Stage 4 Esophageal Cancer Survival Rate

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The survival rates for esophageal cancer are generally very low. The cancerous cells start to grow inside the esophagus and then slowly spread outwards. Due to this reason, the esophageal cancer survival rate goes on decreasing with every stage passed by and the ailment also gets more severe. There are four stages in esophageal cancer and as the patient crosses over from one stage to another, the chances of survival goes on diminishing.

In the fourth stage of esophageal cancer, of course there are no chances of longer survival for the patients. This is because the cancer spreads to all other organs in the body during this stage. The survival rate for esophageal cancer is generally measured by a standard called the 5 year survival rate which will provides the percentage of patients who will be alive for five years after the initial diagnosis.

The survival rate for the patients in fourth stage of esophageal cancer may be around 2.8 percent. The survival rates of the patients in fourth stage are divided into two parts- A and B. In the first case, the cancer will spread to distant lymph nodes present but still there are 15 percent chances of survival. In the second case, the cancerous cells spread to lymph nodes as well as the other organs present which makes the ailment more grave and reduce the chances of survival.

The survival rates for stage 3 and stage 4 may be similar. But the patient's health condition gets degraded stage by stage and the condition becomes worse in the final (fourth) stage. There are various types of natural treatment options are available for treating the patients in their fourth stage. Similarly many survivors have also listed some of the nutritional supplements, diet, food stuffs and other foods.

It is sure that the patients in fourth stage of esophageal cancer are dangerous and horrible for the sufferers and their survival rates can be very less compared to others and might not be able to survive beyond the duration of five years. It is also proved that the patient's hope and will power to survive with the disease gave them strength to lead a long life than expected.

The survival rate can also be increased by taking some artificial or natural remedies. But this can last only upto a certain extent. Mainly the rate of survival depends on the patient's self confidence and faith. The survival rate also depends on the age, life style and health conditions of the patients affected. It also depends on the stage at which it is diagnosed by the medical practitioner and the treatment provided for the patients.

Natural Remedies:
There are certain natural remedies that offer a promising cure for esophageal cancer. Along with the natural remedies and a well-researched different diet pattern, a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle can make a huge difference to your efforts for prolonging the life for several years. You can increase your chances of surviving esophagus cancer now by trying these proven natural remedies discussed here

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details


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