Smoking and Oral Health

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Smoking is associated with a very wide range of health problems ranging from lung cancer to delayed wound healing. Plenty of anti-smoking campaigns highlight the harmful affects of smoking and work hard to encourage people to give up smoking.

We all know smoking effects not only the smokers but the people around them due to passive smoking. Hence, plenty of non-profit organizations and government funded campaigns have cropped up which aim to get people to give up smoking by highlighting the harmful effects of smoking on general health.

What these campaigns tend to ignore is the effect of smoking on dental health. Neither there exists any campaign nor any awareness in the general public on the harmful effects of smoking on dental health. Cigarette smoke is as good as poison to the oral cavity.

Let us discuss the harmful effects of cigarette smoke on dental health.

Nicotine and Tar are two major components of cigarette smoke. These chemicals have a tendency to stick to the teeth as residue. This heavy residue is responsible for discoloration of the teeth. The discoloration can range from yellowish to dark brown. When a cigarette is being smoked, not all the smoke is being expelled out. Some of the components remain in lungs and some in the oral cavity. Nicotine and Tar are heavy and get settled on the teeth as dark residue. This discoloration is not easily removable. Vigorous brushing can not help the cause either. However, brushing with the tooth whitening pastes in the market tends to lighten the dark stains.

Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer but we can't ignore the fact that over 90% of oral cancer patients are also smokers. This can be attributed to the carcinogenic capacity of cigarette smoke. A study published in the Journal of Periodontology also proves direct correlation between the number of cigarettes and incidence of oral cancer. People who smoked less than a half a pack a day were three times more likely to get oral cancer and people who smoked more than one and half packs each day were six times more likely. Cigarette smoke contains many carcinogens (cancer causing agents).These irritate the oral cavity and initiates cancer formation.

Smoking also hampers wound healing and hence is responsible for failure of many dental procedures. The success of many oral surgeries is affected to the delayed wound healing caused by smoking as smoking hinders the body's defense mechanism.
Recent studies have pointed an increased success of dental implants in non-smokers than in smokers.

A very obvious and annoying effect of smoking is bad breath. The contents of the cigarette smoke cause a typical bad breath known as smokers breath. It also causes Halitosis which is the common bad breath. This is because cigarette smoke causes drying of the mouth and hence reduced salivation. Saliva is an effective anti-microbial agent which fights bad breath. Reduction of salivation causes the bad breath causing bacteria to thrive.
Smoking is held responsible as a causative agent for many cases of advanced Periodontitis.

With so many harmful effects of smoking on oral health, it is best to call it quits today.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Swimming Pool Umbrellas

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If you have a swimming pool, then you know that spending time sitting by the pool can be just as enjoyable as swimming in the pool itself. Having a swimming pool umbrella can make your time around the pool safer, more relaxing, as well as protecting you from unexpected changes in the weather.

Spending time sitting around the pool with your friends or family on a hot summer day can be a great way to spend your precious summer days. Unfortunately, many people don't realize the dangers of the sun. Even if you do not feel like you are getting a sunburn, you may feel the effects of the sun the next day and are putting your body at risk for skin cancer by not protecting yourself. If you are spending time by your pool, having an umbrella that will protect you from the scorching rays of the sun and provide much needed shade is worthwhile.

Beautiful cloudless sunny days can quickly turn to thunderstorms, high winds, and gray skies. A relaxing meal by the pool can suddenly turn into a frenzy if you are trying to protect your silverware and food from the rain. Having a swimming pool umbrella allows you to continue to enjoy your meal as you are protected from the rain above you.

If you are furnishing your patio, outdoor garden, or area around the swimming pool, having an umbrella can really add to the look of your decorated space. Patio umbrellas come in various sizes, colors, and material. The best umbrellas are not only stylish, but also practical. Choose an umbrella that is designed to withstand the toughest weather conditions. The best umbrellas are specifically designed to allow for wind flow, and will stay in place even in high winds. Many umbrellas also allow you added control to provide the highest level of comfort. Look for an umbrella that gives you easy access to tilt the umbrella so that as the sun moves, you can tilt the umbrella so that you are protected. Choose an umbrella that will add to the decor your newly furnished space to add style to your outdoor living space.

