The Elements of Astrology

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In astrology, each zodiac sign is associated with the elements. There are four classic elements: water, fire, earth and air.

Fire signs are said to be positive or extrovert masculine signs. Fire represents desires and creative energies. Zodiac signs associated with fire are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Earth signs are also positive masculine. Earth represents material resources, possessions and environment. Zodiac signs classified under the Earth element includes Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Air signs are negative, introvert feminine signs. Air stands for the intellect and the ability to reason and communicate. Signs under this element include Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Water signs like Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are also introvert feminine signs. Water corresponds to imagination, human feelings and the ability to love and sustain.

The group of astrological signs belonging to the same element is called triplicity. Each sign in a triplicity is believed to form angles that are 120 degrees apart called trines. In Western astrology, the elements follow a sequence. It is always Fire, then Earth, then Air and finally Water in that exact order.

The zodiac signs that are in the same elemental triplicity are believed to have a free-flowing connection, making them compatible with one another as they tend to have the same qualities.

Triplicities also have planetary rulers. Fire is ruled in the day by Sun, at night by Jupiter, Saturn is a participating ruler. Air is ruled in the day by Saturn, Mercury at night and Jupiter is a participating ruler. Earth is ruled by Venus in the day, the Moon at night and Mars is a participating ruler. Water is ruled by Mars for both day and night while the Moon is a participating ruler.

astrological chart, there are also other miscellaneous important symbols. Angles are also represented by glyphs. The following are some common types of symbols you'll find for angles, aspects and nodes:


Ascendant - This is the angle rising over the eastern horizon at a particular moment in time. It is also known as the rising sun.

Midheaven - This is the angel where the ecliptic crosses the Meridian in the south on the northern hemisphere. It is also called medium coeli or zenith.

Nodes are not common to all traditions of astrology, but they are important in Vedic astrology. There are basically two types of nodes, the ascending node and the descending node. They are referred to as the Dragon's Head or Tail or simply nodal axis, lunar nodes or the moon's nodes.

Astrological Aspects:

Conjunction - 0 to 10 degree angle
Semisextile - 30 degree angle
Semi-square - 45 degree angle also known as an octile or a semiquartile
Sextile 60 degree angle
Quintile 72 degree angle
Square 90 degree angle also known as a quartile
Trine 120 degree angle
Sesquiquadrate 135 degree angle also known as a sesquisquare or a trioctile
Biquintile 144 degree angle
Quincunx 150 degree angle also known as an inconjunct
Opposition 180 degree angle.

There are also some symbols for motions (namely retrograde and direct) as well as for minor celestial bodies such as comets, asteroids (Pallas, Juno and Vesta) and Planetoids (Chiron)

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