4 Super Juices for Anti Aging

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All people age differently. Some people look and act much younger than their years while others look way beyond their years. Our first thoughts might be that it is due to genetics, but this is only a small part of the anti aging puzzle.

We all have genes that work for us and genes that work against us. Many genes lie dormant, not affecting us one way or the other, while others are active and fully affect our lives. Which genes are activated and which ones are not is greatly determined by the food and nutrition (or lack of it) that you consume. Therefore, nutrition plays a big role in the process of aging, or anti aging.

Some super-foods can help stall the aging process. The juices of these foods are even more powerful. Your body can easily assimilate the nutrients from the juices without having to break through the fiber. For example, you can easily drink 10 carrots and get the benefits of all the nutrients, but your body would have a hard time trying to digest as many in one meal.

Here are some of the top super foods which can be made into anti aging juice. It is best to make and drink these fresh while the enzymes are still active, as this is part of its power. It also tastes much better fresh.

Carrots have always been known to be high in beta carotene, which is converted into Vitamin A in your body. This natural nutrient helps your body make new cells to replace the old ones, especially cells of your skin, eyes and bones. This is why carrots have long been associated with keeping your eyesight strong, your hair and skin beautiful and your teeth and bones strong. In addition, carrots keep your body tissues healthy, help to balance your hormonal system and strengthen your immune system.

Drinking carrot juice is safer than taking a Vitamin A supplement. Vitamin A can cause a toxic effect. However, carrot juice does not contain Vitamin A, but beta carotene, which your body converts to Vitamin A. Your body is very smart and will not convert so much as to make you toxic. It will only covert what you need and eliminate the rest.

Beet juice is our next anti aging super juice. It detoxifies your blood and renews it with minerals. It also stimulates the cells and function of your liver. This is important since your liver can get a toxic build up and become sluggish as you get older. In addition, beet juice increases the activity of liver enzymes that protect you from free radicals.

Beets have been shown to protect not only the liver, but increase the function of the kidneys and intestines. It also lowers internal inflammation, which aids in the prevention of coronary disease and cerebral artery disease.

It is important to not drink too much beet juice. When made into a juice, the vitamins and minerals are removed from the fiber making it easier for your body to absorb all of them. This can create a very different effect than eating beets. In fact, drinking too much fresh beet juice may cause symptoms similar to irritable bowel syndrome.

On the other hand, drinking the right amount can be more beneficial than any vitamin or supplement out there. If you have never drank beet juice before, start with only


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