9 Major Reasons For Knowing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Correctly

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Let's say you are trained in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and are jogging in a park early in the morning with your partner. Suddenly the latter falls and apparently stops breathing because of a massive heart attack. This is where your specialized CPR training will come in to save his life, if applied immediately. The following are the reasons why knowing CPR is necessary:

By applying CPR within 5 minutes, you restore normal circulation of oxygenated blood to the victim's system when it has suddenly stopped due to heart failure brought about by a coronary attack or even drowning.

CPR restores cardio-pulmonary functions in order to save a person from dying and by supplying oxygen to the body, prevents cerebral damage as also damage to other vital organs.

Do remember that in cases of terminal illnesses when multiple organ failure is beginning to set in, CPR may or will not work because heart and lungs apart, the other vital organs such as brain, liver and kidney too, would pack up. The technique is beneficially applicable to those whose overall health conditions are better.

The method's success is proven with younger children, particularly in cases of drowning. Even though exact statistics are not available, it is seen that application of instant CPR combined with defibrillation in the first three 3 minutes, post-collapse, leads to more than 50% patients recovering without any organ damage.

Applying CPR also implies buying time by forcing some blood into the heart in the course of a cardiac arrest.

In the USA alone, CPR has proved its net worthiness. Washington, for example, is noted for its widespread CPR training programs which focus more on reduction of the time for response to an EMS and subsequent defibrillation. This has led to a situation where more than 30 per cent patients survive a cardiac arrest. New York City, on the other hand, has a much lower survival rate a maximum of about 2 per cent. In Minnesota, Chicago and Las Vegas, it's a win-win situation: Survival rates are as high as 50 to 74 per cent and this has been possible only because of the awareness created through various training programs and defibrillators readily available on hand.

On the flip side, wrong or faulty application of CPR has a few drawbacks to its credit. Excessive force on the chest can lead to cracked or broken ribs or even a sore chest.

Excessive pressure can also result in lung damage, causing pulmonary hemorrhage and subsequent collapse. It is imperative that the patient, after receiving CPR is defibrillated and kept in the ICU to regularize cardio-pulmonary functions.

It is also seen that less than 10 per cent hospitalized patients survive post- CPR because of their general physical condition or terminal illnesses like advanced cancer, chronic renal failure or acute left ventricular failure. Even if they do, they are usually left with permanent brain damage and need to be put on a ventilator for as long as they live.

Summing up, the life saving technique of CPR has to be learnt through proper training and practice. Its correct application is of utmost importance as haphazard maneuvers won't give the desired results at all.

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Brain Stem Treatment Brain Stem Glioma Treatment in India at Affordable Cost, Mumbai Delhi

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Brain Stem Glioma


The brain stem consists of the midbrain, pons and medulla located deep in the posterior part of the brain. Tumors that arise along these structures are called brain stem gliomas. Most brain stem gliomas occur in the pons ("pontine gliomas"). The pontine tumors have a poorer prognosis than the less common midbrain and medullary gliomas.


Children with a brain stem glioma may experience the following symptoms. Sometimes, children with brain stem glioma do not show any of these symptoms. Or, these symptoms may be caused by a medical condition that is not a brain stem glioma. If you are concerned about a symptom on this list, please talk with your child's doctor.

Double vision or an inability to close the eyelids

Drooping of the face

Difficulty chewing and swallowing food

Weakness in the arms and legs, clumsiness or wobbliness, and difficulty walking

Difficulty talking




Throughout the United States, brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with and without gadolinium contrast, has become the "gold standard" for diagnosis of brain stem gliomas. Biopsy is almost never indicated for the diffusely infiltrative glioma involving the pons, unless the diagnosis of this tumor is in doubt. Biopsy may be indicated for brain stem tumors that are focal or atypical, especially when the tumor is progressive or when surgical excision may be possible.

Spread of either of these tumors (metastases) outside the brain stem to other sites in the brain or spine is unusual. Thus, staging tests to look for tumor spread, such as spine MRI or lumbar puncture (spinal tap), are not routinely performed at diagnosis.


Since brain stem gliomas are relatively uncommon and require complex management, children with such tumors deserve evaluation in a comprehensive cancer center where the coordinated services of dedicated pediatric neurosurgeons, pediatric neurologists, pediatric oncologists, radiation oncologists, neuropathologists, and neuroradiologists are available. In particular, for diffusely infiltrative brain stem gliomas, because of their rarity and poor prognosis, children and their families should be encouraged to participate in clinical trials attempting to improve survival with innovative therapy.

The brain stem consists of the midbrain, pons and medulla located deep in the posterior part of the brain. Tumors that arise along these structures are called brain stem gliomas. Most brain stem gliomas occur in the pons ("pontine gliomas"). The pontine tumors have a poorer prognosis than the less common midbrain and medullary gliomas.


Children with a brain stem glioma may experience the following symptoms. Sometimes, children with brain stem glioma do not show any of these symptoms. Or, these symptoms may be caused by a medical condition that is not a brain stem glioma. If you are concerned about a symptom on this list, please talk with your child's doctor.

Throughout the United States, brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with and without gadolinium contrast, has become the "gold standard" for diagnosis of brain stem gliomas. Biopsy is almost never indicated for the diffusely infiltrative glioma involving the pons, unless the diagnosis of this tumor is in doubt. Biopsy may be indicated for brain stem tumors that are focal or atypical, especially when the tumor is progressive or when surgical excision may be possible.

Spread of either of these tumors (metastases) outside the brain stem to other sites in the brain or spine is unusual. Thus, staging tests to look for tumor spread, such as spine MRI or lumbar puncture (spinal tap), are not routinely performed at diagnosis.

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The Fake Tan is Hot!

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The fake tan is much more popular than tans from the sun or tanning bed. People are learning that the sun and tanning beds are more harmful to their skin than the tan is worth. There is no reason to put the body through a rigorous tanning routine in order to get that sun kissed glow. A fake tan can do it better!

Fake Tan Versus the Sun

The benefits of a fake tan are limitless compared to the pitfalls of tanning in the sun. Everyone has heard the warnings that too much sun exposure can lead to skin cancer, but not enough people are heeding the warning. Skin cancer is not an overnight development; it can take years to develop. Many people have suspicious looking moles removed to find out that they were pre-cancerous. That is scary in itself. The fact is that sun and tanning bed exposure can lead to skin cancer. Everyone is susceptible; nobody is immune from the possible occurrence of skin cancer.

In addition to this life threatening condition, there are lesser skin problems caused by overexposure to the sun. These include premature wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, freckles, and a thickened, leathery feel and look to the skin. These issues may not be life threatening, but for someone who wants a tan in order to look their best, these potential skin problems are far from attractive.

The Benefits of a Fake Tan

There are many benefits to having a fake tan besides avoiding the possible occurrence of skin cancer. A fake tan is easier to apply than ever before. Many self-tanners are applied just like a moisturizer. There are no longer the concerns attached with fake tans of yesteryear. They no longer produce an uneven, splotchy or unnatural orange skin appearance. It is easy to get an allover tan that looks natural and "sun kissed".

One of the best benefits to a fake tan is being able to get just the right color. Someone who wants to instantly darken their skin several shades can choose a self-tanner that will do just that. Others that want a tan to look like it is occurring naturally can choose a self-tanner than gradually darkens the skin. Having both of these options makes it easier than ever to get the perfect color!

Choosing the Right Product

There are many products available that promise a great fake tan. Purchasing the least expensive product is not a good idea. Purchasing the most expensive product does not necessarily mean that it will be better and made from higher end ingredients than the other sunless tanners on the market. The most important consideration when choosing a self-tanner is that the color matches one's natural skin tone. It is also important to make sure that it is easy to apply.

It is great to be able to find a good deal while getting the best fake tan. Searching online is the best way to find the perfect product without spending a fortune. Higher end self-tanners can be purchased online at a fraction of the retail cost. All it takes is a little research and patience in waiting for the product to arrive. It is all worth it to get the perfect fake tan.

Anyone that wants to get that healthy sun-kissed glow needs only to find the right self-tanner. These products give a great fake tan without all of the potential harmful effects from the sun. There are no ultraviolet rays packed into a self-tanning product. A self-tanner will not cause wrinkles or freckles. It will simply give a beautiful, real looking tan. A fake tan is the healthiest way to get glowing skin!

