Skin Cancer Treatment Information

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Nothing is sort of as terrifying as hearing the word cancer. Nobody desires to ever get that diagnosis, but it happens legion times every year. One common cancer is skin cancer, however thankfully it is highly treatable if it's diagnosed early. It also responds very well to treatment, thus it's vital to take any skin cancer symptoms seriously and get them checked as you see them.

Symptoms of skin cancer are normally simple to identify as a result of they show up on the surface of the body whereas alternative cancers are inside the body and not visible. More often than not, a skin cancer will present as a growth of some kind or abnormal changes in an exceedingly mole. It will even show up as a sore that will not heal and continually bleeds or crusts.

While the sky isn't falling in quite yet, there are major concerns about how the sunlight is affecting our skin and causing increasing numbers of serious and potentially fatal skin cancers. On the other hand, we also read about how we're not getting enough sunlight and we're becoming Vitamin D deficient.

Moderation is absolutely the key in most things. By taking in bits of sunshine to satisfy our vitamin D needs, we're not usually exposing ourselves to enough sunlight to have to worry about melanoma (skin cancer). However, by believing in certain myths, we just may be increasing our risk.

Young women are seeing a rise in skin cancer. According to a news release from the Society for Women's Health Research, the CDC says, "The diagnosis of all types of skin cancer has increased and melanoma has become the most common cancer among young women aged 25-29."

SkinSense Clinic uses a modern approach to skin cancer medicine. We use a digital camera specifically designed to view the skin at a magnified level. All lesions viewed through the camera are magnified 20-70 times, which has major advantages over just using normal vision or a magnifying glass.

Being able to view lesions at such a high magnification allows the doctor to see dangerous features in their early stages. This leads to earlier diagnosis and a better outcome for the patient. Using the computerised dermatoscope also allows magnified images to be stored for comparison at a later date. Comparing images at such a magnification allows the doctor to pick up any changes in a mole much earlier and more accurately. See the example below.

The basic types of treatment for cancer are: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, and targeted therapy. Obviously, many of these treatment types also depend on the type of cancer, such as hormonal therapy. Surgery is not only used to help treat cancer, it is often used to diagnose it. Doctors often perform surgery on patients to get a "sample" of the possible cancerous tissue.

SkinSense Clinic specialises in the early detection, prevention and management of skin cancer. SkinSense uses the latest camera technology to view every skin lesion up to 70 times magnification. By looking at skin lesions this closely we are able to find the early dangerous changes of melanoma.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details


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