Stage 3 Lung Cancer Life Expectancy

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After someone is diagnosed with stage 3 non-small cell lung cancers one often asks "what is stage 3 lung cancer life expectancy?" Not unexpected, since 30% of people have already progressed to stage 3 lung cancer at the time they are diagnosed. Before answering the question though, it is important to talk a little about how the answer the statistical answer is derived.

Stage 3 lung cancer life expectancy can vary considerably among different people. This includes the particular lung cancer type lung cancer encompasses several lung cancer types, The location of your cancer - lung cancer is broken down into stage 3A lung cancer and stage 3B lung cancer, depending upon which tissues near the lungs that the cancer has spread to, the age Younger people tend to live longer than older people with lung cancer, the sex The life expectancy for woman with lung cancer is higher at each stage of lung cancer, the general health at the time of diagnosis Being healthy overall at the time of diagnosis is associated with a longer life expectancy, and a greater ability to withstand treatments that may extend survival.

Variables also includes how respond to treatment Side effects of treatments such as chemotherapy, targeted therapies, and radiation therapy vary among different people, and may limit your ability to tolerate treatment, other health conditions you may have Health conditions such as emphysema may lower stage 3 lung cancer life expectancy, complications of lung cancer Complications such as blood clots can lower lung cancer life expectancy.

In addition to variations between different people, it is important to keep in mind that statistics are frequently a few years old. For example, the most recent statistics we have for lung cancer are from 2005. With advances in treatment, statistics may not be the same as they were when newer treatments were unavailable.

That said, the median life expectancy for stage 3 non-small cell lung cancer (the time at which 50% of patients are alive and 50% have passed away) is around 15 months for stage 3A and 13 months for stage 3B. The 5-year survival rate -- that is the percent of people who are expected to be alive 5 years after a diagnosis of lung cancer -- is sadly only 23% for stage 3A and around 10% for stage 3B.

It is very important to keep in mind. While lung cancer may or may not be curable, it is treatable. These treatments may not only improve survival, but help with the symptoms of lung cancer as well. Several treatments are currently being evaluated in clinical trials, and offer hope that lung cancer life expectancy will improve in the future. The National Cancer Institute states that all individuals with stage 3 lung cancer should be considered candidates for clinical trials.

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The most important function of the immune system is to protect the body against various infections. It truly is one of the most important body component that assists in determining one's state of well being. The effectiveness of immune system varies from individual to person. In case of weak immune program the individual is a lot more susceptible to infections and other health challenges. Immune system forms numerous antibodies that fight against germs. The key components of the immune system are bone marrow, antibodies, cells, lymph nodes, spleen, chemicals, thymus glands and tonsils. There are several foods that interfere with the working of immune program and a variety of nutrients and herbs that improve the immune program. The two primary herbs which are extremely beneficial for immunity enhancement are:


It truly is the richest natural source of vitamin C. It is regarded as as a versatile and potent antioxidant that protects the body against all varieties of cancer, fights against virus that is responsible for causing AIDS and HIV. Amla also assists in lowering the blood pressure. Apart from a wealthy source of vitamin C it really is a good dietary source of different minerals and amino acids. It's useful in raising the total protein level as well as the body weight. Due to its antibacterial and astringent properties it helps to fight against various infections, therefore, producing the immune program strong. In Ayurveda it's considered as an acrid, cooling, refrigerant, diuretic, laxative and with anabolic effect. Numerous other rewards of amla are:

Helps in beneficial iron absorption from the dietary sources.

It increases the protein synthesis that strengthens the body muscles.

Assists in much better food absorption generating the digestive program strong and balances the stomach acid.

It strengthens the liver and helps within the uncomplicated removal of toxins and morbid matter from the body.

It is also responsible for strengthening the hair, nails, bones and teeth. It prevents the premature graying of hair and dandruff.

It gives nourishment to the brain and heart making the nervous program strong and lowering the blood cholesterol.

It truly is regarded as very best tonic for eyes .

All these benefits make amla a strong immune enhancer

Morpheme Pure Herbs Amla Supplements


In Ayurveda the herb ashwagandha is believed to have anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-stress, anti-oxidant, rejuvenating, aphrodisiac and immune enhancing properties. It is considered as an adaptogen that stimulates the immune program and improves the memory. It also helps to fight against tension because of its anti-stress properties. It increases the count of white blood cells and prepares the body to create antigens against a variety of infections and allergies. It is also considered as a tonic for the heart and lungs as its typical intake controls the blood pressure and regulates the heartbeat. It has a powerful nourishing and protective effect on the nervous program. Many other benefits of ashwagandha are:

It reduces the inflammation of the joints, eases arthritis and increases the energy level of body. It assists in preventing miscarriages in pregnant girls by balancing the hormones that stabilizes the pregnancy. Its standard use assists in the maintaining the sugar and cholesterol levels. It's the only herb that supports the immune program of HIV patients. It has been utilised in prolonging life, improving overall well being, enhancing mental function, growing fertility and libido, augmenting physical energy, and preventing infections. Thus, acting as an immune booster.

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Appetizing Food for Gout That You Should Eat

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Can food for gout be lovable foods as well? Most diet programs can be a chore to follow, often they do not entail the most pleasurable foods. However, if you have health issues like arthritis, a may want to begin living a healthier lifestyle. In that case, your diet is fundamental. While diet food usually isn't very obliging, I'll give you some food suggestions that you're sure to adore.

The main course on the menu of "must have" foods for gout is Jerk salmon. Fish in the form of fillets of Alaskan sockeye salmon is marinated in lime juice and jerk. Rub it in over while you make up the stew. The stew is made up of sliced okra, corn, tomato, oregano, pepper, and other seasonings. Fry up the fish for only a little while before you add and cook it in the stew. It's best when served with garlic bread or crackers.

Since desserts also can be part of your diet for treating gout and hard to disregard. I suggest you try the French bread filled with mango. Basically, you soak the bread in a mixture of French toast, then put in a baking dish. Top the slices of bread with slices of mango or puree, then sprinkle with raw sugar. Top with another slice of bread with a sprinkle of breadnut topping. Lastly, bake in the oven after you sprinkle melted butter on the bread. How exciting of a dessert does this sound? You can include this in your gout diet food menu with no worry. You may be wondering if this is really a diet plan. Yes, it is indeed!

How would you like a yogurt and cucumber shake? This addition is a unique menu item. Basically, you mix low-fat yogurt, cucumber, fresh mint, garlic and salt together. You might think it would be strange mix of ingredients, but wait until you give it a taste! You will find yourself wanting more!

I only gave a few examples of appealing gout diet foods to eat to help you avert and treat gout effectively. However, this is just for starters, there are more recipes that will surprise you. You only need to look at all these recipes, try them out for yourself and you will see that it's possible for gout diet food to be nutritious and pleasing!

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Day 29&30- Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diet Symptom Crohns Colitis

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Water Fasting to Combat Crohn's Disease

Water fasting has been around for thousands of years, and while it is not to be taken as a cure any type of disease or illness, it does provide a resting period for the body to heal on its own. The difference between fasting and eating is that in fasting all of the body's resources work toward healing, whereas digestion takes up most of the energy when eating food.

Crohn's Disease is one of many chronic illnesses that benefits from the healing process of water fasting. In addition, it will help people who suffer from high blood pressure, allergies, chronic headaches, asthma, inflammatory bowel diseases and even some cancers, diabetes and heart disease. In addition to the prolonged resting and healing period, water fasting also allows the body to cleanse or detoxify, ridding itself of accumulated toxins and waste. It also enables the mucus lining of the gastrointestinal tract to heal and strengthen itself. This prevents leakage of bacteria and infections into the bloodstream.

Water fasting should be done under the supervision of a physician or expert in the field because going from solid foods to taking in only fluids is a massive adjustment for the human body. The adjustment to the change can take anywhere from a week to a two weeks. During this time, the body will be fatigued, and there will be headaches as well as other symptoms that the body has begun to detoxify. Once the period of adjustment is over, Crohn's sufferers usually experience more energy, healthier skin, healthier teeth and gums, better sleep quality, a dramatic reduction in the amount of pain in the muscles and joints, less stress and anxiety, weight loss, and a stabilization of bowel movements. All this while continuing to throw off toxins.