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Blood Test Results Explained

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Blood test results explained

When people ask to have blood test results explained, the query ought to be answered positively. Unfortunately, a number of professionals think that people do not need to know what the blood results signify or how they influence you. This might be very exasperating. You could come across doctors and nurses who state the blood samples are OK - okay well that's great to know, nevertheless, what comes next? You would think it is reasonable to anticipate to discuss with the doctor, for example, if you experience a stomach complaint that they will be looking for x y and z in your blood. As well as, discussing that you might have x or y state; and if the results return as negative, this means that they can reject x or y and view a different approach.

Why is it health professionals appear to believe it is reasonable to dismiss explaining the tests? Is it that it takes time to talk to people and it is not cost effective? Regrettably this might sadly be the truth, and an accurate reflection on our society as a whole. Time is precious and would people understand, and would they want to?

You can look at the old adage what you don't know won't hurt you", but actually there are many citizens out there who think much worse things are happening to them by not knowing. The doctor may sort out a blood test just to see if you are anaemic ( low in iron) because you have been pasty and weary. Do you believe that the person will be assessing that they are having a blood test for cancer or HIV it is a likelihood, communication is the answer, but this is a two way option. There are people who don't wish to be told anything until the results come in and don't want details. However, there are many more citizens who would love to learn of the basics, but feel hurried through the doctor's surgery too quickly to sense they can inquire.

Obviously, if you are having a blood test for pregnancy, it is quite obvious what the result will be about. Nevertheless, if you are having a blood test for a stomach problem or bowel disorder don't be content with the blood test abbreviations on the form; if you would like to know, inquire. Ask what they are searching for, what conditions or diseases they are trying to leave out. Frequently, when your doctor gives you the form to take along to your meeting with the nurse, phlebotomist or at the hospital, it may as well have been printed in a foreign language for all the sense it makes. Unfortunately you will not be able to ask whoever is taking your blood sample as they won't be able to give you precise information relating to your specific condition, they will suggest you arrange an appointment to see your doctor! Frustrating! And all at a time when you are most likely already anxious about what is wrong. Discovering a web site with blood test results explained might go a little way in helping but it is always best to return to the source and ask your healthcare provider.

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Evaluating the Major Effects of Stress

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The more familiar you are with the effects and consequences of stress, the more motivated you'll be to deal with this issue. These effects can take many different forms. Yet in every case, stress should be looked at closely and ways to manage it should be found. So let's examine a few of the more common consequences of stress that many people experience.

If you look at the health section of a bookstore, you'll see quite a few titles on looking younger and anti-aging. There are an endless supply of programs, websites, vitamins and diets that promise to keep us young and vital. It's very likely, however, that the real secret to staying young is reducing the amount of stress in your life. Just as eating the wrong foods or not exercising enough can cause us to age faster, so can having a great deal of stress in our lives. Stress is something that can cause damage to all of our cells and organs, so it's no wonder that it can accelerate aging. That's why one of the most basic secrets of preserving youth is to minimize stress as much as possible. So the best way to slow down aging may be to relax and not let life stress us out. Stiffness, tight muscles, backaches, shoulder and neck pain and similar joint and muscle complaints are often stress related. When stressful situations cause us to tighten up our muscles, this can cause various symptoms such as muscle pulls and stiff joints. Problems such as neck or shoulder stiffness, for instance, can be due to tensing up these parts of the bodies when you feel stress. Lots of people get recurring backaches, and in many cases stress is a contributing factor. This isn't to say that all muscle problems are due to stress -sometimes you just moved something the wrong way. Yet many people frequently experience such pains without an obvious physical cause, and in these cases stress is often involved. A massage can be a great way to relax and de-stress all of your major muscle groups; chiropractic sessions can also help.

Doctors and researchers still don't agree whether or not stress actually causes diseases such as cancer, but at the very least it seems that it can make it harder to recover from chronic illnesses. For example, at least one study showed that practicing stress management can help prevent cancer from spreading to other areas of the body. At the same time, the well publicized idea of some people having a so-called cancer personality hasn't been documented. For people who do have a serious health problem, though, reducing stress may be an important step towards regaining their health.

When we start to understand some of the consequences of stress, we realize how important it is that we learn effective ways to cope with it. It's estimated that the majority of reasons that people visit the doctor can be attributed to stress, which shows how many diverse symptoms it can cause. The good news here is that if we can learn to reduce the impact stress has on us, we can be healthier and happier.

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Sexy Wrist Tattoo Designs – Ideas for Suggestive Tattoos

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Wrist tattoos show off your unique brand of personality to the world in a conspicuous and distinctive way. More and more people now are choosing wrist tattoos, but that doesn't mean they are commonplace yet. With sexy wrist tattoo designs, you can display a message to the world about anything you want.

If you want a wrist tattoo, you have three basic options: a wraparound tattoo that encompasses your wrist, a single image inked on the inside of your wrist, or a word or phrase special to you. All can be sexy in different ways.

Wraparound tattoos are great ways to add flair and visual interest to your wrist. This works best with a flowing design that easily extends across your wrist and doubles back on itself. Some examples are flames, barbed wire, and vines. Even a sentence or phrase in Sanskrit or some other cursive font can form a band around your wrist.

Many people agree that a single image is the sexiest option, because a small image in a suggestive place like the sensitive inner wrist is very beautiful. Some examples of wrist designs are a star or a Kanji character with a special meaning. Many female celebrities opt for this type of tattoo, perhaps because of its suggestive appeal.

Word tattoos are the ultimate twist on the silicone "awareness" bracelet that became popular in the late 1990s. (Think of the Livestong' bracelets people wore for cancer awareness.) You can raise awareness for whatever cause or express any belief you've got on your wrist you can literally wear your heart on your sleeve, if you like.

Words are fabulous wrist tattoos. Something short and sweet like "dream" or "breathe" written in cursive are popular choices for many women, and you can get as daring and suggestive as you want with the word. Maybe a phrase from your favorite novel or song, or the initials of a special person in your life, would look great on your wrist.

One advantage to wrist tattoos is that you've got two wrists so why not use them? You could put two related words like "love" and "hate" on each wrist, or you could have a single phrase run from one wrist onto the other. For example, you could ink "What you see" on the right wrist and "is what you get" on the left. Holding your wrists out together makes a powerful statement. Whatever you want to say in life, it's possible to say it with wrist tattoos.

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Green Tea Benefits Cancer and Heart Disease

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Is it true that drinking green tea good for health? The answer is an emphatic yes! Green tea is among the health-giving beverages about. Also, the health benefits of green tea are so potent and copious that this drink takes its legitimate title as a 'super food' So what does green tea do for us? How much time do you have!

Heart Disease Protection Drinking green tea daily delivers marvels for the health of our hearts and the whole cardiovascular system. Vast population research that look in detail at the diets of 1000's of participants over many years have consistently discovered that the degree of heart disease is decidedly lower in those who take green tea daily in contrast to those who don't drink!

It is by method of several different functions that green tea makes possible this benefit for heart health. The antioxidants found plentifully in green tea, called EGCG (which are accountable for the majority of the health benefits connected to green tea consumption), have potent antioxidant features that protect LDL cholesterol in the blood from oxidative harm. This is critical for the health of our major, because LDL cholesterol which falls victim to oxidative damage will attach to the artery walls, developing into a plaque. This plaque build up is atherosclerosis, a health condition that suppresses blood supplies to the hear muscle, and is the main cause of heart disease!

Green Tea and Cancer

Cancer prevention is an additional great health benefit of using green tea regularly. Experiments with animals, test tube research, and Large population studies all provide strong proof for the anti-cancer effectiveness of green tea. Those who drink green tea each day are, statistically, at a reduced risk of dying from different kinds of cancers, such as prostate, colon, stomach and pancreatic cancer. Most Asian countries, who take more green tea per person than any other continent, are significantly less likely to suffer from cancer than people in the US and Europe.

