Do E Cigarettes Cause Cancer and What Are They

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Electronic smoking implements simulate smoking by vaporizing a flavored fluid into a mist that can be inhaled. The flavor occasionally includes nicotine or not, though it is meant to give the expertise of smoking through taste and action. The intention is to reproduce the act of smoking for the smoker without all the harmful health effects. So, can e cigarettes cause cancer? Few studies have been done, but it seems apparent e-smokes are safer than regular, tobacco filled ones.

Smoking implements in the shapes of cigarettes, tools or even ball point pens are available. They work by utilizing a flavored substance located in a hygroscopic compound. The flavored substance might comprise nicotine or it might not.

The first smokeless cigarette to be invented was by Herbert Gilbert in 1963. Attitudes at the time were very different and it turned out to be not to be commercially profitable. People simply didn't accept or believe that it was as dangerous as it was. In 2003, it was introduced to the market again by a Chinese pharmacist. This latest incarnation was much more developed.

Electronic cigarettes generally comprises of 3 parts. A cartridge contains the flavor. A battery powers it and an atomizer heats the fluid so that it becomes vapor. The cartridge usually contains some kind of absorbent material that absorbs the fluid flavoring. The cartridge is usually disposable and can be switched out with a fresh one or one with a different flavor or nicotine content.

The atomizer vaporizes the liquid flavor with heat or sound. In general, heat is used and it is accomplished by electrifying a filament. The heat atomizes the fluid from the cartridge, creating a mist for inhalation. The filaments don't work forever though. Sediments build up and they diminish effective over the course of time. Some brands have a disposable atomizer that can be simply replaced when one stops working.

A power source is essential to supply heat to the atomizer. A rechargeable battery is more often than not used. This constitutes the largest part of the device and may be charged by a regular AC wall outlet, a car charger or a USB port on a computer.

The e-juice, as the flavoring is called can come in any of hundreds of flavors. There is Marlboro or Camel or other name brands for those transitioning from their favorite brands. But there are also more quaint flavors like chocolate, vanilla or coffee. The liquid may also include nicotine in varying degrees. Or it might not include any at all. The flavor is infused into a hygroscopic fluid like glycerin that is made use of in asthma inhalers.

A number of studies have identified tobacco-specific nitrosamines in some brands of e-cigarettes. These known carcinogens have appeared in low levels. These substances were found in devices with tobacco based nicotine present. It could be that a straight flavor cartridge without nicotine is even less of a health risk. A study done by The School of Public Health at Boston University seems to suggest just that. They state that electronic cigarettes are much safer than the real ones.

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