AIDS-An Overview

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AIDS is the acronym of "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome." It is the most dreadful disease, which is still incurable in spite of the advances of the medical science. Many scientists are trying to find the treatment for the AIDS, but none has been successful yet. It is the disease that has caused maximum deaths after cancer. This disease is noted to be most widely spread in the continent of the Africa. Its origin is being noted to be from non-human primates in sub-Saharan Africa. It got transferred to humans during late 19th or early 20th century. The lack of information about the disease has lead to its spread all over the world. Once you suffer with this disease then it is nearly sure that you are going to die in 2 to 5 years depending upon the stage of disease.

Still the exact reason behind how the AIDS got transferred from the non-human primates to humans is not clear. But, whatever is the reason for its transmission, but one thing is sure that it is the most dreadful diseases of all. The virus responsible for the occurrence of the AIDS is HIV i.e. human immunodeficiency virus. It is basically the disease of the human immune system in which the effectiveness of the immune system is being reduced considerably. Due to which the person gets prone to various health hazards, specifically the infections and tumors. AIDS was first identified in 1980s. It was the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from US that first identified AIDS in 1981. Then after which it was noted that many people are suffering with it. As per the latest survey conducted all over the world, about 33.4 million people are living with the AIDS and about 2 million people die from AIDS-related diseases.

Having unprotected sex with the infected person, sharing a needle with some one who is infected, being born to the infected mother, or drinking breast milk of infected women are noted to causes behind the spreading of the AIDS. The people suffering with this disease are said as HIV positive. In the case of the AIDS only prevention is the way to stay away from the AIDS. If you suffer with it then death is confirmed. So, the first thing that you must do to avoid AIDS is never get indulged in the unprotected sex with the unknown partner because you never know he or she might be HIV positive. This is the main reason through which AIDS is being spread worldwide.

The most commonly noted symptom of the AIDS is recurrent occurrence of infections. If you are falling ill in every month then please you need to go to the laboratory and do the necessary tests. Pulmonary infections and gastrointestinal infections are noted to be very commonly occurring in the AIDS patients.

Once you suffer with the AIDS then your immune system is completely destructed. Due to this it is not able to fight against any of the foreign bodies that harm the health. There is no confirm cure for the AIDS, but there are medication that may help you to keep strengthen your immune system and avoid the occurrence of the other infectious diseases. With this you are able to survive with the AIDS for the years. There are few people who are living a healthy life in spite of suffering with the AIDS for more than 10 years. In case of the AIDS I would like to mention here that still many people are having the lamentable knowledge about the AIDS and this is the reason why it is still not in control. So, we need to educate the people about the AIDS. Once the knowledge is spread then the spreading of the AIDS can be controlled.

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