When choosing a swimming pool umbrella you will want to make sure your new umbrella has certain features. Of course a sturdy design is very important. Make sure you are purchasing a high quality umbrella. If you plan to move your umbrella around, or perhaps take it to the beach, choose an umbrella that has a freestanding option. Choose an umbrella that is easy to open and close, as well as fold and store. Pick a fabric or material that won't fade in the rain.

Swimming pool umbrellas have several important uses. They protect you from the dangers of the sun, a potential storm, provide shade, and add style to your patio. If you spend time around the pool, the garden or patio, invest in a swimming pool umbrella. Be sure to contact Cozy Days at for the swimming pool umbrella of your choice today!

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Mindset That We Should Have To Heal Cancer

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Frequently, the interaction between cancer and treatment is described as a battle or a war. If we hold with that analogy, then cancer can best be described as a civil war. A cancerous cell acts as if it believes that martial law has been declared in the body. Unfortunately, because of we cling to this confrontational mindset, treating cancer becomes very difficult.

The term cancer can actually be described as a vast number of different conditions, all resulting from the same regular problem: there is a problem with the instructions held within the DNA of a cell.

The natural process of life to make sure that a large portion of our cells are replaced as they wear out. According to many estimates, ninety-nine percent of our cells are different today than they were last year. Many of these cells are simply the replications of previous cells, which are constantly dividing.

This duplication is what allows us to live as long as we do, as damaged and worn out cells are discarded and replaced with healthy cells. When something goes wrong with the dividing process, however, it has the bad effect.

The fact that this problem even exists is actually incredible in its own way, because DNA contain enzymes to repair damaged DNA. These enzymes are constructed to proofread the instructions in cells to avoid the incorrect copying, discard damaged portions and insert correct replacements and generally ensure that the cells do not go haywire.

So, when a cell manages to get around the built in protection enzymes, the cell can quickly become lethal. The damaged portion of the instructions tells the cell to divide endlessly. Every duplicate cell has the same damaged instructions and divides endlessly, which can quickly become a problem, and makes healing cancer harder.

The current mindset of Western medicine is to heal cancer as if it is a foreign invader, coming into the body and wreaking havoc. Because cancer is a part of our body which gone awry, this mindset has very unsuccessful.

Traditional cancer treatments, especially radiation and chemotherapy, are toxic to cancer cells which are like our healthy cells, only haywire and they are also poisonous to our healthy cells. In effect, the traditional treatments for healing cancer count on the fact that they will poison and kill the cancer cells before they poison and kill the rest of the patient.

Treating cancer can only occur by accepting the fact that those cells are a part of us, embracing those cells and looking to heal them, not destroy them. It is impossible to remove cancerous cells without killing healthy cells.

An amazing variety of alternative treatments exist, although it is not likely that you and l hear much about it from your doctor. We need to take the responsibility for our own care and look into the highly-effective, non-toxic, alternative therapies for healing cancer that are available to us.

In conclusion, we should have the correct mindset when dealing with cancer cells. We should always remember that the cancer cells are just the abnormal cells in our body. We have to heal it but not eliminate it.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Be More Knowledgeable About Mole Removal Before Taking The Plunge

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Basics of treatment will have one undergo a prognosis to show what the problem is, and for the administration of the right treatment. If the patient has a mole condition, information on the patient's skin type, type of mole and when it started developing would be required. When we talk about mole removal, it is also important to get a full grasp of the mole, including its shape, size, and colour. In this way, the removal process that will be chosen is sure to be one that would effectively and completely get rid of the mole. Self-assessment is the first step that most people will take when they note that they have patches on their skin.

Occasionally, some people will miss read the finds and take the mole to be something else, like age spots. That is the reason why you have to be knowledgeable about what a mole looks like and its possibilities, particularly about being cancerous or noncancerous. Fact that it might be the case of a cancerous condition, it is thus important to seek a second option from a dermatologist. There are many tests that the doctor will conduct in order to ascertain whether the mole is truly cancerous or not. During the same process, the doctor will also to tests to verify the skin type so that he or she can know which will be the best mode of treatment.

