Mesothelioma: The Incurable Cancer

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"A disease in which cancer (malignant) cells are found in the sac lining the chest (the pleura), the lining of the abdominal cavity (the peritoneum) or the lining around the heart (the pericardium)." This is the actual definition of Mesothelioma as stated by the National Cancer Institute. The Institute also defines the Mesothelioma cancer as one of the most rare forms of cancer.

Deadly cancer

Mesothelioma cancer is undoubtedly one of the deadliest forms of cancer ever known to the human civilization. The person suffering from this fatal form of cancer only lives to the maximum of a period of two years after the proper diagnosis of the ailment.

The symptomatic behavior of the sufferers from this cancer is very usual that creates the major grounds for confusion. The breathing trouble or chest pain is often taken as a heart problem or asthma related problems. The abdominal aches are let down as gastric problems. Thus the pinpointed detection of Mesothelioma cancer is often overlooked and the specific cause that the person is facing all these problems due to his occupation is never paid attention.

A common person won't come in contact with tons of asbestos at a time and also for a long period. It has to be such a way where the person actually works amid asbestos fibers. And as a result of it he ultimately becomes a victim of Mesothelioma cancer.

Diagnosis through different tests

General blood tests will never bring out that the person is suffering from Mesothelioma cancer. There are some special types of test to be conducted for the exact diagnosis of the disease. If there is a pleural effusion then it can be tracked out with the help of chest X-ray. Even the CT Scan and ultrasound technique can be used to detect this problem.

Many doctors prefer to conduct histological tests for the diagnosis of Pleural Mesothelioma but it has been also observed that more than 80% cases don't give the right diagnosis through this examination procedure. Thus it is always better and more accurate to carry out biopsy tests. It can be needle biopsy method and in some critical cases the surgical biopsy might be needed. In either of the biopsies the Mesothelium tissue is directly put under the test to obtain the results. If the biopsy report gives a positive result then there is no question of any doubt that you are suffering from the incurable disease, Mesothelioma.

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Esophageal Cancer Carboplatin and Doxil

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Carboplatin has the trade name paraplatin. It is an anti cancer drug (cytotoxic) and chemotherapy drug. It is also classified as an alkylating agent. It is used for treating esophageal cancer and other types of cancer which includes lung, heart, head and neck, endometrial, bladder, breast, cervical and central nervous system.

Carboplatin is generally given by an infusion into a vein. It can also be given intra peritoneal directly into the peritoneal cavity which is in the abdomen. The amount of carboplatin which is received may depend on many factors such as height, weight or other general health problems.

Carboplatin has some side effects. These side effects are often predictable in terms of their onset and duration. They are almost always reversible and will go away after the treatment is complete. There are also for minimizing or prevent side effects. The side effects and their severity depend on how much dosage the carboplatin is given. When high dosage is given, it may produce severe side effects.

Some of the common side effects that occur in patients are nausea and vomiting occurring within 24 hours of treatment, taste changes, low blood count, hair loss, weakness and blood test abnormalities (abnormal magnesium level). The less common side effects for the patients receiving carboplatin are diarrhea, constipation, mouth sores, burning sensation in the injection site, peripheral neuropathy, nephrotoxicity (kidney problems), central neurotoxicity, ototoxicity (hearing loss), abnormal blood liver enzymes, abnormal blood electrolyte levels, cardio vascular events etc.

The cancerous tumors are characterized by cell division and the normal cells stop dividing when they come in contact with like cells. Chemotherapy will halt the cell division. It works by damaging the RNA or DNA and if they are unable to divide they will die. The alkylating agents are most active in the resting phase of the cell. Several types of alkylating agents include hydrazines, triazines and mustard gas derivatives.

The generic name of Doxil is Liposomal doxorubicin. Doxil belongs to a group of agents called anthracycline antitumor antibiotics. It produces anticancer effects by binding to DNA and inhibiting the production of proteins. It is administered into veins and the dose depends on factors such as the conditions being treated, size and health of the patient.
The common side effects of treatment with Doxil are low red blood and white blood cell levels, pain, redness or swelling of the palms, mouth sores. The less common side effects are nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, hair loss, rash, loss of appetite and generalized weakness.

A phase study was conducted which evaluated the efficacy and toxicity of combination of Carboplatin and paclitaxel in the patients with esophageal cancer. In that study nearly 35 patients were enrolled and they were treated with paclitaxel 200mg/m2 intravenously over 3h and Carboplatin at an AUC of 5mg/h/ml. out of 35 patients, 33 patients were assessable for toxicity and objective response. The median response duration was 2.8 months and the median survival time was 9 months. The combination of Carboplatin and paclitaxel is a moderately active and tolerable regimen in advanced esophageal cancer.

Natural Remedies:
There are certain natural remedies that offer a promising cure for esophageal cancer. Along with the natural remedies and a well-researched different diet pattern, a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle can make a huge difference to your efforts for prolonging the life for several years. You can increase your chances of surviving esophagus cancer now by trying these proven natural remedies discussed here

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The Best Prostate Supplements Can Promote Male Health

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Prostate health is something that most males should be taking into consideration as a part of their daily routine. Because a number of men find that prostate cancer may run in their family or they fall into a category of men that are at a higher risk of developing the disease, prostate supplements have been a popular choice. Today, there are a wide variety of supplements available that are said to boost prostate health. However, making sure that you have the best possible products to fight prostate cancer can be harder than you think if you are not aware of the ingredients that go into them. When you want to make sure that you are spending your hard earned money on the best possible supplements on the market today, then educating yourself on the ingredients that go into them will be half of the battle.

Your physician may tell you that it is important to get prostate screenings beginning anywhere from the age of 40 to 45. Certainly, by age 50 it is imperative that you get regular screenings to be sure that you are not developing the signs of prostate cancer or any other related health issues. If you happen to fall into a group that is deemed higher risk for prostate cancer, then you may find that your physician will not only suggest you get screened more often, but that you also make sure that prostate supplements are a regular part of your daily life.

Often times, men will also find that they have a health issue called Benign Prostate Hypertrophy, which is also known as BPH. This condition is basically an enlargement of the gland caused by an overabundance of DHT, which is actually a derivative of testosterone in males. There could be a number of factors that will lead up to BPH, including everything from a lack of vitamin B6 or zinc to the introduction of pesticides or bacteria into the body. The chances of reducing BPH are much greater if you are able to work on incorporating various vitamins or prostate supplements into your diet.

Whether you have been diagnosed with a prostate problem or you are looking to prevent the onset of prostate cancer, taking the proper supplements can help tremendously. A number of men after a certain age look more closely at the introduction of popular natural supplements such as saw palmetto or even the extract of pomegranate juice to help thwart of prostate issues. When it comes to saw palmetto, this is a natural her supplement that contains an ingredient called beta sitosterol. This compound works to help hinder the conversion of testosterone found in a male's body into DHT. Shrinking of the prostate as well as alleviation of pain from such enlargement are just a few of the benefits of this natural prostate supplement.

As with any natural supplement that you can find online or on store shelves today, it is important that you know that not everything works for everyone. While a certain combination of diet and prostate supplements may benefit someone that you know, it may not be the perfect combination for you. Working closely with your physician or a nutritionist will help you to get a much better grasp on the absolute best prostate supplements out there that can benefit you the most.

Whether you decide on changing your diet, putting a number of natural prostate herbs or supplements into your diet or a combination of both, you should see quite a difference in your overall health and well-being. Many men will say that they notice a decent amount of energy and ease of daily routine once they start to take regular prostate supplements.