Water fasting can provide a cleaner and revitalized foundation for maintaining a healthier body and lifestyle. It is important to set goals before embarking on a fast. Because of the difficulty sometimes encountered, it is necessary to be clear as to why you are doing a fast. If your mind is not clear and your goals not defined, more than likely your fast will not be successful. Fasting is a way to jump start your journey to the road to recovery. How long you fast should be determined by how healthy you are going in and what it is you want to accomplish.

The average fast lasts between 3 and 30 days. The longer the fasting the more necessary it is to have a health care provider supervising to watch for abnormal adverse reactions. The health care provider will also help the person fasting ride up the rough spots so to speak, until the situation takes an upward swing toward better health. It is not unusual for people to experience vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, and an itchy rash among other symptoms as part of the detox process. These problems are temporary and will go away. The main idea is to fast only as long as is necessary to restore health.

Not everyone can or should fast. However this is a very small portion of the general population. During a water fast, only water is consumed. A juice fast is exactly what the name says, fruit and vegetable juices. Experts say both types of fasts are beneficial in allowing the body to heal itself. However water is said to work more quickly than a juice fast.

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Carcinophobia Cured With Hypnotherapy

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Carcinophobia, the fear of cancer, is among the top ten most widespread phobias, and it's easy to see why. Nobody wants to develop cancer or see someone else suffering from the disease. Although it is normal to want to avoid getting ill, people with carcinophobia experience an extremely high amount of fear that sometimes controls their lives. Beating the fear of cancer used to take weeks or even months, but with more understanding of the condition and treatment techniques, this is no longer the case. Proven hypnosis therapy techniques can help sufferers regain their happiness and well-being.

It isn't hard to see what might cause carcinophobia. This phobia is linked to a fear of death, illness, and loss of control. In many cases, sufferers feel upset by a loved one's battle with disease. People who have lost a loved one to cancer, or are at risk of developing cancer, live in fear of the day when they are diagnosed with cancer.

The anxiety created by carcinophobia may lead people to make surprising life decisions. Many people constantly go to hospitals to make sure they are not ill, while others avoid hospitals altogether, in fear of discovering that they have a disease. People with the phobia will become worried if they come down with the smallest signs of poor health, such as a muscle ache, and worry that it's cancer. They might go to great lengths to avoid becoming ill.

People with a fear of cancer often feel like they have much to fear. The fear of cancer a chronic fear that can affect both genders. A person might think, "Who will care for my family if I get sick?" or dwell on other critical matters. The phobia of cancer can be unbearable for sufferers and their families.

Sometimes, people can cope with their phobias by simply avoiding the source of their fear. Arachnophobia sufferers can often cope by staying away from spiders, and people with claustrophobia are careful to avoid small, confined areas such as closets. Carcinophobia, however, is a different story. Carcinophobia is triggered by an individual's innermost thoughts and worries. It can be devastating for someone to suffer from a fear they simply cannot avoid. This leaves most people with carcinophobia in a constant state of anxiety.

There are a number of phobia treatments in use today. Frequently used ones involve counseling and anxiety medication. Talk therapy can generate good results, but it often takes a long time, up to many years for some people. Prescription medication works to reduce an individual's anxiety, but it fails to fix the root causes of a deep-rooted fear. Hypnotherapy is another option that produces lasting results in a smaller amount of time than other treatments. It is a popular choice because it's a non-invasive, safe, and effective choice of treatment.

Hypnosis therapy combines stress-relief practices with fear dissociation to quickly eliminate a phobia. A well-designed program will start with relaxation therapy to help alleviate the emotional stress caused by fear. Once a person feels calm and at ease, hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques work to guide the unconscious mind into adopting a new, phobia-free line of thought.

Traditional hypnotherapy uses direct, post-hypnotic commands to eliminate a phobia. This method is highly effective when an individual is receptive to it. Unfortunately, these traditional techniques are often unsuccessful because many people tend to question what they are told and will reject direct suggestions.

A severe phobia such as carcinophobia calls for a more sophisticated type of treatment such as Ericksonian hypnotherapy. This type of hypnotherapy works well for people who tend to be logical, and who are experiencing chronic fear and anxiety. It uses indirect suggestions embedded in conversations, metaphors, and stories to help them fight their phobias.

NLP is a technology that does not depend on suggestion at all, so it can be effective for everybody. In simple terms, NLP offers strategies to train the unconscious mind to use the same exact thought patterns that are creating a symptom or fear, to extinguish it.

Since both hypnosis and NLP work at the unconscious level, clients describe feeling more empowered and secure with these techniques.

With Traditional Hypnotherapy, programs typically must be phobia specific. An additional advantage of a properly designed Ericksonian hypnosis therapy and NLP program is that both are designed to be used on any phobia, or even several phobias. This can be a great asset to some carcinophobia sufferers who also suffer from other anxiety disorders, such as general hypochondria or germophobia.

The fear of cancer is a significant fear, but it can be treated by suitable hypnotherapy techniques. NLP techniques have become a popular phobia therapy because of their effectiveness at addressing the root of all panic disorders along with the signs and symptoms. Revolutionary Ericksonian hypnosis therapy and NLP techniques can help even the most serious phobia patients overcome their phobias once and for all.

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Thyroid Cancer – Causes and Symptoms of Thyroid Cancer

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Thyroid cancer can occur in any age group, although it is most common after age 30 and its aggressiveness increases significantly in older patients. The majority of patients present with a nodule on their thyroid which typically does not cause symptoms. Remember, over 99% of thyroid nodules are not cancer! But, when a thyroid cancer does begin to grow within a thyroid gland, it almost always does so within a discrete nodule within the thyroid.

The thyroid gland is located on the anterior aspect (front) of the neck. It can be felt just below the thyroid cartilage, or "Adam's apple". It is a butterfly shaped organ that stretches across the midline of the neck just below the Adam's apple, with its "wings" spreading superiorly (towards the head) on either side of the Adam's apple. These "wings" are called the lobes of the thyroid, with the portion extending across midline called the isthmus. As an endocrine gland, the thyroid gland produces and secretes thyroid hormones into the bloodstream.

Thyroid cancer develops in your thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck, just below your Adam's apple. Although your thyroid gland is small, it produces hormones that regulate every aspect of your metabolism, from your heart rate to how quickly you burn calories. Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck, just above your collarbone. It makes hormones that help the body work normally. Anyone can get cancer of the thyroid gland. But certain factors may increase the risk.

Causes of Thyroid Cancer

Most cases occur between 25 and 65 years of age, and the age at diagnosis is one of the most important factors in predicting prognosis. Men under 40 and women under 50 have significantly lower rates of recurrence and better survival rates than older persons.

The thyroid gland is located on the anterior aspect (front) of the neck. It can be felt just below the thyroid cartilage, or "Adam's apple". It is a butterfly shaped organ that stretches across the midline of the neck just below the Adam's apple, with its "wings" spreading superiorly (towards the head) on either side of the Adam's apple. These "wings" are called the lobes of the thyroid, with the portion extending across midline called the isthmus. As an endocrine gland, the thyroid gland produces and secretes thyroid hormones into the bloodstream.

Thyroid cancer is more common in people who have a history of exposure of the thyroid gland to radiation, have a family history of
thyroid cancer, and are older than 40 years of age. However, for most patients, we do not know the specific reason why they develop thyroid

Papillary and follicular cancers develop in follicle cells. They account for the great majority of thyroid cancers, can usually be completely removed with surgery and generally result in an excellent prognosis. Medullary cancer, on the other hand, arises in the thyroid's C cells and is generally more aggressive and harder to treat than papillary and follicular cancers are.

Symptoms of Thyroid Cancer

Pain in the throat or neck that may extend to the ears.
A lump at the base of your neck
A hoarse voice that does not get better
Sore throat or difficulty swallowing that does not get better
A lump elsewhere in your neck
Nodules should be of particular concern when they are found in children or those under the age of 20. The presentation of benign nodules at this age is less likely, and thus the potential for malignancy is far greater.
Most thyroid lumps are not cancer. It is not unusual for older people to have small lumps in their thyroid glands called nodules. As many as 9 out of 10 women over 70 will have these. Only about 1 in 20 thyroid lumps are cancer. An enlarged thyroid gland that is not cancer is sometimes called a goitre.