We can broadly categorize the various available treatment options for mole removal available these days into either natural treatments or modern medical treatments. Each treatment should be particularly identified, considering the two categories differ in their approach to mole removal. If you choose a method that falls under the category of natural treatments, expect that your main tools would include medicinal remedies that are already traditionally used through time. Although the bulk of these remedies are derived from plants, many are also obtained from animal sources. These have the advantage of being inexpensive and free from undesirable side effects. However, it could take quite a while before they take effect. Most of the items used in making the remedies are available in the local stores and market even in the backyard garden. All you need to know is what products you need and how you can turn them into the remedies you are going to use.

Modern mole removal is slightly on the higher side of cost than natural remedies. The most common mole removal products come in the form of creams that are directly and topically applied on the growths. Many factors affect the effectiveness of these creams, however. For example, larger moles will be more difficult to remove through the use of a mole removal cream alone. That will call for a higher level of mole removal. While the use of creams can be done at home under the prescriptions of a doctor, a qualified dermatologist does higher mole removals procedures. Procedures such as laser therapy may take you a few treatments, but it is quite effective. Another option is cryotherapy, or basically freezing the moles of growths with the use of very low temperature. Do not be too hasty, though. Make sure you have all your bases covered and find out all the pertinent and relevant details about mole removal as well as the costs you would have to incur.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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It's Impossible! Therapy Socks Can Give you Health and Great Mood!

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How often do you have the feeling that something isn't enough? For example, the energy to do one more thing. Or vigor, activity to do easily everything planned for the day. How often do you feel tired after a hard day? You know: in the evening there is a great desire to meet with friends and to go somewhere. But you haven't more power, and all you can only sleeping.

That's enough to share your precious time with fatigue and irritability! Return your body activity, spirit - wonderful location, and head - fresh ideas and readiness to be energetic and cheerful again! Of course, you can't do anything without vitamin complex and the internal training. But it is equally important to use the therapy wear - namely, therapy socks! This new product has recently appeared at the market, but has already gained a lot of positive reviews!

What are the therapy socks?

Therapy socks are an effective combination of:
natural cotton of the highest quality;
medicinal herbs;
natural essential oils.

In this case:
all herbal extracts and essential oils have the ECO and ISO certifications, and CERES;
all the herbal extracts were extracted by using CO2 method (this method has a significant advantage - it does not damage the nutrients from to the influence of high temperature);
due the production of therapy socks essential oils and herbal extracts, approved by the Health Association of the European Union, are used.

How do influence the therapy socks?

On the feet there is majority of active points, which have a direct influence on our organism. That is why legs were chosen as a site of action of therapy wear. The therapy socks influence in two ways:

Absorption. Cotton fibers are enriched with extracts of various useful herbs, which can easily penetrate the skin and have a positive impact on the body.
Aromatherapy. Essential oils, which are in the cotton fibers, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. They not only penetrate the skin, but are also actively inhaled by the owner of therapy socks.

Natural ingredients stimulate the active points of the feet, which can affect the nervous system, blood circulation, heart, lungs, brain and many other organs. Therapy socks help to stimulate more than 50 points on the feet, which directly affect the main vital organs.

What is the positive effect of using therapy socks?

Activity of the most functions of various organs is increased, the organism comes to the balanced state.
The nervous system is become stronger.
The emotional balance comes, stress retreats.
Muscle tone of the legs is improved.
Therapy socks stimulate brain activity and improve blood circulation.
Ability to work is increased.
Therapy socks turn out the comprehensive anti-virus and anti-bacterial effect.
Protective functions of immune system and the whole organism are risen.

Benefits of therapy socks

To feel the real effect from the using of therapy socks, that's enough to hold one-week course (or set of spa-treatments). Moreover, this type of therapy wear you can use everywhere: at home, at work, during the leisure time.
The positive effect is felt not only in certain areas of the body, but also throughout the organism.
Therapy socks are completely natural environmentally friendly product, proven by the Biomedical Dermatology Research.
Manufactured in Europe with attractive design, therapy socks will not only be an effective tool in struggle with fatigue and irritability, but can also be an excellent addition to your costume.

