Acne Treatments: Take A Quick Quiz To Cure Your Acne!

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You and I know that, for most of us, the biggest stumbling block to most acne treatments is the high cost. We begin our quest to cure our acne based on big promises from acne treatment product sellers. We buy the products only to run out of money to keep using them or we run out of enthusiasm because we do not get the results they promised fast enough. I understand how that is.

Are you ready to try some really easy and effective steps to cure your severe acne?

Yes? Take this quiz:

1. Do you pop, squeeze or poke your pimples?

If Yes, stop it!

You are only making things worse. I know it feels good to rid yourself of ugly pimples and blackheads but this approach is only temporary. This makes acne worse by causing your body to produce more sebum as a reactive measure and it can damage underlying tissues which can cause permanent scarring.

2. Do you wash your face gently at least twice a day using a natural skin cleansing product?

If Not, you should be!

Squeaky clean skin is the first line of defense against severe acne. The best cleaners for acne are products with a sulphur base or a benzoyl peroxide base. Read the labels before you use any product on your face.

Be gentle when washing and use only warm water. Rinse with warm water as well. When you shock your skin with hot water, the body reacts with more sebum. This cycle just replaces the environment for bacteria and more acne. Use a towel made of virgin cotton to dry your face gently. Also, never rub when rinsing or drying.

3. Are you allergic to any food groups?

If you do not know the answer to this question, you need to find out. You may be allergic to some foods and allergies will cause your body to react in a defensive way that can cause severe acne.

Studies show that the most common allergy sources are foods that contain: high fat or oil content, hormone enhanced milk products, wheat based products, shellfish, sugars, nuts, peanut butter, and meats with high fat content. Try cutting down on these food groups for a while to see if you are allergic.

In their place, add more green vegetables, vegetable juice cocktails, citrus fruits, and foods rich in zinc. A daily vitamin-mineral supplement can provide nutrients as well. But, do not go overboard.

4. How much water do you drink every day? At least 8 glasses?

No? You should be. And, by the way, coffee, tea and soft drinks do not count!

Water is magic. It helps the body flush out toxins and it gives our skin plenty of moisture to keep pores clean of old skin cells and for effective new skin cell production. Water helps us grow new skin every few weeks.

5. Do you wear bargain makeup?

Yes? This is another thing you need to stop immediately!

Over-the-counter makeup products contain many igredients you really do not want on your face because that makeup is likely clogging your skin pores and could be a major cause of your acne. You can either stop using makeup for a while or go for hypo-allergenic or water-based products instead.

If your job or lifestyle requires that you wear makeup, clean it off your face as soon as you can each day and never, ever, leave makeup on overnight.

6. How much coal tar is in the personal grooming products you use?

Huh? Have you read the labels? No?

Always read labels before you use any personal enhancement product. All oil base or coal tar products just add to acne production. This includes makeup remover and even skin moisturizer products. Anything you put on your body should not add to your acne condition.

7. Do you touch your face a lot?

Yes? Why?

We do not realize that we can spread acne to healthy skin just by rubbing or touching infected areas. This is nasty stuff so be careful how you use your hands and the body parts you touch.

This includes keeping your hair away from your face even when you sleep. I know you might like to use your hair to hide your acne but hair picks up what it rubs against and spreads it.

8. Do you exercise?

No? You need to add an exercise routine to your daily schedule.

Exercise helps boost our acne immune system and blood circulation to our skin. This is all good. Warning: Wear loose clothing and NO synthetic fabrics. Cotton clothing is what you want while exercising. You are not in a fashion show!

9. Are you a stress machine?

Are you one of those people who are "wired" all the time? I used to be until I learned that stress is actually one of the causes of acne. Again, the body must defend itself from stress and that could lead to more pimples and zits.

Find ways that deflate your stress or you will continue to damage your skin.

10. Are you a sun lover?

Yes? Like that great tan you have?

Well, tanning is a bad idea when it comes to acne and skin health. It is true that getting sun exposure is good for producing vitamin D naturally. The skin needs vitamin D but not when you lay in the sun for hours on end. The damage to your skin pores erases the benefits and, of course, you are a candidate for skin cancer when you go for that beach look.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details


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