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Looking For Natural Angular Cheilitis Cures?

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There are numerous remedies, both organic and medical, for the painful and socially embarrassing affliction termed angular cheilitis, cheilosis, angular stomatitis and also perleche. In spite of numerous angular cheilitis cures existing, the condition is infamously tough to get rid of when it has gotten a grip which means that avoidance is usually superior to remedy although this isn't always possible. The best way to beat the problem could be to follow a two-pronged approach of prevention through good dental hygiene and healthy eating, and cure by prescription medication. If you want to attempt to treat angular cheiltis naturally there are a variety of activities you can do that will help rid yourself from the ailment.

One of the basic angular cheilitis cures that relates to both prevention and cure is healthy eating. Deficiencies in B vitamins and iron and manganese compromises the immune system that, consequently, can lead to cheilosis, hence eating lots of leafy green vegetables and beetroot (to boost iron absorption) can help. The yeast Candida Albicans which lives normally within the mucous membranes of the oral cavity as well as in the digestive system is one of the major contributors to the development of angular cheilitis when there is an overgrowth of this. This particular fungus thrives off yeast and sugar, and a growth of it causes candidiasis, or 'thrush', that leads to cheilitis. Therefore, steering clear of sugar and wheat gluten, as well as other fermented foodstuffs as well as alcohol is a step in the right path towards curing not only the candidiasis but angular cheiltis too. It's also possible to supplement your diet with a decent multivitamin complex to help boost immunity and combat the problem. Increased daily water consumption to help your body rid itself of toxins isn't a bad idea either.

Excellent oral hygiene is vitally necessary not only in protecting against angular cheilitis but also in healing it. Harmful bacteria that typically exists in the oral cavity and respiratory system can flourish and accumulate in the folds at the sides of the mouth as spit is lodged there and aggravate the development of the unsightly and painful skin lesions related to cheilitis. A couple of natural precautionary angular cheilitis cures that are helpful here are good brushing and exacting washing of dentures, if you have them. Badly-fitting dentures make denture-wearers especially susceptible to cheilosis so ensure yours are properly fitted by your dentist. A further preventative remedy could be to keep your mouth area hydrated by frequently putting on lip balm so that they don't get chapped. Chapped lips in addition to constant lip-licking when there is cheilitis-causing bacteria in your mouth is a definite reason for the reddened scaly patches of skin which can appear round the mouths of affected individuals.

The angular cheilitis cures explained earlier can safely be applied since there isn't any actual medicine involved if the condition persists, it would be wise to seek advice from a physician for medical treatment. In addition, the signs of angular cheilitis can be the identical to those of more serious illnesses so it's a good idea to acquire medical advice when you have not encountered cheilosis before.

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Dermatologist In Boynton Responds To Web-savvy Patients With A Social Network

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BOYNTON BEACH, FL - Premier dermatologist in Boynton, Dr. Barry Kuttner, has recently created an engaging practice Facebook page to enhance patient communication and interaction. With the introduction of his new social site, patients can access more personalized information, as well as learn more about other patient's' experiences with Integrated Dermatology.

Patients can easily join Integrated Dermatology's Facebook page by visiting the practice's website. Once a patient is in the network, they will receive instant updates from Dr. Kuttner and his team at Integrated Dermatology. In addition to updates, patients can also provide feedback and comments for Dr. Kuttner and his staff.

"More and more patients are using the Internet for all of their personal needs these days, including sharing information and interacting with other patients on social media websites. By building our own Facebook, we have created an opportunity for our practice to share educational information and communicate with patients more than we ever have before. Facebook allows us to get important information and announcements to our patients faster than we could through our office," said Dr. Barry Kuttner, pediatric dermatologist in Boynton.

Patients who have joined the practice's Facebook fan page gain additional information and knowledge about the practice, as well as various treatments and products available. Dr. Kuttner and his team at Integrated Dermatology encourage patients to visit the Facebook page for an array of information including information on Dr. Kuttner, Dr. Herne and physician assistant Kristen Hafner, as well as various product reviews. The new social site for Integrated Dermatology provides a means to a wealth of valuable tools for patients outside of the office that is both fun and engaging.

In addition to visiting and joining the practice's Facebook page, patients can visit the website for Integrated Dermatology for access to a vast educational library. Whether patients are looking for information on Mohs surgery, acne treatment or skin cancer treatment in Boynton, they can find all the information needed via the practice's website. Patients can simply access the educational library and search various topics such as Mohs surgery in Boynton and a wide array of information will be provided.

Dr. Kuttner and his qualified staff of professionals encourage patients to contact them whenever they have an interest or concern. From simply calling the office to visiting the practice's website and joining Dr. Kuttner's social network, untapped patients can connect with their Boynton dermatologist in more ways than one.

About Integrated Dermatology: Owned and operated by Dr. Barry Kuttner, Integrated Dermatology, is committed to providing patients with the best in quality dermatological care. A board certified dermatologist and dermatopathologist, Dr. Kuttner is accompanied by board certified dermatologist Dr. Kathleen Herne and board certified physician assistant, Kristen Hafner providing the best in quality care available. Dr. Kuttner and his trusted team of specialists offer acne treatment, Mohs surgery and skin cancer treatment for quality care patients can trust.

Media Contact:
Dr. Barry Kuttner
10151 Enterprise Center Blvd, Suite 108
Boynton Beach, FL 33437

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Common Treatments for Breast Cancer Defined

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Breast cancer is treatable in various ways. The treatment path that you and your doctors choose will be based on several factors that are specific to your personal situation. Each treatment solution works differently for each individuals. Many people see ideal results from a mixture of different treatment for breast cancer. It's best to talk to your doctor about which procedure suits you. However, it's a wise to do a bit of research on your own about the most typical treatments. By doing this, you will be able to make a well informed decision that is guided by your doctor and customized for you.

Surgery is often considered as a choice to fight cancer. With this choice you are able to eliminate the Cancer and rejuvenated the breast. There are various kinds test of cancer surgery. The mastectomy removes the entire breast. The lumpectomy removes the cancer tumor plus a little from the surrounding tissue. An auxiliary lymph node dissection is usually used if the cancer has spread beyond the milk ducts of the breast. You can use this approach with other kinds of surgery.

Chemotherapy is a common type of breast cancer treatment. Once the cancer is removed, the medicine is place into the blood vessels. The medicines kill any promptly reproducing cells. Since cancer reproduces rapidly, it's an efficient way to eliminate all cancer in the system. However, there are severe side-effects that are commonly experienced with this treatment like hair loss, nausea, and weakness.

Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy sends radiation to the specific area afflicted with cancer. The radiation helps to kill any lingering cancer cells that may exist. Radiation therapies are usually recommended for females who' have stage 0 through stage 3 type of cancer. It's not used as often for higher degrees of cancer because it is a method made to target small parts of the body.

Hormonal Therapy
Hormonal therapy is for hormone positive types of breast cancer. The hormone therapy blocks the development of estrogen inside the body which may shrink hormone positive breast cancers. This kind of therapy is used as often as other forms of therapy because hormone positive breast cancer isn't as common.

Complementary and Holistic Medicine
Complementary and holistic drugs are often utilized in addition to other therapies. These types of medicines help relieve side effects, increase the well being of the patient, and help ease symptoms. Treatments can include improved diet, exercise, and herbs. Rarely is holistic medicine used as a single to heal cancer; however some people believe that it could. It's best to confer with your doctor before beginning any holistic therapies.

The most significant natural therapy for cancer is the person's diet. Eating glucose rich foods feeds the cancer cells and by reducing their food supply will help to kill those cancer cells.

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Injection Sclerotherapy for Hemorrhoid

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According to the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER), about half of Americans aged 50 years and above experience signs of hemorrhoids or piles. The disorder is characterized by discomfort, itching, and bleeding in the anus or lower rectum. It is caused by inflamed veins that swell. It is grouped into two kinds. It is an internal hemorrhoid if the inflamed veins are inside the rectum. It is external if it is under the skin that surrounds the anus. One who has this disorder can take over the counter medication, undergo a surgical procedure or try a non-surgical approach such as injection sclerotherapy for hemorrhoid.