Personal experience

Without personal experience all the benefits of innovations have small trust. So here we'll quote a letter from one of our customers - Victoria Sanders:

"You can't believe in benefits before using the product. It's about me too. Reading about all advantages of these therapy miracle socks, I could not believe that such wear really exists till the end. But I was lucky - my husband loves such innovations. Therefore he decided to test this therapy socks. At the same time he gave me a pair for my enjoyment by all promised effects.

Despite the fact that I wear therapy socks only the second day (almost without the rest), the positive effects are already evident. Thus, personal conclusions:

1. The first thing that impressed - it's packing. Large box, colorful instruction, sealed packages for therapy socks ... In general, the feeling is that you take in hand not just pack with socks, but a valuable gift.

2. As soon as I unpacked the socks, the quite strong herbal flavor filled the room. Even before bedtime when after 5 hours wearing I took off my therapy socks, my feet still smelled by herbs. It's pleasant.

3. When you dress socks, the feeling is that there is a nice relaxing cool in your feet.

4. I do not know what about the strengthened immune and nervous systems, but therapy socks can raise the mood and brain activity for sure! I put on them in the evening, after a long working day (literally I falling asleep at the computer and had a headache), when I decided to go to the cafe for drinking coffee. Amazingly, but after only 20 minutes my fatigue disappeared! And when an hour later I returned home, I had so much energy so if I didn't work before! At the same time the mood was excellent! Even my husband was surprised.

5. Therapy socks can inspire. It sounds funny, but it is true. In the morning I usually wake up with difficulty, slowly go for coffee, wash my face and sit down at my computer. But today I woke up, dressed my socks and in 15 minutes was ready to work. And the most amazing I wanted to do so much! And it is in the morning when I usually don't want anything except sleeping!

6. I arranged for therapy socks small "crush-test": in the manual it was information that in the socks composition there are silver ions that neutralize odors. In the evening I decided to make jogging in these socks. Paradoxically: after 40 minutes of jogging therapy socks didn't smell anything except herbs!

At this note my two-day research is completed. In general I am very pleased with my therapy socks. And I should note - my husband is satisfied too. Today he put on them for tennis. After he rang me and joyfully reported that there was no unpleasant odor, and he didn't feel fatigue in the legs at all! In general, there is still 6 days of the course, and I wait for the new pleasant effects. "

If you are still hard to believe that therapy socks can improve the quality of your life in just 8 days of the use - just check it yourself! After all, there's nothing better personal experience!

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Ovarian Cancer - Nuts And Bolts

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Ovarian cancer is a cancer that originates in the cells on the surface of the ovaries (ovarian epithelial carcinoma) or malignant germ cell tumors that begin in the egg cells. Ovarian epithelial carcinoma is the most common type of ovarian cancer.

The National Cancer Institute estimates that there are 21,500 new case of ovarian cancer diagnosed each year and there are 14,600 deaths each year attributed to ovarian cancer.

The National Cancer Institute has found that women with certain risk factors can be more likely to develop ovarian cancer. Of course, just because woman may have one or more of these risk factors doesn't mean that she will get ovarian cancer. The risk factors are:

History of cancer in the family (self, mothers, sisters, daughters) especially if they had uterine cancer, breast cancer, rectal cancer and colon cancer.

Most women are over the age of 55 when diagnosed with ovarian cancer

Women who have never had a pregnancy

Studies have suggested that women who take estrogen as hormone therapy by itself (estrogen without progesterone) for 10 or more years may have an increased risk of ovarian cancer.

