Amberen for Menopause Weight Gain

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Many women experience unfortunate menopause weight gain as a result of hormonal instability. Seemingly inexplicable weight gain can be inhibiting, stressful and incredibly detrimental to one's self-esteem, making it among the most aggravating of menopausal symptoms. There are a number of treatments currently available on the market for menopausal weight gain, but Amberen has been proven effective as a safe and highly successful approach to many common menopausal side effects, including weight gain.

Amberen is a natural supplement that sets itself apart from other similar products currently available. It works by rejuvenating the hormonal regulatory system, thereby alleviating much of the hormonal instability and estrogen deficiency that accompany menopause and a woman's transition into the non-reproductive phase of female life. As a woman grows older, her body begins to become less able to properly regulate its hormonal levels, which causes a huge array of negative side effects, both physical and mental, many with which you probably are already acquainted if you are of menopausal age.

The many symptoms that arise as a result of menopause can be inhibiting to say the least, causing many women to search for effective treatment methods. Many women unfortunately turn to pharmaceutical products, which are often dangerous, usually very expensive and are accompanied by many detrimental side effects. Hormone replacement therapy has even been linked to the development of certain forms of cancer! Amberen is not like this at all, as it is a natural and safe way to address many common menopausal symptoms. It has been tested and studied for over four decades and has a success rate of over 90%, a stunning figure especially when compared to the results of other similar products.

The ingredients that comprise Amberen are safe and natural, creating a culmination of compounds that synchronize perfectly with one another to deliver alleviation. Ammonium succinate, calcium disuccinate, monosodium l-glutamate, glycine, magnesium disuccinate hydrate, zinc difumarate hydrate and tocopherol acetate combine flawlessly together to deliver unrivaled results and a definite reduction in the occurrence of weight gain menopause and other common side effects associated with hormonal transition. By implementing Amberen into your daily routine, you will find that the elimination of many menopausal symptoms will allow for a much easier and more tolerable transition into the post-menopausal phase of life.

Many women fight an uphill battle against menopausal weight gain, making virtually no progress as they unsuccessfully attempt to address hormonal instability as the underlying culprit of this condition. Many women are wary of treatments that come in capsule form, often hearing of the dangers of pharmaceutical hormone treatments. Amberen is, however, completely safe and composed of only natural ingredients. It's patented "smart molecules" directly address the hormonal imbalances and lack of estrogen that punctuate the menopausal transition. Such innovative ingredients and compounds are available from none other than Lunada Biomedical.

A short glance at the testimonials for Amberen will showcase its efficacy and ability to reduce menopausal weight gain and many other side effects of menopause. Because it is so highly effective, many doctors recommend it as a safe and innovative way to address common menopausal symptoms. Though Amberen will affect each woman differently, over 90% of women who implement this product into their lifestyles find that it successfully alleviated menopause weight gain to a significant degree. Its established safety record makes Amberen all the more attractive. Amberen also is available in a risk-free trial with a money-back guarantee.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Vulvar Cancer Surgery Recovery time

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Vulvar cancer is a type of cancer that affects the vulva of women. Vulva is the folds of skin that protect the vaginal and urethral openings. There are several types of vulvar cancer, but the most common type is squamous cell vulvar carninoma which accounts for 90% of women. Melanoma, the second common type represents 5% of women with vulvar cancer. Vulvar cancer affects only the outer lips of the vagina and not the inner lips. Vulvar cancer develops slowly over the years and the cells can grow on the surface of the vulvar skin.

There are no symptoms to diagnose the vulvar cancer in the early stages. However, if women come across problems like lump in the vulva, itching and tenderness in the vulva area and unusual bleeding, it would be better to consult a doctor immediately. There are tests like physical examination, biopsy by pathologists to detect and diagnose the vulvar cancer.

The different types of treatment that are available for vulvar cancer patients are standard and clinical trials. Clinical trials are done to improve the current treatments undertaken by the patients and to get information on new treatments. The four standard types of treatment are Laser Therapy, Surgery, Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy.

In laser therapy, by using a laser beam, the cancer cells get killed. The most common type used is surgery which will remove all the cancer cells along with the normal tissues around the cancer portion and nearby lymph nodes. In radiation therapy, by using the high energy x-rays and other types of radiation, the cancer cells are killed. In Chemotherapy, drug is injected into the vein or muscle so as to enter the blood circulation for killing the cancer cells throughout the body.

The most common type of treatment used is surgery and its main aim is to remove all the cancer cells without any loss of the sexual function. There are three types of surgery, one of which will be done depending upon the growth of the cancer cells. Under Vulvectomy, the top layer of the vulva or the entire vulva along with the normal tissues around the cancer portion and nearby lymph nodes is removed.

The speed of recovery will depend on the type of surgery done. If the cancer is small and a minimal skin is removed, then the wound is likely to heal quickly. If the lymph nodes are also removed and if it is a major surgery, then the healing and recovery will take longer time say about 6 to 8 weeks. It is advisable not to lift any heavy objects at least for 6 to 8 weeks to help the skin to heal completely.

In order to recover fast, the doctors suggest some tips like avoiding tight clothing, not to use any perfumes and powders in the operated area, frequent baths with warm water, not to overdo walking, wearing loose fitting skirts etc. By moving as soon as possible after the operation will prevent problems such as chest infections and blood clots and this is very important for the faster recovery. If the lymph nodes are removed during the surgery, then it would be advisable to put the feet up while sitting. This will help to drain the fluids in the leg.

Natural Remedies for Curing Cancer:

There are certain natural remedies that offer a promising cure for cancer. Along with the natural remedies and a well-researched different diet pattern, a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle can make a huge difference to your efforts for prolonging the life for several years. You can increase your chances of surviving cancer now by trying these proven natural remedies discussed here

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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The Aftermath From The Moment You Quit Smoking Cigarettes

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Congratulations: you have just quit smoking cigarettes, but alas, your journey is just beginning. The trials and tribulations in the days, weeks and months ahead are testing and are known professionally as withdrawal symptoms. Smoking is an addiction and giving up an addiction is difficult to accomplish without consequences, meaning this report is vital in helping you to find out what you have let yourself in for.
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Nature has a cure for Cancer if you can make some lifestyle changes

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Man's way of treating cancer is complicated involving mutilating surgery, damaging radiation or poisoning the body with a chemical. Nature's way of treating cancer is simple, has no side effects and more importantly, addresses the reason why cancer first grew. Our medical system can not match the astonishing healing powers of nature.

Cancer, no matter where it appears in the body appears for a reason and that reason is because our defences have been weakened and allowed cancer cells to grow out of control. It is this condition within the body that's allowed the cancer to grow and our mainstream treatments don't address this reason. That's why the cancer often returns after their treatments, they haven't treated the cause; they have only focused on removing growths.

Cancer today is well understood, it is not some foreign growth that man doesn't understand. It has grown within the body because of the way we are now living with our processed food and other unsuitable food we eat, our sedentary lifestyle, which is our lack of exercise that we so badly need and the chemicals we use. In the last 70 years there has been a huge increase in chemicals and they do cause us harm.

We have been programmed by our culture to rely on doctor's intervention to cure us but all they have done is kept us ignorant as to the causes of cancer. Our powerful cancer industry feeds us information and we believe there is only 3 ways to treat the disease and that's with surgery, radiation and chemotherapy but what you won't be told is there are other ways. While it maybe difficult to treat, cancer is not a death sentence and the answer is heal yourself by using our natural food as your medicine. The most effective way to treat cancer is with a strict diet of the food that's been designed for human beings.

The human body is a miraculous living item and even as we slowly learn more about it we will never fully understand it completely because of its complexities. So doesn't it make sense to turn to nature when you have a serious health problem like cancer? Remember the human body has a remarkable disposition to heal itself of diseases through our built in repair system and that is the immune system.

It is only recently there has been research into the healing power of our natural food. Many of our food items in their natural state have been found to have cancer fighting properties and a few examples are; cruciferous vegetables in which broccoli is one of them. They all have amazing cancer fighting properties. Onions also have powerful anti cancer effects and their other family members are garlic, spring onions, leeks and chives. Tomatoes contain lycopene and red grapes have resveratrol, both beneficial to a person dealing with cancer. All of this food when it's been freshly grown and not been processed has the ability to help the body recover from cancer.

