Abnormal Weight Loss - Discovering the Cause

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If you're losing abnormal amounts of weight it would be wise to be worried. Because there are many potential causes for it, you really should go to your doctor to get to the bottom of it. Since weight loss can bring about a state of malnutrition in the body if it continues for too long, you want to find out what's going on as soon as possible. The causes of abnormal weight loss are listed below, and they may be just a couple of factors related to it.

Cancers can cause you to lose abnormal amounts of weight, so this is a very good reason to get checked out at the doctors if you have this symptom. It might be something else, however because cancer can cause people to lose weight, being concerned about it is wise. The cancers that can make you lose weight are those of the lung, colon, pancreas and stomach, as well as a few others.

Apart from the disease itself, many people with cancer experience weight loss because of their medication. This is why it is very important for those with cancer to work along side their doctor to produce a diet and some supplements that can assist them in gaining back some of the lost weight.

Even though aging is not a cause of weight loss, many elderly people experience this symptom. Doctors will naturally do tests on elderly patients to check for cancer if the symptoms are showing, but there are also other causes of weight loss. The loss of weight can sometimes be a premature indication of dementia. Different stomach maladies can also be a cause, and elderly people are a lot more affected by them. Because older people lose bone density naturally, they must be very cautious when they are losing weight unnaturally. This is why they should go to their doctors to find out what kinds of foods and which supplements can assist them in getting their daily nutrients so that they don't lose any more precious weight.

Lots of people totally forget about one of the most obvious causes of weight loss: malnutrition. Poor people are usually malnourished because they don't eat enough nutritious food. However, there are various physical and psychological conditions that can cause malnutrition in anyone.

Apart from the fact that you'll be losing weight if you're not taking in a proper amount of calories, the absence of the right nutrients, Vitamin C especially, can cause scurvy which can be a cause of malnutrition. Some people become malnourished because they simply eat the wrong types of foods, or don't eat enough foods, not because they can't get any good foods from the shops. Anyone experiencing abnormal weight loss should find out why as soon as possible. If there happens to be some medical issue, treating it will in most cases sort out the unwanted weight loss. Depending on the problem, your doctor may recommend a change in diet, or certain medications to help you gain weight again. The information given in this article only covers a few of the potential reasons for abnormal weight loss.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Is Common Sense or Research Needed to Cure Cancer?

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It is an incredible feat that organisms can begin from one cell and then differentiate and compartmentalize into the millions of diverse tissue and organ niches that represent a mature body. Why brain, fingernail, liver, intestine and bone cells ever become what they are is mystery enough. Why they stay what they have become while still retaining the full genetic information to produce an entire new body, compounds the miracle even more.

Cancer is a condition in which cells lose their orientation and proliferate uncontrollably. Any cell can become cancerous. A lot of them do, but are squelched by cell death (apoptosis), the immune system or nipped in the bud by DNA repair mechanisms. Successful cancer cells escape these impediments, disregard normal cellular checks and balances and become an island unto themselves with only their own survival and self-interests at heart.

The cause of cancer is no mystery. It is our aberrant modern living context that has put us at cancer risk. When cells are forced to bathe in a milieu (the tissue soup we create with modern foods, drugs and lifestyle) entirely unlike what they are genetically programmed to expect, they revert to their most primitive directive multiply, multiply, multiply without regard for neighbors. It's a sort of payback for our disregard for neighbors when we pollute and repudiate nature. Why should our cells be polite to their neighbors if we don't have regard for ours? Since the immune system is compromised from the chronic stresses created by modern living, defenses are down. Couple this with the nutritionally depleted and perverted modern processed diet and you have the incubator for cancer.

Today, about one in three humans will get cancer. In pets it is worse and perhaps the leading cause of death. No evidence exists that the disease was of similar incidence before our modern era. President Nixon's "War on Cancer" (beginning in the early 1970s) is the most failed and embarrassing "military" campaign ever undertaken by any nation at any time in history. One person in 30 got cancer at the beginning of the 20th century, now almost one in two do.

Some will say that the only reason the incidence has increased is because humans and animals live longer due to modern medical measures. So when science fails in their mission to defeat cancer, they cleverly spin the failure as their success. As I have shown previously, [Why Modern Medicine is the Greatest Threat to Health] http://www.wysong.net/health/hl_884.shtml this is nonsense since modern medical measures are themselves probably the number one threat to life.

The reason for cancer and most chronic degenerative diseases is modern living, pure and simple. We have subjected ourselves to an artificial environment to which we are not adapted. Nature not exhaust, sugar, pop and plastic is what we are designed for. Screw with Mother Nature and a price will be paid.

Whatever the inciting cause, it is known that inducement and propogation needs to be relentless and of long-standing duration. Cancer can have a latency period of decades, requiring continuous exposure to the inciting stress. Our departure from our genetic roots certainly qualifies.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Angular Cheilitis Treatment That Works

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Do you have cracked skin in the corners of your mouth? If so then there is a chance you have a medical problem known as angular cheilitis. Though not often thought of as a serious illness it can still be very disturbing for the concerned individual. This article has been put together to inform you about the angular cheilitis treatment options that are available.

It is important to take steps to prevent the condition from worsening as early as possible. If left untreated, the cracks can develop and become very sore and painful, you may even end up having problems opening your mouth to talk or eat, yawning would be virtually impossible without causing a lot of agony.

Fortunately there are a number of avenues worth exploring when it comes to treating this ailment. The best treatments are those that can stop the problem from reappearing at a future date as well as reduce the extent of the symptoms that are presently felt.

Do you understand what the cause of your angular cheilitis is? Most often it is due to an excessive build up of saliva that accumulates in the corners of your mouth which can be a breeding ground for bacteria. But there can be different factors that lead to an excess of saliva. For many people it is down to diet.

If you do not get enough Vitamin B or iron then the condition can quickly arise. If you have a busy lifestyle and feel that you simply do not have time to prepare and eat a well balanced healthy diet rich in Vitamin B and iron then the solution would be to take a supplement or multi vitamin tablets. It is also possible to get hold if an ointment that contains vitamin B which can be directly applied to the cracked skin. This should provide immediate relief and reduce the symptoms greatly. To prevent a future occurrence vitamin supplements would be the simplest option.

There are other options worth exploring that can be used to get rid of the problem when it occurs and also prevent future outbreaks. If you use a lip moisturizer on the affected area then you can make the angular cheilitis much worse. Instead opt for a lip balm or Vaseline, an oily compound is better than a moist one as bacteria love damp places.

Apart from adding foods that contain higher levels of Vitamin B and iron to your diet also remove products that contain a lot of yeast, for example bread and beer. There is very little that can compare to having a healthy balanced diet high in fresh vegetables and fresh fruit. Seafood can also provide you with essential omega oils that can help fight infections.

Do you wear dentures? If so this may actually be the main cause of the problem. An ill fitting set would mean that your mouth produces an excess of saliva. If you have angular cheilitis and also use dentures then speak to your oral hygienist about the link between the two. A slight adjustment may remove the condition over a short time.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Treatment for Embarrassing Warts on Your Face.

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Dealing with warts on your face can be extremely embarrassing. People ask me quite regularly whats the best way to remove warts from their face. My most common answer is, warts will usually go away completely on their own without treatment. However, this can often take a couple of years. That's an unacceptable length of time for many people. The reality is, there are many treatment methods available.

The cause of warts is a virus. It is called the human papilloma virus, or HPV for short. The human papillomavirus has many different strains. These different strains are what causes the different kinds of warts. Some methods of wart removal are acceptable for face warts. This is because some methods of treatment can cause scarring. Most people find a scar on their face just as bad as having a wart. The most logical option is to prevent warts in the first place.

Typically direct person-to-person contact are how people get warts. You should never touch other people's warts to prevent getting them yourself. And don't touch things that people who have warts touch. You should never share personal hygiene items such as razors or towels.However, it's much more common to spread warts you already have to other parts of your body.

Make a point of keeping your skin healthy and free of abrasions. Good hygiene goes a long way in the prevention of warts on your face. To eliminate a place for HPV to enter your body keep the skin of your face moist healthy and free of dry cracks at all times.

Facial warts have many effective ways to be removed. There are various nonprescription medications available. You can also find many natural remedies to use for wart removal. And if these methods fail, your doctor or dermatologist will have other removal methods available for you.

Nonprescription and prescription medications with vitamin A have been found to be effective in removal of facial warts. You should always apply the ointment directly on the wart, never on the skin surrounding the wart. Also, medications containing salicylic acid are effective for wart removal.

