Medical Marijuana Concentrates And Its Benefits

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Medical Marijuana In Pharmaceutical Industry

In today's age and time, people are exploring newer drugs and particularly finding natural remedies to combat diseases. They are no longer content consuming the toxic substances introduced as medicines by the multibillion-dollar pharmaceutical industry. In the light of this, the medicinal marijuana is ever-increasingly being legalized in many countries worldwide.

The question is often asked - Should weed be legalized in the US? The protagonists argue about the numerous benefits of medical Cannabis while the antagonists harp on the ill-effects of it. Many organizations have been urging the Government to legalize it insisting that Cannabis has more medical benefits than hazards, while others think it has long-term damaging effects on brain and body.

The medical benefits of medical cannabis are thus becoming a controversial subject. Hence, before we proceed further, it may be worthwhile to list out all the pros and cons of legalizing medical Marijuana:

Pros Of Marijuana

* It cannot be deemed more harmful than tobacco or alcohol provided it is consumed in moderate quantities. While use of tobacco and alcohol are legal and rampantly used in the US, why should it be different for Cannabis?

* It has medical benefits for offering relief to terminal diseases like cancer, AIDS and eye disorders like glaucoma. It is especially beneficial for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

* Crime and violence in the US has shot up because of the illegal and clandestine buying/selling of it. Legalizing it would put an end to such seemingly criminal behavior. Police and law enforcing agencies can focus more on bringing down other serious crimes.

* According to research surveys done by Californian authorities, the yearly Marijuana sales in the state could be worth 14 billion dollars and the tax revenues by legalizing it will exceed 1 billion dollars, just in the State of California alone.

Cons Of Marijuana

* A section of Americans populace believes that the use of it is unethical, and religious scriptures forbid the use of intoxicating substances.

* This is considered an addictive substance and it can eventually lead to other pernicious substances like heroin, cocaine, and other harder drugs.

* As it is, medical research is proving that passive smoking of cigarettes is harmful, and passive smoking from the use of it will even affect non-users who inadvertently inhale the smoke.

* It does help reduce stress, thwart depression and successfully combat the debilitating effects of a number of diseases including some terminal ones. Medical researchers will tell you there are some most remarkable, clinically-proven medicinal cannabis benefits.

* The natural and holistic preventatives and cures like Marijuana are significant and sensible health solutions - as people suffering from acute pain from many incurable maladies can now find relief. There can be no cause for real concern for the possible side effects as many of which are more detrimental than the symptoms of the existing disease.

Legalization Of Marijuana

The governmental agencies will have to, sooner than later, accept the legalization of Marijuana for its tremendous medical benefits. Prohibiting use of it is, without a doubt, an unwarranted intrusion of government into the patient's personal freedom.

Weed temporarily impacts the process of thought and perception. During the period of intoxication, a person overcomes excruciating pain and that could be a veritable boon for cancer patients.

It is helpful in treating many medical problems. It helps in reducing the nausea induced by cancer chemotherapy, enhances appetite in AIDS patients, and reduces muscle spasticity in people suffering from epilepsy and other neurological disorders.

A faction of the people who vehemently oppose legalizing it will sooner than later appreciate the medical benefits hemp and relent and the day may not be far off when the world will begin to find in hemp a big relief for all human pain.

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* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

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