You will be surprised at how well your body can respond to a strict diet of food that nature has produced. While fighting cancer is not an easy task, millions of people worldwide have done it successfully. Fighting cancer is easier if you are mentally prepared and fully educated on the subject.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Ideas for Breast Cancer Fundraising

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Breast cancer is a form of cancer which affects both men and women, and is widespread in the UK. Many Cancer Charities UK are funded and devoted solely to the area of cancer research for its has already become widespread disease.

There are many ways to raise money from this cause, and they usually meet success because so many people are touched by the disease. There are a variety of high profile campaigns you can take part in if you want to help.

These include high profile walking fundraisers where women wear decorated bras, to running a marathon in the name of a particular breast cancer charity, or you can do your own smaller ventures.

Walk the Walk

Walk the Walk is one of many charities to use sponsored walks to raise a great deal of funds for the charity. By getting women who support the cause to do a walk of a certain distance, for example 5 kilometres, or around a particular city, such as the SunWalk event in Newcastle, much money and media attention can be raised.

If you wish to raise money in this way, it is likely to be effective as previous events of this type have been so successful in raising money and awareness. To make the event even more fun, the walkers can be encouraged to decorate their bras in the most inventive ways possible in order to win a prize. The event, however, is for everyone, so those who are not comfortable walking around in only a bra can wear a decorated bra over their clothes.

Breast Cancer UK run the Pink Ribbon walk, which is for men and women to wear pink and show their support for the charity's work. These kind of fundraising events are not only good for securing sponsorship from your family and friends for your walking, but can attract enough attention for the charity to encourage larger benefactors to give large donations.

Smaller scale ideas

As well as participating in these large organised events, you can run your own smaller campaigns and events in your locality to raise money for breast cancer charities. Many breast cancer website provide useful tips, for example Breast Cancer Care suggest getting you and your friends or family to donate an hour's wages each. This is a simple but effective way of raising a substantial sum of money.

other ideas, which are both practical and possible, are to have a penny pot which is kept at home or in the workplace, so that spare change can be put towards your Breast Cancer charity of choice.

Many breast Cancer Charities UK have chosen to theme their charity's emblem pink, such as the well known breast cancer ribbon. With this in mind, you could host a pink fancy dress party, or encourage everyone to wear pink to work for a day. Other fundraising ideas include packing supermarket shopping bags for donations, car boot sales, cake sales or sponsored swims.

Visit for more info: Cancer Charities UK

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Do Marine Supplements Such As Celergen and Kelp Cause Arsenic Poisoning?

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When we hear the word arsenic', the first thought that usually comes to mind is along the lines of dangerous and poisonous substance. On the contrary, there are in fact two types of arsenic: Organic and inorganic. Organic arsenic is actually very commonly found in seafood and other marine-based products, and is non-toxic in nature.

Ari S. Lewis of Gradient Corporation explains in a publication of hers that the urinary level of arsenic can go as high as 1,000 g/L after the consumption of seafood or marine products. With the level considered normal at 50 g/L, this is stated as: 50 g/L in the absence of seafood consumption. She further explains that any test for arsenic levels should be carried out at least 4 days after the last time the patient has ingested any seafood product.

According to Lewis' report, the organic arsenic commonly found in marine products is non-toxic. Thus, the consumption of seafood and related products are very unlikely to lead to arsenic toxicosis or cancer. Arsenic toxicosis is also frequently referred to as arsenic poisoning. The poisonous type of arsenic is usually found in products such as: Dyes, pesticides and herbicides. As such, the term arsenic tends to ring warning bells.

The case study entitled, "Potential Arsenic Toxicosis Secondary to Herbal Kelp Supplement", that was published, made the suggestion that marine based supplements such as kelp and Celergen may lead to arsenic toxicosis. Lewis quoted this study in his report, contradicting the lack of scientific facts on the nature of arsenic itself in drawing conclusions that lead to the publication of inaccurate information.

In her report, Lewis emphasized a number of major oversights the case study report did not address. She first explains the case report did not take the major difference between organic and inorganic arsenic into account. That study stated arsenic toxicosis occurred potentially from the ingestion of marine supplements, which is highly unlikely given the fact that arsenic in marine products is non-toxic. Secondly, the patient under observation in the case report showed symptoms of memory loss, alopecia and fatigue, all of which are not related to arsenic toxicity. The symptom of heavy arsenic exposure is skin lesions which can easily be differentiated from other types of lesions.

Consequently, there is a huge range in arsenic level between different compounds. Stating that, "All chemical forms of arsenic eventually produce the same toxic syndrome", can be a misleading statement without taking into account the actual numbers across various arsenic compounds.

A kelp supplement is a form of marine supplement. Kelp is a type of seaweed that grows in sea water. People take kelp given it is rich in trace minerals such as magnesium, calcium and iron. Celergen is another marine-based supplement that is widely taken to help combat the signs of aging from wrinkles to painful joints. Ari S. Lewis is a well-respected name in the area of medicine and its counterparts. Gradient Corporation is an environmental consulting firm that provides support to other parties with scientific questions.

Ari. S. Lewis' report isn't only about arsenic, Celergen, kelp and substance poisoning but shows that case studies are not always correct and do share inaccurate information. That is mainly due to oversight and missing out on important scientific facts which makes all the difference.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Photos of Benguela, Angola: Jaw-dropping Pictures of the City

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The Republic of Angola, once a Portuguese colony, is a country in the south central portion of Africa with Namibia in the south, Zambia on the east, the Democratic Republic of Congo in the north and Atlantic Ocean in the west. The country is known for its rich soil which contains oil, gold, diamonds and copper as well as in forests, wildlife and fossils.

Breathtaking photos of Angola

Although much of its countryside have been damaged during the civil war that started n 1975 and ended in 2002, there is still so much that the country could offer in terms of sights and views. This African nation is also rich in culture, which could also be seen in the many pictures that visitors of the country take and that travel all over the world via the internet.

If you want to find the best photos of Mussulo, Bu
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Benefits Derived From the Vitamin B Complex - Power of Vitamins

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The vitamin B complex comprises of B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, and B17. These are vitamins which play an essential part in growth and development as well as a wide array of other physical purposes. When incorporated into a person's day by day dietary regimen, they also have the power to stop the formation of different sicknesses - even cancer.

The respective components which make up the vitamin B complex deliver different functions. Vitamin B1 and B2 enable the body to give rise to the energy necessary for the production of enzymes which touch on the heart, nerves and muscles. B3 is has the responsibility for cell energy production and keeping the skin, digestive system, and nervous system healthy. Vitamins B5 and B12 touch on the wholistic maturation and development as well as output of red blood cells. B6 adds to the health of the nervous system, immune system as well as red blood cells. The B7 enables the body to produce bodily hormones. The B9 creates and preserves DNA, and likewise plays a substantial function in the making of red blood cells. Vitamin B17, the last distinguished ingredient in the vitamin B complex, has been tested to stop the formation of cancer when taken sufficiently and on a regular basis, and even treat most sorts of the terrible disease.

B17 was learned to be an efficient defense mechanism against cancer by the globe's eminent experts over three full decades ago. It was found that this vitamin allowed the human body to develop the essential defenses to battle the dreaded disease. These experts preached about eating apricot seeds as an effective source of the wonder vitamin. Although several fruit seeds - including the peach, grape and apple - have quantities of B17, the apricot seed is the best centered reservoir of it on earth.

In addition, scientific tests have presented that the regular ingestion of apricot seeds by cancer patients greatly reduced the size of their malignant cells. Other patients report being totally freed from their disease because they ate decent quantities of apricot seeds as a methodology of treatment. This is because the profound source of B17 within the seeds enables the body to target and extinguish cancer cells, curing the individual in a natural way and effectively.

