Sunscreen and Sunblock

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According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States with nearly four million people diagnosed annually. It is easy to see why sunscreen and sunblock are necessary, yet many people do not know the difference between the two. Sunblock reflects the rays of the sun, preventing them from reaching the skin. Sunscreen, on the other hand, absorbs ultraviolet or UV radiation rather than reflect them, as explained in a Harvard Medical School report on the difference between sunscreen and sunblock.

Sunblocks, such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, protect against both UVB and UVA rays. These are the types of UV radiation responsible for sunburn and, with enough exposure, skin cancer. The most visible difference between sunscreen and sunblock is the way it appears on the skin. Sunblocks usually appear white on the skin, while sunscreens are generally less visible. Sunblock contains physical or inorganic ingredients. These ingredients reflect and scatter UVB light and act as something of a barrier between the sun and skin. Sunblocks do not protect against harmful UVA rays.

Sunscreens usually contain benzophenones to protect against harmful UVA rays. Salicylates and cinnamates help protect against harmful UVB radiation. UVB radiation is that portion of the electromagnetic spectrum from. 290-320 nanometers and are the more intense ultra violet rays emitted by the sun. A major drawback of sunscreen is that these ingredients tend to breakdown after multiple hours of exposure to sunlight. Sunscreen usually needs to be applied multiple times. Some newer sunscreens offer protection from up to 90 perecent of UVB radiation for up to five hours following initial application.

Sunscreen and sunblock each have their strong and weak points. Both can be effective depending on how they are used and applied. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends sunscreen with an SPF rating of at least 15 or higher. The higher the SPF rating, the longer the protection from the sun's exposure will last. Sunscreen contains specific chemicals that protect the skin by absorbing and reflecting these UV rays. Additionally, sunscreen offers protection against UVA and UVB rays. Some lotions are a combination of both. Products containing mexoryl usually offer complete protection from both of these rays.

Sunscreen and sunblock are ultimately both effective at what they claim to do, block the sun's harmful rays. The main problem associated with sunscreen is not applying enough. Many people do not purchase the right sunscreen for them. This makes it important to choose the right SPF. It is important to consider the amount of exposure to the sun that is expected before selecting some type of lotion to provide protection. Children are not usually as patient about repeated applications as adults are, making sunblock a better option.

Avoid sunscreen or sunblock containing vitamin A or its derivatives. These ingredients have been shown to speed up skin cancer, counteracting the effectiveness of these products. SPF is for UVB rays only. Another popular misconception is that a higher SPF means more time that can be spent in the sun without reapplying lotion. This is not true since SPF refers to the amount of exposure, not the duration.

Most dermatologists agree that some form of sun protection is necessary for those who work or play in the sun for any length of time. Today, it is not always necessary to choose one or the other. Most lotions are a combination of sunscreen and sunblock. It is important to check the label to confirm what type of protection a product offers. Both sunblock and sunscreen make time in the sun a fun, safe experience.

For further information regarding sunscreen and sunblock, please visit MyReviewsNow Online Shopping.

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