The Power to Shape Your Destiny by Anthony Robbins

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Anthony Robbins is a powerful, motivational speaker who has released The Power to Shape Your Destiny. This new series reviews what Robbins refers to as the "six basic human needs." The series is touted as a simple exercise that will benefit the listener if they practice his strategies for only 20 minutes a day. Robbins promises that listeners can make their biggest dreams come true.

Promising that this new series can alleviate fear and hurt, Robbins is apparently filling a large order. This same exercise can also relieve unwelcome character traits like worry, anger, and other bad habits. Robbins teaches that certain qualities a person already possesses can help them to eliminate ALL bad habits, and create an excellent standard of living for themselves. The Power to Shape Your Destiny helps readers to identify motivating factors in their lives, and teaches them how to control those factors so that they serve the reader.

Robbins teaches his participants that inspiration must be pursued; it is not something to simply wait upon and hope it whacks you upside the head. Positioning oneself to direct their own thoughts and focus is the core of his teachings. Robbins takes his own personal setbacks and achievements and uses them to teach others by creating a system that is easily teachable, no matter what the topic. Human beings are systemic creatures, and addressing that need has allowed Robbins incredible success in the reaching of and training a generation to pursue their own wants and desires. Robbins defines a system as a daily ritual, almost like your morning shower. Once you have developed this habit - or ritual - you are more likely to become successful at what you are pursuing than if you had no ritual.

Anthony Robbins is the author of The Power to Shape Your Destiny, but who is he really? For well over thirty years, Robbins has served as an advisor of sorts to leaders from all around the world. He operates an inner city foundation that helps at risk kids, senior citizens, and the homeless. In addition, his foundation also provides meals for those who are in lack. Robbins is an accomplished motivational speaker, and is sought after by larger corporations as well as non profit organizations and political leaders.

Robbins talents don't end at book writing and convention speaking however. He has served as the vice chairman of health, education, and science for the United Nations Research Center for International Council for Caring Communities. (ICCC) Working collaboratively with many agencies and organizations, Robbins helped find a solution to the strife that was destroying the Venezuelan country and its people. Robbins is dedicated to the Wellness Community as well, helping to support families and individuals who are suffering from and surviving cancer.

The Power to Shape Your Destiny is available for purchase from many online retailers. Of course the giant Amazon offers Robbins series for a reasonable price. also offers the series and offers coupons to make it more affordable.

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