Sclerotherapy is only one of the non-surgical treatments for hemorrhoid. In fact, it is one of the oldest techniques used for treating this condition. Other non-surgical treatments include rubber band ligation, cryotherapy and heat coagulation.

With this approach, the medical practitioner would inject phenol or quinine urea in liquid form. They are the ones referred to as the sclerosants. Their main goal is to get rid of the long-period but mild inflammation. The patients are usually requested to defecate before injecting the sclerosants. Defecating right after the treatment is strongly discouraged because it may reduce treatment's effectiveness. The area to be treated is usually lubricated and pain killer may be given.

The sclerosants must be injected to the hemorrhoids' base. It is not totally pain-free but the pain is experienced much shorter than the one experienced after a surgical procedure. This hemorrhoid management technique usually requires only a day for the pain to go away. It is an outpatient procedure but most doctors recommend that you have someone come with you and drive you home.

One of the benefits of this injection sclerotherapy for hemorrhoid is that the results are quick even if it is cheaper than other treatments. The inflammation would subside fast. One can see results at least a week after the fluids are injected. The hemorrhoids will come out of the body through the natural bowel movement, which must be pain and blood-free.

Another good thing about this therapy is that it is non-invasive. This is why it is one of the most recommended to the elderly suffering from the said disorder. Unlike surgical procedures, injecting liquids to the veins does not require much strength and excellent health.

Of course, any treatment has its downside. In the case of sclerotherapy, one may develop scars in the affected area when the inflammation is treated. Moreover, the medical practitioners limit the treatment to only three hemorrhoids per sessions. It cannot be used for very large inflamed veins or third degree piles, too. Aside from that the injected phenol is less effective on large piles, there is also a risk for blood clots. Another downside is that the benefits of this treatment are not permanent. The condition may come back after a year or so.

Additionally, the injection sclerotherapy for hemorrhoids may be great for the elderly suffering from piles but it is not for everyone. It cannot be administered to those who have other inflammatory bowel conditions such as the ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Esophageal Cancer Surgery Complications

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Surgery for removing the esophagus is a main operation which takes more time for recovery. Following the post operative instructions and also choosing the correct hospital for the surgery will decrease the risk and the time for recovery.

It may take 7-8 hours for completing the surgery to remove the esophageal cancer. It generally results in the esophagus replacement with the stomach which will be pulled up into the chest cavity and will again be connected to the balance esophagus.

The patient will wake up for finding the plethora of tubes that invades the body. Every incision will be with a tube for draining the area that is wounded. The belly will be with a feeding tube, which will generally be installed before the surgery. A tube will be placed in the throat and also in the nose for draining out the fluids that may start building up again in gastric system. The medicines will be supplied through the needles in the arm and probably in the spine for controlling the pain that is occurring due to the surgery. The cuffs that are inflatable may be present around the calves that will inflate or deflate periodically for the circulation of blood and also for prevention of blood from pooling in the legs. A tube can also be seen for draining out the urine for the initial days while the patient stays in the bed.

The patient will definitely experience discomfort and pain. The level of the pain depends on the surgery invasiveness. Frequently, the patient will be given PCA called Patient Controlled Anesthesia for controlling the pain.

One of the lungs would have collapsed by the doctors during the time of surgery. It is quite important to do breathing exercises after the surgery for expansion of the lungs and also to eliminate any of the fluid that is developed and turn as pneumonia. The patient will be asked to breathe into the spirometer that will give indication regarding breathing strength, and to cough frequently to expel mucus and the fluids. This is hard and also not a very comfortable exercise, but is very important for good recovery. The spirometer is particularly useful as an item for motivation with the patient who has an intention to improve every reading over the time.

A main post operative danger is leakage at the joint of the stomach and the esophagus. A leak at this place may lead to the entry of drink and food to the chest cavity and thus creating systemic infection. Hence, the patient will not be fed by mouth for many days after the operation. The water will also be not given to patients for consumption. The patient will be fed with the help of the feeding tube till such time the tests prove that the junction is good. After the tests that are successful, the patient can commence to eat very soft foods, slowly moving to the very usual diet. After the surgery, it is better to walk for speedy recovery.

Natural Remedies:
There are certain natural remedies that offer a promising cure for esophageal cancer. Along with the natural remedies and a well-researched different diet pattern, a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle can make a huge difference to your efforts for prolonging the life for several years. You can increase your chances of surviving esophagus cancer now by trying these proven natural remedies discussed here

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Leukemia - The Most Misunderstood Cancer

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Most people perceive Leukemia as being cancer of the blood. This is partly true, but it is a lot more than that. It actually starts in the tissue that produces blood, resulting in abnormal white cells. These don't die as normal blood cells do, and swamp the normal red and white cells and also the platelets, making these cells difficult to do their jobs. These abnormal white cells are actually called Leukemia cells and if they carry on crowding out the normal cells and platelets cause the untimely death of the sufferer.

There are two main kinds of Leukemia, each defined by the way it develops and the speed with which it progresses. These are chronic and acute, which progress slowly and rapidly respectively. In the early stages of Chronic Leukemia, the abnormal cells are still able to work alongside the normal cells, albeit at a reduced rate. As there are no early presentable symptoms, this type is generally diagnosed at a routine health check. In the later stages, when the abnormal cells have reached a critical point, suffers may notice that their lymph nodes are swollen or repeated infections. The abnormal cells in Acute Leukemia can't do any of the work of the normal cells, and they can increase at an alarming rate. These two kinds of Leukemia are then split into further types depending on where they present themselves. The types that appears in the Lymphoid cells are Lymphocytic, Lymphoid or Lymphoblastic. The Leukemias in the Myeloid cells are Myelogenous, Myeloid or Myeloblastic.

There is still no proven reason why some people develop Cancer and those with he same lifestyle don't. Although many have theories it is still a medical mystery. Smoking is widely regarded as a major cause of Cancer, in this case acute Myeloid Leukemia, but there are many non smokers who develop it, and many smokers who don't. Inherited diseases are also thought to play a part, and there sometimes seems to be a family link with Cancer, but unfortunately it still seems to be a lottery as to who will develop Cancer and who won't. It is a fact that many who would be classed as high risk will never develop a Cancer during their lifetime, and this is what is so scary about this ferocious disease.

There are many different kinds of Leukemia treatment, mainly depending on the type. Your age also plays a factor in the treatment, and whether or not the Leukemia cells were present in the fluid produced from a spinal tap. The main treatments are targeted therapy, chemotherapy, biological therapy, stem cell or bone marrow transplant and radiotherapy. As with all Cancers, early diagnosis is vital, something that can be very difficult in Chronic Leukemia.

We should all do what we can to stay fit and healthy so that our bodies continue to do their job effectively, but sadly there are no guarantees that we won't develop Leukemia at some stage. Research is constant and treatment continues to improve, but all we can really do is hope that none of us develop this cruel disease.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Alcohol Treatment May Lower Risk of Multiple Cancers

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Through a non 12 step program, individualized treatment plans can be created for individuals who wish to completely abstain from all drugs and alcohol. AA alternative programs provide alcohol treatment plans that are self-empowering and by promoting abstinence or safe levels of alcohol consumption, individuals can lower their risk of certain types of cancer. It is important to note that heavy alcohol drinkers can also lower their risk for cancer by cutting down alcohol consumption to safe levels.

Several previous studies have reported an association between alcohol consumption and cancer (especially cancer of the upper digestive tract and liver). However, many previous studies included males only, and many were general population studies. Few studies have been conducted with individuals with alcohol use disorders. A team of researchers in Denmark examined cancer morbidity in a large cohort of male and female individuals with alcohol use disorders (Thygesen et. al., 2009).

The participants in this study included 15,258 men and 3,552 women who were cancer-free while in a Copenhagen outpatient alcohol treatment clinic during the period between 1954 and 1992. The researchers used the Danish Cancer Registry to discover cancer incidence of all participants up until 1999, and cancer incidence rates were standardized for sex, age, and calendar time.