Symptoms of ovarian epithelial cancer may not be seen because of early stages of cancer but as the cancer grows, the symptoms may include:
Pressure or pain in the abdomen, pelvis, back, or legs
A swollen or bloated abdomen
Nausea, indigestion, gas, constipation, or diarrhea
Feeling very tired all the time
Some of the less common symptoms include:
Shortness of breath
Feeling the need to urinate often
Unusual vaginal bleeding (heavy periods, or bleeding after menopause)

Since these symptoms are common symptoms of other disease processes, they may not be due to cancer, only your doctor can tell for sure. Some of the common tests the physicians use to diagnose ovarian cancer may be a physical exam, a pelvic exam, blood test for CA-125 (a cancer blood test), other blood tests, ultrasound, or biopsy.

Once the doctor has confirmed the diagnosis of ovarian cancer the doctor will grade the cancer by stages.

Stage I: Cancer cells are found in one or both ovaries. Cancer cells may be found on the surface of the ovaries or in fluid collected from the abdomen.

Stage II: Cancer cells have spread from one or both ovaries to other tissues in the pelvis. Cancer cells are found on the fallopian tubes, the uterus, or other tissues in the pelvis. Cancer cells may be found in fluid collected from the abdomen.

Stage III: Cancer cells have spread to tissues outside the pelvis or to the regional lymph nodes. Cancer cells may be found on the outside of the liver.
Stage IV: Cancer cells have spread to tissues outside the abdomen and pelvis. Cancer cells may be found inside the liver, in the lungs, or in other organs.

There is not a lot known about how to prevent ovarian cancer. There are some measures that may help reduce the risk factors, however; depending on your age, you may not be able to act on some of the measures.

Studies show that taking a birth control pill for 5 years or longer may reduce the risk of ovarian cancer up to 50%

Giving birth to a child and breast feeding for at least one year may reduce the reduce the risk of ovarian cancer up to 60%

Surgical removal of the ovaries

Some studies show that eating a low-fat, high-fiber, reduced meat and reduced alcohol consumption for 4 years may reduce your risk.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Can You Afford the Health Costs Of Fad Diets?

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One of the issues we face dieting is learning how to manage hunger. Whether its that mid afternoon slump, or mid morning cravings, being hungry for too long is a fast way to derail all our good intentions to turn over a new lettuce leaf.

Different strategies have in the past been proposed to deal with hunger. Some people find drinking a glass of water every time they are hungry helps. The model Gisele Bundchen is a real advocate of this approach. And judging by her stunning figure, she's a good poster girl for increasing your fluid intake. Water has many benefits for the body, and people often simply don't drink enough. There's even a book on the subject that presents the view that many diseases in old age are related to a kind of entrenched state of dehydration ("Your Body's Many Cries for Water" by F.Batmanghelid,MD).

Whilst diets composed mainly of soups are fairly common (think the Cabbage Soup diet and Liz Hurley's favorite, the Watercress Soup Diet), this is not the healthiest way to approach soup. Nor is it likely to lead to long tern success. Diets that focus on just one vegetable or type of food are not only very boring to go on, they do not provide the range of nutrients that the body needs to function well. Could hunger actually be the body's way of saying, 'I need some nutrients'. Sustainable weight loss is not achieved by setting up an unrealistic eating plan that is painful to follow for more than a week and leaves you fantasizing about food all the time. Unless of course you don't mind going to bed hungry for two years like Liz did after her son was born.

Starvation and nutrient restriction lead to loss of muscle mass and bone density. Not to mention fatigue and other possible health problems if followed long term.

The irony is that soups, including cabbage soup and watercress soup, are really good for you. They are easy to digest, and can be prepared ahead and frozen. That way you have a low kilojoule snack that is often high in fiber ready at the helm as a quick pick-me-up when hunger strikes between meals.

And some soups have surprising health benefits. For example, the Japanese Miso soup has been linked with preventing liver cancer, breast cancer and skin cancer, with theories also proposed about a benefit to skin due to linoleic acid. Whether this is found to be true, it is a delicious base for your favorite vegetables, and very easy to prepare from scratch. It takes only about ten minutes to prepare, and when garnished with grated ginger is a fantastic energizing soup when you are tired.