It's constantly desirable to reap vitamin B complex benefits via natural food sources. Even if vitamin B complex supplements carry the key nutrients, capsules inescapably have additive chemical substances necessary to place the vitamin into pill condition and prolong shelf life - our body has no need for these chemicals which make breaking up of these chemical compounds tough on the body. Likewise, as with any other medicament, there is a peril of vitamin B complex overdose. Avoid this entirely by preferring to get maximal vitamin B complex benefits via apricot seeds since dosage is based on your body weight.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Duke Peterson Vision Without Glasses Scam Or Genuine?

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Are you searching for a Vision Without Glasses review that genuinely exposes really what this program has to offer? In the past, you may have puzzled simply what life would have been like if you had not worn your glasses or perhaps contact lenses. It's a fact medical doctors have stated that there are healthy techniques to make you see better without the utilization of eyeglasses. The thought of being free from the everyday difficulties of cleaning, wearing and being careful not to smash your glasses would be a good thought indeed for many people. Equally if you are a contact lens wearer not having to take them in or out every day would be a better state of affairs. Users of contact lenses will little doubt be aware that if you don't handle them in the correct way you'll be at the mercy of eye infections. In the upcoming Vision Without Glasses review you may well discover there is hope and potentially an alternative route.

The Vision Without Glasses e-book has been created by Duke Peterson and supplies a guarantee to assist in the improvement of vision whilst employing natural perfectly safe techniques. Many people up to now have purchased the Vision without Glasses program and experienced considerable success, you as well are in a position to connect to them and give yourself the opportunity to liberate yourself from the restrictions of your eyeglasses.

It is a crucial Thought that your eye composes of countless muscle groups these shall require an excellent amount of rest to rejuvenate. An excellent way to assist relax the eye muscle groups is by means of massaging simply like the other the body massaging has the ability to relieve strain. Within his program Duke Peterson makes clear many alternative suggestions and methods which have the power to assist many people in regaining their lost visual capacity.

These specific types of all-natural treatments solutions aren't generally used since most medical doctors favor to give the quick fix solution to visual impairment. A plan often employed is the prescription of glasses or maybe medication but this may not be actually dealing with the actual trouble. The exercises and techniques put forward within this program are entirely natural and regarded to have the power for strengthening the eyes and lessening disorders such as glaucoma, nearsightedness and various other troubles of the eyes.

This program provides a great opportunity for correcting your vision devoid of having to endure risky surgical procedures or the charges that come together with it. Duke Peterson states the Vision Without Glasses program could make your eyes focus better in clearer and in addition sharper manner in simply a couple of weeks simply by keeping to techniques he puts forward.

Vision Without Glasses Review: Final words

It must said that, no one might be completely sure the program will generate the exact results you are searching for, however with that said it offers safe all natural techniques and exercises with the intention of achieving an improvement within your eyesight. It should be noted that this particular program comes with a 60 day guarantee which means if you are not entirely satisfied you have the opportunity to receive your money back. thus with the potential of getting all your investment back you could wish to give the program a go it could transform your life.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Fast Acting Acid Reflux Natural Cure

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Looking for an acid reflux natural cure?

Are you sick of spending money on expansive heartburn treatments? Are you uninterested in taking chalky antacids just to see your problem keeps coming back over and over again?

There are 3 great acid reflux natural cure remedies which will stop your digestive problems from ruining your nice quaint family barbecue's.

Untreated heartburn and acid reflux is nothing to play with. By leaving it untreated can lead to serious health problems down the road such as esophageal cancer.

If you're struggling with this disease and are taking antacids for it, then understand that by taking this medication over a long period of time can upset the stomach and eventually caused severe pain. So to help you with your digestion problem, and avoid consuming conventional medication that can cause harm, why not try some of these acid reflux natural cure which are recognized to give relief for sufferers:

1. Pickle juice may be a strange thing to consider as an acid reflux natural cure because of its high acidity content. But in actuality, pickle juice can really aid you; it is the acid within the juice that are just what your stomach needs. Not only it helps to cool down your stomach but also helps the digestion process as well.

2. Lack of sleep does not only make you moody and tired, but it is also among the factors that contribute to the occurrences of acid reflux. So make sure you get your good fair share of sleep, a minimum of 8 hours of it.

3. Cabbage - Make an effort to eat some kind of cabbage dish when you are afflicted by acid reflux. It has been determined cabbage is an acid reflux natural cure because of the natural cooling effect it has on the stomach. Cabbage also sooths the stomach which reduces the burning sensation you are feeling during heartburn.

By using these 3 treatments you will have a good start to being pain free the next time you're at the family barbecue or on a pleasant dinner out.

Acid reflux, GERD and heartburn are one of the easiest health conditions to be cured through the use of natural treatments. Click the link below to discover ways to cure your acid reflux problems through the use of natural treatments.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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ITP – Low Blood Platelets, Food and Inflammation

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If you have Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, did you know that the food you eat could be contributing to your Low Blood Platelets ?

When it comes to what you feed your body, not all foods are the same...not even close. Even though you thought eating was good for your health, gave you energy and helped you to survive, it totally depends on what you eat. Some foods are so toxic to our system that it might be better for you to give that meal a miss.

The wrong type of food actually acts as poison to our bodies and produce free radicals in our system. In order to combat the free radicals the body's immune system springs into action and creates inflammation, just like when you get a splinter in your finger and it flares up or a flu virus. Your immune system tries to defend your body against the enemy causing the inflammation. When this happens all the time, the inflammation becomes chronic and the immune system starts to break down manifesting this problem in many ways. As a result of this constant battle, the body produces a chronic autoimmune response such as ITP disorder with the accompanying low blood platelets, arthritis, cancer and virtually every modern disease known to mankind,

Guess what foods can create such a problem?

Foods with Chemicals in them, such as food additives, colorings, preservatives, and pesticides. Modern convenience foods fall in that category. Just read the label of any box in the supermarket. Also fast foods are culprits as well. They have many additives for longer shelf life and economy, not to mention all sorts of fillers.

Highly Processed food, such as all the modern convenience foods. Not only do they have an abundance of chemicals but the have been prepared at extremely high temperatures and have also had many natural components removed form the natural product. Then a few synthetic vitamins are added as a token gesture. this type of food is extremely unnatural to the body.

Over cooked foods. High heat destroys all of the live natural enzymes necessary to sustain a healthy life. It is recommended that at least 60% of your diet be raw foods.

Foods which contain sugar, both natural and unnatural such as high fructose corn syrup. Sugar is known to compromise the immune system, and over the long term will poison the body.

Foods that your body is sensitive to, not necessarily allergic, but intolerant. Even if you already eat a healthy and natural diet you must be really aware that some foods commonly believed to be healthy could actually be causing you harm, such as dairy products and whole grains. These foods, your body could actually have a intolerance to, and will therefore act as an antagonist to your system, causing an auto immune response. (somewhat like a allergic reaction). This will cause inflammation and if you continue to eat antagonistic foods your inflammatory condition will become chronic and cause your immune system to break down. It is common knowledge that food sensitivities create diseases. There is a larger percentage of people than you could ever imagine, that have food intolerances and don't even know it. A prime example is gluten intolerance, ( an intolerance to the gluten in grains). What we do know is that out of every 133 people in the world 1 person will have gluten sensitivity. What about all of those people who are sensitive but are not diagnosed that go through life feeling less than 100%, until finally their immune system can't take it any more, and rebels causing low blood platelets, cancer, arthritis, lupus and a host of other ailments. This intolerance problem could be festering for years until it is almost finally too late.

If you have ITP and low blood platelets, perhaps it's time to re-think just what you are putting in your mouth as food.

It's time to seriously take stock of what you eat! What's in your pantry and fridge?

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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The Secrets of Eternal Youth Revealed

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Staying Fit and Healthy Aging

The aging process starts from the day we are born. A person may not realize it but we need to work on staying fit and healthy everyday. In the end, you'll feel and look younger all during the aging progression.

There are many things you can do to stay healthy and feel good. Watch your diet and continue activities throughout the course of your life. Your diet has a lot to do with aging and health. Your diet contains vitamins, minerals and other nutrients you need to stay healthy.

