it can be. It's more than just the physical discomfort that accompanies the outbreak; it's the incredible emotional pain and embarrassment whether you have genital herpes or oral herpes.

Looking for an excuse to attack herpes lays dormant until it finds an opportunity to wreck havoc on your body. This is normally when you have stress or lack adequate sleep and nutrition to keep you healthy. Of course, normally those times surround important events. The next thing you know you have an outbreak. If it's herpes simplex1, you develop a cold sore. If you have herpes simplex 2, you develop a genital sore. Both viruses are almost exactly alike. In fact, they share about 50 percent of the same DNA. The difference is where they choose to show their ugly face.

It just makes sense that if you discover a cure for one then you'll have a cure for the other. This magical cure is none other than good old fashion nutrition and supplements. While there are other cures for herpes well documented, these involve increasing the oxygen levels of the body with ozone injections. Even though these proved to be cures in other countries, the injection of ozone into the body is illegal. Is the FDA protecting big drug companies from a potential cure that might wipe out part of their lucrative business? The answer is unknown. What we do know is that the FDA can't take healthy supplements off the market because they're all natural products normally used for consumption, just blended to perform the task of eliminating the virus so you don't have to worry any longer.

The best part of using the natural cures is that they not only WON'T do damage to any other part of your body, they actually make you healthier. A vast majority of the natural cures ingredients are important for curing other diseases which benefit our bodies by creating an immune system thats ready to go to work at the slightest cause. You can't put that in a synthetic pill. Just like an Olympian, you'll be doing what it takes to keep your body in peak physical condition while you cure a painful condition.

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Desserts for Arthritis Gout Diet Sufferers

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Searching for information and food for Arthritis gout diet? Very well, Gout is one of the various recognized types of arthritis, which may be treated with and a proper arthritis gout diet along with physical exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Gout is a result of having excessive uric acid in the blood.

In order to treat gout, one should have an arthritis gout diet that may regulate the uric acid levels, but it doesn't mean that you can't eat desserts anymore. In reality, here are two desserts that you could try: the Cinnamon Crusted Strawberry Flan and the Cinnamon Carrot Pancakes.

The components for the crust of the Cinnamon Crusted Strawberry Flan are rolled oats, whole grain pastry flour, sugar, ground cinnamon, baking soda, canola oil, and fat-free plain yogurt. As for the filling, you will need strawberry all-fruit spread, vanilla extract, and hulled strawberries. The crust will probably be baked just like a normal piecrust, after which it will be filled with strawberries. It will then be covered with a mixture of melted fruit spread and vanilla extract brushed together with the strawberries. This will then be refrigerated until the spread will be jelled. Since cherries are known for treating gout naturally, you may substitute strawberries with canned cherries or fresh cherries.

The second dessert recipe for the arthritis gout diet will be the Cinnamon Carrot Pancakes, which may be created using pancake mix, cinnamon, raisins, carrots, and nutmeg as the primary ingredients. You'll need brown sugar, salt, and cloves. Combine the pancake mix with water and in another bowl, combine the rest of the ingredients. The 2nd mixture will be gently folded in the pancake batter. This can then be cooked like any other pancake.

Therefore whoever said that you could not eat yummy desserts for those who have gout and if you are under an arthritis gout diet? Both of these examples prove otherwise, right?

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