Liquid Nitrogen Treatment Decreases Precancerous Tissue Among Esophageal Cancer Patients

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Researchers at the Loyola University in Maywood, Ill., have recently discovered a method of treatment, known as cryospray ablation in which frigid temperatures of liquid nitrogen are administered, that may help to heal patients suffering from a condition known as Barrett's esophagus, which is a "precancerous condition largely caused by acid reflux disease."

The treatment allegedly causes "the precancerous tissue to eventually slough off and is then replaced with normal, healthy tissue," reported Liquid nitrogen, which is cooled to -270 degrees Fahrenheit, is administered through a spray system attached to a catheter at the end of an endoscope. According to the

What is Liquid Nitrogen?

Liquid nitrogen is an "inert, colorless, odorless, non-corrosive, noninflammable and extremely cold chemical that makes up the major portion of the atmosphere," according to Harvard College. Most liquid nitrogen side effects are deemed non-toxic, although, if oxygen is decreased to dangerous levels and excess amounts of nitrogen are inhaled, it can cause asphyxiation as well as the following:

* dizziness

* nausea

* vomiting

* loss of consciousness

* death

Cryospray Ablation Uses

The University of Maryland Medical Center describes cryospray ablation, also cryotherapy ablation as a destruction of "the abnormal lining of the esophagus by exposing cells to extreme cold using liquid nitrogen... Successful cryotherapy ablation will avoid the need for alternative treatments such as surgery."

Those who qualify for this treatment will likely suffer from the following conditions:

* early stage esophageal cancer

* Barrett's esophagus

* severe squamous dysplasia of the esophagus

The procedure has found success in its niche of conditions, but often requires a plethora of pre-procedure steps and may also require additional repeat procedures over the following months to ensure the esophageal lining returns to normal. Most patients will require three to four treatments, which each will span every four to six weeks, according to the UMM.

Developing Esophageal Cancer

The American Cancer Society (ACS) explains that "if untreated, Barrett's esophagus could lead to esophageal cancer, the fastest-growing cancer in the United States."

The National Library of Medicine and the ACS reported that esophageal cancer is a painful condition associated with the following side effects.

* Difficulty swallowing, also known as dysphagia

* mid-chest pains

* sensation of pressure or burning in body

* weight loss

* hoarseness

* hiccups

* pneumonia

* high blood calcium levels

* black stools caused by bleeding cancerous cells

There are several causes related to the development of esophageal cancer including smoking, heavy alcohol consumption as well at acid reflux damage; however, there is also a newer cause associated with the onset of this condition and that includes the consumption of Fosamax.

Fosamax (sodium alendronate), from Merck and Company, is a prescription only drug used to treat osteoporosis among individuals, particularly post-menopausal women who have suffered from severe bone density loss.

Recently, the New England Journal of Medicine reported on a damaging and terrifying study that individuals who had consumed the drug had been found to not only be at risk for developing dead jaw syndrome, also known as osteonecrosis (ONJ), but that approximately 23 individuals had developed esophageal cancer as a result of consuming the drug.

Those who have consumed Fosamax may need to locate a pharmaceutical attorney to lean more about development of litigation, additionally, it is imperative that a victim locate a medical physician to better assess the damages that may have occurred as a result of Fosamax consumption. Fosamax victims may require additional assistance in developing a Fosamax class action lawsuit.

Copyright (c) 2009 Katie Kelley

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