Many of the natural remedies that are effective in removing warts from your face might sound like unusual substances to use for this purpose. In most cases the use of these substances are effective when used as directed. Some of these substances include castor oil, onion juice, sesame oil and garlic. For some reason however of these substances have been successfully used by many people not everyone gets the same results.

A dermatologist will have many different treatment options for removing facial warts. One of these methods available only to doctors is the use of liquid nitrogen to cryogenically remove a wart. And of course only a doctor or dermatologist will be able to do laser wart removal. Whether you choose to try to remove the warts from your face at home with over-the-counter medications, or home remedies, you should always consult a physician first. While natural remedies and over-the-counter medications can be effective, prescription strength medications will almost always be more effective.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Pomegranate Juice: 10 Amazing Health Benefits

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Pomegranate juice contains high levels of polyphenols antioxidant (anthocyanins and annins), vitamin B5, fiber, vitamin C, and potassium.

There are a lot of researches that showed the health benefits of pomegranate juice. With the regular consumption of this healthy drink, you can get the following benefits:

1. A healthy cardiovascular system. This is one of the most apparent benefits of pomegranate juice to regular drinkers. This is because this juice contains high amounts of antioxidants which help the heart be healthy, and therefore help reduce an individual's risk of developing stroke and other heart problems.

2. Reduced risk of developing cancer. It was found out according to a recent study that pomegranate juice is capable of aiding in the prevention of breast cancer, lung cancer, and prostate cancer, as it contains compounds that kills cancer cells and prevents or slows down the growth of cancer cells.

3. Pregnant women can also be benefited from regular drinking of pomegranate juice as it is rich in folic acid which is vital in the proper development of the unborn baby.

4. It builds or strengthens the immune system as it contains high levels of vitamin C.

5. Regular drinking of pomegranate juice helps reduce cholesterol in the body.

6. It also helps in reducing or lowering blood levels in the system.

7. Alzheimer's disease can also be prevented with the constant consumption of this health drink. A study on mice showed that this drink was effective in slowing down or prevention of this disease. The mice that were given the juice on a regular basis exhibited better mental performance than those that were not given. The mice that were under this study were intentionally bred to develop Alzheimer's disease. However, with the use of this juice on a certain group of mice, it showed that it aided in preventing the development of this disease.

8. It can help avoid osteoarthritis. A study showed that pomegranate fruit extracts can block enzymes that play a role in the degradation of the cartilage. It helps reduce bone inflammation and bone loss which therefore makes the joints and bones healthier.

9. It also helps keep teeth and gums healthy. Its antibacterial properties help clean the mouth cavity which therefore helps in preventing the development of plaque and bad breath. The simple gargling with this juice on a regular basis will give someone strong teeth and fresh breath.

10. It helps keeping the skin's youthful feel. Since this juice has high amount of antioxidants, it can slow down the ageing of the skin. Studies showed that free radicals break down the cells and ultimately ruin them. Antioxidants fight these and provide them no room to develop, and not let them from killing any more cells. The antioxidants present in pomegranate juice can hugely aid in protecting the skin from the harmful rays of the sun. But since antioxidants work from the inside out, getting such shield from something as refreshing as pure pomegranate juice is way more effective than sunscreen or moisturizers.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Size Of A Mole Establishes Removal Procedure

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TV stars like Natalie Dormer happen to be renowned for their facial mole. Usually a person does in no way want moles which explains the reason facial mole removal tactics will be asked for. Lots of moles are ugly blemishes which can be removed at home rather than high priced conventional processes.

As a person ages moles start showing up. The number and sort of moles an individual develops is often based on genetics. A person who is young should observe family history in order to determine roughly the amount and sort of nevi she or he might experience in the future.

A person will be able to slow down this process of a few nevi emerging via applying appropriate sun protecting ingredients whilst outside during the day. Excessive sunlight can damage skin as well as eventually promote melanoma. A monthly self examination is vital in order to notice new growths. Those blemishes need to be monitored in regards to early skin cancer indications.

If a mole is odd shaped then a dermatologist should look at it to determine whether or not it happens to be melanoma. An uneven edged nevus will have a high likelihood for being cancerous. A general practitioner will be able to complete facial mole removal procedures after a mole sample has been determined not to be cancerous. The laboratory will be able to evaluate this sample. When there is melanoma then this cancer needs to be gotten rid of.

The medical doctor performs specific processes based on nevus size and depth. When the nevus tends to be shallow then a doctor of medicine can utilize a tool which cauterizes the mole off. There is not any scarring whenever the mole will be successfully gotten rid of using this particular method. Utilizing an aloe vera or vitamin E lotion can help to repair the injured area more quickly.

If the nevus is not shallow then the doctor of medicine has to slice the epidermis to eliminate the mole. This particular technique will possibly need several visits to the doctor to be able to correctly take off a mole. Anytime the doctor of medicine cuts the epidermis there is a greater likelihood for wound marks. To assist with the scarring and the healing time try using an aloe vera or vitamin E ointment. The area must at all times be protected plus clean.

An individual who possesses a facial nevus might be uncomfortable in regards to this nevus. A person may desire beautiful skin. Regardless what the personal reason tends to be to desire a facial mole removal method completed, choices are holistic treatments or else a medical doctor to eliminate this nevus. Home remedies are ideal for small moles while big moles happen to be ideal for a general practitioner to eliminate. Nevi which are cancerous needs to be removed by means of the dermatologist.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Protein Supplementation in Burn Patients

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Continuous nutritional implications are to follow any severe burn injury that's greater than thirty percent of our body surface. For the optimal treatment of such patients it's important to know the nature of this response and the resultant changes in nutritional requirements. Approximately one hundred percent of resting energy may be exhausted following a burn injury. Increased heat loss from the burn wound and increased beta adrenergic activity are probably both vital factors that cause an increase within the resting energy expenditure. Amplified evaporative heat loss is experienced via the wound also because burned skin loses its effectiveness as a barrier to water loss. In addition, radiation heat loss is increased from burn wounds. This is caused through the increased blood supply at the burn wound, which is a normal reaction to any injury.

Major trauma, burns and sepsis have in common a rapid net catabolism of body protein, plus a redistribution of the nitrogen pool inside the body. Inside the liver certain quickly produced 'acute-phase' proteins are produced at an increased rate, muslce protein is broken down at an accelerated rate too, and wound repair needs amino acids for protein synthesis and amplified immunological activity may also need accelerated protein synthesis. Following a severe burn, an increased calorie requirement for healing is present, since the body loses protein through wounds. In an attempt to reduce net protein catabolism there will be an amplified requirement for dietary protein and/or free-form amino acids. This increased protein utilization won't prevent the muscle protein from being broken down for energy production but it will supply the supplies needed to produce the lost tissue. To maintain a positive nitrogen balance a rise in protein intake is essential since the mild stress of simple bedrest will necessitate it.

It is recommended that protein be provided to adults at a rate between 1.2 and 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram per day. Children normally need more protein than adults in order to support growth. It's counseled that pediatric patients with burn injuries be given as much as 3 grams of protein per kilogram each day due to the fact that children normally need more protein than adults in order to support growth. In youngsters, just about 25% of total energy should come from protein.

In patients with major burn injuries, infection remains the foremost cause of death. Immune consequences of this injury are identified like deficits in neutrophils chemo taxis, phagocytosis, and intracellular bacterial killing. Cell-mediated immunity, as measured by skin testing, additionally is compromised and has been connected to both decreased lymphocyte activation and suppressive mediators present within the serum of burn patients. A reduction in immunoglobulin synthesis also has been encountered in these seriously unwell patients.

Whey is among the proteins found in milk (another is casein). These proteins structure 100% of the protein within milk of which eighty percent is casein and approximately twenty percent is whey. Whey protein is abundant with certain amino acids and low in fat. The important amino acids, which also are branched chain amino acids, are leucine, valine and isoleucine. The amino acid profile of whey makes it ideal for supporting protein synthesis, muscle growth and body composition.

Another amino acid, cysteine, will be found in relatively high amounts in whey protein. Augmenting the availability of cysteine in diet has been found to enhance immune function, enhance resistance to infection, and elevate glutathione (GSH) levels (an antioxidant enzyme containing cysteine). In the immune response cysteine will be the evident rate-limiting thing in the synthesis of glutathione to refill the cell's store. GSH plays a central role within the functioning of immune cells, in specific its creation and maintenance of T-cell lymphocytes, your body's frontline defense against infection. Oxidative damage can be minimized by maintaining high intracellular GSH levels, which will also help forestall disease and aid recovery.