If your over weight try getting yourself into an exercise program. Walking is a great program to get involved. Start out walking gradually and work your way up to 12 to 15 miles by walking two or 3 times a week. Walking brings up the heart rate making it do its work. You can loosen the tight and stiffness in your legs and besides loosing weight with diet it will help to tone your muscles. Combined weight lifting with your walk agenda but don't over work, yourself because it will make your muscles sore. Along with your new walking and weightlifting program trim down your diet and take supplements to make up for the vitamins you are cutting out. Exercising will burn up some of your vitamins too so make sure you take enough but not too much of the supplements. If you are not sure about the amount to take, consult you physician.

As you build new activities, you will be meeting people and that always gives you something new to talk about to help keep the depression away. You will need encouragement and support throughout your goal to stay healthy. Seek support from family, friends, or people with the same goals.

As we grow older high cholesterol becomes a health issue with most of us. Your new walking program is a good start to lowering your levels. 2 miles a day, 3 times a week will help you to lower your cholesterol by helping you lose the excess weight you've put on in the last couple of years. If walking doesn't seem to be helping to level out your cholesterol, try eating seven nuts. The combination of both will sometimes bring it to a balance. Be sure your doctor knows what your doing as these things continue. Grease is good in nuts and olive oil to help lower the blood pressure and blood sugar as well. Try changing your diet and eat more whole grain foods while you cut back on the meat you love so much. Instead of using, spreadable fats use olive oil and canola margarine. As a snacksneak in those nuts:

Has your blood pressure gone up in your older years? Try adding three servings of low-fat dairy products to you diet. Calcium, magnesium and potassium are good to help lower that blood pressure.

Cancer is always a threat to us young or old so we need to start early on trying to help prevent it. Vitamin D is a good vitamin to take along with getting 10-15 minutes a week of sun with no sunscreen on. Watching your diet and taking vitamins, helps reduce the risks of getting colon, breast, or ovarian cancer.

Ovarian cancer for women is very common, yet women have the power to lower their risks. Green and black tea 2 times a day or even eating an apple or grapefruit will help. Anything that is high in antioxidants is good.

Mixing your foods to cover everything daily is a good idea so you don't get bored eating the same things all the time. Mixing up what you eat in a recipe or on your plate the nuts, maybe some black-eyed peas, whole grain wheat bread or cereal and add a little peanut butter on that bread.

Changing your foods that you eat may not stop you from getting cancer but it is known to lower the risk and help prevent it. Remember your not a doctor so be sure to have regular check ups.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Colorectal Cancer - Symptoms & Treatment

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Colorectal cancer is a disease due to the cancerous growth found in the large bowel, the end portion of the digestive tract which holds the undigested food that is waiting to be eliminated. The colon is about 5 to 6 feet long and 2.5 inches in diameter. The rectum is the last 6 to 8 inches of the colon which ends at the anus.Colorectal cancer is also known as colon or rectal cancer because it is a cancer that is found in either the colon or the rectum.

Excluding skin cancer, colorectal cancer is the third commonest cancer diagnosed in the United States. Each year over 100,000 Americans are diagnosed with colon cancer and over 50 percent of these patients will die from colorectal cancer.

If you have symptoms such as persistent stomach cramps, rectal bleeding or sudden change in bowel habits - see your doctor very soon. Risk factors for colorectal cancer are higher for people who have already had colorectal cancer or polyps, or for those who have inflammatory bowel disease like an ulcerative colitis.

Do not ignore stomach cramps. One other method of detecting colorectal cancer is by paying attention to your abdomen. Stomach cramps and stomach irritation are indications that your bowels have something to communicate.

To get an understanding of what colorectal cancer is you should first know what cancer is in the first place. Regardless of the type, in general, cancer is a group of diseases in which there is abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells in the body.

Prevention : Some evidence suggests that low-fat and high-fiber diets may reduce your risk of colon cancer. Preventive Services Task Force recommends against taking aspirin or other anti-inflammatory medicines to prevent colon cancer if you have an average risk of the disease -- even if someone in your family has had the condition.

Stick with whole foods, including lots of vegetables, fresh fruit, whole grains and other fiber rich foods, unprocessed oils, like extra virgin olive oil, lean meats (mostly fish and chicken, but an occasional T-bone won't hurt), low fat dairy and plenty of pure water.

Vitamin D and calcium may decrease the risk of colorectal cancer, and the risk of death following a diagnosis of colorectal cancer, are still being studied, there is already intriguing data showing that Vitamin D supplementation can "up-regulate" the activity of genes in both premalignant and malignant colon.

The Ayurvedic treatment of colorectal cancer is aimed at treating the main cancer, preventing or reducing its spread to other parts of the body and improving overall survival. Medicines used in this condition are: Arogya-Vardhini, Kanchnaar-Guggulu, Yograj-Guggulu, Triphala-Guggu.

Radiation therapy uses high energy rays for killing cancer cells. In fact, it affects the cancer cells lying only in the affected area. Two types of radiation therapies, namely the internal radiation and external radiation, are used for treating colorectal cancer.

The most common treatment of colorectal cancer is surgery. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are also popular treatments but they are advised according to the stage of the disease. Surgeries can also be classified in to various types, namely curative, bypass, palliative, open and close and fecal diversion.

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Carrot-the Wonder Therapy For Prostate Cancer

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Prostate Cancer is a common form of cancer in men above 50. It is estimated that 50% of men above 55 experience some form of prostate disorders. Prostate cancer is the second largest cause of cancer fatalities in men. Despite a reasonable knowledge of the risks, etiology and causes of prostate cancer steps to prevent it is very limited. Still there is increasing unanimity in views that link diet and lifestyle to the cause of prostate cancer.

It has been established that as all other forms of cancer a diet high in saturated fats leads to an increase in cancer. At the same time people who include a diet high in fiber, phytoestrogen and lycopenes and other nutrients had a decreased risk of prostate cancer. Hence if you maintain a proper diet or healthy lifestyle you are less prone to any form of cancer or prostate cancer. Include a lot of green leafy vegetables and fruits in your diet. Eat as much as possible vegetables like Carrot, turnip and radish which can be taken raw.

Carrots are a very popular vegetable and are eaten raw in the form of salads, boiled or fried. The ancient treatise of medicines is full of writings eulogizing the benefits of Carrot as a medicine. So much so that carrot was made a coffee substitute in Germany and other European countries. Carrot has also been used as a starting material in making alcoholic beverages. Benefits of carrots have been a subject of many studies and all have the same conclusion that Carrot is very effective in preventing Prostate cancer. The major component which exerts its beneficial effects is Beta Carotene. Carrot juice is loaded with important Vitamins and other trace ingredients including Anti-Oxidants. The carrot juice has vitamins A, C, D, E, K, B1, and B6 along with iron, calcium, sulfur, copper, chlorine, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium.

As mentioned carrot juice also contains Beta carotene which is a potent Anti-Oxidant and an important tool against cancer. Every component in Carrot contributes in some way or the other in preventing cancer. Carrot juice is rich in Vit E which improves immunity and also helps to fight cancer with its antioxidant action. Carrot juice can stave off cancer with Beta carotene. Primarily it takes care of the free radicals which are formed in the body during the normal process of metabolism. Beta carotene retards aging of cells and at the same time prevents cell degeneration.

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Is Asbestos Exposure a sleeping dragon?

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We are, however, certain that during the 9/11 disaster, asbestos fibres were released. When the Twin Tower collapsed, there were 400 tons of asbestos in the structure. The toxic cloud that hung over Manhattan, contained high level of asbestos. It is estimated that over 100,000 people suffered asbestos exposure. The greatest exposure was amongst first responders. Deborah Reeve was the first to die from asbestos related disease after 9/11. She was a first responder and paramedic. She died in March 2005 from mesothelioma. This concerned experts because mesothelioma takes a very long time to develop. They concluded that her exposure must have been excessive.