Green Tea Anti-inflammatory Benefits

Yes, and the positive effects of green tea just keep adding up. A few studies have brought to light the fact that the antioxidants in green tea have anti-inflammatory effects for joint soreness and allergic reactions. One of the major causes of inflammation and soreness in the joints is arachidonic acid, a natural substance synthesized by the body. Having said that, diet plays a considerable role in how much arachidonic acid is made in the body. Omega-3 fats, for example, lessen the production of arachidonic acid and support the production of anti-inflammatory chemicals alternatively. Contrary, foods rich in saturated fat have the polar-opposite effect and increase the production of arachidonic acid. People with joint soreness, like tendonitis, find that they can lessen their joint troubles naturally by eliminating foods rich in saturated fat and choosing foods high in Omega-3 (salmon and mackerel and some nuts and seeds) instead.

Those afflicted with joint pain should also be joyous to know that green tea-plant compounds have an inhibitory effect upon arachidonic acid synthesis. If you are impaired with any kind of joint condition, you may discover that drinking 2 or 3 cups of green tea daily might ease the pain. A wonderful substitute is to take green tea extract tablets that have the same antioxidant power as drinking at least several cups of green tea each day!

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Good News and Bad News for Insulin Dependent Diabetics

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There's good news and bad news for Type 1 diabetics, according to the University of Pittsburgh. The good news is that death rates for the disease have dropped considerably since the mid-70's, with the advent of better glucose monitors, insulin pumps and newer insulins such as long acting insulin. "The encouraging thing is that, given good [blood sugar] control, you can have a near normal life expectancy," says Dr. Trevor Orchard from the university's Graduate School of Public Health, "What we're seeing now is incredibly encouraging."

The bad news is that the mortality rate for people with Type 1 diabetes is still 7 times higher than that of the general population. More bad news for women the death rate for females with Type 1 diabetes is almost twice that of men - 13 times higher than the mortality rate for women without the disease. And there's bad news for blacks with Type 1 diabetes - they have a lower 30-year survival rate than whites 57% versus 83%. The researchers aren't sure how to explain the higher risk for women and blacks, but believe it may be related to a genetic tendency for heart disease and high blood pressure in blacks, and an increased tendency for heart disease in diabetic women.

Type 1 diabetes, also called insulin dependent diabetes, is an auto-immune disease in which a misguided immune system attacks and destroys the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Insulin is a hormone which controls the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood by coordinating its use by different parts of the body. People with the condition make little or no insulin, and must rely on insulin injections to control their blood sugar. About 10% of people with diabetes, or 700,000 Americans, have Type 1 diabetes. It usually occurs in people under 40, often beginning in childhood. The other 90% have Type 2 diabetes, a condition in which the body can produce insulin, but can't use it properly.

Type 1 diabetes can be more difficult to control than Type 2. Insulin injections are less effective than naturally produced insulin, and blood sugar levels can swing between too low and too high. High blood sugar puts diabetics at risk of long-term complications like heart disease and kidney failure. Low blood sugar can result in convulsions, coma and even death. For those with type 1 diabetes, insulin therapy with a combination of short and long acting insulin is essential to keep blood sugar levels stable, especially after meals and overnight.

The researchers stress that, overall, the study results left them feeling optimistic. "Diabetes care has improved in many ways over the last couple of decades, and as a result people are living longer," says Barbara Araneo form the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, "Managing and taking good care of your diabetes is the surest way to reduce your risk of developing complications later in life."

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Epidermolysis bullosa - Causes - Types and Treatment

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Epidermolysis bullosa is a genetic disorder, which causes the skin to become extremely fragile. The skin is so delicate that even if you scratch or rub it, it will cause blisters and/or painful sores. This disease is usually inherited and can be severe in infants when handled or even held. The unfortunate part is that there is no cure for this condition. Any person can get epidermolysis bullosa, but usually they appear in infants or babies. Since this disease is inherited, even one parent with this condition can pass it to the baby. It is also important to know that this disease is prevalent among all races and can affect both men and women. Thus, having a parent with this disease is a big risk factor for the infant.

The four types of epidermolysis bullosa are -

1. Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
2. Epidermolysis bullosa simplex
3. Hemidesmosomal epidermolysis bullosa
4. Junctional epidermolysis bullosa

While some people with this condition may have minor blisters, others have severe blisters. Identifying the exact type of epidermolysis bullosa is difficult, as they differ in severity.

Some of the symptoms include -

Skin -

The first and foremost symptom is rashes, sores or blisters on the skin. These blisters can cause extreme pain, and make moving about very difficult. Especially in infants, it can cause permanent and severe damage to the skin. And lead to complications such as skin cancer.

Breathing problems -

Cough along with respiratory problems is also another symptom. This is generally because of the inability to take in adequate oxygen. Sometimes the child dies as it is unable to breath.

Internal blistering -

This can be a dangerous situation where the blistering occurs internally. Although many infants have the blistering at birth, the blistering can sometimes even spread internally. Several organs such as the stomach, bladder, throat, mouth, intestines and the urinary tract are affected.

Hair loss -

Hair loss is also a common symptom that is associated with epidermolysis bullosa. As it can lead to scalp blistering, it is important to make sure that the infants do not scratch the scalp.

Deformation -

Deformation of the teeth and nails is also a common symptom. Rotting and teeth decay are very common, especially in infants who are teething.

Treatments -

As mentioned above, there is no treatment for epidermolysis bullosa. And a lot of research is going into understanding this disease, and how it can be prevented and treated. Usually the treatment includes reducing the pain and infection. It is essential to keep the patient away from hot environments in order to avoid further damage to the delicate skin. Dressing might be required in some cases, and applying ointment is also necessary. Those having minor symptoms should be very careful and should take every care to not let the blisters spread.

In certain severe cases surgical treatment may also be necessary. Those individuals who have problems breathing or swallowing food will need to have surgery done to aid in the delivery of food. Certain individuals will have their toes and fingers stuck together; will need surgical aid as well.

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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The Reasons Why Many People Do Not Survive Cancer

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When somebody is diagnosed with cancer they tend to abandon all common sense and summit to our orthodox medical treatments because of blind faith. While our mainstream health care system is superb for some medical problems but when it comes to degenerative diseases like cancer it mostly fails. There is only one way to approach the cancer problem and that is to correct the reasons why it happened.

While everyone is hopeful for a cure to be found, the facts are if somebody wasn't trying to make money out of cancer, we would have a cure tomorrow. True cures for cancer involve correcting the reasons why it appeared but no one can profit from that. All you have to do is to remove the reasons why it grew and that will allow the body to self heal through the immune system. This system is effective when someone breaks a bone or cuts a finger and of course it also works for every type of cancer as well.

The cancer rate has been steadily climbing over the last 100 years and it's still increasing and expected to affect 1 in 2.5 people in the western developed world by 2015. Ten years ago world wide there were 6.5 million people dying of cancer each year and in the year that's just past that figure has increased to nearly 8 million people. That represents over twenty thousand people a day world wide that our medical system failed to cure.

The reason why people fear the disease is because everyone knows the treatments often don't work. Until our medical system changes the way they treat the disease those figures aren't going to change. The conventional approach to cancer is that it is a genetic problem and the best approach is early detection followed by surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. This approach most of the time has been a dismal failure.

Today we only have a medical care system which is profit driven and not a health care system which cares about people's wellbeing. Why do you think our drugs are synthetic or artificial? It's because they can then be patented and companies profit from them. That is also the reason why you will almost never be offered ways to overcome a health problem by natural means.

Nature has always had a cure for cancer so all you have to do is to turn to nature to help you with your problem. Cancer is not an isolated problem, it is a reminder telling you that something is wrong with the entire body so it's time to make some important changes. Cancer will arise in the body when the body's immune system has been weakened and allowed cells to divide without control and you certainly can't fix that with a pill.

Cancer is only a modern day problem and it's caused by the way we are now living. Also we are not being taught what we can do to help ourselves. We are kept ignorant about its many causes so we are forced to rely on the so called experts for treatment.

We don't have an effective health care system for someone with cancer and our three ways of treating it seldom solves the problem.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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How Are Wigs Manufactured?

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Most of the things around us, the things that we use on a daily basis, have a manufacturing process that you are not aware of. Most people do not think about how products are made as long as the product serves its purpose. Some people are more curious and want to know more about the manufacturing process.

The purpose of this article is to provide those people interested in the manufacturing of wigs more information about the process. Wigs are generally used to provide a change in appearance.