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Review of Alternative Cancer Cures eBook

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The words that every person dreads that are so totally life threatening .. I'm afraid you have Cancer .
At this point, the majority of people toss up their arms and humbly surrender to the Medical Establishment. They put all their hopes for a continuing life completely into the hands of Conventional Cancer Experts in the singular belief that they will cure them of this life reducing illness. Little do they grasp that these experts' are in essence frontline sales agents' for a corrupt, hugely profitable drug industry which has a vested interest in treating simply the symptoms of cancer and not in point of fact curing cancer. There is no money to be made in curing cancer.
So why do people give up so easily ?
For nearly all people, wanting to understand and battle cancer away from the imaginary sanctuary of the medical establishment merely goes into the too difficult basket'. People will spend more time investigating a share portfolio' in which to put their funds than they will into investing time into their own health. Help is now only a few clicks away.
A lately released Cancer Cures eBook that empowers people with information quickly is now on hand for download on the internet. The eBook seeks to focus on peoples shortfall in knowledge and bring them up to speed quickly'. Anti-cancer Trojan Horses and Magic Bullets is written in a straight forward manner which brings a complicated subject to within effortless grasping distance for the average person. It was compiled and written by an ex-teacher whose sole aim is to help people to empower themselves as swift as possible so that their odds of surviving cancer are as great as possible. It outlines in no uncertain terms why you have to take a non-conventional path if you require to extend your life. It then explains several established treatment protocols that you will in no way hear about through the medical establishment that present very high success rates in actually curing cancer whilst safe guarding the healthy cells of your body. Some of these treatment protocols are specific to cancer cells and not the shotgun' methodology of chemotheraphy and radiation which kill healthy cells, especially immune system cells, which get in the road.
A couple of people have commented on the cancer cures e-book on how in only 3 to 4 hours, it had brought them up to speed in understanding cancer and why various alternative treatment protocols worked. The old proverb Knowledge is Power really is true and as it does empower people to have the nerve to put together their own life saving decisions instead of placing blind faith' in the so called professional experts.
Cancer Cures eBook is a Must Have First Step Guide'.
For countless people, the problem is where to start when increasing ones knowledge base. The internet is jam-packed of unconventional cancer information and therein lies the dilemma. There is so much information that one will suffer from information overload' extremely quickly and can become subsequently weighed down with so much detail that the brain will just refuse to function appropriately to make logical meaning of information located. The e-book, Anti-cancer Trojan Horses and Magic Bullets removes that dilemma from the picture as information is condensed and is written in such a rational format that anybody can comprehend. Once read, one can then work out which therapy pathway they wish to travel down and it then is a straightforward matter of focusing a bit of additional research in that area to find vendors, etc, for that particular treatment protocol.
To finish, the single commodity that cancer has no regard for is TIME. It takes heaps of time to delve into a topic completely, (up to hundreds of hours), and if time is short, that course of action can be particularly stressful. Emotional Stress has been verified to aid cancer growth. To gain both Time and reduce Stress, there is no doubting that the cancer cures e-book entitled, Anti-cancer Trojan Horses and Magic Bullets is a must invest in e-book for the cancer sufferer or for the friend/family member wishing to assist a cancer sufferer.

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Liquid Nitrogen Treatment Decreases Precancerous Tissue Among Esophageal Cancer Patients

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Researchers at the Loyola University in Maywood, Ill., have recently discovered a method of treatment, known as cryospray ablation in which frigid temperatures of liquid nitrogen are administered, that may help to heal patients suffering from a condition known as Barrett's esophagus, which is a "precancerous condition largely caused by acid reflux disease."

The treatment allegedly causes "the precancerous tissue to eventually slough off and is then replaced with normal, healthy tissue," reported Liquid nitrogen, which is cooled to -270 degrees Fahrenheit, is administered through a spray system attached to a catheter at the end of an endoscope. According to the

What is Liquid Nitrogen?

Liquid nitrogen is an "inert, colorless, odorless, non-corrosive, noninflammable and extremely cold chemical that makes up the major portion of the atmosphere," according to Harvard College. Most liquid nitrogen side effects are deemed non-toxic, although, if oxygen is decreased to dangerous levels and excess amounts of nitrogen are inhaled, it can cause asphyxiation as well as the following:

* dizziness

* nausea

* vomiting

* loss of consciousness

* death

Cryospray Ablation Uses

The University of Maryland Medical Center describes cryospray ablation, also cryotherapy ablation as a destruction of "the abnormal lining of the esophagus by exposing cells to extreme cold using liquid nitrogen... Successful cryotherapy ablation will avoid the need for alternative treatments such as surgery."

Those who qualify for this treatment will likely suffer from the following conditions:

* early stage esophageal cancer

* Barrett's esophagus

* severe squamous dysplasia of the esophagus

The procedure has found success in its niche of conditions, but often requires a plethora of pre-procedure steps and may also require additional repeat procedures over the following months to ensure the esophageal lining returns to normal. Most patients will require three to four treatments, which each will span every four to six weeks, according to the UMM.

Developing Esophageal Cancer

The American Cancer Society (ACS) explains that "if untreated, Barrett's esophagus could lead to esophageal cancer, the fastest-growing cancer in the United States."

The National Library of Medicine and the ACS reported that esophageal cancer is a painful condition associated with the following side effects.

* Difficulty swallowing, also known as dysphagia

* mid-chest pains

* sensation of pressure or burning in body

* weight loss

* hoarseness

* hiccups

* pneumonia

* high blood calcium levels

* black stools caused by bleeding cancerous cells

There are several causes related to the development of esophageal cancer including smoking, heavy alcohol consumption as well at acid reflux damage; however, there is also a newer cause associated with the onset of this condition and that includes the consumption of Fosamax.

Fosamax (sodium alendronate), from Merck and Company, is a prescription only drug used to treat osteoporosis among individuals, particularly post-menopausal women who have suffered from severe bone density loss.

Recently, the New England Journal of Medicine reported on a damaging and terrifying study that individuals who had consumed the drug had been found to not only be at risk for developing dead jaw syndrome, also known as osteonecrosis (ONJ), but that approximately 23 individuals had developed esophageal cancer as a result of consuming the drug.

Those who have consumed Fosamax may need to locate a pharmaceutical attorney to lean more about development of litigation, additionally, it is imperative that a victim locate a medical physician to better assess the damages that may have occurred as a result of Fosamax consumption. Fosamax victims may require additional assistance in developing a Fosamax class action lawsuit.

Copyright (c) 2009 Katie Kelley

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Facial Creams With Bioactive Ingredients Are the Next Fountain of Youthful Skin!

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Facial creams may contain emollients, moisturizers or both. Some of the better ones include nutrients that improve the skin's health and appearance. Here are a few definitions and some ingredients that all into these categories.

Emollients are compounds that soften rough spots and soothe irritation. They work in three ways. They leave a layer of oil on the skin's surface that slows moisture loss. They increase the skin's ability to hold moisture and they act as lubricants to protect against damage from wind or friction.

Grape seed oil, passion fruit and Babassu wax are examples of naturally occurring emollients used for centuries by people from countries to which the plants are native. Newer compounds have been found in recent times, because of technological advancements. An example of one of the newer compounds is bioactive keratin.

Keratin is a protein naturally present in the cells of the skin's outermost layers. It serves to make the cells harder, more impermeable. It is a water-loving protein. It is because of keratin that the skin starts to wrinkle and pucker when immersed in water for long periods of time.

Facial creams containing bioactive keratin have anti-aging activity. They stimulate the production of new cells which helps to increase the skin's thickness and its antioxidant content. Those things are important for fighting the visible signs of aging.

The term emollient and moisturizer are sometimes used interchangeably. But moisturizers are actually compounds that add moisture to the cells. Water is your basic moisturizer. Some people are disturbed when they see water or aqua listed first on a label of ingredients, but it is an important compound. It is used for hydrating dry extracts, for mixing and for moisturizing.

Several factors determine the moisturizing capability and the safety of facial creams. The inclusion of the compounds mentioned above is one of the first factors to consider. As far as safety goes, the ones mentioned here are some of the safest.

The exclusion of mineral oil and sodium laurel sulfate should be verified according to a recent laboratory study. Those ingredients contributed to the growth of skin cancer cells in mice. A moisturizer prepared specifically for the study without mineral oil or sodium laurel sulfate did not have the same effect.

Bacterial contamination is the final factor to consider. Natural ingredients such as grape seed oil can become rancid if no preservatives are included in the finished product.

However, facial creams containing paraben preservatives may also contribute to skin cancer. The safest preservative choice is natural vitamin E. Manufacturers like for their customers to know about it when they use naturally occurring vitamin E. The natural costs more than the synthetic version, which is derived from petrochemicals.

This brief lesson about the moisturizers and emollients is incomplete. The subject of skin health is a long and in depth one. You could have specific problems that need to be addressed. The thing to remember is that there are safe, natural and effective solutions for all of those problems.

The right facial creams will treat dryness, protect sensitive skin and improve the skin's softness. The wrong ones will do more harm than good.

