Smoking: What Are The Effects And How to Stop Smoking?

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Smoking is a ritual, just like getting dressed in the morning or eating a meal at dinner time. Smoking has infiltrated every aspect of your life, from the friends you keep to the stores you shop at to the size of your savings account. It is also associated with very serious skin conditions, including skin cancer and psoriasis. Smoking is harmful for each and every organ of the body. In simple words, we can say that smokers are near death stage.

Cigarette smoking is directly responsible for approximately 30 percent of all cancer deaths annually in this country. Cigarettes are not like chocolate bars where you may use a display to decide whether you fancy a twix, a kit kat or a wispa. Smokers are highly brand loyal. Cigarettes become a habit. The nicotine in each cigarette causes the body to change.

Nicotine does have a euphoric effect which makes people feel better in the short run. As in all addictive drugs, this effect decreases over time, and increasing doses are needed to obtain lesser feelings of well-being. Nicotine, the addictive ingredient in cigarettes, creates stronger memories connecting environmental cues with smoking behavior. The environmental cues that are linked with smoking memories create an urge to smoke. Nicotine content interferes with the lactation producing effect in the women; as a result these women either produce very less milk or no milk at all.

Smokers may make the choice to start smoking, but not everyone who dies from smoking is a smoker. Second-hand smoke can cause death from lung cancer and heart disease among lifetime nonsmokers. Smokers also suffer from three times as many cavities as non-smokers. These effects take different length of time to develop.

90% of lung cancer occurs in those who have smoked. Each package delivers the equivalent of one chest x-ray.Also The Tobacco Industry kills more people in North America from Monday to Thursday of each week than the terrorists murdered in total on Sept. 11, 2001.That gives you something to think about?
Health information on tobacco packages is also effective, particularly where the information is specific and takes up a significant portion of the package. Studies in several countries have found that package warnings influenced many smokers to cut down or to try to quit. Next time you purchase a packet of cigarette take good look at it. (It may help you out as well). Health care officials say factors such as age when you quit, how long you smoked and heredity all play a role in whether someone will develop cancer or another smoking-related disease.

Quitting smoking is difficult and it takes time. I know several ex-smokers that quit several years ago and still have the occasional urges (me being one of them!). One must want to quit. It really is hard, so there are many different methods available. If one doesn't work for you, you should try another. Quitting smoking is the obvious way to reduce your smoking related risk of disease. However, if you are not ready to quit, other techniques are available to help reduce your risk: limiting the number of cigarettes smoked and increasing your overall wellness level.

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