There are two main processes that can be used in order to produce wigs. We live in a world that is driven by machines and technology. This allows for mass production of any type. Accurate machines guided by computer programs used together lead to the manufacture of interesting head-pieces.

The process of producing wigs by machines is not as attractive as it is describing the art of hand-manufactured wigs. Yes, there are some people that still create custom ordered head-pieces that are to be worn by celebrities and others in order to improve or change their looks.

There are many reasons as to why people choose to wear wigs. Men go bald and they want to hide this fact by hiding what they lack with additional hair. Others may suffer from cancer. The treatment for cancer will cause severe hair loss and wearing a wig is also beneficial for the recovery process while the hair grows back. Other diseases may cause permanent hair loss which can be hidden with a nice wig.

However, we are here to talk about how short and long wigs are manufactured. You may have noticed that I called the manufacturing of custom head-pieces art. This is because it takes a lot of time and skill to create something that looks great on someone else's head.

The first part of the wigs manufacturing process is measuring the head of the person who will wear it. If there is any hair present on the head, the hair will be secured against the head and various measurements will be taken. Sometimes plastic caps can be placed over the head and a copy of the head shape can be created.

Short and long wigs have a framework that the hairs are attached to. This cap serves as a base for the wig and it consists of lace or netting. They are made from synthetic or natural fibers, sewn into the desired shape and used for structural support at the center and for blending into the skin at the edges.

Another important part of the manufacturing process of short and long wigs is the preparation for the attachment of hair. A device called the hackle is used to straighten the hair previously separated according to source, color and length. This is also used to find any weak strands in order to use the best hair possible for the wig.

Tying the required strands onto the short or long wigs is called ventilation. This is done with a special hook that facilitates tying a knot so the strands won't get separated from the wig. The wig producer knows how much hair to insert and where. After all the hair is attached and inserted the wig is styled according to the requests of the client. Once the styling is finished, the final product can be provided to the customer to enjoy.

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Jaw-tmj-headaches- Find Relief For Headaches, Joint And Occlusal Cancer

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Premature tooth loss, wear of the teeth, failing old crowns and bridges, uncomfortable chewing, clicking and popping of the jaw, grinding, sore muscles and headaches are just a few of the complex problems associated with your bite. A person's bite, or occlusion, is a function of the teeth, the jaw joint, and the muscles of the face. Assessing the alignment of the teeth can be very complex. Interferences that are as minute as the thickness of a human hair can be detected by the mouth. If any aspect of the teeth, muscles and joint relationship is "off" it can lead to any one or many of the symptoms listed previously. With biometric dentistry, your dentist can accurately diagnose these concerns through a series of simple, painless, non-invasive tests and advanced computer hardware and software, utilizing the Total BioPAK.

What is Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder?

The temporomandibular joints are the points at which the lower jaw attaches to the skull, and are among the most complex joints in the human anatomy. If your jaw clicks or pops, this could be a sign of TMJ disorder. Joint sound is one of the most recognized signs of TMJ disorders.

Between five and ten percent of Americans suffer from TMJ symptoms that require some form of treatment. The Academy of General Dentistry estimates that more than 10 million Americans suffer from TMD and predicts that as much as 65 to 85 percent will experience some type of TMD symptom in their lifetime. TMJ symptoms include:

* Clicking and/or difficulty when opening and closing your mouth
* Frequent headaches
* Neck and/or shoulder pain
* Sensitive teeth when no dental problems can be found
* Jaw pain or stiff jaw when chewing, biting, eating or yawning
* Earaches without an infection

The Impact of TMD on Your Bite and Appearance

Your bite and appearance may also be affected by certain causes of TMD. If your dentist identifies problems such as wear, tooth mobility, muscle pain or other signs of malocclusion, your bite may need to be adjusted. Ensuring that you have a stable bite is essential to your oral health and the long-term durability and functionality of cosmetic restorations. Additionally, a stable and proper bite helps to ensure that your upper and lower teeth will come into contact comfortably and as pain-free as possible, without unnecessary force that could lead to headaches or fractured restorations.

What is Biometric Dentistry and Total BioPAK?

For the first time, with Biometric Dentistry, your dentist can obtain objective and detailed information of the interrelationship of the teeth, muscles and joint in which to make a proper diagnosis, help treat and assess the desired outcome. Biometric Dentistry accurately diagnoses occlusion concerns through a series of simple, painless, non-invasive tests.

Advanced computer hardware and software utilize the Total BioPAK to accurately diagnose a patient's bite. For the first time, Biometric Dentistry allows dentists to obtain objective and detailed information on the interrelationship of the teeth, muscles and joint in which to make a diagnosis, help treat and assess the desired outcome.

If you are noticing pain, pay attention to where it is located, keep your teeth apart by placing your tongue between your teeth, stretch your jaw by gently opening and closing, and call your Columbia, MD dentist to ensure that there is no serious problem if your pain continues for several days.

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements Consumer Edition Review

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A condensed edition of the NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements, 4th edition, was out earlier this year. This "Consumer Edition," is meant for individuals that don't need all the technical scientific information contained in the full report. As an overview, this handbook contains:

Ratings for over 1500 US and Canadian supplements
Discussion of 18 critical Health Support Criteria
Graphical depictions for top-rated 4- and 5-star products
NutriSearch's Gold Medal of Achievement recipients

In this guide the writer, Dr. Lyle McWilliam, starts the discussion with the rationale for supplementation. Even though the American Medical Association (AMA) has now acknowledged that all adults require a supplemental daily multiple vitamin, many are unaware of this truth and the many additional scientific reports that substantiate the need of supplementation. There is also an increasing concern amongst nutrition experts that the Recommended Dietary Allowances, established during World War II, are now too low for the typical adult's health needs.

The reason for supplementation begins with an awareness of the root cause of most prevalent disease. Dr. McWilliam discusses this root cause being oxidative damage and resulting inflammatory events and shows how this can result in major disease such as heart disease, stroke, cancer and many (if not mostly all) other degenerative conditions.

Given this background, a methodology to evaluate commercially obtainable supplements is established. Dr. McWilliam assembled a panel of 12 foremost experts, who have published one or more works on specific daily nutritional intakes and established a "blended standard" of daily adult requirements to use in evaluating the numerous products on the market. Also, 18 critical Health Support Criteria including Completeness, Potency, Mineral Form, Bioactivity of Vitamin E, Gamma Tocopherol, Antioxidant Support, Bone Health, Heart Health, Liver Health (detoxification), Metabolic Health (glucose control), Ocular Health, Methylation Support, Lipotropic Factors, Inflammation Control, Glycation Control, Bioflavonoid Profile, Phenolic Compounds Profile, and Potential Toxicities are included at high level.

Top rated products (Gold Medal awards) are highlighted in two groupings: Single Product and Combination Product. A single product includes a multi-vitamin and mineral, whereas a combination product may include further nutritional elements, e.g., bioflavonoid or phenolic compounds.

The best Single Products were:
USANA Health Sciences (Essentials) - Editor's Choice
Creating Wellness Alliance (Vitalize Men's, Women's and Senior Women's Gold)
Douglas Laboratories (Ultra Preventive IX, IX with vitamin K, X)
TrueStar Health (TrueBASIC Solo)

The top rated Combination Products were:
USANA Health Sciences (HealthPak 100 US and CA) - Editor's Choice
Douglas Laboratories (Daily Essentials and Longevity Support Pack)
TrueStar Health (TruBASICS Plus for Men and Women)

We highly advise this guide for consumers who realize the growing hazards in our ecosystem and who are seeking the best products available. The full edition is recommended for those who need all the scientific details and evidence backing up this report. A children's multi-vitaman analysis is also available in the "Comparative Guide to Children's Nutritionals," which compares over 160 US and CA products.

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How To know if Multivitamins from Amway Global are Ok To Take

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There are three main questions you should ask yourself before considering a multi-vitamin. Once you get the answer to those questions you must ask yourself if they are worth taking. Make your own conclusion after reading this article.

1. Is a Multivitamin of any value?

* A study done back in 2000 by the American Dietetic Association stated that 1/3 of adolescents get less that 75% of the minimum daily requirements (food pyramid). Another study by them took two groups of 13 year old boys, 1 group who took multivitamins and another that did not take multivitamins. They then followed them for 8 months. They compared both groups nervous system and brain growth. The results were that the boys who took the multivitamins had a significant increase in non verbal intelligence.