Whey protein additionally contains lactoferrin, a protein that has been shown to possess bacteriostatic and bactericidal activity. Studies on lactoferrin have demonstrated its ability to activate natural killer cells and neutrophils, induce colony-stimulating issue activity, and enhance macrophage cytotoxicity. Furthermore, lactoferrin has antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. The antimicrobial impact is doubtless stronger in organisms that require iron to duplicate, as lactoferrin has the unique ability to chelate iron in a method that deprives microorganisms of this essential nutrient for growth

A significant factor of whey protein is termed lactalbumin and has been found to raise brain serotonin and reduce cortisol concentration and improve mood under stress.

Casein is known to form a clot within the stomach. This clot makes nutrient supply in your body more efficient. The clot holds for several hours and is fantastic in slowing the release of amino acids into the blood stream. This will usually aid in meeting the demand of our bodies for an increased supply of amino acids, providing energy, and promoting protein synthesis.


1. Pasulka PS, Wachtel TL: Nutritional considerations for the burned patient. Surg Clin North Am 1987 Feb; 67(1): 109-31.

2. WOLFE, R.R.: Caloric requirements of the burned patients. J. Trauma, 21, 712-714 (1981).

3. Wolfe, R.R., Goodenough, R.D., Burke, J.F., Wolfe, M.H.: Response of protein and urea kinetics in burn patients to different levels of protein intake. Ann. Surg., 197, 163-171 (1983).

4. Boirie Y, Dangin, M, Gachon P, Vasson, M.P et al. (1997) Slow and fast dietary proteins differently modulate postprandial protein accretion. Proclamations of National Academy of Sciences, 94: 14930-14935.

5. Counous, G (2000). Whey protein concentrates (WPC) and glutathione modulation in cancer treatment. Anticancer Research, 20: 4785-4792.

6. Lands LC, Grey VL, Smountas AA (1999). Effect of supplementation with a cysteine donor on muscular performance. J Appl Physiol 87:1381-1385.

7. Arnal MA, Mosoni L, Boirie Y, et al (1999). Protein pulse feeding improves protein retention in elderly women. Am J Clin Nutr; 69: 1202-1208.

8. MacKay D. Miller AL, 2003. Nutritional support for wound healing. Altern Med Rev; 8:359-377

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Mesothelioma and Epithelial Differentiation

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Another study is called, Distinction of mesothelioma from carcinoma in pleural effusions. An immunocytochemical study on routinely processed cytoblock preparations. By Kuhlmann L, Bergh
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Need an MRI? Wait 109 days in Ontario or, for $700, Get it Tonight in Michigan

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Record numbers of Ontarians are being sent to the U.S. by their government for routine health care that should be available at home. A Metroland Special Report shows thousands of others are funding their own medical treatments south of the border, at high personal cost. The numbers have been rising for the last 10 years. Government approvals for out-of-country health care funding are up 450 per cent. Should Ontarians have to use a passport to get health care?

TROY, Mich - At first glance, it looks more like a hotel than a hospital.

Carpeted floors and frosted glass line the hallways. Guests in the waiting room lounge in wingback chairs near a beverage station with complimentary Starbucks coffee.

In all the private rooms, medical equipment is carefully tucked away behind cabinets that look as if they've leapt from the pages of an Ikea catalogue.

Bowls of colourful candy rest within easy reach of smiling nurses and friendly office staff.

Soft jazz is piped through the hallway, where letters stencilled on the wall remind: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of dreams."

This is Unasource - a private day surgery centre in Troy, Mich. It's only 40 kilometres from the Canadian border, but it's a world away from any surgery facility north of the 49th.

"There's a calming effect when you walk into Unasource," said Michael Kuhn of Windsor, who made the trip to Michigan in 2007 to repair a torn tendon in his shoulder. "It's just an absolutely pristine facility."

Kuhn is one of many Canadian patients who found his way to the U.S. for care - a growing group that is fast feeding an industry that emerged in the last decade to help thousands of Canadians find help across the border.

As for just how many are going, it's difficult to say. OHIP paid for 12,000 cases to be treated, diagnosed or tested in American hospitals and clinics last year. But those are only the patients from Ontario who qualified for OHIP pre-approval for a medical ticket south.

"For every one of those, there's probably 10 who say, 'I can't wait,'" said Rick Baker of Timely Medical Alternatives, a B.C.-based medical brokerage, a type of business that's sprung up to fill the gap as wait times put added strain on patients.

For a price they've negotiated in advance with U.S. hospitals, brokers can get you surgery or diagnostics quickly and, they say, cheaper than you might think.

For around ,000, the cost of a mid-size car, you can skip the lines in Ontario and have your knee replaced in Michigan or Colorado with the Windsor-based medical brokerage, International Health Care Providers. The time from the call to their office to specialist appointment to surgical table can be as little as two weeks, said the firm's president, Kelly Meloche.

For about 0, a broker can get you in to a private diagnostic clinic for a MRI in Michigan tonight - and many will even drive you there.

"The world is changing, and saying, 'That free system that we were all so happy to have, well, it was great. But, unfortunately it's not great anymore,' and more and more people, as something happens within the family, are finding that out," said Tracy Bevington, CEO of EcuMedical, another Windsor-based medical brokerage. "As they're finding it out, they're looking for options, and we're here offering those options."

Even though Ontario has taken measures to reduce wait times, the system is still sagging under pressure and generating patient angst.

Need an MRI? The wait is 109 days, according to provincial wait-time figures. As of Nov.1, nearly 140,000 people were on waiting lists for CT and MRI imaging alone.

Centres such as Unasource are more than willing to welcome Canadians looking for expedited care.

The modern rooms, high-tech equipment and plush extras may not surprise choosy American patients. For Ontarians who are focused on faster care, the extras are an added comfort.

At Sky Ridge Medical Centre in Colorado, "we were really designed with a new philosophy in mind that really takes into account a healing environment," said spokesperson Linda Watson.

The Denver-area hospital has recently started booking Canadian patients for orthopedic surgeries.

Every room in Sky Ridge is private, some with panoramic mountain views. Each is equipped with on-demand TV, allowing patients to take in the latest movie or learn more about their condition and treatment.

There's in-room dining with filet mignon and create-your-own omelettes, prepared by chefs.

At Sky Ridge, the wait time for a specialist appointment and joint-replacement surgery is measured in days. In Ontario, where more than 8,500 people are waiting for knee-replacement surgery, 90 per cent of patients will have the surgery within the provincial target of 182 days.

But, that wait only starts after the surgery is scheduled, a process which can add months to the timeline as patients wade through referrals and specialist appointments.

The waits can be agony, and many people look south out of desperation, said Janet Walker, a B.C. nurse who is researching the impact of wait times on patients.

"In Canada, we hear that, yes there are waits, but it's only for elective surgery," she said. "So, we imagine that it's not important and not painful, and that is just not the case."

Brokers, or facilitators as they call themselves, act as a type of medical concierge. Using their own networks of private hospitals and specialists, brokers help clients get diagnostics, treatment and surgery fast.

They'll also help book flights, arrange hotels for longer stays, drive clients across the border - even help find someone to look after pets. Of course, it all comes at a cost.

But often, it's a price Canadians are more than willing to pay if it spares their life or improves their quality of living, said Meloche of International Health Care Providers.

"One of the myths is how it's so incredibly expensive," she said. "The truth is a consultation will cost a couple hundred bucks."

If you go through a broker, that is.

Many brokers can offer clients a discount rate because they negotiate prices with hospitals and specialists in advance. Most get paid by the hospitals where the surgery or treatment takes place.

"We can get a coronary artery bypass, which the usual and customary cost for that is somewhere between ,000 and 0,000. We sent a man (to the U.S.) recently - he paid ,000," said Baker, of Timely Medical Alternatives.

"We've negotiated some deep discounts ... We sent a man from Vancouver for a procedure called angioplasty where they put a stent in the plugged artery. First of all, he called the Mayo Clinic and they wanted ,000. He paid 15 five. He got it in two days."


In addition to cost savings, brokers advertise quick and simplified care. EcuMedical of Windsor will pick up clients from the airport, book hotel rooms, ferry them across the border in a company van, and take them directly to the specialist appointment, hospital for surgery or cancer centre for chemo.