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Holistic Approach to an Enlarged Prostate

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If you're a male over 30 years of age then you've probably heard of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) or the more commonly used term enlarged prostate. The prostate tends to enlarge as males get older and in many cases can become problematic. The prostate, which is a gland of the male reproductive system wraps around the urethra through which urine is removed from the bladder. The problem occurs when the prostate becomes enlarged and squeezes the urethra thereby restricting the flow of urine. While most older men will experience BPH they will not all suffer from symptoms. In fact, BPH is usually not even treated unless the symptoms are severe enough to become a problem. Low urine flow, frequent urination, pain while urinating, and urinary tract infections can all be symptoms of an enlarged prostate.

BPH can be remedied through numerous different types of surgery. But, what if you want to try a more holistic approach first? Well, there are a number of options to explore there as well. You will first need to adjust your diet to contain more organic food with no hormones or pesticides and try to limit or avoid alcohol, caffeine, dairy products, refined sugar and four, fried foods, junk foods, and hydrogenated oils. High cholesterol levels can also lead to BPH so try to avoid foods with excessive cholesterol.

There are certain nutritional supplements that may help reduce the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Amino acids, especially glycine, alanine, and glutamic acid may reduce urinary frequency, urinary urgency and delayed urinary flow. Beta-sitosterol might also help reduce symptoms because it tends to lower elevated cholesterol levels. Flaxseed oil contains an omega-3 fatty acid which can also reduce cholesterol levels. Also, flower pollen has been used in Europe for many to treat BPH.

Two of the more prominent natural remedies for BPH are Saw Palmetto and Pygeum. Saw Palmetto comes from the fruit of a small palm tree that grows mainly in the southeastern United States. The fruit is high in phytosterols and fatty acids. Some studies have shown that Saw Palmetto has a beneficial effect on BPH which led to the development of numerous nutritional supplements containing it. However, other studies have shown no difference between saw palmetto and placebo with regard to its affect on BPH.

Pygeum comes from the bark of the Prunus africana tree which grows mainly in tropical Africa. It has also been used to reduce symptoms of BPH. Small studies have shown that Pygeum may well reduce prostate size and aid in increasing urine flow, frequency, and volume.

So, there are alternative medicine options for BPH. Obviously, if BPH symptoms are severe then drug therapy or surgery may be the only way to go, but a holistic approach early on may eliminate the need for surgery in the future. Always be sure to speak with your doctor about any alternative approach you may be considering as well as any possible symptoms of BPH you are experiencing. BPH is one thing and prostate cancer is another so you will want to be certain that you do not have a malignant condition and only your doctor can make that diagnosis.

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Severe Breast Cancer Symptoms

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Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women, and one of the most common types of cancer in general. It is estimated that one in seven women that live to age 90 will develop breast cancer. It is especially prevalent in some families, making the statistics a bit skewed. If you have a family history of breast cancer, your chances of developing the disease are much greater. It's therefore a good idea to stay especially vigilant for breast cancer symptoms. Breast cancer symptoms don't often manifest themselves until the cancer is already in its later stages of growth, and may have already metastasized to other more vital areas of the body. That is why it is so important for women to regularly get checked. Mammograms may be unpleasant, but late stage breast cancer symptoms are worse.

The most clear and common breast cancer symptom is of course a lump in your breast. It is important to keep in mind that not all lumps are cancerous. Most women will develop numerous lumps in their breasts throughout their lives; they are especially common during periods of rapid hormonal changes such as puberty, and menstruation. Some women will have more lumps than others.

A more severe breast cancer symptom will be pain in your breasts. A cancer that has grown large enough to impinge on nerves will be a noticeable lump in a self check or mammogram, so hopefully you'll catch anything before it gets to the point of causing pain. If one or both of your breasts are in pain, again its important to keep in mind that you don't necessarily have breast cancer. During puberty and periods of hormone fluxes, tenderness of the breasts is common. Also pregnancy, and some medications can cause pain or tenderness in your breasts.

Even though most cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in women over 40, women in their teens and twenties are occasionally diagnosed as well. Most people don't know that about one percent of the cases are in men. Starting from puberty, it is a good idea to start checking yourself for lumps. Remember, during this period you're likely to find a lot of lumps that are harmless. With some experience and some consultation with your doctor, you'll soon get an idea of the kinds of lumps that are normal, and the kinds of lumps that may be breast cancer symptoms.

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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The Power to Shape Your Destiny by Anthony Robbins

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Anthony Robbins is a powerful, motivational speaker who has released The Power to Shape Your Destiny. This new series reviews what Robbins refers to as the "six basic human needs." The series is touted as a simple exercise that will benefit the listener if they practice his strategies for only 20 minutes a day. Robbins promises that listeners can make their biggest dreams come true.

Promising that this new series can alleviate fear and hurt, Robbins is apparently filling a large order. This same exercise can also relieve unwelcome character traits like worry, anger, and other bad habits. Robbins teaches that certain qualities a person already possesses can help them to eliminate ALL bad habits, and create an excellent standard of living for themselves. The Power to Shape Your Destiny helps readers to identify motivating factors in their lives, and teaches them how to control those factors so that they serve the reader.

Robbins teaches his participants that inspiration must be pursued; it is not something to simply wait upon and hope it whacks you upside the head. Positioning oneself to direct their own thoughts and focus is the core of his teachings. Robbins takes his own personal setbacks and achievements and uses them to teach others by creating a system that is easily teachable, no matter what the topic. Human beings are systemic creatures, and addressing that need has allowed Robbins incredible success in the reaching of and training a generation to pursue their own wants and desires. Robbins defines a system as a daily ritual, almost like your morning shower. Once you have developed this habit - or ritual - you are more likely to become successful at what you are pursuing than if you had no ritual.

Anthony Robbins is the author of The Power to Shape Your Destiny, but who is he really? For well over thirty years, Robbins has served as an advisor of sorts to leaders from all around the world. He operates an inner city foundation that helps at risk kids, senior citizens, and the homeless. In addition, his foundation also provides meals for those who are in lack. Robbins is an accomplished motivational speaker, and is sought after by larger corporations as well as non profit organizations and political leaders.

Robbins talents don't end at book writing and convention speaking however. He has served as the vice chairman of health, education, and science for the United Nations Research Center for International Council for Caring Communities. (ICCC) Working collaboratively with many agencies and organizations, Robbins helped find a solution to the strife that was destroying the Venezuelan country and its people. Robbins is dedicated to the Wellness Community as well, helping to support families and individuals who are suffering from and surviving cancer.

The Power to Shape Your Destiny is available for purchase from many online retailers. Of course the giant Amazon offers Robbins series for a reasonable price. also offers the series and offers coupons to make it more affordable.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Do You Need a Pacemaker? Here Are The Main Symptoms

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Pacemakers have been around for decades, yet there is still a lot of misunderstanding about how they work, what they do, and who needs them. Millions of people around the world wear pacemakers, yet it is something that is rarely talked about.

People get pacemakers to correct a problem with the heart known as a cardiac arrhythmia. In layman's terms, it means the heart's natural rhythm is getting out-of-whack.

While just about everyone probably experiences occasional but very short bouts of out-of-rhythm cardiac activity, some people have stubborn arrhythmias that cause symptoms, impair their ability to lead a normal life, and are largely unpredictable. These people need pacemakers. Symptoms that may mean you need a pacemaker include fatigue, dizziness, lightheadedness, even fainting, as well as inability to exercise without getting overly out of breath.

These are pretty vague symptoms and a person could easily have all of those conditions and not need a pacemaker. But let's talk about what's really going on.

The healthy heart beats in a specific rhythm that coordinates the heart's upper chambers (atria) and lower chambers (ventricles) in such a way that the heart beat is quite efficient at moving a very large quantity of blood throughout the body. This blood is called cardiac output. If cardiac output drops to zero, the person dies in a matter of minutes.

But in many cases, the electrical system of the heart (not the pumping ability) starts to falter. This is an electrical problem of the heartnot the heart's inability to pump out blood efficiently. Yet many people do not even realize the heart as an electrical system.

Electrical impulses produced by the heart guide the heart's rhythm. If the heart stops producing electricity in a regular manner or the electricity no longer travels properly through the heart muscle, the result can be an arrhythmia.

There are two main types of arrhythmia that can lead to a person's getting a pacemaker. The first is called "sinus node dysfunction," which sounds very complicated. It really means that the heart no longer produces electrical energy at the right rate.

