Knowing More About Chemotherapy as a Cancer Treatment

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Chemotherapy is one of the commonly used cancer treatments. So, what exactly is chemotherapy? It is a cancer treatment that utilizes chemical agents or what are known as anti-neoplastic medications. The effects of these medications are systemic. They could easily kill those metastatic cancer cells. Unfortunately, this kind of cancer treatment could damage both malignant and normal or healthy cells. The normal or healthy cells that are mostly affected are the ones that divide rapidly. Examples of these are the cells of the intestinal tissues, hair, skin, the blood-forming cells and spermatocytes.

There are many anti-neoplastic or anti-cancer drugs that are made use for cancer treatment. Alkylating drugs, anthtracyclines, vinca alkaloids, anti-metabolites and antibiotics are the main anti-cancer medications.

Anthracyclines are cell-cycle non-specific. In addition to attacking the DNA of the cells, they damage the RNA synthesis of these cells as well. Doxorubucin liposome (Doxil) and Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) are examples of anthracyclines.

Akylating drugs are cell-cycle, non-specific. It means that it works regardless of the phase of the cancer process. It attacks the DNA of the rapidly dividing cells. Examples of these cancer treatment drugs are Carmustine (BCNU), Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) and Cisplatin (Platinol).

On the other hand, vinca alkaloids, anti-metabolites and antibiotics are cell-cycle specific. Vinca alkaloids work its function during the "M" phase of the cancer progression and interfere with mitosis. In contrast, anti-metabolites inhibit the protein synthesis of the cancer cells in the "S" phase. Examples of such cancer treatment medications are Hydroxyurea (Hydrea), Flurorouracil (5-FU) and Methotrexate (Mexate). Conversely, antibiotics like Mitomycin (Mutamycin) inhibit the protein and RNA synthesis of the rapidly dividing tissues.

As we had already known, chemotherapy cancer treatment also damages normal cells. Consequently, it results in some common side effects. As the rapidly dividing tissues of the intestines are a major internal area that is affected by this cancer treatment, it produces diarrhea, anorexia, nausea and vomiting.

Other types of rapidly dividing cells that are affected by chemotherapy cancer treatment are the blood-forming cells like the red, white blood cells and platelets. This being said, it could result in blood dyscrasias and bone marrow depression. It is important to know these side effects as the blood is the one that supplies nourishment to the whole body. In addition, depression of the bone marrow increases the chance of acquiring infections.

Other major side effects of this cancer treatment are alopecia (hair loss), CNS disturbances, hepatic disturbances and renal failure.

Usually, special care is needed for the patients going through the undergoing chemotherapy cancer treatment. For example, the intravenous (IV) site ought to be monitored for infiltration or accumulation of the IV fluid outside of the vein. This could cause tissue necrosis. The health professionals that would be administering the chemotherapy drugs need to follow institutional protocols or policies to assure of the medications' effectiveness and the safety of the patients and themselves. As chemotherapy cancer treatment could lead to low white blood cell (WBC) count, patients should be isolated to prevent them from acquiring infections.

When treating a cancer patient, chemotherapy is unquestionably a valuable choice and should be considered. Understand the chemotherapy cancer treatment better can help us making the wise choice.

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