Of the 15,258 men, 2,145 developed cancer, compared to 1,141 expected cases. Significant elevated cancer risk was found for cancers of the tongue, mouth, pharynx, esophagus, liver, larynx, and lungs. A higher cancer incidence rate for renal cancer was seen in both men and women. In women, contrary to suggestions in some previous studies, breast cancer incidence was not significantly elevated. However, incidence of cervical cancer was higher in women. The researchers did not observe increased incidence of cancer of the bladder, colon, or rectum. This study confirms the previously established association between high alcohol consumption and cancer of the liver and upper digestive tract. This study also points to a significant elevation of renal cancer among individuals with alcohol use disorders.

The researchers admit that tobacco use is likely a confounder in this study: "In most populations, alcohol and smoking are correlated, and heavy drinkers are often heavy smokers. Smoking therefore is a likely confounder for several of the associations observed in this study. We did not have information on the smoking habits, but the incidence of lung cancer was not as high as could be expected in a cohort of presumed heavy smokers, as cancers of the respiratory system are strongly associated with smoking." The researchers also lacked information about dietary habits, social status and other potential confounders; these factors may have also influenced the results.

Notwithstanding, this research confirms the association between alcohol use and cancers of the upper digestive system and liver, and it also suggests that heavy drinking may increase risk of renal cancer. Based on this and other research, we can assume that alcohol treatment programs that successfully promote abstinence or safe levels of alcohol consumption will lower an individual's risk for several different types of cancer.

Thygesen LC, Mikkelsen P, Anderson TV, Tennesen H, Juel K, Becker U, Gronbaek M. Cancer incidence among patients with alcohol use disorders -- long-term follow-up. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 2009; 44(4): 387-391.

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Natural Herpes Treatments... Trust Starts with the Tingle

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Those who suffer from herpes outbreaks know that they are usually preceded by a tingling sensation. This is the prodrome phase of a herpes outbreak and it is your opportunity to hit the herpes virus and hit it hard - to decrease the length and severity of an outbreak. As with any medical condition, you should always consult your physician, but it never hurts to educate yourself about conditions after they have been diagnosed. In the initial tingling phase of a herpes outbreak, the herpes virus is really just beginning to infect the healthy cells in the tingling area. This is the perfect time to immediately begin treating the outbreak and for you to consider the benefits of natural herpes treatments.

In most cases, your doctor will probably not immediately recommend a natural herpes treatment to you for the very simple reason that natural herpes treatments are not big business. Think about it for a second. Herpes is almost the perfect disease for a drug company - herpes is not fatal, there is no cure, herpes outbreaks are periodic, and it is highly infectious. While there's little doubt that large drug companies can and do produce effective treatments - for herpes and other diseases and conditions, most also have warning labels that include side effects that can be potentially worse than the disease itself. Conversely, most natural herpes treatments have minimal side effects, especially when they are organically produced - that is the medicinal plants were produced on farms that do not use toxic pesticides, insecticides or fertilizers.

When seeking treatment for any condition, ultimately you decide what is best for you. We might like to think others are always looking out for our best interests. If the global financial crisis is any indication - there are a lot of people and a lot of big businesses who apparently are unable to look out for their own best interests. Or, we might say that as taxpayers... we are looking out for their best interests. While that is a separate issue, the same issues proliferate throughout the entire US health care system, and in other countries, too. Much of this will have to be covered at another time, suffice that mankind has lived with diseases and have developed treatments for most of them for as long as history's been recorded. Only in the last few centuries has modern "synthetic" medicine replaced natural medicine as mainstream treatment.

Most synthetic medicines are based upon ingredients found within nature. Upon identifying the primary key ingredients that are effective against a disease, big companies find a way to manufacture those ingredients for far cheaper than they can be produced in nature - naturally, or even farmed. Diseases - viruses, bacteria, etc. evolve, like MRSA becoming increasingly resistant to ever stronger applications of antibiotics. The world we live in is not a controlled environment like a scientific lab. Yet, some very basic ingredients like Tea Tree Oil have shown remarkable effectiveness against MRSA and other skin infections. While this has no direct relationship to herpes, natural treatments are more than just a product, they are part of a philosophy that sometimes nature is the best at providing what we need.

More and more, people are beginning to become more aware and concerned about what they put into their bodies. This is an age where it pays to be skeptical - to examine things on your own and decide for yourself - what is best for you. When it comes to herpes treatments - consider the costs, the effectiveness, the possible side effects, and perhaps even convenience of use. Look at the warning labels - and decide what is safe for you. Seriously, is 95% avoidance of major side effects good enough? Is 99 or even 99.5% good enough? We can look at airline safety, for example - and despite there being only 6 - 7 incidents involving terrorism over 10 years, we are still "compelled" to increase airport security... even with a 99.999+% safety record on this matter. In comparison, whether you use synthetic or natural herpes treatments seems very small, almost inconsequential - except it is your health. It is up to you to decide which treatments you can trust...when you get that little tingling sensation.

In the midst of these early genital herpes symptoms, pain and aches in the body associated with swelling of the groins and glands are imminent. Tingling and itchiness in the genital area that will cause pain in the legs and buttocks can also be felt. The cycle goes on and on when there are recurrent episodes.

Early genital herpes symptoms are treated with antiviral medications. Antiviral medication can be of any form; topical of tablet. Antiviral drug including acyclovir, vaciclovir, famciclovir are among the proven drugs that works to shorten the course of the painful skin lesions and prevent future outbreaks. There are other alternative treatments that provide all the relief that conventional drugs can. These treatments involves natural supplement, Lysine, Aloe Vera, other plants and herbals and other traditional medicine that works wonders in treatment of early genital herpes symptoms.

When early genital herpes symptoms are apparent, you have to go to your doctor as soon as possible. It is always a good thing to get correct diagnosis first before treatment. It can be confused with other diseases having the same symptoms. Mistreatment can lead to further complications and it would be too late before you know what type of infection you have.

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Mole Treatment

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Moles are dark marks of varying sizes that appear on the surface of the skin. They can grow on the skin randomly at various parts of the body which may include the face and other areas. There are different types of moles depending on their tissue compositions. Many people pay much attention to how they look and what others think about them. This is why mole treatment is very common.

This mass of skin that grows on the surface of the body of an individual can sometimes be seen as a beauty spot. To others, it affects their appearance and thus is a source of discomfort and uneasiness. This skin problem often affects the self confidence and self esteem of an individual. Some of the moles can be cancerous in nature and thus, it is important for one to be screened by the relevant skin specialist so as to know if there are any cancerous cells early in advance.

The cause of this skin problem is not clearly known but most of the moles may be as a result of genetic factors. These skin growths may be common in a particular family due to the passing down of the genes from parent to child. Also, exposure to the sun in some cases contributes to their development. Moles can be uncomfortable and unattractive. When in the beard of an individual, they cause discomfort when shaving.

Different people go for mole treatment for different reasons. One is advised to see a doctor or dermatologist before trying to use their own treatment method. In many occasions tissue samples are taken so as to establish their nature. Cancerous tissues are mostly surgically removed so as to prevent the serious health risks that they pose.

It is important to note that screening is important so as to establish if they are cancerous in nature. In such cases, the doctors or dermatologists take tissue samples for screening so as to establish presence of any cancerous tissues. Most of the common methods of treatment include use of skin creams, surgical removal and laser removal. During shave excision, the mole and skin is cut. Depending on the depth of the cut, the skin of the patient may need to be stitched. Most people go for treatment so as to improve their appearance or get rid of the discomfort.

The other common method is the surgical removal method where the mole is cut out from the skin. The excision is made using a surgical blade by the surgeon. This method is relatively more expensive but it has more advantages as it has less infections and scarring. The laser method, however, is not effective when it comes to dealing with deep moles. When a deep cut is done, the surgeon may finish by stitching up the whole wound to allow fast healing. This method is common and is not expensive.

Another method that is quickly getting popular is the laser excision which makes use of laser beams to burn away mole tissues. This method is not effective when dealing with deep moles. Laser removal is more expensive compared to the surgical removal method. The laser method is known for its clean cut and less scars.

