Eliminate Sleep Apnea And Snoring With Silent Nite Oral Appliance

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If you snore, you may find yourself at the center of every joke. However, snoring is not something to joke about. While it has been known to cause sleep deprivation to snorers and to those around them, did you know that if left untreated, it may impact your quality of life and impair general health and well being? Snoring not only interferes with our quality of sleep, but may also cause problems such as daytime drowsiness, irritability, and lack of focus.

Snoring may also be a warning sign that normal breathing is not taking place during sleep. This may be caused by an underlying medical condition, or be an indicative sign of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Millions of people suffer from the effects of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea, struggling to find simple, effective options to resolve their problem. Oral appliance therapy may provide the solution with Silent Nite.

The Importance of Sleep

A good night's sleep is very important to our overall health and ability to function effectively throughout the day. However, when our lives become busy, sleep becomes less of a priority for many of us. We understand that good nutrition and plenty of exercise are important for health, but we have not paid enough attention to the third pillar of good health, which is adequate sleep. You can improve the quality of your sleep by following these recommendations:

* Establish relaxing pre-sleep routines
* Minimize light, noise, and temperature extreme in the bedroom
* Avoid large meals just before bedtime
* Avoid strenuous exercise within two to three hours of bedtime
* Avoid caffeine, nicotine, or other stimulants within four hours of bedtime

What is Snoring and Sleep Apnea?

Snoring is an abnormal breathing noise that occurs while someone is sleeping. It takes place when the muscles of the airway are collapsed or obstructed and therefore fail to maintain their normal function - causing noisy vibrations to be produced when air rushes against the soft palate and sides of the throat. The structures involved in snoring are the uvula, soft palate, and tonsils.

Sleep apnea affects the way you breathe while you are sleeping. In untreated sleep apnea, breathing is briefly interrupted or becomes very shallow during sleep. These breathing pauses typically last between 10 to 20 seconds and can occur up to hundreds of times a night. Untreated sleep apnea prevents you from getting a good night's sleep. When breathing is paused, you are jolted out of your natural sleep rhythm. As a consequence you spend more time in light sleep and less time in the deep, restorative sleep you need to be energetic, mentally sharp, and productive the next day.

Silent Nite Oral Appliance Therapy

Silent Nite is a custom created oral appliance that moves the lower jaw into a forward position, increasing space in the airway tube and reducing air velocity and soft tissue vibration. Special connectors are attached to transparent flexible upper and lower forms. The forms are custom laminated with heat and pressure to the dentist's model of the mouth. The fit is excellent and comfortable, permitting small movements of the jaw (TMJ) and allowing uninhibited oral breathing.

If you or a loved on snore, talk to your dentist in Hartford, CT for more information about Silent Nite oral appliances and how they can help you sleep better at night. Take charge of your sleep and talk to your dentist today.

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