The heart has the amazing ability to produce electricity. This is accomplished by a small area of tissue called the sinoatrial node (nicknamed "sinus node" or just "sinus") in the upper right hand side of the heart. If the sinus node gets sluggish or produces electricity erratically or produces electricity fine at low rates but can't keep up when you exercise and need a faster heart rate ... that is sinus node dysfunction.

About half of all people with pacemakers have this condition. The resulting arrhythmia for a person with sinus node dysfunction is a heart rate that is too slow to support normal activity. The medical term for this is "sinus bradycardia." Because you don't get enough cardiac output to do normal things, you can find yourself getting winded, tired, dizzy, or even passing out doing things you used to do.

The second kind of arrhythmia that can lead to a pacemaker sounds a lot simpler, but the name is a bit of a misnomer. It's called "heart block." Heart block isn't really a blockage at all. Instead, it means that the electrical impulses produced by the heart no longer travel efficiently through the heart muscle. The electrical energy gets delayed or even blocked in some areas.

In the healthy heart, the electrical energy that causes the heart to beat starts in the sinoatrial node (top, right side of the heart). It then travels out over the atria and then downward. As it makes its ways to the ventricles, it passes through a junction called the "atrioventricular node" or AV node.

Once the electrical energy goes through the AV node, it travels to the ventricle and causes the ventricles to contract and pump blood. Heart block occurs when there is a problem at the AV node. Sometimes the electrical energy gets delayed in such a way that the atria and ventricles are no longer working together.

In extreme forms of heart block, the energy from the top half of the heart cannot make its way down to the bottom half at all (this is called "complete heart block"). Because the atria and ventricles do not work in harmony, cardiac output is impaired. This can result in the very same list of symptoms: lightheadedness, dizziness, shortness of breath, feeling tired all of the time, and even fainting.

About half of all people who need pacemakers have some form of heart block (it can be mild to severe).

Arrhythmias can get fairly complicated. For example, one person might have both types of these arrhythmias that require a pacemaker, that is, one person can have sinus node dysfunction and heart block at the same time. Even individuals who might only have one arrhythmia right now can develop another kind of arrhythmia in the future.

Pacemakers accomplish this by "filling in the missing beats."

Pacemakers are small electrical devices implanted in the chest. They deliver electrical energy to the heart at precisely the right moment to keep it beating in a way that is as "normal" as possible. In many patients, pacemakers restore normal heart rhythm. In some patients, the arrhythmia may be too severe for a normal heart rhythm to be restored, but the pacemaker can at least come close.

Pacemakers "know" when to deliver electrical energy to the heart because they monitor every beat of the heart and respond according to how the physician programs them. This is a useful feature since many pacemaker patients do not require constant pacing. In fact, for many people, arrhythmias are not permanent at all, but come and go, sometimes for brief periods. The pacemaker monitors the heart's activity and jumps in with stimulating (pacing) energy when an arrhythmia occurs.

There is, at the moment, no cure for arrhythmias in the sense that an erratic heart rhythm cannot be restored with an operation or a pill. True, operations, pills, and other remedies can help manage symptoms or even correct part of the problem.

Pacemakers are actually very safe ways of dealing with specific arrhythmias. Although they're implanted in the body, they do not deliver drugs or other chemicals into the body. They use electricity, which is the very substance the body would generate itself, if it could.

Doctors have a lot of flexibility in terms of how the pacemaker is programmed, so they are suitable for a wide range of people, from athletes to newborns to bedridden seniors.

And pacemakers have a memory so that they can report back to the doctor what's been going on in the patient's heart. Not all arrhythmias can be treated with a pacemaker. But for rhythm disorders like heart block or sinus bradycardias, pacemakers are a safe, effective, and well proven technology that can make a big difference in the lives of those that need them.

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Learn How To Identify The Signs And Symptoms Of Prostrate Cancer

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Prostrate cancer is a type of cancer that effects the Prostrate gland in the male reproductive system. It is the second most common type of cancer found in men as skin cancer is number one. Each year, there are over 186,000 men across our country who are diagnosed with this disease. The symptoms of Prostrate cancer are not noticed during the early stages of the condition. The tests that are used to determine if you have signs of this condition are the PSA test or the rectal examination. A cancer tumor causes the prostrate to enlarge and it starts to push in the urethra and this makes you feel different and causes you to have difficulty urinating.

It is a known fact that as men get older, their Prostrate enlarges and this causes them to have trouble with the urethra and bladder. The majority of Prostrate cancer cases occur in men who are over the age of 75, but it also can effect men at other ages. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms that we have talked about thus far, then you should call your doctor and make an appointment to get yourself checked as early detection is a key factor in fighting this disease.

Signs of this condition include the urge to urinate frequently at night and the urge to go more often, trouble starting and stopping the flow of urine, not being able to go at all, small streams of urine , pain or aches while going and blood in the urine, and pain during ejaculation.

If you feel like you are in the high risk category for developing this disease, then you should call your doctor and setup an appointment with him to discuss your condition so he can schedule some tests for you. A PSA or DRE test can be a great way to detect the cancer at an early stage before it becomes too advanced. On the negative side, these tests can sometimes cause false alarms and they can also detect other cancers that may not be a threat to you.

The bad news on Prostrate cancer is that in most of the cases, the disease cannot be detected until it spreads out beyond the glands as there are no signs and symptoms that can be detected during the early stages of the disease. This is why it is so important for you to undergo a Prostrate specific antigen examination . If cancer is detected, this means that it has already started to spread. Not all cancers grow at the same rate as some grow gradually while others grow more rapidly, so make sure that you discuss this condition with your doctor. The earlier that Prostrate cancer is detected, the more chance you have for a full recovery and a healthy life.

I hope that you found this information useful and if you would like more information on ways to live healthy, then please visit my healthy living web site where you will find great information to help you live a long and healthy life.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Global Warming - The Effect of CFC Gases

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If you're able to use a computer and can read this newsletter, you'll have heard about global warming.

You've probably heard different stories about what could be causing global warming and what it'll do to us, ranging from the effect that CFC gases have on the ozone layer to global warming being nothing more than a natural occurrence as our planet continues to emerge from the last "Little Ice Age". But just how much do you know about either of these subjects? And how are they affecting you?

The Effect of CFC Gases

First of all, in order to understand how CFC gases might be affecting the ozone layer, it's important to understand what the ozone layer actually is.

Ozone is a form of oxygen, one of three forms that can be found in our Earths atmosphere. Without ozone, our planet would be a very different place because it shields us all against harmful radiation from the Sun (ultraviolet (UV) radiation), life-or at least, life as we know it-wouldn't exist.

If the ozone layer breaks down, UV rays will be able to reach the Earth's surface, with the result being a dramatic increase in the number of cases of skin cancer and eye cataracts.

The affect on the food chain could also be disastrous. Because UV rays kill plankton in the sea, the fish and whales that live off of plankton would eventually starve and disappear. This would then affect the next link in the chain - those creatures that live off of fish - and so it would continue throughout the chain.

It's just as well we're not dependent on meat for survival - a few carrots, a handful of potatoes and a cabbage a day should suffice.

Anyway, let's move on to look at how CFC gases affect the ozone layer. Those who did chemistry at school will understand what this is all about.

Any compound that contains chlorine will lead to the decrease in natural ozone levels by removing one oxygen atom from the ozone molecule, thus converting it into oxygen.

As you can imagine, there's no natural occurrence of such compounds in the upper atmosphere, but vast amounts have built up over time due to our increased use of man-made chlorine based compounds, of which CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons) are the most common.

When we first starting using CFCs back in the 1930s-primarily to cool fridges-we thought they were safe. When you don't know better, you can't be blamed for making a mistake, can you?

We know now that CFCs rise from the surface of the Earth and into the stratosphere where they're bombarded by UV light. We know that this releases the chlorine atoms that react with the ozone molecules and we know that before long, ozone becomes oxygen and we're left with less protection.

While most countries have banned the use of CFCs in aerosols, these gases are still found in fridges and in some types of foam packaging.

How much this will affect our generation is uncertain - it depends entirely on how quickly the ozone layer is depleted - but what is certain is that it will have an effect on future generations.

The selections we make today will affect the future of the planet. It's up to us to make the right ones. What's great is that we have the knowledge to make the choices that will give our descendants the chance of a good life too.

Is global warming all about the ozone layer though?

There is a theory that doesn't involve the ozone layer at all, and that's that our planet is becoming warmer because oceanic tides are driving climate change.

