Green Tea Benefits Cancer and Heart Disease

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Is it true that drinking green tea good for health? The answer is an emphatic yes! Green tea is among the health-giving beverages about. Also, the health benefits of green tea are so potent and copious that this drink takes its legitimate title as a 'super food' So what does green tea do for us? How much time do you have!

Heart Disease Protection Drinking green tea daily delivers marvels for the health of our hearts and the whole cardiovascular system. Vast population research that look in detail at the diets of 1000's of participants over many years have consistently discovered that the degree of heart disease is decidedly lower in those who take green tea daily in contrast to those who don't drink!

It is by method of several different functions that green tea makes possible this benefit for heart health. The antioxidants found plentifully in green tea, called EGCG (which are accountable for the majority of the health benefits connected to green tea consumption), have potent antioxidant features that protect LDL cholesterol in the blood from oxidative harm. This is critical for the health of our major, because LDL cholesterol which falls victim to oxidative damage will attach to the artery walls, developing into a plaque. This plaque build up is atherosclerosis, a health condition that suppresses blood supplies to the hear muscle, and is the main cause of heart disease!

Green Tea and Cancer

Cancer prevention is an additional great health benefit of using green tea regularly. Experiments with animals, test tube research, and Large population studies all provide strong proof for the anti-cancer effectiveness of green tea. Those who drink green tea each day are, statistically, at a reduced risk of dying from different kinds of cancers, such as prostate, colon, stomach and pancreatic cancer. Most Asian countries, who take more green tea per person than any other continent, are significantly less likely to suffer from cancer than people in the US and Europe.

Green Tea Anti-inflammatory Benefits

Yes, and the positive effects of green tea just keep adding up. A few studies have brought to light the fact that the antioxidants in green tea have anti-inflammatory effects for joint soreness and allergic reactions. One of the major causes of inflammation and soreness in the joints is arachidonic acid, a natural substance synthesized by the body. Having said that, diet plays a considerable role in how much arachidonic acid is made in the body. Omega-3 fats, for example, lessen the production of arachidonic acid and support the production of anti-inflammatory chemicals alternatively. Contrary, foods rich in saturated fat have the polar-opposite effect and increase the production of arachidonic acid. People with joint soreness, like tendonitis, find that they can lessen their joint troubles naturally by eliminating foods rich in saturated fat and choosing foods high in Omega-3 (salmon and mackerel and some nuts and seeds) instead.

Those afflicted with joint pain should also be joyous to know that green tea-plant compounds have an inhibitory effect upon arachidonic acid synthesis. If you are impaired with any kind of joint condition, you may discover that drinking 2 or 3 cups of green tea daily might ease the pain. A wonderful substitute is to take green tea extract tablets that have the same antioxidant power as drinking at least several cups of green tea each day!

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details


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