9 Major Reasons For Knowing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Correctly

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Let's say you are trained in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and are jogging in a park early in the morning with your partner. Suddenly the latter falls and apparently stops breathing because of a massive heart attack. This is where your specialized CPR training will come in to save his life, if applied immediately. The following are the reasons why knowing CPR is necessary:

By applying CPR within 5 minutes, you restore normal circulation of oxygenated blood to the victim's system when it has suddenly stopped due to heart failure brought about by a coronary attack or even drowning.

CPR restores cardio-pulmonary functions in order to save a person from dying and by supplying oxygen to the body, prevents cerebral damage as also damage to other vital organs.

Do remember that in cases of terminal illnesses when multiple organ failure is beginning to set in, CPR may or will not work because heart and lungs apart, the other vital organs such as brain, liver and kidney too, would pack up. The technique is beneficially applicable to those whose overall health conditions are better.

The method's success is proven with younger children, particularly in cases of drowning. Even though exact statistics are not available, it is seen that application of instant CPR combined with defibrillation in the first three 3 minutes, post-collapse, leads to more than 50% patients recovering without any organ damage.

Applying CPR also implies buying time by forcing some blood into the heart in the course of a cardiac arrest.

In the USA alone, CPR has proved its net worthiness. Washington, for example, is noted for its widespread CPR training programs which focus more on reduction of the time for response to an EMS and subsequent defibrillation. This has led to a situation where more than 30 per cent patients survive a cardiac arrest. New York City, on the other hand, has a much lower survival rate a maximum of about 2 per cent. In Minnesota, Chicago and Las Vegas, it's a win-win situation: Survival rates are as high as 50 to 74 per cent and this has been possible only because of the awareness created through various training programs and defibrillators readily available on hand.

On the flip side, wrong or faulty application of CPR has a few drawbacks to its credit. Excessive force on the chest can lead to cracked or broken ribs or even a sore chest.

Excessive pressure can also result in lung damage, causing pulmonary hemorrhage and subsequent collapse. It is imperative that the patient, after receiving CPR is defibrillated and kept in the ICU to regularize cardio-pulmonary functions.

It is also seen that less than 10 per cent hospitalized patients survive post- CPR because of their general physical condition or terminal illnesses like advanced cancer, chronic renal failure or acute left ventricular failure. Even if they do, they are usually left with permanent brain damage and need to be put on a ventilator for as long as they live.

Summing up, the life saving technique of CPR has to be learnt through proper training and practice. Its correct application is of utmost importance as haphazard maneuvers won't give the desired results at all.

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