Different Types Of Throat Cancer Treatment Available In India

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If you are suffering from throat cancer so it is advised that you take consult of a physician to examine the nature of throat cancer and the physical condition of the body before proceeding for any treatment. The test will be useful in the development of the nature of the treatment is carried out.

Surgery: Surgery is usually done to remove the tumor in the throat. Surgical treatment is the main cure for cancer of the pharynx. Surgery is of two types depending on the cancer whether this type of surgery is performed to remove the tumor or to improve the functions of the throne. While going for a surgery there is less chance of complications after surgery such as bleeding or blockage. If the tumor is in initial stage and then a small surgery is done to remove the tumor, otherwise the operation will be extended. Laser microsurgery is a type of surgery is usually performed to treat tumors and small-sized. The advantage of this type of surgery is preservation of normal tissues, shorter hospital stay and less post-surgical complications. A tracheotomy is not necessary in this type of surgery.

Radiation therapy: Radiotherapy was performed with the aid of X-rays to kill cancer cells or to be inactive. Usually, this type of therapy needed to treat small tumors. The tumor is large, then radiation therapy is combined with other treatments such as chemotherapy to treat cancer. If the tumor is so small it can not be removed during surgery can be eliminated with the radiation therapy. Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) is an advanced therapy available at the Radiation Therapy. IMRT uses computer software to determine the exact amount of radiation given to treat. The high radiation dose (HDR) is another form of radiation used to irradiate from inside spare healthy surrounding the area around the tumor. The main advantage of this type is that it reduces the possibility of surgical treatment.

Chemotherapy: This drug is used to kill cancer cells i.e. tumors. The drugs are taken through the veins and orally. The type of care and medicines to be taken depends on the nature of throat cancer. If the tumor is large, then the treatment is a combination of chemotherapy or surgery other. Chemotherapy is used to treat cancer has spread widely beyond the region of the throat. Fractionated dose chemotherapy is a type of chemotherapy treatment that parts the doses of drugs in small doses given over a number of days. There are many cancer hospitals in India where chemotherapy drugs are applied to cancer cells.

Angiogenesis inhibitors: This is a type of medicine used to stop the growth of new blood vessels needed by cancer cells to grow. Cetuximab or Erbitux is used for this purpose. These drugs have of late been approved for use with chemotherapy to care for the tumor in the oral cavity.

There are many cancer hospitals in India where you will get world class treatment by proficient doctor and more over cancer treatment in India is available at an affordable rate when compared with Western Countries. Due to less expense lots of overseas patient come to India for cancer treatment.

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