ObGyn Jobs and Women's General Health

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One of the common tasks involved in Ob-Gyn jobs is performing yearly checkup exams for women of all ages. Normally, this involves measuring height, weight, blood pressure, and checking the uterus, ovaries, and breast tissue for any abnormalities. Often, women of reproductive age will also receive counseling on the use of birth control; if they do want to become pregnant in the near future, then the Ob-Gyn can give information on the healthiest ways to prepare for pregnancy. Ob-Gyn jobs often require many hours in the office, and, depending on the particular location and practice, they may also require many hours of on-call time. Although they work on all sorts of routine women's health issues, Ob-Gyns are perhaps most famous for delivering babies and helping pregnant mothers.

Ob-Gyn jobs involve counseling pregnant women and delivering their babies. Most women with uncomplicated pregnancies will need monthly checkups for the first eight months of their pregnancy. These visits involve checking weight gain (to make sure it's neither too little nor too much); checking blood pressure, and measuring the fetus as appropriate via either ultrasound or via fetal doppler. During the last month of pregnancy, most women will visit their Ob-Gyn on a bi-weekly or weekly basis. During these last visits, the physician will check for cervical dilation or even mild contractions, which can indicate that labor has begun on its own. The fetus' heart rate and movements will also be checked to make sure that everything is continuing normally with the pregnancy. If the mother's blood pressure suddenly climbs too high, or if the fetus shows signs of distress, then immediate action can be taken to induce labor or perform a C-section. In addition to labor and delivery roles, ObGyn jobs involve many other tasks.

Another important task performed by Ob-Gyn physicians is to give women their yearly checkup exams. While Women may not always enjoy their yearly checkups, these exams are necessary for good overall health, and can help detect and treat any problems before they grow into issues of concern. First of all, women who haven't yet had children but who are sexually active will need to have what's called a pap smear, where the cervix is swabbed with something similar to a long Q-tip. Cells gathered from this exam will be examined under a microscope to look for any abnormal growth. Since most cases of cervical cancer begin with abnormal cells, early changes in pap smear results can indicate an increased risk of cervical cancer. By detecting these changes early and treating them either via removal of the diseased part of the cervix or via other means can help avoid full-blown cancer of the cervix. In fact, since the pap smear was introduced as a routine exam in the United States, rates of death from cervical cancer have fallen dramatically. Women should also have their breasts examined as part of their routine exam. This can help find early changes due to breast cancer; any lumps or bumps that are discovered during this exam can then be investigated further.

Ob-Gyn physicians are highly trained doctors who have chosen to specialize in women's health. Women living in the United States today are fortunate to have access to these doctors, who save lives by delivering babies and helping avoid most maternal health problems. In addition to having babies that are healthier than in centuries past, today's women are more likely to be able to treat any issues of concern before they become serious health concerns.

To learn more about great Obgyn jobs, visit Physemp.com, where you can apply for free to over 25,000 positions. See great hospitalist jobs, pediatrics jobs, internal medicine jobs,general surgery jobs and more.

Speak with your own doctor if you have any questions. To learn more about great ObGyn jobs, visit http://Physemp.com, where you can apply for free to over 25,000 positions. See great hospitalist jobs, pediatrics jobs, internal medicine jobs, and more.

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