Mole removal has a number of risks which include high exposure to infections, anesthetic allergies and even nerve damage. Also, a number of patients have allergic reactions to the anesthesia used. In some cases nerves are damaged during the removal process.

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Natural Colon Cancer Treatment

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Colon cancer, or colorectal cancer as it's sometimes known as is cancer which starts in the digestive, or gastrointestinal (GI) system. A colon's primary responsibility is to process food into energy and remove all waste materials. As with any cancer, the disease begins when cancerous cells begin to grow out of control compared to normal, non-cancer cells. Every cancer is different depending on where it occurs, so colon cancer will generally progress at a different rate, cause different symptoms, and respond to different medical treatments. Although there are some specific treatment methods for the different body areas affected, there are some basic principles, which are common to all cancer forms. .

Perhaps you're reading this article because you are suffering form cancer right now, or perhaps you know someone else who is. Maybe you're just looking for information to help avoid it in the future. Whatever your circumstances are, I urge you to imprint the following statement deeply into your mind -- Cancer Can Be Conquered! However, with the rapid advances that have been made with modern medicine, as well as the rediscovery of ancient natural therapies that are built upon good nutrition and sound principles of daily living, it can be stated with confidence. I'll say it again -- Cancer Can Be Conquered.

The first victory over colon cancer is it must be made on the battlefield of the mind. It is here that fear seeks to control and overwhelm you. I would encourage you to make a firm decision to stand up against this giant of fear, and to reach beyond it to find hope and faith. There is a statement that is made that says, 'You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.' So, the first step to being set free from the enemy of fear is to find out the truth concerning cancer. The lie has for too long been that cancer is the end of the road -- incurable.

The truth is just the opposite. Realize that and set yourself free from the numbing fear of cancer that wants to defeat you. Say that you are more than enough to fight against it. Make a firm decision that you are going to defeat with you will power.

Most of the time, colon cancer spreads slowly over a period of years, and colon cancer can effect any section or layer of your colon. The key to have a good prognosis with colon cancer is to catch the disease early. If a doctor can find and remove a colon cancer polyp in the early stages, then there is a much better chance of recovery. Risk factors of colon cancer include age, family history, smoking, ethnicity, diet, lack of exercise, alcohol, and history of other bowel disease. If you are in an at-risk category, then it is important to get a colon cancer screening test. If you are unsure with you fit the profile, talk to ask primary physician first.

Our diet have a positive effect. It is natural and have no side effects. We should also be positive in that certain foods greatly strengthen and aid our built in immune system in the ongoing battle against our healthy body cells. We should be negative in that there are certain foodstuffs that have been shown to be harmful, and to greatly speed up the growth and spread of cancer cells. It thus becomes imperative that we learn what foodstuffs are immune boosters, and which ones weaken it.

Besides our diet, the next major contributing factor to consider is the environment we are living in. More and more vehicles are being produced, and more and more factories built, pumping out toxic gases into the atmosphere, causing a subtle build-up of toxins in our bodies, wearing down the ability of the immune system to cope. Unfortunately, we have very little control over these environmental effects, other than to relocate to a safer environment, which is not always possible. This then makes it even more vital for us to build up our immune systems with the right foods, minerals and vitamins.

One last consideration to take note of is that any cancer is more easily defeated if caught in its early stages. Therefore it is very important to have regular medical check-ups, even if we are feeling fine. Then too, learn what are the telltale symptoms for the various cancers, and at the first evidence of anything suspicious, get it checked out by your doctor.

By keeping a healthy life style and good eating habits, you can prevent developing cancer of the colon even before this becomes a problem. You might also want to try and check your family history for cases of colon cancer and adopt a healthier diet in order to make sure you will avoid this problem in the future.

Colon cancer treatments are varied and you can choose from a series of traditional and alternative methods of dealing with this condition.

There are many cases of colon cancer today, with significantly more people being diagnosed with this potentially deadly disease below age 50 than previously. Colon cancer used to be considered a disease of the elderly, but nowadays many younger people are diagnosed with this kind of disease. This is more because of unhealthy lifestyles such as eating habits, lack of exercises and many other factors. People tend to consume junk food and any other foods that are over-processed and contain high fat and sugar. This allows the chemically-laced food to sit in colon for longer time and lead to the cancer disease.

Several ways to keep your colon healthy:

1. A balanced diet will supply your body with sufficient nutrition: balance in carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. It will be better to get all these nutritions naturally by consuming healthy foods such as: fresh vegetables and beans, fish, fruits, seafood and milk.

2. Reduce intake of over-processed foods, especially fried foods because these foods contain of high fat that is dangerous to health. You can also choose organic foods that are higher in nutrition. Avoid sausage, hot dogs, ham, and many of which contain salt, sodium nitrites and sodium nitrates, which play big role in leading to colon cancer.

3. Do exercise at least 3 times a week is adequate to maintain your stamina and health. If you have any disease, it would be wise to consult with your doctor what exercise suits your current condition.

4. Adequate water is essential to your body and will help to clean your system by gently washing out offensive bacteria and germs that can harbor in the colon and lead to illness or problems.

5. Colon cleansing method has been so popular as an option to keep your colon healthy. Consult with your doctor if you wish to take this method.

6. Visit your doctor and have an annual medical check-up to prevent diseases.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Dog Skin Cancer: What Is The Prognosis For Skin Cancer In Dogs?

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Dog skin cancer is one of the five most common cancers in dogs (the others are bone cancer, lymphoma, mammary cancer and oral tumors). These cancers typically appear as lumps in the skin, which usually become larger over weeks and months, and may eventually ulcerate and bleed.
There are five main types of skin cancer in dogs:
1. Melanoma. This cancer is relatively benign in dogs and is often completely curable. Having said that, some melanomas spread deep into the tissues under the skin, and these can be more difficult to manage.
2. Spindle Cell Sarcoma. These tumors can become quite large, but don't usually spread throughout the body. Because these tumors spread tentacles of tumor cells into surrounding tissues, they can be very difficult to remove completely, and they often recur after surgery.
3. Squamous Cell Carcinoma. These tumors are often associated with long term sun damage. They are a relatively common dog skin cancer in white dogs that enjoy sunbathing.
4. Lymphoma. This can occur on its own, or in association with cancer of the lymph nodes, gastrointestinal tract or respiratory tract.
5. Mast cell tumor or mastocytoma. This tumor is the most common skin cancer in dogs, with one in five skin tumors positively identified as a mastocytoma. They can be very aggressive and spread elsewhere in the body.
Diagnosis of the type of dog skin cancer you are dealing with is fairly straightforward. Your veterinarian may get a good idea from the appearance of the lump. Melanomas are black. Squamous cell carcinomas are often red and crusty, and usually found on white or hairless skin.
A sample of cells can be taken from the lump with a needle, and smeared onto a slide. This slide is stained with dyes to help identify the cell types, and then examined by a pathologist under a microscope. If that isn't diagnostic, then a biopsy can be taken of the lump, and it too can be looked at under magnification.

The outcome of your dog skin cancer depends on the type of tumor. Melanomas can be completely cured, as can squamous cell carcinomas if they are caught early enough, while they are still small. If a squamous cell carcinoma isn't treated, it can spread widely over a dog's body, which makes it more difficult to treat.
If a spindle cell sarcoma is treated aggressively, your dog is likely to be still sharing your life for up to 5 years after diagnosis.
The prognosis for a skin tumor that turns out to be a mastocytoma varies widely. These tumors can be graded from I to IV. Grade I tumors can usually be cured. Grade IV tumors have a much poorer outcome, and treatment will likely need to be repeated in the future.
If there is anything positive about dog skin cancer is that the tumors are easy to find, which allows you to have them treated early in the progression of the disease. This gives you the best possible outcome. Make it a habit to give your dog a full body massage on a regular basis, and watch closely for any unusual lumps and bumps on their skin.
Has your dog been diagnosed with cancer? Do you suspect that he might have this dreaded disease?

