Alternative Cancer Treatments - Massage Therapy

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Massage therapy is said to have a long story history in many cultures around the world. Nowadays, massage is used as a form of therapy for a variety of health related purposes. In the United States for example, it is considered as a part of the complementary and alternative medicine.

Massage therapy was designed originally to treat health related issues in our body. Although it does not provide exact details and proof on how it influences the health of one person, it is still believed to be a relaxing way to relieve stress.

How and when did massage therapy start?
Massage was first used thousands of years ago. It was believed to appear in writings from ancient China, Japan, India, Arabic nations, Egypt, Greece where it was defined as the art of rubbing and in Rome.

It is believed that massage therapy became widely used in Europe during the Renaissance period. It was in 1850s when two American physicians who studied in Sweden introduced massage therapy in the United States where it became popular and promoted to treat some medical conditions. Massage Therapy advanced shortly at around 1930s and 1940s and in 1970s it was famous amongst all the athletes.

According to the National Health Interview Survey in 2007 alone, it was recorded that an estimated volume of 18 million adults and 700,000 children had received massage therapy during that year.

People often believe that massage is used for a variety of health related purposes. It relieves pain, relieves sports injuries, reduces stress, increases relaxation, and removes anxiety and depression and the likes.

Massage therapy as an alternative cancer treatment
When you undergo massage therapy, the practitioner usually rubs your skin and muscles. This is their way to remove and ease tension as well as stress. This promotes relaxation. You have a variety of choices when it comes to ointments/oils you think would calm you better. There are several massage methods you can choose from light kneading, to deep kneading with more pressure on the muscles.

Massage is also a form of alternative cancer treatment. Studies have shown that a person with cancer who undergoes massage therapies is usually relieved from the pain, anxiety, fatigue, stress and depression associated with cancer. Massage is also good to help someone increase blood circulation; however, it is not advisable for a person with low blood count.

Everyone can enjoy the benefits of massage therapy, however, if you have cancer, you should always ask for the confirmation of your doctors. Again, not every one of us shares the same kind of body frame. What's effective for you might not be effective for others. It is a matter of how immune your system is. More important things to consider when deciding to get a massage therapist are:
1. Ask about his or her experiences in the field.
2. Ask about the trainings he has attended and his credentials.
3. Give them the full picture of what you want to happen and your reason for hiring them.

Massage Therapy can complement your existing alternative cancer treatment, or it can completely heal your aches and pains connected with cancer.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details


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