A study result showed that 70% of recovery and rescue workers who were active during and after the World Trade Centre collapse had some form of respiratory problem. A six year follow up study showed that sufferers with respiratory problems continue to have the same ailments. In the six years since the attacks, Nadler said, We have accumulated a mountain of evidence that thousands of those exposed are suffering from chronic respiratory disease and, increasingly, a variety of rare cancers.

Hopefully, as experts predict, within the next few years asbestos related diseases will peak and the annual new cases will drop. If not, could it be a sleeping dragon?

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Does Wellmune WGP Work?

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Wellmune WGP is the only specialty product for boosting the immune system that is scientifically proven to enhance the immune system, as evidenced by studies both demonstrating its effects when absorbed in the body and measuring big improvements in immune response.

Many of the Wellmune WGP studies conducted to date have not been published. I was able to locate these papers and make available the full text via my website. [See the Author Box for a link].

Wellmune Marathon Study Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2009.
Wellmune Cold and Flu Study Journal of Applied Research, 2009.
Wellmune Antrax and Cancer Study in Mice Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association, 2002.

Wellmune is not a natural occurring ingredient and is not available on its own in the foods and beverages we consume. Rather it is in the class of functional ingredients. Wellmune WGP is added to foods or beverages, not consumed directly. It is an all-natural compound (gluco polysachharide) isolated from the cell walls of a strain of baker's yeast harvested in a laboratory environment on sugar cubes. Wellmune tells key immune cells to respond more completely to the presence of disease-causing organisms, resulting in fewer cold and flu infections.

The Journal of Immunology, the official publication of the American Association of Immunologists, reported the mechanism by which Wellmune WGPboosts the immune system. This was found using fluorescently labeled Wellmune WGP that could be tracked with a microscope inside test subjects.

Independent trials show that Wellmune engages and stimulates the body's natural defenses against a wide range of bodies. Human clinical studies and pre-clinical testing showed that Wellmune boosts the immune system by increasing:

The activation of active immune cells available to defend the body.

The amount of key biomarkers in the blood that regulate the body's immune response.

The mobilization of innate immune cells to the site of a foreign invader, enabling faster action on an intruder.

The engulfing of foreign challenges, resulting in a more complete immune response.

The creators of Wellmune and their research collaborators have invested over 0 million in research and development with participation by organizations such as Brown Cancer Center at the University of Louisville, the National Institute of Health, The Mayo Clinic and the U.S. and Canadian Departments of Defense.

Over ten science and medical journals have published findings on the safety and effectiveness of Wellmune WGP in the past several years. In various trials, Wellmune reduced the incidence of fever and eliminated the need for study subjects to miss work or school due to colds over a 90 day period. It's important to note that Wellmune WGP does not prevent colds or sickness, but that it reduces the severity and duration of symptoms.

Another study showed that, when taken daily by post-marathon runners, Wellmune reduced upper respiratory tract (URT) infection symptoms such as stuffy or runny noses, all common ailments faced after the physical stresses of long distance runners.A four week study was completed with 75 runners from the Carlsbad Marathon consuming Wellmune in 2007.

Using a validated psychometric test known as a Profile of Mood States (POMS) questionnaire, the study measured the mood states of vigor, fatigue, tension, confusion, depression and anger using 65 adjective based intensity scales. The Wellmune group reported 22% higher scores in vigor, 48% reduction in fatigue, 38% reduction in tension and a 38% reduction in confusion over the control groups.

A third study done with Wellmune WGP and wildlife firefighters over a two week period had similar results. Results showed that the perception of overall health was better in the Wellmune recipients than the control group. No differences were found in days missed from work between the two groups. When examining daily levels of activity at work over the two week period, there were no differences in daily average activity among the firefighters.Official conclusions were that Wellmune and beta glucans helped reduce the symptoms and incidences of URTI (upper respiratory tract illnesses) among wildlife firefighters.

Wellmune WGP is patented, has a GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) rating by the FDA, is kosher, non allergenic and GMO-free (contains no Genetically Modified Organisms). It also fits within all vegetarian and vegan diets. Wellmune benefits are available in several new products, meaning you can easily and affordably get all the benefits of a true, FDA-recognized supplement that actually WILL boost your immune system all year long.

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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One Minute Cure for Cancer - The Natural Approach for Treating Cancer

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Individuals who suffer from cancer is experiencing intense pain, the worse case is, the victim is not treated effectively and is left to die. What if somebody had informed you about the one minute cure for cancer that cost cents a day only to administer that could get rid of all types of diseases including cancer?

We just wanted you to start thinking, open up yourself and start to entertain some possibilities. You might be saying right now "That just can't be true! How could one simple treatment possibly cure all types of diseases including cancer? I know you have so many questions right now. I was like you before. Before you continue reading I just want you to pause your disbelief for a few minutes, what you're about to learn is the most powerful health secret anyone could ever possess. Your life and the life of your love ones could actually depend on this amazing information. Take action right now and discover the one minute cure for cancer therapy before this information is banned by various pharmaceutical or (Drug) companies.

Doctor Otto Warburg, a Noble winner, surprised the world when he discovered that cancer is caused by inadequate oxygen levels within our body. In fact, his studies showed that if you deny a cell 35% of its required oxygen for 2days, the cell will become malignant and cancerous. That's the reason why cancer is so rampant in our modern society -- because most people suffer from oxygen deprivation. According to these studies we have discovered that the primary cause of cancer is linked to oxygen deficiency. When any human body is supplied with abundant amounts oxygen, all cancer cells are eliminated because they cannot endure a high-oxygen environment.

Alternative therapy to cure cancer emphasizes on providing more oxygen to the cells of the body. The one minute cure for cancer treatment is based on the theory of increasing blood flow in the cells of the body by increasing the hemoglobin and oxygen dissociation. Let us discover the process in which it functions. This alternative treatment for cancer focuses on by increasing the levels of oxygen in the cells and tissues of the body. Pathogens, viruses, and all other forms of bad bacteria cannot exist in such an environment due to their anaerobic nature. Therefore, they cannot thrive and exist.

The One minute cure for cancer method according to researchers is surprisingly powerful and that too without any side effects. Of all the other treatments to cancer, this new cancer cure has been chosen as one of the best natural cures for cancer because it works on the principle of increasing oxygen inside the body.

According to doctor Otto Warburg oxygen cannot cure disease unless it is delivered to the cells and tissues of the body.

Most individuals are unable to obtain abundant amounts of oxygen in their tissues and cells due to reasons like poor air quality, oxygen-depleting actions and poor breathing habits. Another thing is, the human body is unable to carry oxygen direct to the cells.

If the cancer or disease has to be eliminated by oxygen, then it should reach not only to the lungs and not only to the bloodstream, but also to the cells of the body. That is the reason why other oxygen-based therapies like food or supplements rich in oxygen, oxygenated water or healing procedures releasing oxygen in the bloodstream are not always recommended in treating cancer.

While oxygen based therapies can deliver oxygen to the body, they are not as effective for breaking oxygen free from hemoglobin molecule. Therefore, oxygen based therapies may not deliver oxygen to the tissues and cells effectively. One minute cure for cancer therapy is an exception and does this in an amazing and effective way. This simple therapy includes natural oxygenating substance that stimulates movement of the oxygen atoms from bloodstream to cells.

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Signs and Symptoms of Liver Cancer In Adult Men and Their Effects

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There are several factors why symptoms of liver cancer in women aren't the same as liver cancer symptoms in men. The biggest organ found in the body is the liver. The most usual type of cancer for both women and men is liver cancer which could show the same symptoms for both of these sexes. Two of the most notable liver cancers that are common for among men and women are primary liver cancer (hematoma) that originates from the liver itself, and secondary liver cancer that stems from other organ which has metastasized to the liver.

Liver Cancer Symptoms In Men That Differ From Women

Enlargement of the Breasts
Abnormal growth of the breast is also included in the many liver cancer symptoms in men. Liver cancer may stimulate the breasts of males to swell more than the normal size of an average man. Often, this breast enlargement is accompanied by pain upon being touched.

