Jaw-tmj-headaches- Find Relief For Headaches, Joint And Occlusal Cancer

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Premature tooth loss, wear of the teeth, failing old crowns and bridges, uncomfortable chewing, clicking and popping of the jaw, grinding, sore muscles and headaches are just a few of the complex problems associated with your bite. A person's bite, or occlusion, is a function of the teeth, the jaw joint, and the muscles of the face. Assessing the alignment of the teeth can be very complex. Interferences that are as minute as the thickness of a human hair can be detected by the mouth. If any aspect of the teeth, muscles and joint relationship is "off" it can lead to any one or many of the symptoms listed previously. With biometric dentistry, your dentist can accurately diagnose these concerns through a series of simple, painless, non-invasive tests and advanced computer hardware and software, utilizing the Total BioPAK.

What is Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder?

The temporomandibular joints are the points at which the lower jaw attaches to the skull, and are among the most complex joints in the human anatomy. If your jaw clicks or pops, this could be a sign of TMJ disorder. Joint sound is one of the most recognized signs of TMJ disorders.

Between five and ten percent of Americans suffer from TMJ symptoms that require some form of treatment. The Academy of General Dentistry estimates that more than 10 million Americans suffer from TMD and predicts that as much as 65 to 85 percent will experience some type of TMD symptom in their lifetime. TMJ symptoms include:

* Clicking and/or difficulty when opening and closing your mouth
* Frequent headaches
* Neck and/or shoulder pain
* Sensitive teeth when no dental problems can be found
* Jaw pain or stiff jaw when chewing, biting, eating or yawning
* Earaches without an infection

The Impact of TMD on Your Bite and Appearance

Your bite and appearance may also be affected by certain causes of TMD. If your dentist identifies problems such as wear, tooth mobility, muscle pain or other signs of malocclusion, your bite may need to be adjusted. Ensuring that you have a stable bite is essential to your oral health and the long-term durability and functionality of cosmetic restorations. Additionally, a stable and proper bite helps to ensure that your upper and lower teeth will come into contact comfortably and as pain-free as possible, without unnecessary force that could lead to headaches or fractured restorations.

What is Biometric Dentistry and Total BioPAK?

For the first time, with Biometric Dentistry, your dentist can obtain objective and detailed information of the interrelationship of the teeth, muscles and joint in which to make a proper diagnosis, help treat and assess the desired outcome. Biometric Dentistry accurately diagnoses occlusion concerns through a series of simple, painless, non-invasive tests.

Advanced computer hardware and software utilize the Total BioPAK to accurately diagnose a patient's bite. For the first time, Biometric Dentistry allows dentists to obtain objective and detailed information on the interrelationship of the teeth, muscles and joint in which to make a diagnosis, help treat and assess the desired outcome.

If you are noticing pain, pay attention to where it is located, keep your teeth apart by placing your tongue between your teeth, stretch your jaw by gently opening and closing, and call your Columbia, MD dentist to ensure that there is no serious problem if your pain continues for several days.

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