Benefits of Using Stem Cell Products

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Benefits of Using Stem Cell Products
Every human being has stem cells. In fact, it is stem cells that form all of the tissues and organs in our bodies. Stem cells have the ability to duplicate over and over again, and even transform into different types of stem cells if the body needs them. It is for this reason that healthy stem cells are vital in the repair, and even replacement, of body parts that have been damaged as a result of aging or injury. Even healthy bodies benefit from the amazing feats of healthy stem cells as they can naturally slow down the aging processes our bodies go through.
Stem cell research, while controversial at times, has continued to advance. Now stem cells can be safely used in humans who are in need of, or simply just interested in stem cell technology. Stem cell products can benefit young and old, the healthy and the unwell. The outlook is good that stem cell products will someday be available for anyone to purchase over the counter at will. This news is especially exciting for aging adults who want to extend their youth, and people of all ages who have debilitating diseases.
Congenital Diseases and Birth Defects
There are many types of congenital diseases and birth defects that stem cell products can help or cure. These include blindness, Multiple Sclerosis or Atrial Septal Defect (hole in the heart). Many birth defects and diseases are either a direct result of the lack of healthy stem cells or cause the healthy stem cells to break down. Either way, scientists are able to grow healthy stem cells from other parts of the body specifically for the purpose of treating or curing these defects and diseases. Even potentially fatal defects can benefit from stem cell products as the patient's own stem cells are used and there is no need to wait for a compatible donor.
Cancer, Heart Disease, and Other Debilitating Diseases
Adults suffering from many forms of incapacitating diseases can benefit from stem cell products. Like a child, the adult's own healthy stem cells can be harvested and used to replace broken down stem cells in the diseased parts of the body. That's not to say that stem cell products are a cure for cancer, but they certainly can benefit a cancer patient by helping to make their bodies healthier and more able to fight the disease on their own.
Loss of Limbs and Paralysis
Studies have shown that stem cell products can rejuvenate damaged organs and tissue that would otherwise lead to paralysis. They can also be used to repair the restored tissue that re-attached when somebody loses a limb. No, stem cell products won't grow back an entire limb, at least not yet; but as long as there is stem cell research, there is hope of even that happening at some point in the future.
Pain Relief
A number of people have pain, some with a known cause and some pain that seems to have no cause at all. Fibromyalgia is an illness in which someone can feel pain anywhere in their body from the gentlest of touch. Whether the pain is from unknown source or as a result of a known disease or trauma, stem cell products, with their ability to repair damaged tissue and organs, can certainly be credited for saving many patients from such pain, and in some patients, alleviate their pain altogether.
The Fountain of Youth
Stem cell researchers have found a way to actually stop, and even in some cases reverse, a part of the aging process that naturally occurs in all humans. This is done by introducing healthy stem cells to DNA chromosomes that, when unwound, causes symptoms of aging. The healthy stem cells can prevent this process from happening, thus prevent aging to a degree. Much of this type of research has been done in correlation with cancer research, and is being tried in some cancer treatments. Imagine if this is proven successful with an already healthy but aging human body! Will people live much longer than before? Only time will tell.
The potential for stem cell products to benefit the human body is seemingly endless. Of course, more research is necessary for these products to become widely available to the general public. It may not even happen in our lifetime. But, as long as the studies continue there is hope that all of our children and grandchildren can live longer, healthier lives as a result of stem cell products.

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