Starting from ,000, EcuMedical can arrange for clients to get a new knee, often in about two weeks. That's about 25 per cent less than you'd pay if you tried to price it out directly with the same hospital, said Bevington, the CEO.

While some medical brokers act as advocates for patients within the Canadian system, others such as International Health Care Providers and EcuMedical deal exclusively in the U.S. Bevington said most of his clients pay out-of-pocket because they don't have the time to wait for OHIP approval.

For many clients, it comes down to choosing between an expensive vacation and quality of life. The latter often wins, he said.

"Today's baby boomer isn't like my mom and dad - they want to be active. They don't want to be walking around with a cane or a walker looking like my father and my grandfather did. They want to get out on the golf course. They want to go for a walk. They want to go swimming. So they're saying, 'No, I'm not waiting two years to get my knee replaced, I want to be on the golf course in spring.'"

But for many there is still a stigma attached to the decision to opt out of the queue and take their medical needs stateside.

Others point out the failure of the American system to accommodate the poor and uninsured.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 46.3 million Americans were without health insurance in 2008.

Canadians entering into that market could be impeding the access of Americans who require the treatments, said Natalie Mehra, a director of the Ontario Health Coalition - a public interest health care group.

"At the end of the day, the Canadians who go south - whether it be that the government is buying bulk services in U.S. facilities or they're paying on their own - they are very likely jumping the queue in the U.S., because there are so many Americans who won't have the same access to health care as they do," she said. "Where it's unethical, what's sad about that is that people are forced into that position."


Many Canadians who've travelled south said they were taken aback by the level of care they received in the U.S. Some describe doctors who took an hour to explain the diagnosis, or others they reached at home on Sunday morning to answer pressing questions. Others say they were stunned by spotless facilities or surprisingly attentive staff.

Walker, the nurse researching the impact of wait times, said that while some patients struggled with initial discomfort over potentially being seen as a queue jumper, not one regretted the decision.

"Every person, every person without exception, said 'I was so glad I went. My treatment was fabulous. The care I got was planets away and better than Canadian care,'" she said.

Brokers say the medical-travel industry is growing, though by exactly how much is difficult to tell.

If the number of brokerages that started up and have grown into successful businesses in the last decade is any measure, the demand is there, and isn't diminishing.

"When we started the business, it started in the Windsor-Essex county area," said Bevington, adding he's been advised not to disclose the number of clients he's assisted. "It's all over Canada now - all of the provinces ... Let us just say this - we used to (schedule) a few scans a week out of my home, and we now have a very large office with a very large staff. It's frequent."

Since his company opened in 2003, Timely Medical Alternatives' Baker said he's helped nearly 2,000 clients. Some he sent to clinics and hospitals in the U.S., others were referred to private medical and diagnostic clinics in Canada.

Meloche, of International Health Care Providers, said she sees about 300 clients a year, and the number is growing.

"It's all going up," she said. "I'm now also getting referrals from physicians themselves. That's a trend really, when you have a Canadian physicians' office calling and saying, 'We've heard about you. What can we know about you because we just need this done. We're not getting it done'."

Meloche said physicians primarily find her through clients who return to their Ontario doctors after surgery.

Most of the doctors are calling out of frustration, Meloche said - they have a patient who needs care quicker than our system can offer.

"Very few (people who go) blame their physician," she said. "They're just saying, 'You know what? I'm just not getting in, and the doctor's now saying that they're doing all they can for me.'"

Brokers say physicians are in a tough spot, but the situation for the average Canadian is only going to worsen, given that so many are without family doctors - the first link in the chain to specialists and diagnostic referrals.

Last year, the Ontario Medical Association estimated about 850,000 people were without a family doctor. Nationwide, Statistics Canada data from the same year estimated that 4.1 million Canadians were without a GP.

Physician shortages are only half the problem, many experts say.

The first of the baby boomers will hit 65 in 2011. In less than 50 years, a quarter of Canadians will be seniors, compared to 13 per cent now.

Health services are about to become a top priority for a group who can afford to pay for their care and demand a better standard of living, brokers point out.

It's a supply-and-demand crisis that can only amount to more people looking for solutions outside the system, Bevington said.

"The need in the next five years for health care is going to dramatically increase on this already-stymied medical situation, and the ability to service it is going to get worse," he said.

"We're heading for the most imperfect storm, and that's real."

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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"Happy Light" Halogen Heaters Help to Alleviate SAD Symptoms

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When the nights start to get longer and temperatures begin to fall, some individuals find that their moods darken. While many of us dislike the cold winter months, for people who suffer from seasonal adjustment disorder (SAD) it is more than just the winter blues. SAD is a form of depression that occurs during the autumn and winter. The good news for SAD sufferers is that symptoms can be alleviated by light therapy. "Happy Light" 2-in-1 halogen heaters can keep you cosy and boost your mood this winter.

What is SAD?

SAD is a form of depression that is triggered by the dark winter months. Alongside the typical symptoms of depression, such as loss of interest in social interaction, withdrawal and a feeling of hopelessness, SAD sufferers may also crave carbohydrates, gain weight and experience high levels of fatigue. Individuals with SAD often experience these low moods at the same time each year. SAD tends to begin in the autumn and lasts until the lighter evenings arrive in the spring.

How Does Light Therapy Work?

SAD can be treated with light therapy. The individual positions himself near a light box while he works or sits. The light box emits an intense white light that covers the full spectrum, similar to sunlight. The light emitted by a light box is much brighter than normal household lighting. This concentrated light helps to trigger biochemical reactions in the brain. These reactions release serotonin and inhibit the production of melatonin. Serotonin is responsible for feelings of well-being and happiness. Melatonin release is triggered by darkness and causes feelings of drowsiness. Bright light shining on the retina inhibits the production of melatonin in the body.

Individuals should sit in front of the light box for 30 to 60 minutes every day during the winter in order to derive benefit from this treatment. The time required will depend on the intensity of the light produced. The brighter and stronger the light, the less time is required. In general, the best time to use a light box is in the morning. This fits in with the body's natural rhythms and minimises the risk of disrupting night-time sleep patterns.

What Other Conditions Benefit from Light Therapy?
Light therapy can also be used to alleviate the symptoms of jetlag and sleep disorders. It can also help shift workers to sleep better during their time away from work.

Your body can struggle to adjust to the alteration in time zones when you are travelling. The lengthening or shortening of the day can disrupt sleep patterns and cause extreme fatigue. This is known as jetlag. Light therapy can reduce the impact of jetlag by re-establishing the body's natural sleep pattern. If you are travelling eastward, light therapy should be used in the mornings at your destination. If travelling westward, use light therapy in the evenings. This will help to reset your body clock.

Sleep patterns can be disrupted for a number of reasons. Stress and anxiety can cause the mind to race, causing sleep disturbance. An overloaded schedule can make it hard to switch off at night. An underlying health condition or lifestyle choices, such as drinking too much alcohol or caffeine, can make it difficult to get a good night's sleep. Sitting in front of a light box for a period of time each day can help to trigger the release of chemicals in the body that boost the mood and aid sleep.

Working patterns that include night shifts can interfere with the body's natural rhythms. Fatigue related to night shift working can lead to reduced concentration, accidents and absenteeism. In a study carried out at Rush University Medical Center in 2008, researchers found that the body's natural rhythms can be adjusted to alleviate the problems caused by night shift working. One of the three strands of the treatment used was light therapy for specified periods during the day.

"Happy Light" Heaters:

"Happy Light" halogen heaters emit over 10,000 lux of white light that mimics the full spectrum of light emitted by the sun. Along with the light therapy benefits that this white light produces, the "Happy Light" heater also provides warmth for your surroundings. Offering 400 and 800 watt settings, this 2-in-1 heater is extremely versatile, giving you full control over the temperature that you choose.

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Precisely How Dialogue Stimulates Healthy Aging

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It's smart to converse frequently with your health care manager. As soon as you communicate routinely, you scale back the probability of various ailments which affect aging adults. Research has revealed that people who oftentimes discuss their health with medical doctors enjoy a lengthier and far healthier life.

How long communication offers:

Communication reaches further however than spoken words. As soon as your doctor evaluates your wellbeing, you should be willing to take part. Involvement means joining your doctors to discover treatments or remedies for all your condition. Also, you could possibly speak effectively together with your doctor if you take the time to find out about healthcare, medicines, sicknesses and the like. You do not only stay aware, you could help your physician find therapy options when the illness is swaying. As an example, if you are diagnosed with osteo arthritis, and now have knowledge regarding the condition, you could provide medical professional pointers if the position causes frustration.