Evidently, the coldest water found at the deepest points of the ocean is generally transported to the surface by tides that cause the water to mix, thus lowering the temperatures in the air. But thanks to changes in the way the tides work, less cold water is mixing with the warmer upper layers of water, with the result being warmer periods on Earth.

According to scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography- part of the University of California, the way the ocean deals with cold water is controlled by the alignment of the sun, moon and earth. Right now we're experiencing less and less cold water being forced to the surface, so the planet is heading for its warmest peak.

When will this happen? Well, the last "Little Ice Age" was during the 15th century, when the Vikings perished on Greenland after having enjoyed a temperate climate there during the 14th century. This was about 1,800 years after the previous "Little Ice Age" of 1300 AD. With known hot periods also being spaced at about 1,800 years apart, it's pretty safe to assume that the next hot peak would have been around the 30th century- but due to the depletion of the ozone layer, this will have changed, but by how much? Your guess is as good as anybody's.

How hot will it be? Unfortunately it appears that the answer to that is also anybody's guess. What is for sure, however, is that it will be too hot to sustain life as we know it long before the Earth's temperature reaches its peak.

If the answer really is a matter of the inevitable, the least we should do is get out there and enjoy the good weather while we have it. Just make sure you remember to wear your sunscreen.

Copyright (c) 2008 Mervyn Rees

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Medical Marijuana Concentrates And Its Benefits

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Medical Marijuana In Pharmaceutical Industry

In today's age and time, people are exploring newer drugs and particularly finding natural remedies to combat diseases. They are no longer content consuming the toxic substances introduced as medicines by the multibillion-dollar pharmaceutical industry. In the light of this, the medicinal marijuana is ever-increasingly being legalized in many countries worldwide.

The question is often asked - Should weed be legalized in the US? The protagonists argue about the numerous benefits of medical Cannabis while the antagonists harp on the ill-effects of it. Many organizations have been urging the Government to legalize it insisting that Cannabis has more medical benefits than hazards, while others think it has long-term damaging effects on brain and body.

The medical benefits of medical cannabis are thus becoming a controversial subject. Hence, before we proceed further, it may be worthwhile to list out all the pros and cons of legalizing medical Marijuana:

Pros Of Marijuana

* It cannot be deemed more harmful than tobacco or alcohol provided it is consumed in moderate quantities. While use of tobacco and alcohol are legal and rampantly used in the US, why should it be different for Cannabis?

* It has medical benefits for offering relief to terminal diseases like cancer, AIDS and eye disorders like glaucoma. It is especially beneficial for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

* Crime and violence in the US has shot up because of the illegal and clandestine buying/selling of it. Legalizing it would put an end to such seemingly criminal behavior. Police and law enforcing agencies can focus more on bringing down other serious crimes.

* According to research surveys done by Californian authorities, the yearly Marijuana sales in the state could be worth 14 billion dollars and the tax revenues by legalizing it will exceed 1 billion dollars, just in the State of California alone.

Cons Of Marijuana

* A section of Americans populace believes that the use of it is unethical, and religious scriptures forbid the use of intoxicating substances.

* This is considered an addictive substance and it can eventually lead to other pernicious substances like heroin, cocaine, and other harder drugs.

* As it is, medical research is proving that passive smoking of cigarettes is harmful, and passive smoking from the use of it will even affect non-users who inadvertently inhale the smoke.

* It does help reduce stress, thwart depression and successfully combat the debilitating effects of a number of diseases including some terminal ones. Medical researchers will tell you there are some most remarkable, clinically-proven medicinal cannabis benefits.

* The natural and holistic preventatives and cures like Marijuana are significant and sensible health solutions - as people suffering from acute pain from many incurable maladies can now find relief. There can be no cause for real concern for the possible side effects as many of which are more detrimental than the symptoms of the existing disease.

Legalization Of Marijuana

The governmental agencies will have to, sooner than later, accept the legalization of Marijuana for its tremendous medical benefits. Prohibiting use of it is, without a doubt, an unwarranted intrusion of government into the patient's personal freedom.

Weed temporarily impacts the process of thought and perception. During the period of intoxication, a person overcomes excruciating pain and that could be a veritable boon for cancer patients.

It is helpful in treating many medical problems. It helps in reducing the nausea induced by cancer chemotherapy, enhances appetite in AIDS patients, and reduces muscle spasticity in people suffering from epilepsy and other neurological disorders.

A faction of the people who vehemently oppose legalizing it will sooner than later appreciate the medical benefits hemp and relent and the day may not be far off when the world will begin to find in hemp a big relief for all human pain.

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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37 Year Old Patient Dies After Physician Ignores Indications Of Colon Cancer And Triggers Lawsuit

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At some point in their lives many adults will come across either blood in their stool or rectal bleeding. Many people and even many physicians would instantly attribute tihs to hemorrhoids. But there's another possibility and that is colon cancer One of these, mainly hemorrhoids, might affect your lifestyle but the other, colon cancer, can be terminal.

In the event that a patient presents with complaints of rectal bleeding a diagnosis of hemorrhoids, without first doing appropriate tests to eliminate the possibility of colon cancer, can be fatal. Look at the allegations that were made in the following documented matter.

In this case a female patient complains of blood in the stool to her doctor. The woman was in her late thirties at the time. In order to verify the presence of blood in the stool the physician had the patient take samples over the course of a few days for analysis. When the specimen was analyzed the presence of blood was confirmed. The physician then conducted a physical examination of the patient's rectum. No testing was ordered to eliminate the possibility that she might have colon cancer. Specifically the physician did not order a colonoscopy. All this despite the fact that the patient had in an earlier session told the physician that her father had been diagnosed with colon cancer. Most doctors would concur that individuals whose parent has been diagnosed with colon cancer are at an increased risk and ought to be tested for it earlier than individuals without any risk factors. The physician found a small hemorrhoid and concluded that that was the cause of the blood in the stools.

The patient went to the same doctor over six times during the following year and two months. Despite the fact that the woman had no additional complaints during this time she then revealed once more seeing blood in her stool. Moreover, she also now had both constipation as well as abdominal pain. The doctor simply repeated the same physical examination of the patient's rectum and noted the presence of a hemorrhoid again. And so once again the doctor assured her that her problems were due to the hemorrhoid.

After 9 months and 6 more visits the woman was complaining not only of pain but also diarrhea, cramping, and loose stool. This time the doctor failed to even examine her rectum again. The physician just stuck to the original diagnosis and once again informed her that her problems were all due to the hemorrhoid. When the woman returned two weeks later her primary care physician was not present and the doctor who was covering found no hemorrhoids but observed dark blood showing up on physical examination of the rectum. She was immediately referred to a gastroenterologist for a colonoscopy which revealed that she had cancer of the colon. Additional testing found that the cancer was stage IV. The woman passed away only two months afterwards.

The law firm that represented her family, including her 2 young children, was able to report a settlement of the ensuing lawsuit in the sum of .8 million.

The law firm in all likelihood had the support of medical experts who were of the opinion that the 2 main hurdles in a medical malpractice lawsuit could be established. The first being that by not referring the woman for a colonoscopy or an expert like a gastroenterologist her primary care physician failed to meet the standard of care. The second being that if a referral to a gastroenterologist or a colonoscopy been made as soon as the woman began telling the doctor she was seeing blood in her stools her cancer would have been identified at a much earlier stage when treatment would have led to a cure.

This case demonstrates a number of important issues. Physicians generally concur that individuals with a parent diagnosed with colon cancer are typically tested at a younger age than that recommended for otherwise asymptomatic individuals. This female patient not only had such a family history but she was not asymptomatic. She started out by having blood in the stool which is one of the possible symptoms of colon cancer and later exhibited others. However without doing any tests for colon cancer this physician became locked into a singular diagnosis - a diagnosis that was wrong and ultimately concluded in the woman's death. By insisting that the symptoms were from hemorrhoids without testing for colon cancer this physician held up the woman's diagnosis and because of this the cancer metastasized and killed the woman. This matter will hopefully serve to educate doctors about the care provided to individuals in similar circumstances.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Prompt Ways to Get Rid Of Scurvy

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Scurvy is a disease caused by deficiency and lack of vitamin C and absorbic acids within the system and is particularly prelevant in children still and was so in Victorian sailors. As the sailors went long periods existing without vitamin C in their diet with the inevitable consequence eventually staples such as lemons and limes for the sailors to suck and thus consume their natural goodness were added to the diets of all ships of the time.

