Oral Cancer - Understand Treatment And Preventive Measures

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It is now easier than ever before to detect oral cancer early, when the opportunity for cure is greatest. Only half of all patients that are diagnosed with oral cancer survive more than five years. Your dentist in Montreal maintains advanced skills and tools to ensure that early signs of cancer and pre-cancerous conditions are identified. With help from your dentist and frequent visits, you can fight and win the battle against oral cancer.

How do I Know if I have Oral Cancer?

The majority of patients with oral cancer commonly experience swelling and lumps inside their mouth or on the lips and gums. These may also appear as crusts, eroded patches and rough spots. Bleeding may occur for no reason, and red or white patches in your mouth may develop.

Frequently, a loss of sensitivity is experienced in your mouth, face or neck and sores appear in similar areas as well. The sores bleed often and remain present for an extended period of time. Oral cancer may often begin with an asymptomatic stage during which symptoms may not be obvious and is often painless initially making it difficult to detect.

Signs of Oral Cancer May Include:
* Difficulty swallowing or chewing
* Numbness of the tongue
* Hoarseness
* Ear pain
* Difficulty when moving the tongue or jaw
* A lump or thickening of the soft tissues in the mouth

These signs do not necessarily signify cancer; they may be associated with early signs of cancer. Since oral cancer treatment is usually successful when performed in the early stages, any abnormal change in the mouth, gums, tongue or surrounding area should be evaluated by a dental professional immediately.

VELscope - A Diagnostic Tool

The VELscope system helps dental professionals visualize abnormalities in the mucosal tissues of your lips, mouth and upper throat. In just two minutes, with no rinses, stains or discomfort, a VELscope examination lets your dentist improve their assessment of your overall oral health. The blue light of VELscope "excites" molecules (fluorophores) deep within the layers of oral mucosal tissues.

As a result, fluorophores emit their own light in shades of green, yellow and red. The proprietary filter of the VELscope makes the fluorescence visualization possible by blocking reflected blue light, and by enhancing the contrast between normal and abnormal tissue. One of the VELscope system's most important tasks is to help identify areas that might, if not identified and treated, progress to oral cancer.

Preventing Oral Cancer

Prevention is the key to fighting off oral cancer, as most oral cancer is preventable. Approximately 75% of oral cancers are related to the use of tobacco and alcohol. In order to decrease your risk, you should avoid the use of any tobacco products, minimize the amount of alcohol you consume, use SPF lip balm to protect from sun exposure, and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

It is now easier than ever to detect oral cancer early, when the opportunity for a cure is the greatest. Your dentist in Montreal has the skills and tools to ensure that early signs of cancer and pre-cancerous conditions are identified. You and your dentist can fight and win the battle against oral cancer. Know the early signs and visit your dentist in Montreal regularly.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details


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