Erection Problems
Any drastic change in the biochemical level of a man's body brings about erectile dysfunction, which is the case for men going through cancer of the liver. Even though erectile dysfunction is included in the list of liver cancer symptoms in men, not all erectile problems are the result of liver cancer. Men who experience this kind of sign of liver cancer need to have themselves examined to identify what causes the erectile problem to ascertain if they indeed have liver cancer or not.

Enlarged Testicles
One of the most distinctive liver cancer symptoms in men are unusually swollen testicles. This swelling of the testicles develops when the cancerous cells have metastasized to the testicles. Usually, these inflammation and/or growth aren't painful which could cause a person to ignore such symptom. Because of this it is strongly suggested that if any individuals observe unusually inflamed, they get diagnosed immediately before it's too late to avoid the growth of the liver cancer.

Blood in the Urine
Hematuria or blood in the urine can be a positive sign of possible prostate cancer or liver cancer. A positive sign that the liver cells are already malignant is when the liver becomes filled with blood. The blood will then flow through the urinary system and be excreted along with the urine. Should you be observing blood in the urine, you need to be checked by your medical professional to identify whether it is liver cancer that is creating the presence of blood in the urine or not.

Common Liver Cancer Symptoms

Liver cancer symptoms which are common in both men and women are the following:

. Hepatitis
. Liver cirrhosis
. Fever
. Jaundice
. Unusual weight loss
. Weakness
. Loss of appetite
. Abdominal pain near the liver
.Nausea or vomiting
. Abdominal pain that radiates to the right shoulder

When you're experiencing any liver cancer symptoms in the list above, it's best to seek medical help immediately. The risk for having liver cancer drastically increases if an individual is he's an alcoholic, has been sick with hepatitis B, has been exposed to pollution contaminants for example polyvinyl chloride, has been suffering from liver cirrhosis. As men are ten times likely to have cancer of the liver than women, it is always best for men to adhere to a healthy way of life and consume less alcohol. If you're diagnosed with cancer of the liver, speak to your doctor about the options you have in treating the disease. As a lot of the liver cancer symptoms in men can be attributable to other diseases, it is imperative that you get professional assistance when you recognize any irregular changes in your body.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Benefits and Properties of Avocado

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Who would think that this result is not so well-weighted such as apples, oranges and many others, have so many benefits? These virtues that the avocados give our bodies are food, cosmetic and healthy. It was for all these virtues, that when medical science discovered the wonderful properties of avocado, this fruit began to take a big swing in the world of both health and aesthetics.

Avocado - or avocado, as it is known in some countries is a result of Mexican origin very rich in oil similar to olive and canola, which also used a lot as well as previously stated in the field of health and aesthetics, is also widely used at present in pharmaceutical trade. This fruit is usually used as a vegetable in a large quantity of prepared gastronomic salads, especially due to its delicate and smooth taste. It is worth mentioning that the avocado is not only rich in oil but also on other natural elements such as monounsaturated fats, minerals, fiber, pro-vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, pyridoxine and antioxidants useful for the agency to continue its functions properly.

The main function of the avocado in food is its great contribution of monounsaturated fats and antioxidants useful for the treatment of cholesterol, because this type of fat contributes directly to reduce the presence of malignant cholesterol in the blood and in turn generate the production of cholesterol Clement, which will directly help reduce the rates of cardiovascular disease in a person.

Another important point to play when we talk about the avocado is their great help to treat some illnesses that can disrupt the normal course of our lives, some of these disorders as:

* Hypertension and disorders in blood vessels: avocado, thanks to its high content of magnesium and potassium and low concentrations of sodium are recommended for people with such bad, because these elements are of great help to treat it.

* Bulimia: This common condition is well supported by the consumption of avocado as this to possess small amounts of sodium, which is very wrong with this condition, it is of vital aid in the treatment of the aforementioned evil.

* Problems of obesity: this is another area favored by the avocado well as the concentration of monounsaturated fats as previously stated, avoid and prevent the rise of cholesterol, thus helping obese people to reduce the possibility of suffering from various ills cardiovascular and circulatory nature.

* Cancer: avocado but is not useful for the treatment of cancer, some studies say that this has qualities that help to reduce the possibility of developing cancer in any part of the body.

Although too many virtues found in the avocado for the treatment of other ailments, the above are the most important at present.

As the above shows that the avocado is not only a very good complement to our meals for flavor, but it is also an excellent and delicious very useful option to avoid the appearance of some annoying problems that can affect the normal development of our lives.

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Laryngeal Cancer Treatment,Laryngeal Cancer Treatment in India at Affordable Cost, Mumbai Delhi

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Laryngeal Cancer


What is the larynx?

The larynx is an organ at the front of your neck. It is also called the voice box. It is about 2 inches long and 2 inches wide. It is above the windpipe (trachea). Below and behind the larynx is the esophagus.

The larynx has two bands of muscle that form the vocal cords. The cartilage at the front of the larynx is sometimes called the Adam's apple.

The larynx has three main parts: -

The top part of the larynx is the supraglottis.

The glottis is in the middle. Your vocal cords are in the glottis.

The subglottis is at the bottom. The subglottis connects to the windpipe.

The larynx plays a role in breathing, swallowing, and talking. The larynx acts like a valve over the windpipe. The valve opens and closes to allow breathing, swallowing, and speaking: -

Breathing: - When you breathe, the vocal cords relax and open. When you hold your breath, the vocal cords shut tightly.

Swallowing: - The larynx protects the windpipe. When you swallow, a flap called the epiglottis covers the opening of your larynx to keep food out of your lungs. The food passes through the esophagus on its way from your mouth to your stomach.

Talking: - The larynx produces the sound of your voice. When you talk, your vocal cords tighten and move closer together. Air from your lungs is forced between them and makes them vibrate. This makes the sound of your voice. Your tongue, lips, and teeth form this sound into words.

Cost Mumbai India, Larynx Cancer Causes, Larynx Cancer Diagnosis

Symptoms of Laryngeal Cancer

The symptoms of cancer of the larynx depend mainly on the size of the tumor and where it is in the larynx.

Symptoms may include the following: -

Hoarseness or other voice changes

A lump or swelling in the neck

Pain in the neck

A sore throat that doesn't go away within 1 to 2 weeks, even with antibiotics

Feeling like something is stuck in your throat

Difficulty swallowing

A cough that does not go away

Coughing up blood

Problems breathing

Bad breath

An earache

Unexplained weight loss

Causes of laryngeal cancer

There is no single cause of laryngeal cancer but some factors increase the risk of developing it. Most people diagnosed with laryngeal cancer are over the age of 50. Men are more likely to be diagnosed with this disease than women.

Other factors that appear to increase the risk of laryngeal cancer are: -

smoking, especially if you also drink a lot of alcohol

drinking a lot of alcohol, especially if you also smoke

exposure to sulphuric acid mist

Having an HPV (human papillomavirus) infection, not eating enough vegetables and fruit and exposure to some chemicals in the workplace (such as asbestos) are being studied as other possible risk factors that may increase your chance of getting laryngeal cancer.

Signs and symptoms of laryngeal cancer

Most laryngeal cancers start on or near the vocal cords. Laryngeal cancer is often diagnosed in its early stages because even a very small tumour can stop the vocal cords from vibrating properly and cause your voice to change. Sometimes, the tumour may start in a part of the larynx that is not close to the vocal cords. Then the first sign may be difficulty swallowing or a lump in the throat or neck.

Possible symptoms of laryngeal cancer include: -

changes to the voice, such as hoarseness

difficulty or pain when swallowing

a sore throat or feeling that something is stuck in the throat

a cough that doesn't go away

an earache

difficulty breathing or noisy breathing

Other health problems can cause some of the same symptoms. Testing is needed to make a diagnosis.


If you have symptoms of cancer of the larynx, the doctor may do some or all of the following exams: -

Physical exam. The doctor will feel your neck and check your thyroid, larynx, and lymph nodes for abnormal lumps or swelling. To see your throat, the doctor may press down on your tongue.

Indirect laryngoscopy. The doctor looks down your throat using a small, long-handled mirror to check for abnormal areas and to see if your vocal cords move as they should. This test does not hurt. The doctor may spray a local anesthesia in your throat to keep you from gagging. This exam is done in the doctor's office.