Increase in intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, especially citrus fruits are necessary to treat scurvy. Additionally, adults need to consume around 300-1,000 mg of ascorbic acid per day and 50mg/day in case of infants to effectively treat the disease. Since the body does not produce vitamin C, it must be obtained from fruits and vegetables. Some excellent sources of vitamin C are oranges, olives, guava, green peppers, watermelon, papaya, strawberry, kiwi fruit, mango, honey, mango powder, broccoli, tomatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, and citrus juices or juices fortified with Vitamin C.

The value of lemons against scurvy was a commonplace known amongst seafarers for generations, but the fruit was only one of many remedies, good or bad, which neither the naval nor the medical world had any scientific method of sifting. Moreover, lemons were scarce and expensive in northern Europe, and the obvious method of preserving them incidentally destroyed the vitamin.
The use of lime and lemon is highly beneficial in the prevention and treatment of scurvy. Being rich sources of vitamin C, lime and lemon are regarded as foods of exceptional therapeutic value. They have saved the lives of innumerable crews of ocean-going vessels from scurvy. The juice of one lime or lemon mixed in a glass of water, with a teaspoon of honey, should be taken for treating this condition.

Indian gooseberry serves as an excellent home remedy for scurvy. Take an equal quantity of dry amla and sugar and powder them. Consume this powder along with milk. Take it in the doses of 1 tsp thrice a day.

Jaundice berry is a valuable herbal remedy for scurvy. The leaves of the plant are anti-scorbutic or anti-scurvy. A decoction of the leaves can be prepared by boiling 15 gm of dried leaves in 500 ml of water till it is reduced by one-third. About 150 to 175 ml of the decoction can be taken at a time. The juice of the berry is also beneficial and can be taken in doses of 2 to 4 ml.

Incidentally the recommended intake of Vitamin C in order to retain good health is 10-20 milligrams daily. It is essential that you stick to this dosage and whilst it is preferable to eat properly in order to ingest sufficient vitamin C, if for some reason you are unable to take a proper meal there are a whole range of tablets and herbal supplements available that will do the job just as well.

The effectiveness of citrus as a cure did not quickly gain wide acceptance either. Some doubters may have confused Lind's recommendation for small doses of citrus, as a preventative, with the much larger doses needed to cure critically ill patients.

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Vedic Astrology - The Fundamentals

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Vedic Astrology, also known as Jyotish Shastra, refers to the ancient study of celestial bodies, their absolute and relative positioning on the universal plane and their overall influence on earthly being. This fundamental principle governing this ancient study is based on the Universal Law of Nature and the wisdom representing the Vedic Astrology is not limited into the boundary of time or space.

According to Vedic Astrology, there is a unique interrelation between every animate and non-animate being as they exist in this earthly plane and thus all of them are integrally related to each other. Vedic Astrology sheds light on the fundamental principles of Nature and tries to find out the necessary spiritual tools that improve the quality of life by means of harmonizing an individual to the essence of Nature.

Zodiac Symbolism and Their Relation to Western Astrology

The difference betweenWestern astrolgoy and vedic astrology is considerably significant. The most important difference is identified in the application of Zodiac symbols. Vedic Astrology puts a special emphasis on Sidereal or static or eternal zodiac method. On the other hand, Western system exclusively considers Tropical or dynamic or vibrant method. Both the system differs from each other in about 230. This is why, Western system counts one sign back than the Vedic astrological signs.

Another considerable difference lies in the understanding of the treaties for these two different systems. While Western system deals with dynamic psyche or overt human behavior, the principle of Vedic astrology is much deep-seated surrounding an individual's karmic outline.

Fundamental Elements

Vedic Astrology or Jyotish Shastra considers 9 heavenly bodies or planets, 12 houses and 12 zodiac signs. Since this rich ancient study was exclusively written in Sanskrit language and to keep the essence and implication intact, the same terminologies are used till date. For example, planet is referred to as 'graha', house as 'sthana' or 'bhavan' and zodiac as 'rashi'. The common general names and their corresponding Sanskrit names are Sun (Ravi), Moon (Chandra), Mars (Mangala), Mercury (Budha), Jupiter (Guru), Venus (Shukra), Saturn (Shani), Rahu and Ketu.

The 12 signs in Vedic Astrology are Aries (or Mesha), Taurus (or Vrishaba), Gemini (or Mithuna), Cancer (or Karkata), Leo (or Simha), Virgo (or Kanya), Kibra (or Tula), Scorpio (or Vrischika), Sagittarius (or Dhanus), Capricorn (or Makara), Aquarius (or Kumbha) and Pisces (or Meena). The 12 houses are respectively first house (pratham sthana or lagnasthana, tanusthana), second house (ditiyo sthana or dhyana sthana, kutumb sthana), third house (tritiyo sthana or bhatru sthana, parakram sthana), fourth house (chaturtha sthana or matru sthana, sukha sthana), fifth house (pancham sthana or vidya sthana, putra sthana), sixth house (sastha sthana or ripu sthana, roga sthana), seventh house (saptam sthana or bharya sthana, maraka sthana), eight house (astham sthana or mrityu sthana), ninth house (nabam sthana or bhagya sthana), tenth house (dasham sthana or pitru sthana), eleventh house (ekadash sthana or labha sthana) and twelfth house (dadash sthana or vyaya sthana).

Relation of Karma to Vedic Astrology
Vedic Astrology puts primary emphasis over Karma. According to Karmic belief, an individual's life is governed by both of his past good action as well as bad action. This belief is absolutely fundamental in understanding the core principles of Vedic Astrology in terms of analyzing one's Karmic path with a desire to enhance one's own self reflection. In true sense, Karma in association with Vedic Astrology can be illustrated by considering the birth time of an individual.

During the astrological calculation, the birth moment is taken under consideration in order to understand the position of celestial rays in relation to their mutual conjugation satisfying the mathematical concord with individual karma. The calculation explains an individual's current condition as a by product of our previous actions and thoughts. Hence Vedic astrology defines the comprehensive design of individual talents, crisis, and desires and offers a detailed guidance to deal with both internal and external crisis, while keeping a close focus on karmic consequences.

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Important Facts Pertaining to Tinnitus Symptoms

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For very many years, the thought of tinnitus usually was tied in a ringing noise in the ears. However, while that is often seen with this condition, there is more to it than that. The US National Institutes of Health has discovered that approximately 12% of adult males between 65 and 75 years have this condition. White people tend to be more prone to tinnitus than other ethnic groups. The vast majority of people with tinnitus will only acquire the milder symptoms that do not need medical treatment. Then there exists some little-known percentage of individuals who acquire it and then the ear condition disappears without any need for medication. Then there are some who experience such terrible interference that they require surgery.

There are a number of kinds of tinnitus, and a lot of people simply can hear a noise that is specific to them and no one else hears. It is crucial to understand that these strange sounds seem completely real even if no one else hears it. More or less one million people in the US get tinnitus so badly that it interrupts normal activities for them. Many people are going to develop a ringing sound that is high in pitch and always present. If the intensity of the ringing sound is relatively low, then typical activities are enough to let it occur without notice. In this case, then simply viewing the telly or listening to music will cover the sound without difficulty.

Many people have this condition that creates a type of clicking noise that takes place every time the heart beats. Nevertheless, different noises can resemble a buzz tone which may also occur with the heart beat. That particular buzzing noise is similar to ringing in the ears in that it is a constant tone. The level of severity concerns how loudly the noise is sensed. The great majority of tinnitus afflicted people do not experience this condition to a serious point. Man's brain is highly adaptable, and low levels of noise can ordinarily be dismissed by the human brain.

A number of sufferers won't have this condition in a continuing state. For instance, if someone gets water in the ear right after showering or swimming, then there is oftentimes a noise sensed in that ear or both ears. These situations will normally not last long, or until the water is evacuated from the ear. Another cause is accumulation of wax within the ears, and that is ordinarily something that can be taken care of immediately. These different causes and symptoms can be helpful to know just in case you abruptly hear ringing in your ear.

Even so there is still additional information you may want to be aware of. Subjective tinnitus is a tinnitus type whereby you are the only person who can hear the noise. There is yet another condition where people around you actually hear the noise, and that is objective tinnitus condition. With objective tinnitus, the sound is audible but hardly, and it is hard for another person to hear it.

