GP Turan (Turinabol)

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Turinabol is an oral steroid which was developed in the early 60's by Yenafarm. This steroid has a predominantly anabolic effect on the body, this effect overlaps with the relatively low androgen. On a scale of 100% of this impact is 6%, 53% of the anabolic (for comparison: the effect of Dianabol - 45% of the androgenic, anabolic around 90%). Thus Oral Turinabol has a slightly weaker effect than Dianabol. Hence, it is not a steroid for a quick accumulation of force, weight and muscle mass. Results will be visible soon - in a respectable gain of muscle mass and strength, if you take medication for several weeks. The athlete will not be in a swell appearance as when taking testosterone, Dianabol or Anapolon 50. It is clearly showed that the effectiveness of this drug is highly dependent on the dose.

Experience has shown that athletes in bodybuilding take on 40-50mg per day. And many speak about good results while taking these doses: the accumulation of solid muscle mass, is clearly noticeable surge of power, and low water retention in the body, side effects caused by estrogen are extremely rare. No wonder that the drug is among the favourite for powerlifters and weight lifters, they know the price of its properties. In addition, without receiving any other steroid GP Turan (Turinabol) on the basis of their qualities - is the appropriate steroid for competition for both men and women. Particularly pleased with the drug in competition with doping controls, because decomposes rapidly in the body, and its breakdown products excreted in the urine as soon as possible.

In favor of the drug is also the fact that the name of Oral Turinabol has never appeared in the list of positive urine samples. These days before the competition can be overcome with Andriol, subject to termination of its reception 48 hours before the test. After 14 days already of GP Turan (Turinabol) at a dose of 20mg daily, there is some suppression of its own testosterone, which is yet again to normal within 5 days after stopping treatment, and even later still rising. Interestingly, this decreased production of testosterone a week after stopping GP Turan (Turinabol) may rise to levels exceeding those prior to its admission. This possible reverse effect can not be overestimated in the calculation of the doping controls. The relatively rapid recovery of its own testosterone production apparently lies in the fact that the GP Turan (Turinabol) in comparison with other steroids lowers testosterone levels in 10-25% of normal, while Dianabol, for example, by 30-40%. Possible side effects depend, as a rule, the dose and are differentiated by sex. In women, depending on the predisposition to the phenomena of masculinity, their occurrence is possible in doses greater than 20mg a day and a long drug intake. Men can greatly reduce their own production of testosterone. Gynecomastia while taking GP Turan (Turinabol), judging by experience, appear very rarely, and the effect on electrolyte and water balance is very little noticeable.

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