Inflammatory disease is widely observed in older individuals. One of the main causes is a result of injuries and bones that hadn't healed during the accident. The patient may have lacked insights to bolster the bones, joints and muscles, which means that the problem lead to inflammatory disease. Hereditary factors key into arthritis too reported by few experts. It is up to your bone structure and additionally genetics that will decide if you get arthritis. As opposed to these teachings, it can be worth while learning, seeing as arthritis is treatable for those who catch it at its initial state.

Alzheimer's is a mental condition which has an effect on the intellectual attributes. At the earliest phase, medical experts declare that cures can be obtained. The problem is due to lack of knowledge from training so many elders go to the doctors toward the later cycle. We do not possess a cure. Right now, it is these individuals may possibly taken involvement in their own personal health and other disorders that interrupt older people, so they would probably miss dementia. Dementia derives from Alzheimer's disease, which during this period the affliction commences advancing.

Sarcoma is an additional disease that affects our seniors. Cancer patients, according to experts, could have a chance in the event that the patient could possibly have taken time to learn and understand. Besides, if the patient would have paid a visit to the medical doctor consistently, if the sufferer would have learnt health care, consequently this individual might have had a remedy. For the reason that few people take enough time to learn about medical care, we have a planet filled with patients perishing from cancer, because no cures are accessible.

However, new reports has presented that the blood from a newborns umbilical cord might possibly heal some kinds of cancer. The blood is frozen immediately after testing and maintained for treatment of leukemia and other cancer patients. The blood brings new body cells at rapid paces, and that is great for restoring withering cells. As the years accrue the dying, cells accrue while the living cells degenerate. Potentially all these studiers of medical treatments have found their treatment.

Any time you take time to talk with your doctor and learn medical care, there will be the amount of time to live for wholesome aging.

Take into account the body's characteristics start to decline during the time you turn 30. In spite of the insights, when you are young it's about time to act by communicating with your medical professional routinely and being familiar with nutritional aging and disease.

Food for thought:

To stay healthy you will need a primary doctor. You will want to continue appointments, engage in testing, treatments, procedures and etc. It is important to contact your medical professional when symptoms emerge, which you now do know since you invested some time to read about health issues prior to being too late!

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Aronia Berry - What It Can Do For You

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There's been a large revival of curiosity in the aronia berry in recent times, especially since its countless benefits have emerged. Often referred to as chokeberry, this dark berry is indigenous to North America. It was part of the staple diet of Native Americans and early settlers because it was full of health.
Today, researchers and scientists are discovering the goodness of this berry and what a completely amazing super food it is. There has been ample research to suggest that the aronia berries are indeed some of nature's best health supplement.
Scientific researchshave indicated that dark skinned fruits and berries provide the most amount of protective elements and nutrients to people. From that point of view, the black aronia berry is indeed dark and offers much more protection than cranberries and blackberries.
What's so special about aronia berry?
The aronia berry has the optimum concentration of antioxidants found in any fruit. We all know the significance of antioxidants in keeping us healthy and fighting conditions. Just this property of the aronia berry ought to make it a top contender for the healthiest fruit or berry ever. Because it is rich in antioxidants, it has a very high ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value, almost 80 units which is most likely the highest amongst fruits. However, there's more.
Aronia berries also have lots of flavonoids which help the body in its fight against cancer causing elements, viruses, also known as carcinogens and numerous types of allergies.
These dark pigmented berries have all of the properties found in cranberries and black berries, but in increased amounts because of the high levels of anthocyanins and proanthocyanins. It also has a high dose of quinic acid which is noted to prevent urinary infection.
As research is usually being conducted, there is much more about the aronia berry which is being uncovered. Here is a look at how specifically the aronia berry can be beneficial to us.
* Circulation. Aronia berries are known to enhance the circulation of blood, make blood vessels stronger and fight against heart disease. Free radicals are the true reason of many conditions in the body and aronia berries can prevent formation of these radicals therefore preventing conditions such as diabetes and other cardiovascular conditions.
* UTI. It's a well known fact that cranberries are great in helping resolve urinary tract infection, but these aronia berries are really better than that because of the high quotient of quinic acid in them.
* Suffering from high blood pressure? Aronia berries are your antidote as these can help greatly in keeping blood pressure at normal levels.
* If your diet has aronia berry on a regular basis, you can be certain that colds and flu will stay away from you.
* Here's another astonishing benefit. Aronia berries can help improve your memory as well.
* These berries help the body in producing great cholesterol.
* researches are being conducted to see the effect of aronia berries on cancer as it is known to be rather effective especially for those suffering from colon cancer.
* Aronia berries can prevent blood clots from forming and therefore reduce the occurrence of atherosclerosis.
How to consum it?
The aronia berry is known for its sharp and tart taste which might appeal to many and not to some others as its low on sugar also. However, aside from being eaten fresh, these berries are now appearing in various forms of food and provide the same amount of nutrition. The aronia berry juice is very healthy as well as it offers all the benefits of the berries in an easy to use and store form. The juice is often sweetened also to make it more tasty.
Many companies have come up which are promoting fresh frozen berries, berry chews, and even aronia berry green tea. If you are fond of fresh fruit in your food, then you can include the aronia berries in pancakes, add it to your fruit salad or top it with cereals to power your food like never before. Inventive cooks are including aronia berries to substitute other berries such as cranberries and strawberries in their recipes which call for sauces or fillings. One of the most popular ways to eat aronia berries can be by smoothies while preserves and jams are also good.
Good to know
Several researches have indicated that apart from all the many health benefits that it offers, the aronia berry can also help in controlling weight. What's more, there's many astounding news that aronia berries can help prevent the body from storing fat around the abdomen, a problem which numerous people are always facing.
It's rather easy to grow aronia berry bushes in your own garden in case you have adequate space because that means you can have fresh supply of fruit throughout the year. And the good news for those who do not have that much of a green thumb is that these bushes are easy to grow are low maintenance. Even better, a mature bush can produce around 38 pounds of berries, more than enough to keep you enjoying super foods everyday of the year.

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Natural Ways For Women To Prevent Uterine Cancer

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Protect yourself from this female cancer!
Although it gets little press, uterine-also called geometrical-cancer is the most common of all gynecologic cancer! The good news? You can dramatically reduce your risk with a few proven prevention measures....

1. Adding bran to recipes sweeps away toxins!

Whole-grain fiber, like bran and oatmeal, is so effective at whisking environmental toxins out of your body, taking in more could cut your risk of endometrial cancer by almost a third, preliminary USDA studies suggest. "fiber binds to chemicals in the digestive tract, forcing them to be excreted instead of absorbed," explains Scottish environmental health expert Paula Billie-Hamilton, M.D., author of Toxic Overload.

The study-proven dose:

At least 15 grams of fiber daily, reports The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

2. Sipping vegetable juice slims your silhouette and your risk!

Slightly heavy women are twice as likely to develop endometrial cancer, and obese women have triple the risk, say reserchers at the University of North Carolina. The reason: Body fat produces uterus irritating estrogen-and as fat levels rise, estrogen production skyrockets. That's where vegetable juice comes in: Sip it daily before every meal and according to a recent study, you'll consume 136 fewer calories per day-enough to shed 14 pounds every year!

3. Taking the pill stops cancer from starting!

Taking oral contraceptives for at least five years cuts your endonetrial cancer risk in half, studies show-and staying on them for 12 years slashes your risk by 72 percent! "The pill shuts down ovulation and stops the monthly buildup and sloughing off of the uterine lining," explains woman's health specialist Hester Sounder, M.D., a clinical instructor at Philadelphia's Temple University School of Medicine. "Preventing these dramatic risk of abnormal cells ever being formed."

Past age 37? Don't let that stop you! As long as you don't smoke, you can safely take low-dose pills until menopause, doctors say.

4. Eating fruit halves your lifetime odds!

According to researchers at Loma Linda University, women who eat at least two servings of fruit daily cut their risk of female cancers-including uterine cancer-by as much as 50 percent!

On a low-carb diet? Simply choose fruits naturally lower in carbohydrates, such as pears, berries, cherries and grapefruit, suggests UCLA nutrition researcher David Heber, M.D., Ph.D, author of what Color is Your Diet?

5. Stopping at one drink keeps estrogen in check!

Women who enjoy one alcoholic drink a day are half as likely to develop uterine cancer as women who regularly sip a second glass, a recent study reveals. The problem: Alcohol boost the production of estrogen in fat cells-and researchers say high levels of this tissue-damaging hormone can increase the risk that abnormal cells will form in the uterus.