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* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

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Medical Wigs: Bill Your Insurance

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Learn To Get Your Insurance To Pay for Your Medical Wig

Many insurance companies have provisions for covering medically necessary wigs. Here is how to navigate the process and get your medical wig paid for.

"I'm finding that about 30 percent of insurance companies cover cranial prosthetics, which is simply another term for your wig," says Terri Johnston, owner and hair replacement specialist of The Inspiration Salon in Rockford, Ill. Getting your medically necessary wig covered by your insurance should be a goal of yours to get the best, highest-quality wig you can afford. To accomplish this goal, as Dave Barker, owner of International Hair Restoration Systems in Jacksonville Fla., explains, "You really need somebody experienced in oncology-related and medically necessary wigs and hair replacement issues in your court to guide you through the process."

What do I need to get a wig?

An insurance benefit for a cranial prosthesis: Many insurance companies that cover prostheses of any kind will also cover a medically necessary wig, or cranial prosthesis, for those who experience total hair loss due to medical reasons, especially oncology. So your first point of action is to call up your insurance company and find out what it will cover and the process required for achieving coverage, advises Johnston. Your specific budget will depend on your personal situation, diagnosis, insurance benefits, out-of-pocket limits, in-network restrictions and deductible requirements.

Diagnosis from your doctor: Obviously, for a cancer-related or medically necessary wig, you'll need to provide a copy of the diagnosis from your doctor.

A written prescription from your doctor: Once you have your diagnosis, your doctor can prescribe a cranial prosthesis for you (in exactly those terms). Then, you can work with your hair replacement specialist to determine what your insurance will pay for and decide on a type of wig or treatment that fits the parameters. Johnston explains how some hair replacement specialists can help even further: "Often, a patient will get a prescription from the oncologist and we submit a copy of the bill with the appropriate medical code on it and can mail it to your insurance company. Usually a wig is a reimbursement type of expense, but we can also have it billed directly to your insurance. We abide by HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulations and can get the prescription from your doctor and handle all the billing. It's actually all part of our initial consultation for a cancer-related wig."

A hair replacement specialist with a taxpayer identification number: The easiest step, agree both Johnston and Barker, both very experienced in dealing with oncology-related wigs and insurance issues, is to deal with only an experienced hair replacement company with a current taxpayer ID number. "You can even try to find someone like either of us who can take care of the insurance billing for you (which may represent only a small percentage of hair replacement professionals), especially if you are not feeling well. Just call around, as part of your initial screening process to find a hair replacement specialist, and ask how they handle oncology hair wigs and insurance issues," they suggest, "because the billing issues can be complicated and full of red tape."

The bottom line on obtaining a wig

One of the biggest issues is working with a hair replacement company that is professional, experienced and reliable. It can be one less thing to worry about when you're not feeling well and need all your strength, advise both Johnston and Barker. "We really feel for our clients who are suffering and a need a cancer-related wig, and we want to do everything we can to help them feel and look better so they can concentrate on healing!"

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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A Buyer's Guide To Choosing The Best Ginseng

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Ginseng is perennial herb that has been used to treat some medical problems all over the world especially in Asia and North America. Because of its health benefits, there are many commercial products in the market today that contain ginseng. This includes capsules, teas, tablets, and candies. Some scientific studies prove that Ginseng is a natural energy-boosting herb and that it contains hormone contents and vitamins to nourish the body.

Due to increasing awareness about the benefits one can get from ginseng, more and more people are entice to try it. However, few of them know that in order to make a ginseng work for them, they must first evaluate their personal needs and requirements to avoid harmful side effects.

There are three major types of ginseng. These are the following:

1. Asian or Panax ginseng.

This is considered the most stimulating type of ginseng. It enhances breathing and digestion. There are two types of Asian Ginseng: the White and Red ginseng.

Red ginseng is grown in Korea which is much stronger compare to the white ginseng. It speeds up the circulation and metabolism to boost the energy. Red Ginseng is recommended for people who have diminishing physical and mental health particularly the elderly.

Asian ginseng is also believed to have anti-cancer compounds. A study conducted shows that people who are regularly taking Asian ginseng reduced their chances of having different types of cancer particularly liver, lung, ovarian, and pancreatic cancer.

2. American Ginseng.

This type of ginseng is grown mostly in North America. It can also be found in some forests in Canada and United States. American ginseng earned its popularity due to its effectiveness in nourishing the body particularly the lungs. This ginseng is highly recommended for people who are smoking. In addition, it is believed to restore physical or mental condition especially wound or inflammation.

American ginseng has more soothing or cooling agent compare to Asian ginseng. That is why it is considered the "therapeutic ginseng" especially for older people. It is also recommended for people who would like to increase their mental efficiency and stamina.

3. Siberian ginseng.

This type of ginseng is highly recommended for athletes and people who have active lifestyles because it restores energy and combats fatigue. It contains compounds that have positive effects to the adrenal glands. As a result, people will have increased capability in handling physical stresses and increased resistance to certain diseases. This type of ginseng is highly recommended for people who would like to relieve exhaustion or muscle pain that are associated with energy-depleting activities.

Siberian ginseng is also being used to help the reproductive organ. Studies show that males using this herb have increased their sperm counts and boost their testosterone levels that fight certain causes of male impotence.

The female population can also benefit from Siberian ginseng. No more painful menstrual disorders. Siberian ginseng has positive effects on the hormones and has the ability to tone the uterine muscle. Through this, it eases the pains associated with menstruation and other menopausal symptoms.

Experts agree that in order to get the best results, people must know how to make the best choice by analyzing their body's characteristics and needs first before purchasing any type of ginseng.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Tips to prevent prostate cancer

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Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men and the most frequently recovered when detected early. Although there is no way to completely avoid common cancer in men, there are some things that men can succumb to significantly reduce their chances for this disease. Here are some common sense, easy ways to protect against prostate cancer.

If you have developed Father of prostate cancer at higher risk for himself, so you should begin annual prostate exam after the age of forty. Those who do not have to have a genetic predisposition to 50 have an annual audit.

Did you know that what you eat directly affects the health of the prostate? As with many other diets for disease prevention must resist eating fatty foods and the development of a daily diet of fruits and vegetables. Moreover, as many raw vegetables as you can eat. Raw vegetables have more nutrients than processed or cooked and colleagues also help fill. They also offer more fiber, which is useful for general health. Tomatoes are especially important because they provide nutrients such as lycopene, we know it has to offer for the detection of this cancer.

Studies have shown that taking 45 milligrams of zinc per day can a person, the risk of prostate cancer by 40% lower. This is like a large percentage of the health effects of a nutrient that all Add this to complete treatment. Other important nutrients that help the immune system and may affect the development of prostate cancer include vitamin C and vitamin E.

These vitamins help the prostate remain normal size and reduce the problems with the expansion, which is in men with prostate problems common practice.

Studies have also shown that people exercise several days a week to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. If try to keep a consistently healthy body weight for your size. The less fat you eat and the best state of the body is more effective to resist cancer.

These are just some of the means of common sense that anyone can apply to reduce the risk of developing this common type of cancer. It is difficult to add very easily and proposals for their daily lives and the payment may help prevent prostate cancer very well.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Nopalea Combats the Silent Killer

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Inflammation has been called the silent killer ever since Time Magazine revealed the immune response system as the possible underlying cause of everything from Alzheimer's to Cancer.

Nopalea Juice made from the Prickly Pear Cactus is an all-natural anti-inflammatory. Researchers are looking at the connection between the cactus and its ability to reduce and relieve inflammation.

The Time Magazine article showed that there was a link between chronic inflammation and diseases and ailments such as arthritis, fibromyalgia and a host of other pesky and/or deadly conditions.

The way it works is that while inflammation is the body's super immune response to infections and invaders, the inflammation sometimes sticks around much longer than it is needed. When it does this, it ends up attacking a healthy body. This process, this chronic inflammation, is what scientists believe might lead to other diseases.

The Prickly Pear Cactus is becoming world famous for its medicinal qualities. It not only helps those who drink it maintain optimum cellular health right now, but it helps stave off future problems with disease.

The cactus has been used as both a food and medicine for generations. This native Sonoran plant grows rampant in desert climes. It is believed that its use dates back to the time of the Aztecs. Its growth has spread throughout North America and you can even find the plant grown and harvested on other continents. It is thought that Spaniards were so taken with the plant and its multi uses that the cactus was brought back to Spain hundreds of years ago.