Neither soup nor water alone will lead to weight loss, and neither should these strategies be used to extremes and become a substitute for following a healthy, balanced diet. But they provide a way to minimize excursions into old habits we are trying to change as we address the lifestyle choices that led to gaining excess weight in the first place. And by providing the nutrients your body actually needs, you'll be creating a change in the quality of life experienced day to day.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Doctor Agrees To $875,000 Settlement For Neglecting to Tell Woman Of Unfinished And Unreliable Colon Cancer Test Results

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Particular men and women are vulnerable to having or developing particular forms of cancer. With colon cancer, as an illustration, people with particular conditions (such as chron's disease), with particular symptoms (such as blood in the stool), or with a family history are at risk. If an individual both has a family history and in addition has complaints of symptoms for example blood in the stool, doctors generally agree that a colonoscopy is required in order to find out if the individual has colon cancer or exclude it. Besides testing men and women who are at a higher risk level, doctors also generally advocate that asymptomatic patients who are fifty or older go through routine screening in order to find any cancer that might be growing in the colon before it reaches an advanced stage.

If the doctor performing the colonoscopy cannot examine the total length of the colon it is possible that there could be cancer present in the unvisualized areas. One of the reasons why a physician might not finish the colonoscopy is poor prior preparation which makes visualization difficult or the presence of an obstruction which makes it impossible to pass the scope beyond the location of the obstruction. When circumstances such as these occur the doctor ought to inform the patient and suggest that the person either have an alternative procedure or a repeat colonoscopy. In the event that the physician does not let the patient know that the colonoscopy was no finished or that there was poor visibility and suggest proper follow up too much time might pass before the patient begins to show symptoms or has another screening procedure.

This is what happened in one documented claim involving a fifty-four year old female who passed away from metastatic colon cancer. Consider her medical history. The woman had a family history of colon cancer. Throughout the length of six years, physicians performed 3 colonospies on her. During that period, the woman reported that she observed rectal bleeding and abdominal pain frequently. At least once her blood work further indicated that she was anemic. All three are potential symptoms of colon cancer.

In this case, the doctor who carried out the colonoscopies in fact recorded, with respect to 2 of them, that visualization was incomplete in both the ascending colon and the cecum. The doctor further recorded that this was the situation because there was a problem in passing the scope past the transverse colon. Sill, the doctor who carried out the 3 colonoscopies and followed the patient during this time continued telling the woman that her problems were attributable to hemorrhoids.

Ultimately the patient had exploratory surgery in an attempt to discover the reason why she was experiencing the symptoms. The cancer was discovered during the surgery. The cancer had grown and spread so far that she needed to have a large section of her intestines extracted and then had to undergo chemotherapy. Regrettably, even with treatment she passed away from the cancer. Her family pursued a wrongful death lawsuit against the physician for the failure to detect her cancer and to inform her that the results of the colonoscopies were inconclusive. The law firm that hekped the family in this case was able to report that they were able to obtain a recovery for the family in the sum of 5,000

Doctors use diagnostic tests to find or rule out particular diseases such as certain types of cancers. For example, the colonoscopy is a procedure used to locate or rule out colon cancer yet the result of the test is only as good as the reliability with which the test was conducted. For the procedure a doctor inserts a scope to see the inside of the colon to ascertain if there are any polyps or tumors in the colon

If the whole colon is not visualized, as in the case above, a physician cannot rely on it to exclude cancer. Doing so makes about as much sense as only listening to one of your lungs, examining only one of your eyes, or ordering only part of a complete blood count. In the event that the patient does have cancer this might result in a delay in diagnosis that gives the cancer time to grow and progress to an incurable stage. Under such circumstances the doctor who relied on such an incomplete procedure may be liable under a medical malpractice or even wrongful death claim.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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How To Cure Back Pain - Utilize Back Pain Cures To Help Solve Your Back Pain Problems

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If you have ever experienced any back pain problems, then you know how terrible they can be. They are not only painful; they can be really debilitating and can make your life miserable. That's why so many people are searching for new and innovative back pain cures to help solve their problems. With the right combination of cures, preventative tips and more, you'll be able to largely eliminate your back pain problems and move on to a happier, pain-free life.

