Looking For Natural Angular Cheilitis Cures?

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There are numerous remedies, both organic and medical, for the painful and socially embarrassing affliction termed angular cheilitis, cheilosis, angular stomatitis and also perleche. In spite of numerous angular cheilitis cures existing, the condition is infamously tough to get rid of when it has gotten a grip which means that avoidance is usually superior to remedy although this isn't always possible. The best way to beat the problem could be to follow a two-pronged approach of prevention through good dental hygiene and healthy eating, and cure by prescription medication. If you want to attempt to treat angular cheiltis naturally there are a variety of activities you can do that will help rid yourself from the ailment.

One of the basic angular cheilitis cures that relates to both prevention and cure is healthy eating. Deficiencies in B vitamins and iron and manganese compromises the immune system that, consequently, can lead to cheilosis, hence eating lots of leafy green vegetables and beetroot (to boost iron absorption) can help. The yeast Candida Albicans which lives normally within the mucous membranes of the oral cavity as well as in the digestive system is one of the major contributors to the development of angular cheilitis when there is an overgrowth of this. This particular fungus thrives off yeast and sugar, and a growth of it causes candidiasis, or 'thrush', that leads to cheilitis. Therefore, steering clear of sugar and wheat gluten, as well as other fermented foodstuffs as well as alcohol is a step in the right path towards curing not only the candidiasis but angular cheiltis too. It's also possible to supplement your diet with a decent multivitamin complex to help boost immunity and combat the problem. Increased daily water consumption to help your body rid itself of toxins isn't a bad idea either.

Excellent oral hygiene is vitally necessary not only in protecting against angular cheilitis but also in healing it. Harmful bacteria that typically exists in the oral cavity and respiratory system can flourish and accumulate in the folds at the sides of the mouth as spit is lodged there and aggravate the development of the unsightly and painful skin lesions related to cheilitis. A couple of natural precautionary angular cheilitis cures that are helpful here are good brushing and exacting washing of dentures, if you have them. Badly-fitting dentures make denture-wearers especially susceptible to cheilosis so ensure yours are properly fitted by your dentist. A further preventative remedy could be to keep your mouth area hydrated by frequently putting on lip balm so that they don't get chapped. Chapped lips in addition to constant lip-licking when there is cheilitis-causing bacteria in your mouth is a definite reason for the reddened scaly patches of skin which can appear round the mouths of affected individuals.

The angular cheilitis cures explained earlier can safely be applied since there isn't any actual medicine involved if the condition persists, it would be wise to seek advice from a physician for medical treatment. In addition, the signs of angular cheilitis can be the identical to those of more serious illnesses so it's a good idea to acquire medical advice when you have not encountered cheilosis before.

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