Nopalea probably got its name because the cactus it comes from is also known as the Nopal Cactus. Before the juice from the cactus was naturally sweetened with agave nectar and called Nopalea, any Mexican citizen could find the juice in its natural form in any caf
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Dr. Oz Recommends Using African Mango For Weight Loss

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Have you heard about the Dr. Oz's Just 10 Challenge? It's a challenge to lose just 10 pounds and reap the benefits of lower blood pressure; lower cholesterol; and lower your risk of stroke, dementia, uterine cancer and breast cancer. That's right, losing just 10 pounds can provide all of those benefits! But how can you lose that weight? One way Dr. Oz has recommended is African mango. Read on to learn more about this natural ingredient that could help you lose weight.

As a part of one of Dr.Oz's "Just 10" segments, Dr. Oz mentioned that African mango extract pills, also known as Irvingia Gabonensis, could help with weight loss because African mango acts like "a super-potent fiber" that sequesters cholesterol and takes it out of your body. In addition, he said "fiber is so important for any diet that you're on" because it fills you up and helps you eat less.

What is African Mango?

African mango, also known as Irvingia Gabonensis, wild mango, bush mango or pure African mango, is a West African fruit that is frequently used for cooking in Cameroon and Nigeria. The African mango is similar to other nuts and seeds in that it is a high-fat nut, but it is also extremely high in fiber. About 14% of the African mango nut is fiber-enriched - which means it's good for your health, and great for lowering cholesterol!

Does African Mango Really Work?

We've all heard commercials and "testimonials" claiming that this diet or that diet works miracles, but usually fad diets don't really work. So does African mango really help with weight loss?

Results of a clinical study in Cameroon suggest that the African mango plant may contain several properties that can help regulate the metabolism, slow down body fat production, and promote weight loss. Researchers at the University of Yaounde in Cameroon published the results of a study which followed 120 overweight adults. Half of the group was the placebo group (they were given sugar pills) and the other half of the group was regularly given African mango pills over the course of ten weeks. Both groups followed equivalent nutrition plans, and they had about the same levels of physical activity. The study's results showed that the average amount of weight lost equaled about 28 pounds over the study period and unhealthy LDL cholesterol levels were reduced too!

The researchers of the study confirmed that African mango extract can help safely reduce body weight in overweight or obese patients, and that it even has a positive impact on cholesterol and Leptin levels. African mango pills are completely safe and extremely beneficial as a weight loss ingredient when taken as a supplement of up to a few grams daily. In addition, even if you don't need to lose weight, these pills can be beneficial for your overall health by lowering and balancing cholesterol levels and helping maintain blood sugar levels.

Nobody likes to diet, but like Dr. Oz says, just 10 pounds provides outstanding health benefits. And with African mango extract pills, losing weight might just be a little easier!

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Best Way To Prepare Carrot And Coriander Soup - The Soup Healthy People And Weight Watchers Love.

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Carrot and coriander soup is incredibly well-liked by those who yearn to enjoy a wholesome living way of life. Many individuals that aspire to drop some weight or simply to maintain their current weight love carrot and coriander soup because of its health benefits and as part of a weight loss diet.

This soup is based purely on vegetables and spices. It is very low in carbohydrates and therefore very good for losing weight. For those people who want to lose weight, carrot and coriander soup can be very filling and yet there is no worry about gaining weight because of eating too much. You can eat as much as you want and not worry about gaining weight. The added advantage is that you also get to gain the other health benefits that are associated with carrot and coriander.

Both carrot and coriander have many useful health benefits.

Carrot is a vegetable from the parsley family. There are many health benefits associated with eating carrots. For women breastfeeding carrot can enhance milk production. Eating carrots can improve the appearance of both the skin and hair. When eating regularly carrot can also help lower blood cholesterol level and high blood pressure. Have a fresh carrot juice everyday and you can enhance your immune system significantly. Carrot is known to help treat some types of cancer.

Carrots is full of vitamins and many as there minerals and even known to help treat injuries, and calming down the bowels.

Coriander is an herb that is used by many people around the world. It is used as a spice in cooking and can be used for decorating a food or as a garnish after cooking.

Coriander also provides many medicinal qualities which are great for our bodies. It contains many different essential oils, minerals and vitamins, which includes vitamins C. It can also be used for fertility treatment.

Because of the vitamins and minerals it contains, coriander can help treat mouth ulcers, anaemia, indigestion and many other ailments.

It's simple to cook carrot and coriander soup. All you need is fresh carrots and some coriander. For you to get the most from your carrot and coriander soup it is advisable you cook it yourself rather than buying readymade soup.

To prepare carrot and coriander soup, you'll need some carrots, ground coriander, vegetable oil, onions and some vegetable stock.

Place some oil into a pan and chop your carrots into small chunks, cut the onion and then place them into the oil and add some vegetable stock.

Allow it to cook until the carrots is soft then pour the coriander powder in to the pan and stir it and leave it on the fire for a few more minutes until the carrot is very soft.

Pour the whole lot directly into a food processor and then blend it together. You are now all set to start enjoying your carrot and coriander soup.

Where to get more information on vegetarian meal plans like carrot and coriander soup.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Cosmetic Dentist In University Heights, Ca Stays Abreast Of Latest Dentistry Trends With New Procedures And Technology

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SAN DIEGO, CA - Esteemed cosmetic dentist in University Heights, CA, Dr. Allan Patch, is pleased to introduce a variety of new procedures and technologies for added convenience and increased dental health care for all patients. These new dental services and innovations include Lumineers, Snap-On Smile, laser dentistry and precise cancer detection.

Snap-On Smile is an affordable, non-invasive and completely reversible, cosmetic, removable arch that can easily and painlessly give patients a beautiful smile. It does not require shots or drilling, and can be completed in two visits. Snap-On Smile pops right into a patient's mouth and snaps in place, fitting natural teeth comfortably like a glove. Patented, easy and painless, Snap-On Smile allows patients to obtain a beautiful smile at an affordable cost.

"I am pleased to offer my patients this fast and affordable alternative for improving their smile. Snap-On Smile allows my patients to esthetically improve their smiles without surgery or pain. Best of all, it is reversible. Thousands of people worldwide have already experienced the benefits of Snap-On Smile and now my patients can do the same," said Dr. Allan Patch, University Heights, CA cosmetic dentist.

In addition to the Snap-On Smile, patients also now have the opportunity to permanently improve their smile with Lumineers, the creators of Snap-On Smile. Lumineers are a more non-invasive form of veneers and are a painless way to give patients a beautiful, healthy, glowing, permanently white smile. Custom designed, Lumineers give patients the opportunity to have a smile they have always desired without shots, drilling of sensitive tooth structure and pain.

"For a more permanent solution, I am happy to offer my patients Lumineers. It is a painless procedure that allows my patients to achieve the dazzling, white smile they have always desired," said Dr. Patch, dentist in La Mesa, CA. "They can see the difference in two easy visits."

Patients can also receive effective cancer detection by light scope with VELscope. VELscope is used to help identify areas that might, if not identified and treated, progress to oral cancer. Finding oral cancer in its early stages in vital to survival and VELscope offers hope for the early discovery of oral pre-cancers and cancers.

VELscope provides visual information that may not be apparent under ordinary light, allowing Dr. Patch, La Mesa, CA dentist, to detect oral cancer before it worsens. By shining VELscope's safe blue light in a patient's oral cavity, a dentist is able to distinguish between normal and abnormal tissue, which helps to find oral disease, even when it is not visible under natural lighting.

University Avenue Dental Group is committed to delivering every patient in San Diego and surrounding areas the longevity of health they deserve. Dr. Allan Patch, cosmetic dentist in La Mesa, CA, is equipped with the necessary education, technology and experience to provide unparalleled results that are paramount to any cosmetic dental procedure, helping patients improve their confidence, body and smile.

About University Avenue Dental Group: University Avenue Dental Group, a solo practice, is owned and operated by Dr. Allan Patch, La Mesa, CA cosmetic dentist. Dr. Patch has been practicing in Howard County since 1987 and has always had a passion for art, which blended well with his passion for science and resulted in a career in dentistry. Dr. Patch appreciates a fine result and a pleased patient, making him the choice for dental health care maintenance. He specializes in cosmetics and comprehensive care in a general practice environment. Dr. Patch is also one of the first users of CEREC all ceramic, one visit crowns.

Media Contact:
Dr. Allan Patch
6324 University Avenue
San Diego, CA 92115
(619) 582-4224

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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