Ideas for Breast Cancer Fundraising

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Breast cancer is a form of cancer which affects both men and women, and is widespread in the UK. Many Cancer Charities UK are funded and devoted solely to the area of cancer research for its has already become widespread disease.

There are many ways to raise money from this cause, and they usually meet success because so many people are touched by the disease. There are a variety of high profile campaigns you can take part in if you want to help.

These include high profile walking fundraisers where women wear decorated bras, to running a marathon in the name of a particular breast cancer charity, or you can do your own smaller ventures.

Walk the Walk

Walk the Walk is one of many charities to use sponsored walks to raise a great deal of funds for the charity. By getting women who support the cause to do a walk of a certain distance, for example 5 kilometres, or around a particular city, such as the SunWalk event in Newcastle, much money and media attention can be raised.

If you wish to raise money in this way, it is likely to be effective as previous events of this type have been so successful in raising money and awareness. To make the event even more fun, the walkers can be encouraged to decorate their bras in the most inventive ways possible in order to win a prize. The event, however, is for everyone, so those who are not comfortable walking around in only a bra can wear a decorated bra over their clothes.

Breast Cancer UK run the Pink Ribbon walk, which is for men and women to wear pink and show their support for the charity's work. These kind of fundraising events are not only good for securing sponsorship from your family and friends for your walking, but can attract enough attention for the charity to encourage larger benefactors to give large donations.

Smaller scale ideas

As well as participating in these large organised events, you can run your own smaller campaigns and events in your locality to raise money for breast cancer charities. Many breast cancer website provide useful tips, for example Breast Cancer Care suggest getting you and your friends or family to donate an hour's wages each. This is a simple but effective way of raising a substantial sum of money.

other ideas, which are both practical and possible, are to have a penny pot which is kept at home or in the workplace, so that spare change can be put towards your Breast Cancer charity of choice.

Many breast Cancer Charities UK have chosen to theme their charity's emblem pink, such as the well known breast cancer ribbon. With this in mind, you could host a pink fancy dress party, or encourage everyone to wear pink to work for a day. Other fundraising ideas include packing supermarket shopping bags for donations, car boot sales, cake sales or sponsored swims.

Visit for more info: Cancer Charities UK

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