Mesothelioma - A Time Line

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One of the most interesting parts of doing research on a subject is understanding how all the parts and pieces fit together. This is even more so with a disease like mesothelioma, a rare form of lung cancer caused by prolonged exposure to lung cancer. Asbestos has been used for centuries (actually since 2500 BC in Finland that we know about) and it's only in the last century that we've realized both it's potential followed by its hazards. Here's a mesothelioma timeline to show you the progression of understanding the dangers of asbestos.

1879 Canada opens first commercial asbestos mine.
1900 Dr. H. Montague Murray (London) finds asbestos in deceased textile workers.
1917 Dr. H.K. Pancoast (Pennsylvania) finds lung scarring in asbestos-factory worker
1925 Dr. Thomas Oliver coins the term asbestosis.'
1927 First disability claim for asbestosis allowed in Massachussetts.
1930 Dr. Edward Merewether publishes first clinical examination of workers in England, asbestos industry. The study found 1 in 4 suffered from asbestosis. He also realized that: symptoms may not show for many year; the dust had to be controlled through ventilators and regulators; workers needed to be informed; finished products were still dangerous and the dust had to be controlled and minimized.
1930s - Reports show asbestosis occurring after only nine months of exposure.
1933 First American case reported of asbestosis in an insulation worker.
1934 Cases reported of asbestosis and lung cancer in people and janitors working around asbestos, boilers, & insulators; many had less than 6 months exposure to asbestos.
1940-79 Approximately 27.5 million Americans are exposed to asbestos.
1942 Dr. W.C. Heuper suggests that asbestos causes asbestosis as well as cancer.
1943 First case of mesothelioma tumor is reported.
1949 Asbestos listed as cause of occupation/environmental cancer in Encyclopedia Britannica.
1955 Major study shows that asbestos workers are 10x more likely to get lung cancer.
1966 First asbestos lawsuit filed but jury finds for the defendant
1969 A second lawsuit filed by same lawyers (new case) and is won in landmark case.
1971 US Occupational Safety and Health Administration impose standards on asbestos.
1982 Starts two decades in which more than 70 asbestos companies file for bankruptcy.
1989 US Environmental Protection Agency bans most asbestos-containing products, which is challenged, and is partially overturned.
1991 Symposium held showing that asbestos already in buildings is a major health risk.
1994 Congress amends Bankruptcy Code to allow asbestos-related bankruptcies to create special trust fund for future claimants.
1998 Alabama steelworkers that had been hurt by asbestos exposure won 5 million.
2002 RAND institute for Civil Justice places says there are 600,000 asbestos lawsuits.
2006 US Senate defeats a bill that could have created a 0 billion trust fund to help compensate victims of asbestos diseases the bill apparently favored the corporations

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

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