One of the first steps to dealing with your back pain problems is to try to understand what the real root cause of the issue is. For some people the back pain is really another injury that's manifesting itself, like a hamstring problem, or even a problem with your feet.

These kinds of injuries may cause your body to compensate in unusual ways and the injury can cause referred pain in another location as a result. So determining the root cause is really important, and can help you to target your treatment, exercises and other potential cures appropriately. Don't assume that the problem starts where the pain is felt.

In addition to back pain problems caused by injuries to other body parts, one of the more common causes is a muscle imbalance. Muscle imbalances once again force your body to compensate and move in ways that it really shouldn't be moving. Therefore, the best approach in terms of back pain cures is to strengthen all of your important core muscles, not just your back. These include your abdominal muscles, your oblique muscles, your gluts and hamstrings, and of course the lower back as well. All of these muscles work in unison together, and all of them need to be worked on in order to achieve the best results.

When choosing exercises to perform for a back pain cure, you must steer yourself away from heavy weights, they can end up doing you more harm than good. You should be focusing on low weight, high repetition exercises, and you need to ensure that you maintain perfect form throughout the exercise. Once your form suffers, you are just asking for further back pain problems to occur.

Other kinds of exercises for back pain include your own bodyweight exercises. The classics that you've always known about such as pull-ups and push-ups really build total body strength without stressing your muscles too much. They are safe to perform and can help to make a big difference.

Focus on stabilization exercises for your core, abdominals and lower back. These will really target these muscle groups in the correct fashion without placing undue stress. One great stabilization exercise to practice is the push-up plank.

Start in a standard push-up position; however rest on your forearms instead of on the palms of your hands. Now tighten up your core in the pose, and keeping your body straight and still, hold the pose for 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat two more times. You can also try many variations of the standard push-up plank, such as side planks, incline planks and more complex and challenging variations as well.

Finally, don't forget to make adjustments to your daily lifestyle. Your posture while you are sitting at your office desk for example can make a huge difference towards the pain you feel and the effectiveness of other cures and techniques. Sit up nice and straight, and consider purchasing an ergonomically designed chair. You can also purchase cushions and pads that you can use on beds and couches to help you to sit properly as well.

If you struggle with your posture, do your best to keep it in mind and remember it at all times. Keeping your core tight will help to remind you, while helping you to stay straight as well. It's an easy and simple step, but can go a long way towards coping with your back pain problems.

This is only the beginning in terms of available back pain cures and how to cope with and deal with your back pain problems. It's important to be careful to not make your condition worse, and to practice preventive measures whenever possible as well.

Use the above back pain cures and advice to get started but don't be afraid keep up to date with new methods as well.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Signs And Symptoms Of Testicular Cancer

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Testicular Cancer or Cancer of the testicle is among the diseases males should be conscious of and should watch out for. To further understand, it's better to digest the words that comprise the term. First, testicular coming from the word testicles - also called testes or gonads. These are a pair of male sex glands that create and store sperm. These can be seen just beneath the penis, specifically within the scrotum. Final word is cancer. This can be a illness wherein uncontrolled growth happens amongst the group of cells. In other words, for the testicular cancer, the testes are the component of the body that is highly affected by this extremely painful and depressing illness.

Is there a determined trigger for a man to acquire testicular cancer? Nicely, there are no particular causes determined by specialists; nevertheless, there might be elements that might most likely increase men's chances of getting hold of this disease. Everybody has their own family tree; thus all illnesses and illnesses the family member and relatives had can be tracked. Say, a father or a male in the family tree has had this particular cancer, the probability of getting such could be considered and ought to be offered interest in the earliest possible time.

It's very important to note that cancer is a type of disease that might discover much time to heal and totally disappear. In some instances exactly where a guy is able to recover of such, the possibilities of getting it developed over time should be taken into consideration.

An additional factor that might affect the occurrence of this illness is the abnormality which has been present even within the early days of childhood. There's an increased risk if a male has problems with the testicles in specific, penis, kidneys and these with hernia.

Lastly, it may be because of an undescended testicle. This is possible when the testicles don't move down into the scrotum. It is unfortunate though that even if a surgery would be to be performed, the risks remain the same.