Tip pour another mug of cofee instead. Sipping three cups of this antioxidant-rich brew-even decaf-daily cuts endometrial cancer risk by 59 percent, researchers report.

6. Going on guava kick keeps cells healthy!

They look like a small, smooth skinned cross between a lemon and lime-and they have a light strawberry-lemon flavor-yet experts say each tiny guava packs 1,000 meg. Of lycopene, a cancer preventing nutrient 10 times more powerful than those found in broccoli, spinach and squash. More than 60 studies show that lycopene blocks the grouth of abnormal uterine cells-while also protecting lung, stomach and breast cells against precancerous changes.

7. Cutting back on chips cut down on carcinogens!

Love potato chips and fries? Millions of Americans do, but experts now recommend eating less of them. "They contain acrylamide, a cancer-causing substance formed whwn starchy foods are heated at very high temperatures," explains internal medecine specialist Gina Solomon, M.D., senior research scientist at Natural Resources Defence Concil in San Francisco. In fact a 2-oz serving of chips contains at least 39 times more acrylamide than what the World Health Organization deems safe in a glass of drinking water! Delicious and safe alternatives include homemade popcorn or oven-baked fries.

6 more power foods to put on your shopping list!

Each proven to help protect against female cancers:

Brazil nuts

Brown rice


Edamame (soy beans)

Purple grapes

Next time you're at a supermarket...

pick up a carton of precious omega-3-enriched eggs. Nutritional powerhouse, they each contain 350 mg.of omega-3 fatty acids compared to the 58 mg. In garden-variety eggs. And French studies show that women who consume the most omega-3s (essential fats that help body cells metabolize estrogen properly) are up to 61 percent less likely to get endometrial and female cancers than women who don't consume omega-3-rich foods.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Benefits of Using Stem Cell Products

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Benefits of Using Stem Cell Products
Every human being has stem cells. In fact, it is stem cells that form all of the tissues and organs in our bodies. Stem cells have the ability to duplicate over and over again, and even transform into different types of stem cells if the body needs them. It is for this reason that healthy stem cells are vital in the repair, and even replacement, of body parts that have been damaged as a result of aging or injury. Even healthy bodies benefit from the amazing feats of healthy stem cells as they can naturally slow down the aging processes our bodies go through.
Stem cell research, while controversial at times, has continued to advance. Now stem cells can be safely used in humans who are in need of, or simply just interested in stem cell technology. Stem cell products can benefit young and old, the healthy and the unwell. The outlook is good that stem cell products will someday be available for anyone to purchase over the counter at will. This news is especially exciting for aging adults who want to extend their youth, and people of all ages who have debilitating diseases.
Congenital Diseases and Birth Defects
There are many types of congenital diseases and birth defects that stem cell products can help or cure. These include blindness, Multiple Sclerosis or Atrial Septal Defect (hole in the heart). Many birth defects and diseases are either a direct result of the lack of healthy stem cells or cause the healthy stem cells to break down. Either way, scientists are able to grow healthy stem cells from other parts of the body specifically for the purpose of treating or curing these defects and diseases. Even potentially fatal defects can benefit from stem cell products as the patient's own stem cells are used and there is no need to wait for a compatible donor.
Cancer, Heart Disease, and Other Debilitating Diseases
Adults suffering from many forms of incapacitating diseases can benefit from stem cell products. Like a child, the adult's own healthy stem cells can be harvested and used to replace broken down stem cells in the diseased parts of the body. That's not to say that stem cell products are a cure for cancer, but they certainly can benefit a cancer patient by helping to make their bodies healthier and more able to fight the disease on their own.
Loss of Limbs and Paralysis
Studies have shown that stem cell products can rejuvenate damaged organs and tissue that would otherwise lead to paralysis. They can also be used to repair the restored tissue that re-attached when somebody loses a limb. No, stem cell products won't grow back an entire limb, at least not yet; but as long as there is stem cell research, there is hope of even that happening at some point in the future.
Pain Relief
A number of people have pain, some with a known cause and some pain that seems to have no cause at all. Fibromyalgia is an illness in which someone can feel pain anywhere in their body from the gentlest of touch. Whether the pain is from unknown source or as a result of a known disease or trauma, stem cell products, with their ability to repair damaged tissue and organs, can certainly be credited for saving many patients from such pain, and in some patients, alleviate their pain altogether.
The Fountain of Youth
Stem cell researchers have found a way to actually stop, and even in some cases reverse, a part of the aging process that naturally occurs in all humans. This is done by introducing healthy stem cells to DNA chromosomes that, when unwound, causes symptoms of aging. The healthy stem cells can prevent this process from happening, thus prevent aging to a degree. Much of this type of research has been done in correlation with cancer research, and is being tried in some cancer treatments. Imagine if this is proven successful with an already healthy but aging human body! Will people live much longer than before? Only time will tell.
The potential for stem cell products to benefit the human body is seemingly endless. Of course, more research is necessary for these products to become widely available to the general public. It may not even happen in our lifetime. But, as long as the studies continue there is hope that all of our children and grandchildren can live longer, healthier lives as a result of stem cell products.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Sun Tan Lotions- Protection from Harmful Rays

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Sun tan lotions have been used for decades by skin conscious women to give that bronze glow to the skin. However, as the skin cancer cases increase day by day, people are being much more aware of this and are using lotions which protect from UV rays of the sun.

A suntan lotion with a good SPF can protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. As more and more people are working outdoors, they need their skin to be safe from the sun rays. These people are more prone to skin diseases and that is why their skin needs special attention. The new and improved sun tan lotions are able to give them the protection they need.

There are lotions that can be used while going swimming or any other activity that involves perspiration. These water proof and sweat proof lotions can offer protection in these circumstances without having to reapply as often.

sun tan lotion need to be used on every open part of the body. Face, neck, shoulder and arms all need to be covered with lotion to give complete skin protection. You need to be completely protected before going outdoors to keep your skin from being damaged from the sun.

Overall, it is very important to find a sun tan lotion! with the highest SPF possible to ensure you are getting the proper protection from the sun's harmful rays. Luckily, these products are widely available and can be found at many stores and beach shops. So be sure to protect yourself and loved ones from the sun.
Sun tan lotions have been used for decades by skin conscious women to give that bronze glow to the skin. However, as the skin cancer cases increase day by day, people are being much more aware of this and are using lotions which protect from UV rays of the sun.

A suntan lotion with a good SPF can protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. As more and more people are working outdoors, they need their skin to be safe from the sun rays. These people are more prone to skin diseases and that is why their skin needs special attention. The new and improved sun tan lotions are able to give them the protection they need.

There are lotions that can be used while going swimming or any other activity that involves perspiration. These water proof and sweat proof lotions can offer protection in these circumstances without having to reapply as often.

sun tan lotion need to be used on every open part of the body. Face, neck, shoulder and arms all need to be covered with lotion to give complete skin protection. You need to be completely protected before going outdoors to keep your skin from being damaged from the sun.

Overall, it is very important to find a sun tan lotion! with the highest SPF possible to ensure you are getting the proper protection from the sun's harmful rays. Luckily, these products are widely available and can be found at many stores and beach shops. So be sure to protect yourself and loved ones from the sun.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Secondary Lung Cancer Cures Are Rare

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Cancers that can spread from their original locations are called secondary cancers. This process, called metastasizing, moves the cancers through the bloodstream, lymphatic system, or by direct extension to a new location. One or many of the cancerous cells of the primary cancer (where the disease originated) can break off and slip into the bloodstream or lymphatic system to reach other organs.

Cancerous cells in the lungs as well can appear there without having originated there; in children, cancers of the lungs usually manifest through this process. Cancer that appears in the lungs but did not originate there is called secondary lung cancer. Even though it affects the lungs, secondary lung cancer is named according to the type of cancer it originated from, the primary cancer. For example, breast cancer that spreads to the lungs and becomes secondary lung cancer would still be considered breast cancer.

While nearly every type of cancer has the ability to metastasize and spread to the lungs, some do so more commonly than others. Secondary lung cancer is usually a result of bladder, breast, prostate, or colon cancer. Sarcoma, Wilms tumor and neuroblastoma also tend to migrate to the lungs.