Direct laryngoscopy. The doctor inserts a thin, lighted tube called a laryngoscope through your nose or mouth. As the tube goes down your throat, the doctor can look at areas that cannot be seen with a mirror. A local anesthetic eases discomfort and prevents gagging. You may also receive a mild sedative to help you relax. Sometimes the doctor uses general anesthesia to put a person to sleep. This exam may be done in a doctor's office, an outpatient clinic, or a hospital.

CT scan. An x-ray machine linked to a computer takes a series of detailed pictures of the neck area. You may receive an injection of a special dye so your larynx shows up clearly in the pictures. From the CT scan, the doctor may see tumors in your larynx or elsewhere in your neck.

Biopsy. If an exam shows an abnormal area, the doctor may remove a small sample of tissue. Removing tissue to look for cancer cells is called a biopsy. For a biopsy, you receive local or general anesthesia, and the doctor removes tissue samples through a laryngoscope. A pathologist then looks at the tissue under a microscope to check for cancer cells. A biopsy is the only sure way to know if a tumor is cancerous.

Treatment for laryngeal cancer

Radiation therapy

External beam radiation therapy is the most common treatment for laryngeal cancer. A machine is used to carefully aim a beam of radiation at the tumour. The radiation damages the cells in the path of the beam normal cells as well as cancer cells.

Small tumours may be cured by treating them with radiation only. For larger tumours, external radiation is often used together with chemotherapy.

You may have a mask made especially for you before radiation therapy. This custom-made mask is worn for the treatment planning and for all radiation treatments. The mask helps make sure you're in the exact same position for every treatment and helps keep your head and neck from moving during treatment.

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Eliminate Sleep Apnea And Snoring With Silent Nite Oral Appliance

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If you snore, you may find yourself at the center of every joke. However, snoring is not something to joke about. While it has been known to cause sleep deprivation to snorers and to those around them, did you know that if left untreated, it may impact your quality of life and impair general health and well being? Snoring not only interferes with our quality of sleep, but may also cause problems such as daytime drowsiness, irritability, and lack of focus.

Snoring may also be a warning sign that normal breathing is not taking place during sleep. This may be caused by an underlying medical condition, or be an indicative sign of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Millions of people suffer from the effects of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea, struggling to find simple, effective options to resolve their problem. Oral appliance therapy may provide the solution with Silent Nite.

The Importance of Sleep

A good night's sleep is very important to our overall health and ability to function effectively throughout the day. However, when our lives become busy, sleep becomes less of a priority for many of us. We understand that good nutrition and plenty of exercise are important for health, but we have not paid enough attention to the third pillar of good health, which is adequate sleep. You can improve the quality of your sleep by following these recommendations:

* Establish relaxing pre-sleep routines
* Minimize light, noise, and temperature extreme in the bedroom
* Avoid large meals just before bedtime
* Avoid strenuous exercise within two to three hours of bedtime
* Avoid caffeine, nicotine, or other stimulants within four hours of bedtime

What is Snoring and Sleep Apnea?

Snoring is an abnormal breathing noise that occurs while someone is sleeping. It takes place when the muscles of the airway are collapsed or obstructed and therefore fail to maintain their normal function - causing noisy vibrations to be produced when air rushes against the soft palate and sides of the throat. The structures involved in snoring are the uvula, soft palate, and tonsils.

Sleep apnea affects the way you breathe while you are sleeping. In untreated sleep apnea, breathing is briefly interrupted or becomes very shallow during sleep. These breathing pauses typically last between 10 to 20 seconds and can occur up to hundreds of times a night. Untreated sleep apnea prevents you from getting a good night's sleep. When breathing is paused, you are jolted out of your natural sleep rhythm. As a consequence you spend more time in light sleep and less time in the deep, restorative sleep you need to be energetic, mentally sharp, and productive the next day.

Silent Nite Oral Appliance Therapy

Silent Nite is a custom created oral appliance that moves the lower jaw into a forward position, increasing space in the airway tube and reducing air velocity and soft tissue vibration. Special connectors are attached to transparent flexible upper and lower forms. The forms are custom laminated with heat and pressure to the dentist's model of the mouth. The fit is excellent and comfortable, permitting small movements of the jaw (TMJ) and allowing uninhibited oral breathing.

If you or a loved on snore, talk to your dentist in Hartford, CT for more information about Silent Nite oral appliances and how they can help you sleep better at night. Take charge of your sleep and talk to your dentist today.

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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JWH-018 Aka Spice, K2, Serenity Now, And Legal Weed - What You NEED To Know

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Should You Buy 99.9% Pure JWH? Is JWH-018 Safe? Is it legal?
Marijuana has been viewed negatively in America for generations. Many people who enjoyed smoking were forced to stop when they got some sort of job that drug tested. Imagine a form of marijuana that wouldn't show up on drug tests, yet still gave you a nice relaxing buzz. Look no farther because synthetic marijuana does exist and it goes by the name of JWH.

JWH-018 and JWH-073 (Spice, K2, Serenity Now) research started a few years back in Germany. Different cannabanoids were synthetically created which mimic the effects of actual cannabis. JWH use has spread like a wildfire although the long term effects have not been identified. In fact, it's actually marketed as a bonsai fertilizer and is specifically not for human consumption. However it does also exist in blends of incense which are obviously made to be smoked even though they don't suggest it. JWH is probably a benign chemical but very well could some hazard effects. It really is not right that people are turning to this alternative unknown chemical because they have to pass a drug test or fear being arrested.
JWH-018 (commonly known as bonsai fertilizer, K2, serenity now, spice, or "legal weed") is relatively cheap compared to marijuana prices these days and is basically advertised as a marijuana alternative. In many states it has been outlawed, or is waiting to be outlawed and the dea has listed it under the area of "chemicals for concern". Now would be the time to stock up on this substance although you will be doing so at the risk of your health. This is the type of situation that hard working Americans are cornered into. {Smoke|Inhale| an unknown substance or smoke the knowingly safe marijuana and risk losing there job. Most people will take a little bit of brain damage or higher risk of cancer sad as it is.
Another way JWH-018 differs from weed is in the actual dosage. A gram of marijuana is a standard amount to smoke in a setting between a couple of people. With JWH you literally have to weigh it out in milligrams. It is very easy to over do it especially when someone is "eyeballing" out the dose. Typically this will lead to a reaction of paranoia and or uncomfortable bodily physical sensations. It could also lead to a panic attack. However, many users report very positive effects that are quite similar to marijuana. These include relaxation, altered thinking, altered taste, among other sensations which are enhanced.
Overall JWH-018 is a good chemical, but it's probably notsuitable for human use until further research into the effects on health have been studied.
Once thoroughly tested, if it is found to be safe over time, and it's not 100% illegal in the US by then (states are starting to outlaw it) it's a nice cheaper alternative to marijuana. Unfortunately, it isn't able to compete with the taste and pleasantness of smoking real marijuana, but it's 100% more legal. It seems very chemical and synthetic compared to marijuana's natural feel. In the meantime it will help thousands of people to enjoy marijuana's effects when they normally would not be able to. In this essence, JWH is a life saver for many.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Colon Cleanse Diet: Cleanse Yourself Now

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Overtime, our colon accumulates harmful toxins and anyone having colon problems are prone to get deficient in important nutrients which will then lead to chronic diseases and health problems. For one to maintain regular operation of the digestive system, it is paramount that our colorectal health gets well taken care of. Detoxification is one of the many ways of cleaning our system. Detoxification involves elimination of toxins and other harmful substances which has accumulated in our body over time. One of the many methods of detoxification is through the application of a colon cleanse diet. Using colon cleanser products is also another way. Colon cleanser products are specially formulated to eliminate these toxins and substances that have been collected in the colon.

Getting regular bowel movements is a very important part of maintaining our overall health. If we are to deprive our bodies of bowel elimination at the right schedules, then we are slowly killing our system, our body, and ultimately our life. Our body structure and functions have changed so little since we first walked the earth; but our diet has changed so drastically over the years.