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Protect Yourself And Your Loved Ones From HIV Infection

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You do everything that you can to protect your family from becoming sick from a cold or flu, keep them from being injured and much more. We also ensure that they eat properly, get enough sleep, as well as do the same for yourself. However, with the increase of exposure and infection from HIV, it is increasingly vital that you protect yourself and your family from this virus every way possible. Unfortunately, certain instances may prevent your ability to protect yourself from HIV exposure, so if for any reason you think that you may have been exposed to the HIV virus, is vital to your health and safety to have an HIV test as quickly as you can. There is a plethora of ways that you can have an HIV Test Singapore, which include traditional blood testing, antibodies, saliva and others. Every HIV test available is specifically designed to ascertain if you in fact have contracted HIV. As you know, HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, is the virus that causes AIDS.

With HIV, there is an extremely small window of opportunity where an HIV test will come back negative, even though you are in fact infected with the virus. Even if your HIV test has come back negative, you are still extremely infectious and may pass the virus on to others. Your physician that performs your HIV tests for will know this, so they will ensure absolute accuracy of your HIV testing and diagnosis, even if your initial test comes back negative. The HIV tests that can be performed are based on a high level of specificity and sensitivity. For this reason, it will increase the accuracy of your HIV test, to help with early detection. In some cases, if you have been exposed to the HIV virus within the last 72 hours, there is a very good chance that you will be able to benefit from an HIV treatment that is known as HIV PEP (post exposure prophylaxis/prevention). This type of HIV treatment offers a very high success rate in the prevention of HIV infection.

Regardless of where you have your HIV test performed, you can have your HIV test done in confidence, because your physician is ethically, legally and morally bound to keep all of your personal information private under any circumstance. So, if you choose to have an HIV test, your privacy and confidentiality will be maintained, and no one will know that you have the test done, except for your physician yourself. In addition, if you do test positive for HIV, you will also be provided with the option of counseling, which many people can benefit from. It is not a requirement, but it will be provided for you if you would like it. Because of the incredible advances of modern technology, most of your HIV test results will be available to you within 20 minutes, instead of having to wait days or even weeks. This can ensure early diagnosis and treatment, and possible prevention. Therefore, if for any reason you suspect that you have been exposed to HIV, get yourself tested, as it is for your safety as well as the safety of your community.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Barrett's Esophagus: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

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When we eat or drink, the food or beverage travels from the mouth to the esophagus to the stomach. There is a battalion of muscles that keeps the food from going back to the food pipe. However, if this does not occur due to a problem with the muscles of the throat, acid from the stomach can leak into the food pipe and damage the lining of the esophagus.


If a person has been suffering with GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease) there are chances that he or she will have heartburn.

This problem is more common among men than women. But the fairer sex cannot sit pretty with the hope that this will never occur.

When a person has acute difficulty in swallowing, it is time to meet the specialist.


Most of us have a tendency of taking seemingly minor health problems very casually. Only when everything comes to a head, do we then run helter-skelter seeking answers. Therefore, instead of being flippant about pressing problems, it makes complete sense to bear in mind, especially when the symptoms scream, 'look out!'

This illness does not really exhibit many symptoms, aside from the fact that swallowing and digestion play a key role.

The acid reflux that causes the food to travel back from the point of origin is a matter that can be troubling. But at the same time, one cannot confuse this with an on-off vomiting syndrome.

To find out what is wrong, an endoscopy can be performed with the help of a camera that passes from the mouth, esophagus and stomach. If required, the doctor may conduct a biopsy on various parts of the area. If a person has Barrett's esophagus, he or she has to rule out the change that can lead to cancer.

People with the disease have a high risk of contracting esophagus cancer, but not everyone will succumb to this. It is best to check this out routinely, to rule out any tumor cells turning into a full- blown disease of dysplasia or cancer.


When a problem has been diagnosed, the patient is always advised to change certain patterns in his or her life. Most often a change in lifestyle, eating habits, reducing stress, cutting down on fatty foods, exercises and many more are suggested. But many of us do not pay heed to the good doctor's advice. After an illness, we end up with the same routine and before we know it, we are back in the hospital having to deal with a bigger problem. When it comes to treating Barrett's esophagus, here are a few treatment options. One must ensure that he or she has antacids after meals and at bedtime as well as an inclusion of histamine receptor blockers and proton pump inhibitors, based on the prescription of the doctor.

While these are suggestions, it may not alleviate the problem. If the biopsy report indicates dangerous cells, certain steps may remove the harmful tissues in the esophagus to stop the spread of cancer. At the end of the day, the doctor will have the best solution in treating the problem, and one must make sure that he or she follows all the rules dictated by the doctor.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Nopalea and Reducing Swelling

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Swollen ankles, feet, knees, legs, and hands can be painful, disruptive, and discouraging. Swelling of legs and other parts can make doing the simplest things seem next to impossible to accomplish.

This painful ailment affects quality of life. It makes everything in life less enjoyable. It is not fair that someone has to live this way.

At some point in time, many of us must deal with this irksome ailment and look at ways to seek relief. While you can always turn to prescription medication for treatment, this doesn't always prove to be an effective method of relief and can also create additional side effects that are sometimes worse than the original problem.

More people are seeking treatment through all-natural methods, from plants and other relief found in nature. Nopalea Juice, made from the prickly pear cactus, is one such treatment that is becoming increasingly popular.

The prickly pear cactus, a native of the Sonoran desert, has been used for centuries as both a food and medicine. It is believed that its use dates back to the time of the Aztecs. Use of the Nopal Cactus is becoming even more widespread now that researchers have made a connection between the plant and its ability to be a natural anti-inflammatory and natural anti-oxidant.

Swelling and inflammation are naturally related, so it just makes sense that Nopalea Juice would be an option when trying natural remedies to treat swelling.

Like chronic inflammation, swelling is how the body defends itself, but sometimes that mechanism can go haywire. This leads to more pesky problems and

Scientists are studying how the prickly pear cactus can help with chronic inflammation. The importance of treating this condition was revealed only in the last decade. A Time Magazine cover story on chronic inflammation made the connection between that condition and the occurrence of disease.

It is believed the chronic inflammation may be an underlying cause to illnesses and diseases ranging from colon cancer to arthritis. Researchers are also looking at how the cactus can help people with diabetes.

Dr. Oz gave an example of this on an episode of his show. He used an hourglass to demonstrate. He showed how someone ingesting the cactus could regulate blood-sugar levels. The cactus is very high in dietary fiber, and therefore acts as a filter to the sugars. He named the plant as one of the seven natural wonders of the world. He also touted the cactus as a great way to treat the symptoms of a hangover.

People across the world are finding relief from painful swelling by drinking Nopalea Juice. The tasty juice is also being used to increase optimal cellular health, detoxify the body, and relieve joint pain. This plant and this juice may help all diseases and conditions, such as arthritis, acne, diabetes, Alzheimer's, cancer, and fibromyalgia.

Once only a native to the Americas, now the prickly pear cactus is being grown and harvested around the world so people everywhere can benefit from its all-natural healthy properties.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Prostate Cancer Basics

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Prostate cancer occurs when cells in the prostate grow out of control and they form tumors. When the prostate has many small tumors formed from these abnormal out of control cells, prostate cancer is diagnosed.

The National Cancer Institute estimates that there will be 192,280 new cases if prostate cancer and 27,360 deaths from prostate cancer in 2009 in the United States. Prostate cancer is the second most common form of cancer (just behind lung cancer) in men and 1 in 6 of men will be diagnosed with this type of cancer. Currently, it is estimated that 2 million men in the United States currently have prostate cancer.

Most men in the early stages of prostate cancer do not have any symptoms, however; when the disease progresses the following symptoms may appear:
A need to urinate frequently, especially at night;
Difficulty starting urination or holding back urine;
Weak or interrupted flow of urine;
Painful or burning urination;
Blood in urine or semen; or
Frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs.
Due to the fact that these symptoms may also be signs of other diseases, a comprehensive work up from your family physician is vital.

The National Cancer Institute's has developed a chart which gives age ranges of men and the probability of a prostate cancer diagnosis.

Age Range Probability of Prostate Cancer

Under age 40 1 in 19,299
Age 40 59 1 in 45
Age 60-79 1 in 7

So what does this chart really mean? It means that the men in your lives need to be tested regularly for prostate cancer. Additionally, men of African decent have a 60% risk higher than Caucasian men which are the second highest racial group.

