Oral Health Is Directly Related To Overall Health

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New industry research suggests that the health of your mouth mirrors the condition of your body as a whole. When your mouth is healthy, chances are your overall health is good, too. On the other hand, if you have poor oral health, you may have other health problems. A healthy smile can further prevent certain diseases from occurring.

According to the Academy of General Dentistry, there is a significant relationship between gum disease and health complications such as a stroke and heart disease. Women with gum disease show an increased incidence of pre-term, low birth-weight babies, as well. If you do not take care of your teeth and gums, your poor oral hygiene can lead to other health problems. This can include diseases such as diabetes, leukemia, cancer, heart disease and kidney disease, among others.

Oral Health Gives Clues about Eating Disorders

The National Eating Disorders Association estimates that in the United States, nearly 10 million women and one million men are affected by anorexia and bulimia. Eating disorders are illnesses that are characterized by preoccupations with food and weight, caused by physical, emotional and social issues. More and more dentists are becoming the first line of defense when it comes to identifying eating disorders in patients.

Some signs of an eating disorder that can be noticed by your dentist include bad breath, sensitive teeth and tooth erosion. Many of these symptoms are caused by the stomach acids that are brought up through your mouth during frequent episodes of purging by vomiting. Other signs of an eating disorder include:

Tender mouth, throat and salivary glands
Teeth that are worn and appear almost translucent
Mouth sores
Dry mouth
Cracked lips
Bleeding gums
Early detection of an eating disorder may ensure a successful recovery period for the body and teeth.

The Connection between Oral and Overall Health

There is increasing evidence of the connection between oral health and a person's overall health. Some health problems that your dentist may become aware of include:

Diabetes - People with diabetes are more likely to have gum disease than people without diabetes. It is thought that because diabetes reduces the body's resistance to infection, the gums are among the tissues that are most likely to be infected.

Cancer - As part of a routine dental exam, your dentist screens for oral cancers including cancer of the head and neck. Other cancers that your dentist may be able to recognize include skin cancer, cancer of the jaw bone and thyroid cancer.

Heart Disease - Studies have shown that people with moderate or advanced gum disease have a greater prevalence of cardiovascular disease, than those who do not have gum disease.

Kidney Disease - When your kidneys do not function properly, the by-products of incomplete protein breakdown are released. As a result, you may experience bad breath and may also notice an unpleasant taste in your mouth. Other signs may include dry mouth and a metallic taste.

Anxiety - Stress affects your immune system, which fights against the bacteria that causes periodontal disease, making a person suffering from anxiety more prone to gum infection.

Other Medical conditions - There are more than 120 medical conditions that can be detected in the early stages by a dentist.

Seeing your dentist on a regular basis helps to keep your mouth in the best health possible and allows your dentist to watch for developments that may point to other health issues. A dental exam can also detect poor nutrition and hygiene, growth and developments problems and improper jaw alignment. Visit your dentist today for further treatment and diagnosis.

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