Secondary lung cancer, in addition to being a disease in itself, is also usually an indication that the primary cancer has reached an advanced stage, though this is not always the case. Signs of secondary lung cancer include persistent cough, breathlessness, coughing up blood, and chest pain. These symptoms, in addition to being similar to those for primary lung cancer, also mimic several less serious diseases. A diagnosis of secondary lung cancer may therefore require x-rays, CT scans, MRIs, PET scans, or biopsies.

Symptoms of secondary lung cancer can interrupt daily activities for sufferers. But there are ways to manage and treat the symptoms. Medication can help address symptoms such as breathlessness, cough and chest pain. Other symptoms must be managed by the patient through awareness. Some patients begin to fear they will choke, due to their increased difficulty with breathing, but should be aware that this is unlikely. Others may be distressed by coughing up blood, but should know that coughing up a little blood is not unusual to patients with secondary lung cancer. Only those coughing up large amounts of blood need to seek treatment for this symptom.

Secondary lung cancer can also cause a build up of fluid in the lungs, a condition termed pleural effusion. This fluid may be drained out of the lungs to relieve pain and difficulty breathing, though it may build up again over time.
Treatment for secondary lung cancer is similar to that for primary lung cancer, and includes surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. However, in secondary lung cancer in particular, chemotherapy is the preferred treatment option. This is because secondary lung cancer is an indication that the primary cancer has spread into the bloodstream. In such cases, removing visible tumors through surgery is not effective, as other cancerous cells can be present in the body without being visible. Chemotherapy can target even those cells CT scans cannot see, making it the most common treatment choice.

However, a cure is unlikely and the five-year survival rate for those diagnosed with secondary lung cancer is not promising. The cancer can sometimes be cured via surgery, but this outcome is rare.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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ObGyn Jobs and Women's General Health

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One of the common tasks involved in Ob-Gyn jobs is performing yearly checkup exams for women of all ages. Normally, this involves measuring height, weight, blood pressure, and checking the uterus, ovaries, and breast tissue for any abnormalities. Often, women of reproductive age will also receive counseling on the use of birth control; if they do want to become pregnant in the near future, then the Ob-Gyn can give information on the healthiest ways to prepare for pregnancy. Ob-Gyn jobs often require many hours in the office, and, depending on the particular location and practice, they may also require many hours of on-call time. Although they work on all sorts of routine women's health issues, Ob-Gyns are perhaps most famous for delivering babies and helping pregnant mothers.

Ob-Gyn jobs involve counseling pregnant women and delivering their babies. Most women with uncomplicated pregnancies will need monthly checkups for the first eight months of their pregnancy. These visits involve checking weight gain (to make sure it's neither too little nor too much); checking blood pressure, and measuring the fetus as appropriate via either ultrasound or via fetal doppler. During the last month of pregnancy, most women will visit their Ob-Gyn on a bi-weekly or weekly basis. During these last visits, the physician will check for cervical dilation or even mild contractions, which can indicate that labor has begun on its own. The fetus' heart rate and movements will also be checked to make sure that everything is continuing normally with the pregnancy. If the mother's blood pressure suddenly climbs too high, or if the fetus shows signs of distress, then immediate action can be taken to induce labor or perform a C-section. In addition to labor and delivery roles, ObGyn jobs involve many other tasks.

Another important task performed by Ob-Gyn physicians is to give women their yearly checkup exams. While Women may not always enjoy their yearly checkups, these exams are necessary for good overall health, and can help detect and treat any problems before they grow into issues of concern. First of all, women who haven't yet had children but who are sexually active will need to have what's called a pap smear, where the cervix is swabbed with something similar to a long Q-tip. Cells gathered from this exam will be examined under a microscope to look for any abnormal growth. Since most cases of cervical cancer begin with abnormal cells, early changes in pap smear results can indicate an increased risk of cervical cancer. By detecting these changes early and treating them either via removal of the diseased part of the cervix or via other means can help avoid full-blown cancer of the cervix. In fact, since the pap smear was introduced as a routine exam in the United States, rates of death from cervical cancer have fallen dramatically. Women should also have their breasts examined as part of their routine exam. This can help find early changes due to breast cancer; any lumps or bumps that are discovered during this exam can then be investigated further.

Ob-Gyn physicians are highly trained doctors who have chosen to specialize in women's health. Women living in the United States today are fortunate to have access to these doctors, who save lives by delivering babies and helping avoid most maternal health problems. In addition to having babies that are healthier than in centuries past, today's women are more likely to be able to treat any issues of concern before they become serious health concerns.

To learn more about great Obgyn jobs, visit Physemp.com, where you can apply for free to over 25,000 positions. See great hospitalist jobs, pediatrics jobs, internal medicine jobs,general surgery jobs and more.

Speak with your own doctor if you have any questions. To learn more about great ObGyn jobs, visit http://Physemp.com, where you can apply for free to over 25,000 positions. See great hospitalist jobs, pediatrics jobs, internal medicine jobs, and more.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Natural Colon Cleansing to Improve Digestion and Increase Health

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Modern diets and lifestyles have led to a rise in digestive disorders and many people now be afflicted by digestive issues like constipation, swelling, gas or irritable bowel syndrome on a constant process. A simple and natural colonic cleanse can remove toxins, dangerous bacteria and parasites from the gut and bowel to boost digestive health and supply a feeling of overall health and wellbeing.
A colon cleansing can enhance your digestive function as well as improving your total health and wellbeing. Modern diets and busy lifestyles are leaving more and more people with digestive issues like hard stools, irritable bowel syndrome, gas and distension. Over time issues with digestive health can end up in fatigue, higher susceptibility to diseases and in a few cases more significant illnesses such as colon cancer.
The bowels is a very complicated system that incorporates the stomach, large and small guts, colon and bowel. These organs are in charge of breaking down the food that we eat to make the nutrients accessible to the body and to ensure toxins and waste are removed from the body as fast as possible.
Our diets have changed quite significantly lately. We now consume more beef, more saturated fat and processed foods and less fresh fruit and veg. Also we are exposed to more pollution and stress than ever. Modern lifestyles can lead to a building up of poisons, harmful bacteria and even parasites that remain in the bowel. As these toxins build up the body is not able to address them effectively and they start to poison our body. When this happens digestive Problems ( such as bowel obstruction, gut rot, irritable bowel syndrome, swelling and gas ) begin to appear. A toxic colon may also cause other issues including poor skin, absence of energy and even depression.
Most races diets are significantly lacking in dietary fiber. Soluble and insoluble fiber is needed to collect the toxins stored in the gut and ensure they are effectively and swiftly evacuated from the body. Fiber has also been shown to fix the colon and even reduce cholesterol.
A regular colon cleansing can reduce the impact of our modern lifestyles and significantly improve the function of the digestion and overall health. A colonic cleanse doesn't have to involve perilous chemicals, be difficult or costly. You can do a completely natural colonic cleanse that doesn't result on standard life.
Start by making a few easy changes to your daily routine. Begin the day with a glass of warm water and freshly squeezed lemon juice. This may gently kick-start the body in to action and encourage regular bowel movements. Try to cut the amount of beef, ready-made foods, saturated fats, alcohol and caffeine and replace with fresh fruit and veggies as well . Guarantee your diet includes sufficient amounts of soluble and insoluble fiber and toy with taking a fiber supplement to ensure your consumption meets the suggested daily amounts.
Introduce regular relaxation activities in to your daily schedule and consider starting yoga or meditation. These will aid in reducing stress and inspire the body to release poisons. Daily exercise is also extremely helpful and will speed up the gut cleansing process.
If you keep up this regime for a month you may notice enhancements to both your total and digestive health, depending on your individual circumstances you may notice results much sooner. To speed up the process and ensure a full and complete colon cleanse toy with taking a colon cleaning supplement. Don't select a supplement that guarantees fast results or has glossy promotional programs. Look for a product that's easy on the colon and will help the body to remove toxins as well as improving the condition of colon. This could guarantee long lasting results rather than primary short term benefits. Most respected colon cleaning products include a mix of soluble/insoluble fiber and a variety of natural herbs that have been shown to remove poisons, bugs and harmful bacteria.
Regular colon cleaning is now recommended by many medical consultants and natural health practitioners. If you suffer from any kind of digestive complaint or pain, a natural colonic cleanse may improve the condition of your colon and bowel as well as your overall health and vitality.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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6 Truths about Ayurveda

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#1 Ayurvedic medicine is less effective.

Truth: It is true that this method of treatment calls for more patience and endurance. The effectiveness can be cited by this example.