In the dawn of technological spurts, everything seems so fast-paced; everything is made in an instant, particularly the food we eat. Fast food, canned, processed and preserved meat or poultry, and instant juices are just one of the products we see on our dinner tables nowadays.

No wonder people's lifespan also gets taken in an instant too. Each day we are assaulting our bodies with everything that is unnatural and has undergone so much processing. This is why cancers are so frequent nowadays, particularly colon cancer.

Colon cancer is caused by the build up of toxins and other harmful elements in the colon. It is important that we get rid of these toxins and harmful substances that plague our system, and we start first with the cleansing of our bowels.

Constipation is one of the more known digestion problems, both with children and adults alike. It occurs when waste matter in our digestive tract is not immediately eliminated, causing them to get dry and hard because the colon has absorbed much of the water in the bowel. This bowel, when left in the digestive tract for longer periods of time becomes toxic to the body, in which aids in the development of serious diseases and illnesses.

In order get started with a colon cleanse diet, one must first consider staying away from as much processed and unnatural foods as you can. After which we then start by incorporating more fruits and vegetables in our diet, which will help in gradually cleansing our system from the inside. This can also help us absorb more of the vitamins and minerals our body needs, which aids in rejuvenating our body and restoring our health to its peak condition.

A colon cleanse therapy's goal is to have a clean bowel. Bowel cleansing usually takes a few weeks to a few months, depending on how much cleansing a person needs. Getting our colon clean can involve a wide variety of methods and may include the use of different colon cleanser supplements and a change in lifestyle, particularly our eating and bowel movement habits.

Natural methods of cleaning the colon still remain the best and most reliable. Getting into a colon cleanse diet that involves eating fruits, vegetables, food rich in fiber, naturally made fruit juices and staying away from so much processed and chemically enhanced foods. Limit your visits to fast food restaurants if you cannot completely avoid them so that you can also avoid the toxic filled diet that they can get into your system. Using colon cleanser products is also good, especially that there are a lot of quality and reliable ones in the market. Just make sure you do some research and feel free to seek expert advice for better results of your colon cleansing activities.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Do Anti- Snoring Exercises Benefit?

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If you are a person who snores and have not heard about snoring exercises, then maybe your curiosity has now been peaked. The first question that you may wonder about doing snoring exercises is do they really help you stop snoring or are they just another scam?

Nowadays, because of many scams that prey upon our problems and aliments, caution and skeptic thoughts may cause us to quickly dismiss remedies that are new or different, or make us think that they are not worth even trying. This is also true with the suggestion of anti-snoring exercises claim to reduce your snoring problems entirely!

But a second look at anti-snoring exercises are founded on the basis of scientific fact and principle that snoring is caused by weak throat muscles collapsing during sleep, and by toning the throat and jaw muscles through the means of direct exercises may cure your snoring completely.

Anti-snoring exercises are aimed at toning the muscles around the throat. The exercises are to be done daily for just a few minutes and are very easy to do. One of the first suggested exercises is done by opening your mouth as wide as you can, hold for a few seconds and then close it, making sure that your lips meet. The next exercise is to pucker your lips like you're about to kiss someone. Hold this position for about ten seconds before relaxing. The third recommended exercise is to smile as widely as you can, hold the smile for a few seconds and then relax. These mouth exercises can be performed in any order that you would like, and can be mixed for morning variations.

If you think that you are snoring due to the tongue falling back in your throat, then there are also a few exercises for that problem. Make sure your tongue stays centered while sticking it out as far as it will go, hold your tongue out for a few seconds before relaxing. The overall goal is to stick your tongue out as far as you can daily, and try to make it go further each day.

Take twenty minutes out in a day to sing out loud for keeping your neck and throat in shape. Although there are anti-snoring kits and CD products that are to contain the best songs for teaching the most prominent neck and throat exercise songs to stop your snoring problem. These particular songs are yet to be proven over any other songs being sung with a lot of mouth and throat movements. So just sing what ever your heart desires as long as you are really working your vocals and throat.

Snoring exercises would have to be the most natural way to curb snoring issues with no side effects that might come from other products. If considering whether snoring exercises really do help you stop snoring, think about the fact that this is free remedy and it couldn't possibly hurt to try it before moving on to other therapies or anti-snoring products.

These exercises can also be used along with other remedies such as nasal drops or any other non-evasive anti-snoring products and in comparison to money spent on other products- it may be worth a few minutes out of your day!

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Platelet Rich Plasma and Autologous Cellular Rejuvenation: A Cutting Edge Skin Regeneration Techniques

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At any age group, skin care is always important and keeping the skin at its freshest, youngest looking state is a top priority. But, with the harmful substances everywhere in the environment and the fact that aging is inevitable, having a glowing and healthy skin is very difficult to achieve. Good thing a new anti- aging treatment is now gaining popularity as it is very effective in rejuvenating aging skin.

What are Platelet- Rich Plasma (PRP) and/ or Autologous Cellular Rejuvenation (ACR)?

PRP and ACR are the two most recent skin treatments that target the most common problem of women: aging skin. It is classified as a regenerative skin care therapy which makes use of the patient's own blood components in stimulating tissue repairs as well as in building of new skin tissues. This is a new approach in healing damaged skin due to different environmental factors like pollution and the presence of free radicals in almost everything that a person eats which ages the skin prematurely and increase the chances of developing other skin problems such as sun spots, wrinkles, and sagging skin. PRP and ACR are proven to be effective in slowing down the process of skin aging and at the same time rejuvenate the skin.

How does this type of skin treatment work?

Blood is the body's own natural healer. It contains the most essential substances that are responsible in keeping a healthy skin: platelets, plasma, red and white blood cells, and protein. During a Platelet- Rich Plasma and Autologous Cellular Rejuvenation session, 10 to 20 ml of blood is extracted from the patient. From this blood sample, the rich platelets are being harvested through a process of separation using a centrifuge. These platelets are then injected into the skin and they will later on increase the production of collagen. A rich supply of collagen makes the skin maintain its suppleness and can even smooth out any unwanted wrinkling.

Who should have PRP and ACR?

There are quite a lot of skin problems that can be treated by PRP and ACR. The most dreaded is skin aging which is characterized by dryness, thinning, sagging, wrinkling, and at times puffing of the skin. These are all unsightly appearances which can cause too much stress on the person. With PRP and ACR, these problems can be addressed and the skin is restored to its almost perfect state.

Is it for everyone?

No, PRP and ACR is not advised to people who are smoking, with skin cancer, with liver disorders, and those who have problems that are related to blood clotting, infection, and in the production of blood components.

Are there any complications related to PRP and ACR?

As the patient's own blood sample is being used in the therapy, no serious complication like anaphylactic or allergic reaction is expected. However, some minor side effects can be seen which is due to the process of injecting the platelets on the skin. These are swelling, bruising, and redness which are all minimal and will disappear within 12 to 24 hours.

If you are looking for a natural way of having younger looking skin, PRP and ACR are perfect for you since there is nothing more natural than having your own blood to heal and make a better looking you.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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The Scorpion Bite That Saves Lives: Blue Scorpion Poison Comes to the Rescue of Cancer Patients

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Traditionally loathed and feared, scorpions and their poison are rapidly gaining a new reputation as potential life-enhancers for the millions of cancer patients around the world.

Mark the date! On January 17, 2012, the United States Patent Office granted Medolife Corp. and its
Founder, Dr. Arthur Mikaelian a patent for a "polarized scorpion venom solution and a method for
Making polarized scorpion venom solution."

The patent marks a major milestone in the history of Medolife and its founder. For years, the company has been on the forefront of cancer research in the field of "natural chemotherapy", analyzing the benefits and impact of Caribbean blue scorpion venom in the treatment of cancer.

A copy of the patent (Patent No.: US 8,097,284 B2) can be previewed via the United States Patent and Trademark Office's (USPTO) web site.

The company can be contacted directly via 1-800-468-9123 or via

The patent abstract reads as follows:


The claims of the patent are listed as described below:





















Blue scorpion cancer treatments like Escozine
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