The Mayo Clinic says that there really is not much proven to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, but recommends the following MIGHT help. 1) Don't overeat. 2) Avoid high-fat foods. 3).Make healthy choices. 4) Drink alcohol in moderation. 5) Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. 6) Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. 7) Eat soy products and legumes. 8) Drink green tea.

In a study Harvard study the team of investigators found that men who ate more than 10 servings of tomato-based foods daily (such as cooked tomatoes and tomato sauce, V8 juice) had a 35 percent lower risk of developing prostate cancer.

My recipe for a great source of lycopene:

Mary' Favorite Pasta Sauce
1 can low-sodium (or no sodium) tomato sauce
1 can low-sodium (or no sodium) tomato paste
1 small onion (optional)
2 cloves garlic or 1 tsp garlic powder
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All Bones About It: New Treatment For GVHD

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Bone marrow transplant surgery is often seen as one of the brightest lights in the dark cloud of cancer care. The procedure has been one of the most effective counter-measures to the spread of cancer throughout a body, and has the distinction of being one of the less time-consuming approaches to cancer treatment. However, recent studies and discoveries have shown that bone marrow transplant surgery may is not as rosy and shiny as once thought, with news of side effects and possible complications emerging from the woodwork. For one thing, the transplanted cells can occasionally attack the new host body, causing damage to cell structure, the skin, and internal organs.

This particular effect, known as Graft-Versus-Host Disease (GVHD), has been known to strike several transplant patients every year. The frequency and the severity of the problem have given it the distinction of being the premier problem faced by people who undergo bone marrow transplant surgery. This occurs when the transplanted bone marrow carries active immune cells with it. These cells the proceed to attack the host body, believing it to be a foreign entity. There are procedures in place to help prevent the problem, but as with all surgical procedures involving transplants, the possibility of contamination is always present and can only be minimized.

The best known way to help alleviate the problems caused by this would be the use of a steroid known as prednisone, usually lasting for several weeks. The medication is designed specifically to suppress the immune cells and reduce the inflammation and damage that they can cause, usually just long enough for the cells to acclimate to the host body. The steroid is known to be effective in alleviating the problems caused by GVHD, but there are other factors to be considered. Long-term use of the drug has a list of known psychoactive effects, such as violent mood swings. There are also more severe side effects, such as possible muscle and bone deterioration, which can be fatal in certain situations. In such cases, doctors are often forced to prescribe other steroids to alleviate the effects of predsinone.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently passed a motion to prevent a drug called orBec from being released to the market. According to the manufacturers of the drug, it was designed as an alternative to predsinone, being that it could alleviate the problems caused by GVHD but did not have the same level of toxicity. However, the FDA apparently found something objectionable about the drug and decided to keep it from entering the market in lieu of further testing. The drug was redesigned from a steroid often used by asthma patients, allowing for alleviation of symptoms without suppressing the body's immune system. However, the FDA has ruled that further testing needs to be conducted to determine whether or not there are any harmful side effects.

For the time being, there are several hospitals that have signed up to test the medication on their patients. Doctors are also reportedly quite eager to get their hands on the experimental drug, if only because it could ease the burdens of their patients. The constant prescribing of steroids due to GVHD can easily open up a new range of complications that the use of orBec might help avoid.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Tips On How Checking Your Daily Cancer Horoscope Makes It Possible To Conquer Regular Challenges

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Horoscopes happen to be with us over hundreds of years, but what exactly are daily horoscopes? They bring us all predictions and readings, that have been beneficial in our daily life. They are taken from planetary interpretations, only demonstrating that the entire universe is unified.

The governing planet for Cancer is actually the moon, and its symbol is the crab. Cancer is in fact, loving and friendly in character. Although they can be conservative and timid people, they like to socialize with people that they can trust and get along with. Those born within the Cancer sign are quite personal and sensitive. They enjoy the security of their own abode. They express a deep emotional personality of sensitivity and toughness towards the sentiments and daily needs of others.

They often get gushy when it comes to even the lightest of possessions and memories. They are also both possessive and jealous, but are guaranteed to always be trustworthy to their good friends and their family. Although Cancer is very loving, they don't forgive and forget quickly. It could be difficult for them to ignore upsetting experiences, particularly if it all pertains to matters of the heart, and it involves their friends and their family.

Cancer is quite dynamic, passionate, and imaginative. They could be stubborn and spontaneous. They have a theoretical view of one's life and tend to linger in the past. Their being sensitive is obvious in their love for fantasy and art. Nevertheless, their sentimental side might get them to be too sensitive. They can get distressed quickly, and it is hard for them to comprehend things and circumstances. They can be extremely grumpy and flare up quickly. They can also be gullible because they are overly selfless and giving, that may usually steer them to take the part of any martyr.

Cancer is the most sensitive and intimate among the 12 signs. They offer an exhilarating and erratic love. They can be playful and witty and are actually entertaining to be with all the time. They can be very attentive and a little temperamental. They can be incredibly loyal, and yet are egocentric. They are not forgiving, particularly if other people tell lies and keep secrets from them.

They are very thoughtful and kind as they like to please their partners. They love to spoil and pamper their lover. They truly mean the things they say and are true with their partners. They avoid rationalizing and arguments. Cancer may also be aggressive and tenacious. They can seem shy sometimes, but they can be extremely spontaneous and adventurous. They could also manage to be passive, but they are determined, especially if their privacy and independence are being threatened.

Cancer individuals earn good friends. Even though they have a small group of friends, they remain to be loyal and committed to them. They normally make deep and strong-hold friendships, having only a couple of fails in judgement. By being attentive makes them great judiciaries of personality and attitude, which makes them wisely choose those they like to be along with.

Cancer does not enter to friendships fast as they want to be assured and positive about their friends. Cancer is never boring, and so they always build a strong rapport with the persons they are akin to. Nonetheless, they are extremely sensitive. They can get hurt easily, and when you make something undesirable towards them, they can become your greatest enemy.

Cancers at work are often instinctive. They like learning the welfare of the company and their fellow workers. They are massively organized, which makes them perfect leaders. They give great importance to how their money is handled, which makes them great in business and economics. Cancer people are hard-working and rarely laid-back. They do not like being branded as lazy and would not tolerate anybody else being much like that at work. They like to attain major things and will always finish projects by the due date.

Horoscopes offer several benefits to Cancer zodiac signs that they can use every day, which usually involve assistance in creating minor and major decisions. Cancer is quick in creating choices. Often, they may feel like they are not really thinking things out a lot, but they honestly do.

They just do not like mulling over issues too much and, therefore, are quick in their decisions. They may be also too direct and hyped-up with their opinions and thoughts. When not safeguarded correctly, this particular characteristic can trigger arguments and confusion. Their own readings might help them ponder things over and consider things carefully. Their daily horoscopes may help them earn reliable decisions, particularly in love and work.

Cancers are kind and amiable individuals, and may often walk far from confrontations and arguments. Nevertheless, this does not imply that they don't possess any rage. Their tolerance could be long, but be cautious if their fury seizes you. They could be as angry like a dragon. Daily horoscopes may help them manage their emotions and find peace of mind within themselves. It'll also guide them talk things out and be cool in these types of situations.

Cancer can be overly sensitive in nature. They easily get irritated and wounded over minor matters. They are also controlling and jealous, particularly if their loved one does not guarantee them of their genuine love for them. They may be very doubtful, too. Their daily horoscope can help them not to sulk with their emotions and instead speak out what they are feeling with their loved one.

Cancer individuals are extremely hard-working people, and they tend to take on responsibilities in the office. Often, they spend so much time at work that they ignore some of their responsibilities at home. They are presumed as democratic leaders and are very protective of their employees. Their daily horoscope may help them work wisely and not work tirelessly. They can as well get help in slowing matters down and learning how to enjoy things within their life while still persevering hard at work.

Cancers are extremely sensible people. They always look for convenience and stability. They are very hard and unpredictable to read, then again be aware with a Cancer as they could be unforgiving if you do them wrong. They hurt extremely and may show you a defense mechanism that may be misinterpreted by many. Their daily horoscope can help them handle their emotions and thoughts. It may help them foresee the inevitable and prepare for it.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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