How To Manage High Blood Pressure

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It is generally assumed that high blood pressure is an ailment of elederly people. This is not true. Young people also can and do have health problems caused by high blood pressure. What is even more worrying, is the fact that one third of people who have high blood pressure are not aware of the fact. This can ultimately lead to severe health problems in delaying to manage this ailment. Many home remedies have been criticised by doctors, but this trend has changed as these methods have seemed to be effective in managing this dangerous ailment.

We shall look at some of the home remedies one with high blood pressure can follow to manage this debilitating affliction which in most cases is brought on by lifestyle habits.

Vitamin C is effective in reducing the negative effects of high blood pressure and it is advisable to eat a lot of oranges and other fruits that are rich in vitamin C. It is also a good idea to take one tablet of vitamin C every morning to supplement your vitamin C intake if you do not eat enough food that is rich in this vitamin.

Garlic is also very effective in that it helps to break down toxins that lead to high blood pressure.It also prevents blood platelets from sticking to blood vessel walls, and in this way reduces the build up of cholesterol. Oranges and garlic also help the immune system to fight effectively against colds and influenza.

Dandelion roots and leaves can be boiled and drunk as tea. This has the effect of working as a mild diuretic-increasing the flow of urine, thus washing out toxins that help in the build up of cholesterol in the blood. A further advantage is that this is beneficial for managing weight.

One other contributing factor to high blood pressure is salt. Too much salt is simply the most serious cause or worsening of bigh blood pressure. For people whose pressure is very high, it is advisable to do away completely with salt in food or any types of foods that contain sodium. Tinned food contain a lot of salt as a preservative. The solution to this problem is to switch to a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Indeed it is almost certain that eating fresh ruits, especially on an empty stomach every morning, can quickly reverse high blood pressure.

Exercise is also very good. This question of exercise cannot be stressed enough. Twenty minutes of exercise every day can do wonders for high blood pressure sufferers.

Lastly, it is of the utmost importance to manage mental stress such as worry, anger, anxiety and other negative mental and emotional attitudes as they exacerbate the condition of high blood pressure. Finally, do consult your physician to measure your pressure regularly and to get advice on the type and amount of exercise you should take. If you can stick to this regimen for at least a month, you will be amazed at the positive results you will see in the normalisation of your of blood pressure.

Copyright (c) 2013 Mphojane Leboko

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