Types Of Tests Performed By Insurance Companies To Detect Nicotine

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Smokers usually have less life span than non-smokers and are prone to various diseases like heart diseases, respiratory diseases, lung cancer, COPD etc. Due to the severe health risks associated with smoking, the health and life insurance companies charge higher premiums from smokers than non-smokers. The insurance companies perform various types of tests to effectively detect nicotine use among applicants. Nicotine use can be effectively detected through urine, blood, saliva, and hair test.

Insurance Companies Rely On:
Insurance companies conduct urine, blood, saliva, and hair test to detect nicotine use as a part of medical screening process to finalize the premium to be charged.

Urine Test
Urine test detects the concentration level of cotinine in urine. Cotinine is a metabolic by-product of nicotine after being processed in body. The urine test can effectively detect the use of cotinine for 4 days after use. Although cotinine remains in urine for short period of time, its concentration level is higher than in blood or saliva. The urine test is commonly employed to detect nicotine as it is a regular part of physical examination for receiving insurance. Cotinine is used as a biomarker during urine testing for nicotine as its half life is greater than other metabolites. The urine test can effectively detect cotinine in urine at cut-off concentration of 200 ng/ml. Also, a person can check for nicotine use at home using nicotine test kits that provide accurate and reliable results.

Blood Test
The insurance companies effectively use blood test to determine whether the person is a smoker or non-smoker, as a blood sample is usually taken during a medical examination of applicant. The blood test checks for cotinine level in blood sample while detecting nicotine. Although, nicotine does not remain in body for longer time, its metabolic by-products can remain in blood for longer periods. These by-products can be detected up to 3 weeks after the last instance of smoking.

Saliva Test
Saliva test to detect nicotine and cotinine is an inexpensive, non-invasive method of detection. The saliva tests can effectively detect nicotine and cotinine up to 7 to 10 days after use. It is also difficult to adulterate the results of saliva test as the sample is directly collected by taking a swab from person's mouth. Saliva test kits for nicotine allow for easy testing of nicotine in the comforts of home as they are portable, easy to use, and provide accurate results.

Hair Test
Hair test is an effective and accurate method to detect nicotine use. It is accurate than other forms of tests, as testing is done using advanced laboratory techniques. It provides a larger window of detection for nicotine for as long as 10 or more days from actual use. As hair testing is expensive than urine, blood, or saliva testing for nicotine, the insurance companies find it less feasible to perform this testing on every applicant. Even a small sample of hair can reveal history of nicotine use for several days.

Furnishing wrong information to insurance companies can result in denial of coverage or even prosecution for providing false information if person is under coverage. Quitting smoking is a better option as it helps build a healthy lifestyle and qualify to receive cheaper premiums from insurance companies.

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