* Another study done by The American Dietetic Association done in 2007 found that a large portion of older adults do not consume adequate amounts of nutrients from foods alone. As study was done when some were given multivitamins and they were rechecked later. The results showed that 80% just met the minimum guidelines of food pyramid. This shows that despite supplementation 20% still did not reach the min amount needed to prevent deficiency diseases, let alone chronic diseases. During this same study their DNA was evaluated at and they found that those who were not supplementing had DNA that looked similar to that of one who's had been damaged by x-ray radiation.

* DNA is crucially important because it is the center of all cells and directs their growth. Deficiency results in damage to DNA because the enzymes in the body that repair DNA need nutrients in order to work well. This can be compare to taking the cap off of a valve in your car engine. You wouldn't notice it right away but if never fixed you would see issues with the cars performance down the road. In life you only get one care.

*Conclusion: Yes, Multivitamins are important. Simple supplementation will lead to improvement in health and increase in longevity at a very low cost.

2. Are fruits and vegetables important?

* An EPI study done in Spain by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2007 concluded that a high intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with reduced mortality. Which means if you have a high intake of both you have a better chance of living longer. Remember that the min is 7-9 servings per day.

* Another study done in 2007 concluded that only 27% of all adults are getting 3 or more servings of fruits and vegetables.

*Conclusion: Yes, fruits and vegetables are VERY important, especially with it is associated with reduced mortality. Also over 73% of adults aren't even getting the minimum required.

3. Is a deluxe Multivitamin w/ Phyto-Nutrients worth it?

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And the journey continues to live happily ever after

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First reaction was I couldn't believe my ears, definitely not cancer for someone like me. There must be some mistake. Maybe the doctor must have exchanged my report with someone else's report. No.. not me of all the people in the world!! I have always been very health conscious, eating the right kind of food and also exercising. Even if I were to fall sick it used to be only common cold or fever and that too very rarely. Besides there has never been any family history. And the news was like an atom bomb. The whole family was shattered, especially my daughter, mother and husband. Though I couldn't believe myself, surprisingly, I seemed to be very brave and bold on the first day where I had to motivate my mother and daughter not to cry. I told them that there must be some cure to this as there is so much research being done in this field. Definitely we should be able to find some solution.

To me cancer itself means death with lots of suffering in a very short span (I think I was influenced by the movies where the hero or the heroin suffering from cancer definitely dies towards the end of the movie). I found myself silently thinking a thousand things at the same time. Instead of thinking about the treatment and cure I started thinking about what are the things I need to complete before I died!! Now, when I look back I feel it was all very silly and cinematic. My husband who lives abroad flew to Bangalore the very same day. All his visits to Bangalore are very happy ones and for the first time after so many years he came home with a heavy heart. It took all of us a day for the reality to sink in and then my husband in his management style started working on solutions to the problem. He browsed the internet day and night trying to find out if there is a cure for cancer in alternative medicines or if there has been any advancement in technology wherein we could get rid of the dreadful disease in a simple manner. He learned and educated himself so much that we used to think he knew much more than the doctors about the latest advancements!!

All the research by my husband was being done only because I refused to undergo surgery, be it lumpectomy or mastectomy, even core needle biopsy and above all I did not want to undergo chemo wherein I had to lose my hair. The chemo therapy was one thing I feared the most in the whole treatment and I just did not want it.

After doing extensive research for a couple of days my husband was convinced with 3 non invasive treatments, rfqmr in Bangalore, hifu (High intensity focused ultra sound surgery) in china and mrgfus (MRI guided focused ultra sound surgery) in Japan. I took two cycles of rfqmr. I felt it did work very well but still the fear lingered in my mind and hence my husband and I went to Japan to check out regarding mrgfus treatment. But unfortunately, I did not qualify for the MRGFUS treatment since the lump was too close to the skin. Besides, the doctor there suggested mastectomy.

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Quick Tips for Coccyx Pain Relief

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Your coccyx is commonly referred to as your tailbone because where it is located in your body, its appearance, and its functions. This part of your body is prone to bruising and damage even from simple daily activities because of the constant pressure that it is subjected to. Sometimes your tailbone may even hurt for apparently no reason at all.

Pain in the coccyx is often caused by fractures, dislocations, malignancies, and trauma. The severity of the pain can make your everyday routine very uncomfortable. And your condition can become even more frustrating when you feel the pain getting worse each time you sit down. There are even cases wherein the pain is so severe that lying down becomes a problem as well. The good news is that a majority of coccyx pain cases is highly curable and this article will provide you with some useful tips on how to get relief for such pain.

Coccyx pain can result from lower back injury. You may also experience the condition after falling down a flight of stairs, lifting a heavy object, or bending your body in awkward positions. It is also quite common for people who engage in such sports as biking, rowing, and soccer to experience coccyx pain. It may also interest you to know that this condition affects more women than men. That is because women have a wider pelvis, which leaves the tailbone more exposed. Women usually experience coccyx pain after giving birth. Most of the time, the bruising that results from the baby's head moving through the birth canal goes away after a few days. In some cases, however, the tailbone becomes fractured, thus needing a doctor's assistance as regards treatment and pain relief.

It's a good thing that most cases of coccyx pain are easily cured with simple precautionary measures and gentle exercises. In case your coccyx pain gets worse or does not disappear after some time, you can try to relieve it with these techniques:

Avoid sitting down for extended periods, as this will put too much pressure on your tailbone. And try to lean forward each time you sit down so as to relieve some of the pressure from your back. If possible, use lumbar support cushions to get adequate lower back support. These cushions often have holes in the middle where your tailbone can be positioned when sitting down. You can choose either a doughnut-type cushion or a wedge version.

Apply an ice pack or heating pad to your tailbone for 10-15 minutes several times a day. Heat and cold therapies have always been known as effective methods for pain relief. A cold compress works best for mild coccyx pain, while heat therapy is more advisable for chronic tailbone pain.

If nothing else works, take pain relievers like ibuprofen. Be careful to take such pills in moderation, though and only when you have no other options left.

These are just common tips for the relief of coccyx pain. There are also other more specific ways for pain management of the lower back.

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Hair: Every Woman's Crowning Glory

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Hair is often referred to as a woman's crowning glory. Aside from a woman's face, her hair is the most visible part of her body. No wonder, most women make such a big fuss over their hair. While going completely bald is already socially accepted even among women, there was once a time when women had to grow long hair. Almost like their very own pet, women take care of their hair with great care. They spend enormous amounts of money and time just to retain the smoothness and shine of their hair, which can be straight, wavy, long, or short.

As part of the hair care regimen, most women place considerable attention to choosing their shampoo and conditioner. There are now different shampoo formulas and conditioners for all hair types. There are products that were specifically prepared for oily hair, dry hair, damaged hair, and normal hair. There are also anti-dandruff shampoos, baby shampoos, and a host of other hair products that are used to moisturize, smoothen, and strengthen hair.

Surely, there is more to hair that just the shiny images that we see in t.v. commercials. Hair is defined as a filamentous outgrowth of protein. The hair follicles grow out from the epidermis but the roots are planted deep in the dermis. Hair comes in different colors, contour, and diameter.

In society, hair is very important because it somehow denotes a person's health, age, virility, and social status. Throughout the ages, it has played an important role in the lives of people --- from the lowly peasant, to the middle class, to the men and women of royalty. During the pre-modern era, each social class had its own particular hairstyle. One's hairstyle can lead to rejection or acceptance in certain groups or social classes. It can enhance a person's appearance, self-confidence, and even contribute to career advancement.

Given the weight of importance on hair, many people have developed a fear of losing hair. Unfortunately, losing hair is but a natural human process much like the falling of tree leaves. Hair loss that involves the shedding of at least 100 strands a day may be considered a serious hair problem. Losing about 50 hair strands a day, however, is quite normal. Thinning of hair may lead a patch or bald spot on the scalp. Normal hair grows in cycles and consists of three stages: growing, resting, and falling.