Whenever there is a tear in a cloth or a hole in a pitcher, we intend to rectify it using the similar material that it is made of. Similarly any fault in human body also calls to be corrected by use of natural resources, as much as possible.

#2 Ayurvedic medicines are slow in showing results.

Truth: The irony lies with the delay from patient's side. Most patients visiting holistic practitioners take their time in trying other systems of medicine so as to derive a faster result. This not only delays the effect of medicine, it also hampers the working of the drug. This is because the patient has either tried much more complicated and powerful combination of drugs, the effect of which needs to be neutralized first. Or in the mean time, his malady has substantially become deep rooted and taken chronic form. It may at times show to work slowly, but as the fable goes slow and steady wins the race.

# 3 Ayurvedic medicine has side effects.

Truth: Any side effect from medicine, of any therapy, may result from the misuse of drug, either in processing or in prescribing. As far as side effect or after effect is concerned, I believe time tested medicines are safer provided the former two factors are precise. The safety of Ayurvedic medicine and mode of treatment may be advocated in 3 pints.

1. In Ayurveda the very first principle in treating a disease is to do away with the basic cause, and also to see that no new ailment emerges as a consequence. A disease is eradicated from its roots.

2. Ayurveda insists that medicine be centered at the patient, than on the disease. The mind, body and soul are considered a tripod and medicine is prescribed for overall health augmentation.

3. Since Ayourvda deals with preparations mainly from herbs and natural resources, it is a harmless therapy with least or no side effects.

#4 Ayurvedic medicines are for older patients.

Truth: There is no known limitation in this form of treatment. It is equally suited to all age groups. Ayurveda could be considered a boon for children when their body system is yet tender and in process of immunity building. The natural products do not interfere with their body resistance and at the same time tends to be more safe and comforting.

#5 Ayurvedic medicines are just an alternative.

Truth: Ayurvedic system of medicine is incorrectly quoted as an alternate therapy as this has always been the most ancient and complete system of medicine. It's been existing before the birth of other medical therapies. The word Ayurveda is itself derived from Ayush' which means life and Veda' which means science. There fore, Ayurveda is the complete science of life. It is a treasure to provide every individual a life full of health, vigor and vitality.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Green Tea: Cancer Fighting Miracle Brew?

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For thousands of years, the Chinese and the Japanese have long been drinking green tea. It has been attributed for helping fight off different kinds of illnesses as well as help in weight loss, and this brew has also been linked to fighting cancer.

Only recently, green tea has been introduced in the west. And, people love them. Most people say that they never felt healthier in their entire lives, and health buffs even said that this tea is a miracle drink. Ever since then, the entire world is now drinking green tea on a daily basis.

So, is green tea really that wonderful? Does it really fight off cancer?

For starters, green tea has a lot of benefits. The main benefit of this brew is that it has antioxidants which are known to fight off cancer cells. So, to answer the question on whether green tea can prevent cancer, the answer is yes. It gets rid of free radicals from your body which leaves it free from toxins that can contribute to cancer.

This brew is full of the antioxidant called epigallocatechin-3 gallat or what is more known as EGCG. Unlike black tea, green tea is not fermented, which preserves EGCG. Because of this fact, this brew is much more beneficial than black tea and has a more positive effect in fighting diseases, which includes cancer.

You have to remember that when free radicals enter our body, it will have an effect to our cells. If this happens, it will make abnormal cells, which can result in cancerous cells that can reproduce all over your body creating tumors.

Free radicals can enter the body in different ways. It can be because of exposure to cigarette smoke, pollution, and it can even be because of exposure to excessive sunlight.

Whatever it is, it is important that we should get rid of free radicals from our body in order to keep it healthy and cancer free. Although some of the food we eat contains antioxidant, you have to remember that it is not really enough to fight off the amount of free radicals that enter our body. The best way to counter free radicals is by taking in more antioxidants in your body. This is where green tea comes in.

Because green tea has a high concentration of antioxidants, it will be able to fight off free radicals more effectively. With just three to four cups a day, you can be sure that you will be able to keep your body healthy and cancer free.

In fact, green tea is so effective that even the National Cancer Institute conducted studies on this so-called miracle brew and found that it does help in preventing cancer. Today, scientists are now looking at green tea as a key part of creating a cure for cancer. In time, thanks to this century-old brew, we will now see a cancer cure for the very first time.

One study even found that the antioxidants found in green tea was able to shrink tumors and prevented it from reproducing more cancerous cells and growing.

As you can see, green tea does help in preventing cancer. With the scientific studies being done with green tea today, it is only a matter of time that we will be able to see a cure for cancer.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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How Lance Armstrong Won Over Cancer & Emerged Victorious

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Could you imagine contracting advanced stage cancer right at the summit of your life or career? It's a pretty terrible thought but nevertheless it is something which can be rather real. Actually, this is so real that it happened to prominent professional cyclist Lance Armstrong.

Back in the year 1996, after winning the World biking Championships, Lance was at the peak of his job. He was regarded as the first expert cyclist to clock the record with the unsurpassed margin in the US Nationwide Road competition Competitions. He has moreover just clinched a fresh two year deal for .5 millions together with the French - a world established biking team.

All along, Armstrong aspired to cycle for the French team. Getting the contract was a dream come true but before it can be accomplished, it was shattered. He was diagnosed to be suffering from final phase testicular cancer. The magnaliant cells has gone to his lungs and brain and only an immediate surgical procedure to surgically remove his testicles would rescue his life. Even then, physicians believed that likelihood of him completely surviving the cancer malignancy was only 3%.

Never Admit defeat

But Lance Armstrong never yielded. In spite of what the physicians think, he was determined not to give in. Since he was a small kid, he has been taught by his single mummy not to give up simply and persist right through the end in things he pursue in. These same values are the ones which directed him along this path of victory in his cycling profession. His mother has constantly been his dedicated supporter. Some time ago just as he was about to give up towards the closing stages of a triathlon race, it was his mummy's encouragement that saw him finishing the tournament by walking. Even though he was the last few to wrap up the tournament, the laudable thing was he finished the whole tournament. It was this similar never give in will that saw him tackling his sickness. Subsequent to the surgery, he went on to go through chemotherapy sessions. Which had been long and painful sessions. The complete process took a toll on him and he lost a lot of mass. He was so fragile that he could not even bike around his neighbourhood. Nevertheless, even that couldn't hinder him from getting mentally re-energized by his sickness.

What A Blessing In Disguise!

In the end, the chemotherapy procedure was completed. And astonishingly, medical doctors found him to be cancer free. Along with strong determination, Armstrong overturned his physicians' doomsday prediction! He went back to biking. The post-cancer trainings ended up better than he thought. His huge weight loss was a blessing in disguise because he could not take on stage races much more natural than he used to be.

He had merely taken on this kind of comparable races (that was Tour de France) once and had to back out in the others as a result of injuries and intense tiredness. With his recovery, he realized the difference in the way he mounted all through the Blue Rider Mountains paths. He could at long last work through various weather, terrains or nature of the races. as a true world class biking athlete.

And Armstrong's hunch was right. In 1999, he became the foremost cyclist - maillot jaune - to put on the yellow jersey right from the beginning of the Tour de France to the end. Though he was overtaken in the middle part of the tournament, he gradually caught up as they work into the Alps. The very similar place where he used to admit defeat previously. He went on to secure the winner's trophy.

And for the next 4 years, Armstrong went on to get the Tour de France championship. He later wrote to say if he was given the option of either beating cancer or securing the Tour de France title, he would in fact choose the former. Why? As without which, he would never be able to challenge doctor's predictions over his survival chances and instill faith and strong hope in himself. Remarkable, is not it?

What Can We Learn From Armstrong?

Lance armstrong's victory brought home a very important message. There is no way we can stay away from adversities, problems or challenges in life. However, if we can counteract them in a never concede defeat resolve and spirit, we will certainly win over them and in the process, discover a side of ourselves that we've never seen before.

Regard problems as the vital nutritional vitamins which nourishes our body and mind for even better challenges. As there is no way we can avoid them, no matter how we dodge, why can't we just take them on with a sprinkle of courage and hit it down individually?

Lance Armstrong also taught us that little things in life should not be taken for granted. Ask ourselves, while we're busy climbing up the corporate ladder, working or toiling to pursue the desires of our lives, are we also treasuring every moment with our family, friends and celebrating the magnificent fact that we're still alive? Thanks Armstrong, for this was what I've learned from his biography. And I sure hope you did too.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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