Hair loss, as a physical problem, has three general types, as indicated below,

l Alopecia Areata This refers to a loss of hair that results in a patch or bald spot.

l Androgenetic Alopecia It is the most common cause of hair loss in both men and women. It is caused by a combination of four factors: age, testosterone, hormone levels, and heredity.

l Chronic Illness Iron deficiencies, thyroid diseases, connective tissue disease, and syphilis may cause hair loss.

l Telogen Effluvium This type of hair loss is caused by high fever, crash dieting, acute illness including physical and emotional stress.

l Scalp Diseases Fungal and bacterial infections also cause hair loss.

l Drugs Certain anti-cancer and anti-coagulant drugs can also cause hair loss.

l Excessive hairstyling Hairstyling like the pony tail or braiding can stretch the hair and pull them out from the follicles.

Loss of hair should not be seen as simply an aesthetic issue. It could be the sign of a more serious illness. It is wise to consult a doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:

l You are already losing hair rapidly even if you are only in your early twenties or in your teenage years.

l You are experiencing pain or intense itching.

l The skin on your scalp appears to be red or scaly.

l You are experiencing weight gain, fatigue, and intolerance for cold temperature.

The good news is that there are several hair loss treatments available in the market. The key is to try to control your stress and anxiety over your hair loss. With the variety of hair loss treatments and hair care products, no one should feel down about losing the crowning glory.

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Asian Concept Aquarium Decor

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Aquarium ornaments are the tendency to look stiff and lifeless. If you examine the various types of aquarium accessories sole, they usually depict sunken ship, old establishments or dead pirates. However if you would go for an aquarium theme this is more natural and refreshing, then the Asian Theme is the right choice for you.

What makes the Asian Aquarium Design suitable is that a good number of the aquarium decorations from this style is based on sights from nature or a day in the life of an Asian villager. Miniature panorama are depicted perfectly among rocks that seem just like hills and mountains with tiny shrubs dotting the panorama.

The Asian Terrain Fish Tank Decoration

The Asian fish decor depicting natural scenery is quite soothing to look at. With this kind of fish tank decor, rocks with holes and crevasses depict rolling mountains with caves. You can get these kind of rocks in numerous sizes, fitting any type of sized aquarium. The best of these are those that also have fake plants in them, appearing like tiny trees. These provide an incredibly authentic appearance to the decorations, just as if you are looking at a mountain in the distance in Asia.

There are also some, particularly from the bigger ornaments which may have little shrines on them, with small minute stairways leading up to the structure. You can view a lot of very great samples of these at my webpage.

Possessing openings in them, these panoramic decorations supply the extremely important cave or hiding hole for your fish to get in.

Asian Buildings As Fish Tank Accessories

In the event you'd rather have something appearing man made, there are several Asian type architecture that you could decide on as an alternative. The popular versions portray wooden Asian homes, with straw rooftops. But rather than simply a lone property, these fish decor would possibly require other ornaments for instance figurines or a bridge to provide a better effect.

Besides shelters, you will be able to get tiny shrines or the pagoda that is a very regular aquarium decoration in the Asian design.

Unusual Asian Aquarium Decor

Currently there are a couple of very creative and attractive Asian type aquarium decoration which you can also buy. Many of the most attractive I have discovered are the Cambodian temple type, in which you will find a broken temple with a tree growing through it. The temple possesses fairly big slots in it, allowing the fish to swim in also.

Statues from Buddhism also has been famous among fish enthusiasts these day. You can acquire a number of different statues of Buddha in numerous poses as well as just the head of the statue, appearing like a historical ornament.

In choosing to opt for the Asian aquarium theme, you may want to stay away from pairing up the accessories with modern ornaments. Doing this might ruin the effect. What you want to do, should you lack any suitable aquarium components, is to use rocks and plants to accentuate them.

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Is Sinus Infection Transmissible?

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Sinus problems are very commonly faced by almost all of the individuals. So, you should come across a doubtfulness as to whether or not Is Sinus Infection Transmittable or not? Sinus is mostly caused by viruses. Many times, you find out that a casual popular cold further builds up into a sinus infection. This in general happens when the cold is disregarded and not handled timely.

So, Is Sinus Infection Contagious, if is caused by a virus? The result is that this infection is not contagious itself; but the virus can be passed from one person to another quite easily. There is a risk of anyone developing the condition into a more serious one. Then, Is Sinus Infection Contagious when developed due to fungi or bacterias? Again the result is No. Fungi and bacterias are simply just about common causes of it. When the sinus swells, mucus gets trapped in; thereby making your sinus the only breeding field for fungi and bacteria.

Like to that of viruses, fungi and bacteria cannot be given to some other individuals,. But, the sinus infections as a result of bacteria cannot be easily treated with over the counter medicines. You need to look up for a doctor and ask for medical help for its treatment.

Sinus infection is not contagious even if it is due to extreme growths in the sinus area. Excessive increase includes polyps, nasal tumor or deviated nasal septum. It results into a sinus infection when this abnormality occurs in the direction or stops the regular drain of mucus. If you want to get rid of this infection permanently, surgical procedure can be the healthiest solution.

Sinus infection is the standard respiratory disease faced by people world-wide. It has came to millions of individuals in a year and also has an result on one's life significantly. So, punctual diagnosis and intervention is the best choice.

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Do E Cigarettes Cause Cancer and What Are They

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Electronic smoking implements simulate smoking by vaporizing a flavored fluid into a mist that can be inhaled. The flavor occasionally includes nicotine or not, though it is meant to give the expertise of smoking through taste and action. The intention is to reproduce the act of smoking for the smoker without all the harmful health effects. So, can e cigarettes cause cancer? Few studies have been done, but it seems apparent e-smokes are safer than regular, tobacco filled ones.

Smoking implements in the shapes of cigarettes, tools or even ball point pens are available. They work by utilizing a flavored substance located in a hygroscopic compound. The flavored substance might comprise nicotine or it might not.

The first smokeless cigarette to be invented was by Herbert Gilbert in 1963. Attitudes at the time were very different and it turned out to be not to be commercially profitable. People simply didn't accept or believe that it was as dangerous as it was. In 2003, it was introduced to the market again by a Chinese pharmacist. This latest incarnation was much more developed.

Electronic cigarettes generally comprises of 3 parts. A cartridge contains the flavor. A battery powers it and an atomizer heats the fluid so that it becomes vapor. The cartridge usually contains some kind of absorbent material that absorbs the fluid flavoring. The cartridge is usually disposable and can be switched out with a fresh one or one with a different flavor or nicotine content.

The atomizer vaporizes the liquid flavor with heat or sound. In general, heat is used and it is accomplished by electrifying a filament. The heat atomizes the fluid from the cartridge, creating a mist for inhalation. The filaments don't work forever though. Sediments build up and they diminish effective over the course of time. Some brands have a disposable atomizer that can be simply replaced when one stops working.

A power source is essential to supply heat to the atomizer. A rechargeable battery is more often than not used. This constitutes the largest part of the device and may be charged by a regular AC wall outlet, a car charger or a USB port on a computer.

The e-juice, as the flavoring is called can come in any of hundreds of flavors. There is Marlboro or Camel or other name brands for those transitioning from their favorite brands. But there are also more quaint flavors like chocolate, vanilla or coffee. The liquid may also include nicotine in varying degrees. Or it might not include any at all. The flavor is infused into a hygroscopic fluid like glycerin that is made use of in asthma inhalers.

A number of studies have identified tobacco-specific nitrosamines in some brands of e-cigarettes. These known carcinogens have appeared in low levels. These substances were found in devices with tobacco based nicotine present. It could be that a straight flavor cartridge without nicotine is even less of a health risk. A study done by The School of Public Health at Boston University seems to suggest just that. They state that electronic cigarettes are much safer than the real ones.

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Refer To Bio Energy Healer John McGrath To Know About Magnetic Pain Therapy

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Bio energy therapy has improved and this has led to the introduction of various new therapy methods in this healing procedure. One of the new methods introduced is magnetic therapy and people are receiving positive effects by undergoing this type of therapy. According to many experts specialized in bio energy like John McGrath, this therapy helps in reducing pain. It is considered as an alternative medicine for people who suffer from migraine, arthritis, joint inflammation and sometimes even severe health illness like cancer as well. However,the medical field does not consider magnetic therapy as an effective healing therapy. On the other hand, no side effects have been observed from this therapy. Hence, using it is quite safe for an individual.
How this therapy is performed?
In this therapy, magnets of different strength and sizes are placed on various parts of the human body. The energy field created with these magnets boost up the blood circulation and thus starts releasing endorphins. Hence, this magnetic energy field affects positively on the electromagnetic field created by the body. The iron content in the blood gets attracted to the magnetic field and hence, a pull' effect starts developing over the body. As a result, the inner pain of the body also starts reducing with passing time. This magnetic field also helps in increasing the oxygen amount in the blood as well. Hence, magnets do work wonders on muscle pain. According to many healing experts, you can wear the magnet as a jewelryin your finger or wrapped it around your body.
This magnetic therapy has various beneficial effects over the health.

What are the benefits of magnetic therapy?
When the magnets are placed on different parts of the body, the magnet starts affecting on the iron content in the blood. It is not the magnet but the magnetic field that starts stimulating the body's capability in the self healing process. This magnetic field also influences the cells within the body. However, this type of therapy should be kept away from pregnant women and also from the people who have battery-operated machines like pacemakers, insulin pumps or automatic defibrillators in their body.
Moreover, this type of therapy doesn't involve any kind of medicine. Hence, there is less chance of side effects on the health. However, if you are planning to undergo this therapy, referring to an experienced healing therapist can help in solving the problem easily.
Where you can get effective magnetic therapy?
There are many healing therapies who are specialized in magnetic therapy. If you are looking for a reliable source, referring to these centerswill be advantageous for you. Many reputed healers are associated with these centers. Hence, taking healing sessions from them will not be a bad idea.
However, all the claimed healing centers might not be able to satisfy your requirement. In that case, taking a look into their feedback column on their official websites might help you in this regard. This feedback will obviously include the comments of their past employees. Once you see positive responses, you can then rely on their healing sessions as well. If you are still having any kind of confusion, John McGrath bio energy healer is one of the leading experts whom you can refer for help. His official website will let you know about the procedure followed for performing magnetic therapy and also its effective results.

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Symptoms of Testicular Cancer

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The most observable symptom of testicular cancer is the abnormal mass of tissue which arises from the testicles contained within the scrotum. There are two major categories of testicular cancer:

1. Germ cell tumors about 95% of testicular cancer cases arise from germ cells (spermatocytes). This type of tumor is highly aggressive and metastatic but is mostly curable. Germ cell tumors are further classified as seminoma, spermatocytic seminoma, embryonal carcinoma, yolk sac tumor, choriocarcinoma, and teratoma.

2. Nongerminal tumors are benign tumors that arise from cells surrounding the spermatocytes. While they do not metastasize, nongerminal tumors secrete steroids that may contribute to observable endocrinologic symptoms of testicular cancer. Nongerminal tumors may be leydig cell tumors or sertoli cell tumors.

Symptoms of testicular cancer are not always observed in many patients. There are cases where a lump on the testicle is painful, while others do not report pain. Patients have also reported feeling heaviness and/ or a dull ache in the testicles and lower abdominal area. Another symptom of testicular cancer is observed when there is increased secretion of alpha-fetoprotein and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) by the cancerous tissues. In rare cases, the excess hCG stimulates breast development in males (gynecomastia), resulting to breast tenderness or enlargement.

As mentioned above, nongerminal tumors such as leydig cell tumor and sertoli cell tumor produces steroids such as male and female sex hormones. These symptoms of testicular cancer, however, are not specific as other medical conditions may exhibit them. Elaboration of estrogen, the female sex hormone, may lead to loss of sex drive and breast development, such as that observed in excessive hCG. The male hormone androgen does not cause any notable symptoms in adults, but excess androgen in prepubertal children causes prominent development of facial and body hair.

While testicular cancer is usually asymptomatic, it is particularly dangerous once it has metastasized to other sites in the body. Cancer that has spread to lymph nodes in the liver or abdomen may cause pain in that area. If the cancer has spread through the lungs, symptoms may include shortness of breath, chest pain, and coughing that may be accompanied with blood. Cancer that has spread to the brain may cause headaches and other neurologic manifestations.

There are a number of benign conditions that also manifest symptoms of testicular cancer. Traumatic injury and inflammation of the testicles (orchitis) or epididymis (epididymitis) produces painful swellings. Orchitis and epididymitis are caused by either viruses or bacteria. Thus, it is important to consult with a medical practitioner to rule out these causes.

Risk Factors

Cryptorchidism this is a developmental abnormality in which the testes fail to descend from the abdomen to the scrotal sac.

Testicular dysgenesis abnormal development of the testes is observed in conditions such as testicular feminization and Klinefelter syndrome

Genes a person who has close relatives with a history of testicular cancer is at greater risk, in addition to those with chromosomal abnormalities, specifically at chromosome 12.

Age testicular cancer can be observed in all ages, but is particularly common in males from the ages of 15 to 35.

Race testicular cancer has a higher prevalence in Caucasians than in Africans or Asians.

What if you just can't tell if you have symptoms of testicular cancer?

I know how hard it can be to tell if you have the symptoms of testicular cancer by yourself, but if you want to really be certain that you do not have testicular cancer symptoms you'll need to perform a single check that works amazingly well.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Chrysotile is a Proven Carcinogen

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There is a health epidemic that has been known for many decades and it involves exposure to hazardous asbestos. One interesting study is called, The Hazards of Chrysotile Asbestos: A Critical Review by Philip J. Landrigan, William J. Nicholson, Yasunosuke Suzuki and Joseph Ladou - INDUSTRIAL HEALTH - Vol.37 , No.3(1999)pp.271-280. Here is an excerpt: Abstract: Chrysotile, or white, asbestos is the dominant form of asbestos in international commerce today. It accounts for 99% of current world asbestos production of 2 million tonnes. Chrysotile is an extremely hazardous material. Clinical and epidemiologic studies have established incontrovertibly that chrysotile causes cancer of the lung, malignant mesothelioma of the pleura and peritoneum, cancer of the larynx and certain gastrointestinal cancers. Chrysotile also causes asbestosis, a progressive fibrous disease of the lungs. Risk of these diseases increases with cumulative lifetime exposure to chrysotile and rises also with increasing time interval (latency) since first exposure. Comparative analyses have established that chrysotile is 2 to 4 times less potent than crocidolite asbestos in its ability to cause malignant mesothelioma, but of equal potency of causation of lung cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization has declared chrysotile asbestos a proven human carcinogen. Sales of chrysotile asbestos have virtually ended in Western Europe and North America, because of widespread recognition of its health hazards. However, asbestos sales remain strong in Japan, across Asia and in developing nations worldwide. The claim has been made that chrysotile asbestos can be used safely under certain conditions in those nations. That claim is not accurate. The Collegium Ramazzini, an international learned society in environmental and occupational medicine, has called for an immediate worldwide ban on all sales and uses of all forms of asbestos, including chrysotile. The rationale for this ban is threefold: (1) that safer substitute materials are readily available, (2) that controlled use of asbestos is not possible, and (3) that the health risks of asbestos are not acceptable in either the industrialized or the newly industrializing nations.

Another interesting study is called, Respiratory Cancer Incidence in Swedish Construction Workers Exposed to Man-Made Mineral Fibres and Asbestos by G. Engholm, A. Englund, A. C. Fletcher and N. Hallin. - Ann. occup. Hyg., Vol. 31, No. 4B, pp. 663-675, 1987. Here is an excerpt: The incidence of respiratory cancer has been studied in relation to exposure to man-made mineral fibres (MMMF) within a large cohort of Swedish construction workers. The cohort comprised some 135 000 men, who were all examined by Byggh
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How To Treat Cystic Acne At Home

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Cystic acne can affect any person, any gender and at any age. Most commonly, women are affected by this. Once the person gets affected by cystic acne, it results in leaving a permanent mark on the skin. Cystic acne manifests itself as cysts or bumps beneath the surface of the skin, while other kinds of acne, such as whiteheads or blackheads, feature clear heads on the pimples. Cystic acne does not. Often, cystic acne is painful and sensitive to touch. A range of issues, such as hormonal fluctuations, bacteria and diet, can cause it to develop. So, now let us talk about some acne cystic natural treatments which have given good results to its followers. But before trying out the natural treatments we should have good knowledge of the reasons for the origin of cystic acne.

1. First change needs to be done regarding your diet. It is well known that some types of food can cause you acne, including those painful nodular pimples. So, you need remove from you diet caffeine, meat, soda and dairy products. You must replace them with fruits and vegetables (as apples, grapefruits, tomatoes etc.), fish instead of red meat, dried nuts and seeds.

2. Wash the area twice daily, using an antibacterial cleanser. Bacteria greatly worsens cystic acne, often prolonging its life. Keep the area free from makeup, sweat, excess oil and bacteria by cleansing twice daily.

3. To hide the scar created, women tend to use more makeup which again leads to the survival of bacteria by clogged pores. The acne caused in women is known as acne vulgaris. The best way to get rid of this is by cleaning the skin twice a day. It would be better to remove the makeup at night. This is because the pores open at night time and so there is a chance of pores clogging.

4. Other tips to remove cystic nodular acne are the same as for a normal acne outbreak. Drinking plenty of water, detoxify your body with special teas, have plenty of sleep and avoid smoking altogether. These are just from top of my mind but they are often overlooked by acne sufferers mainly because they want to get rid of acne overnight.

5. Mix equal parts baking soda and water, creating a paste. Apply the paste to your cystic acne. Let it remain on the area for approximately 20 minutes before rinsing. The baking soda will absorb excess oil and eliminate bacteria, helping your cystic acne to disappear more quickly. This is one of the best natural acne treatment.

6. Exercise is another natural treatment which protects us from all kinds of diseases. Some forms of exercises help balance and reduce the stress level in our body. We can try a variety of exercises, it is not always to visit the gym, you can try jogging, swimming, skipping, dancing, rowing, cycling, aerobics;

7. Another overlooked thing is that nodular pimples appear due to some hormonal changes in your body. This is why lots of pregnant women or newly mothers experience these type of acne. For women a good solution is taking birth control pills. However, if you have experienced cystic acne after taking contraceptives than you need to discuss this with your doctor and more than sure change them. It means they are not fit for you.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Prostate Cancer Gleason 6 - What The Gleason Scale Means

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Prostate cancer is often diagnosed using an biopsy of the tissue in your prostate. The most common way is to use an ultrasound scanner to study the prostate by allowing the doctor to send a needle to take a small sample of you prostate cells. This is known to be uncomfortable, and because of this sometimes a local anaesthetic is used. Like any tests, biopsies are not always 100% accurate. If symptoms continue after a test then patients should always go back to their doctor or GP.

Once the samples of your prostate have been examined, if cancer cells are detected a grade known as the Gleason grade is given. This rates the chance of the prostate cancer spreading, with the lower the score the better.

A score of prostate cancer Gleason 6 or lower means that the cancer has a good chance of not spreading further. If this score is given, your doctor will be able to advise you on the best course of action, although the ultimate decision for treatment always rests with the patient.

A Gleason score of 7 means the cancer has a medium chance of spreading, while a score of 8 indicates there is a high chance of spreading.

With higher Gleason scores especially, if the doctor feels the chances the cancer has already spread then further tests may be required to find whether this is the case. Again the patient will always be able to make the decision as to whether they want further testing.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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The 5 Best New Exercises for Coccyx Injury

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Do you suffer from tailbone or coccyx pain? Most people may not know this but there are actually several exercises you can do in order to mitigate and even stop the coccyx pain. Most of these exercises work through toning and strengthening your pelvic area, stimulating the nerves in the coccyx tailbone area and easing the pain. The physical movements that have been recently found to counter the problem of tailbone pain are:

The Anal Lock

This technique aims at easing the pain in the coccyx area. The anal lock can also be used as a treatment for other conditions such as pain in the lumbar and the sacral area, sacral iliac discomforts as well tailbone pain. The exercise involves the person gently contracting his anal sphincter muscle tissue. Then hold the contraction for about 10- 12 seconds, without resulting in discomfort. Then release the contraction as you exhale. That is one round, go for about 3-5 as you begin; later on you should aim at 10-15 rounds several times a day.


Swimming is also a very good exercise to alleviate the tailbone pain. Many coccyx pain sufferers have come up with this technique as a quick personal remedy to the problem. However, you should make sure that you swim backstroke only or the freestyle. You should also avoid butterfly and breaststroke styles if you intend to use swimming as an exercise for eliminating coccyx pain.

Spinal Twists

They are aimed at relaxing the lower back and stimulating the flow of blood to the spine. To do this exercise, make sure you lie with your rear on the ground. Leave your right knee extended as you raise your left knee to your chest. After this you then lower your left knee to your right leg. It is important to keep this stretch for at least 45 seconds.


As written in the Spine Health, walking can actually relieve the pain in the coccyx or tailbone regions. Walking for about 30 minutes every day will improve the flow of blood to the region and eventually result in healing. In fact, the lack of walking exercises among the working population has partly contributed to the increasing cases of tailbone injuries nowadays.


The bridge exercise work by stretching the abdominal muscles as well as stimulating the flow of blood into the coccyx region through the spine. As you lie on your back with your knees bent, and the bottom of the feet touching the floor, slowly lift your torso starting with your hips. Keep this position for a minute, as you inhale deeply. After this, you can go back to the starting position and do the exercise all over again.

With so many coccyx exercises available you really have no excuse for not having done any physical workout that will benefit your tailbone. You can begin with one of the above exercises and find out which one best suit you and the one you are most comfortable with. A few minutes a day can go a long way to a healthier and pain-free behind.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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AIDS-An Overview

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AIDS is the acronym of "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome." It is the most dreadful disease, which is still incurable in spite of the advances of the medical science. Many scientists are trying to find the treatment for the AIDS, but none has been successful yet. It is the disease that has caused maximum deaths after cancer. This disease is noted to be most widely spread in the continent of the Africa. Its origin is being noted to be from non-human primates in sub-Saharan Africa. It got transferred to humans during late 19th or early 20th century. The lack of information about the disease has lead to its spread all over the world. Once you suffer with this disease then it is nearly sure that you are going to die in 2 to 5 years depending upon the stage of disease.

Still the exact reason behind how the AIDS got transferred from the non-human primates to humans is not clear. But, whatever is the reason for its transmission, but one thing is sure that it is the most dreadful diseases of all. The virus responsible for the occurrence of the AIDS is HIV i.e. human immunodeficiency virus. It is basically the disease of the human immune system in which the effectiveness of the immune system is being reduced considerably. Due to which the person gets prone to various health hazards, specifically the infections and tumors. AIDS was first identified in 1980s. It was the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from US that first identified AIDS in 1981. Then after which it was noted that many people are suffering with it. As per the latest survey conducted all over the world, about 33.4 million people are living with the AIDS and about 2 million people die from AIDS-related diseases.

Having unprotected sex with the infected person, sharing a needle with some one who is infected, being born to the infected mother, or drinking breast milk of infected women are noted to causes behind the spreading of the AIDS. The people suffering with this disease are said as HIV positive. In the case of the AIDS only prevention is the way to stay away from the AIDS. If you suffer with it then death is confirmed. So, the first thing that you must do to avoid AIDS is never get indulged in the unprotected sex with the unknown partner because you never know he or she might be HIV positive. This is the main reason through which AIDS is being spread worldwide.

The most commonly noted symptom of the AIDS is recurrent occurrence of infections. If you are falling ill in every month then please you need to go to the laboratory and do the necessary tests. Pulmonary infections and gastrointestinal infections are noted to be very commonly occurring in the AIDS patients.

Once you suffer with the AIDS then your immune system is completely destructed. Due to this it is not able to fight against any of the foreign bodies that harm the health. There is no confirm cure for the AIDS, but there are medication that may help you to keep strengthen your immune system and avoid the occurrence of the other infectious diseases. With this you are able to survive with the AIDS for the years. There are few people who are living a healthy life in spite of suffering with the AIDS for more than 10 years. In case of the AIDS I would like to mention here that still many people are having the lamentable knowledge about the AIDS and this is the reason why it is still not in control. So, we need to educate the people about the AIDS. Once the knowledge is spread then the spreading of the AIDS can be controlled.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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