Detection of this type of cancer at its earliest stage is truly important. If a man is in a position to find something unusual or feels pain or something different on his testicles, it's greatest to seek for the doctor's guidance. Males should watch out for a lump or a swelling testicle; pain in the scrotum; any enlargement or difference in type of the testicles; and any discharge or amount of fluid seen in the scrotum.

To diagnose and confirm if this truly is a testicular cancer, it's essential to undergo laboratory tests or processes. Blood test is recommended so as to assist figure out the presence of a tumor within the testicles. Another could be via an ultrasound and if suggested by the physician, biopsy has to be undergone.

By no means shed hope if you're found to have acquired this disease as this can be cured via radiation or chemotherapy. A big percentage of testicular cancer victims have been effectively cured. That's why it's extremely important to have this detected as early as feasible.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Dark Circles and Under Eye Inflammation Remedies and Home Remedies

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Under eye puffiness has many names, like bags under eyes, dark circles, tea bags under eyes and more. If you suffer from bags beneath your eyes it can have a painful affect on you. And why is that? It can have the affect of making you look unhealthy and much older then you really are. The good news is there are cures to get rid of under eye inflammation and dark circles. Among others, there are home solutions for under eye puffiness, eye creams for inflammation, and even below eye puffiness surgery.

Eye puffiness and dark circles can be caused by many things in your life. Just to name a few, anxiety and diet, lack of sleep, allergies and too much sun are a number of of the contributing factors. Circles under your eyes can even worsen for those who smoke or suffer from kidney disease. Having dark circles or swollen eyes is also an indication you are not getting enough water in your body. If this is the case, the obvious solution is to monitor your daily water consumption and make sure you're drinking at least eight glasses of water a day.

Lack of sleep and fatigue are the main causes of below eye puffiness When you're in a deep sleep state, your body will repair and reinvigorate your skin. If you can't seem to determine the problem, you should probably go see your physician for a checkup.

You can apply under eye creams to reduce or get rid of dark circles and bags beneath your eyes. Eye creams reduce dark circles and puffy eyes by mositurizing and hydrating the skin around your eyes. It repairs and restores the skin that has been damaged and improves elasticity, firmness, and blood circulation. You can find numerous types of eye creams on the market today. Estee Lauder and Murad both make very good eye creams. Most eye creams are classified by the active ingredient in them. Vitamin K and anti aging eye cream are 2 of the more popular types.

You can find numerous home solutions for below eye puffiness if you search on the internet. Cucumbers, potatos and tea bags are used in home solutions for beneath eye puffiness.

Cucumber for beneath eye puffiness:

- Slice 2 pieces of cucumbers
- Put a slice on each eye and lay down
- Relax for 10-15 minutes and take off

Tea bag treatment for bags under the eyes

- Take 2 tea bags and place them in boing water for 5 minutes
- Remove and let cool
- Wrap tea bags in paper towl or napkin so it won't stain
- LIe down and put tea bags on your eyes
- Continue relaxing for 10-15 minutes and remove

Treatment for puffy eyes using potato

- Peel a potato
- Grate the potato and mash together like a snowball
- Wrap potato snowball in a napkin or cloth
- Lay down and place over your eyes
- Keep it on your eyes for 15 minutes or so

Eyelid surgery is also an option. It approves the appearance of the upper or lower eyelids. We highly recommend a certified plastic doctor for best results. The operation is done by making an incision on the lower eyelid just underneath the eye lashes. . Some of the skin is also removed that once covered the cellulite to tighten it up. There are also a number of related problems that result with this procedure. Always talk about this with your doctor before proceeding.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Fake Bake - A Non-Toxic and Natural Self-Tan

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Fake Bake products have enabled the sunless tanning technology to develop in leaps and bounds. It is a blend of natural ingredients such as DHA (Dihydroxyacetone) and erythulose. It is a reliable alternative to sun tanning as it comes without the harmful exposure to the Sun's ultraviolet rays, which is known to cause skin cancer. In case of a suntan, you need to wait for the right time to go out. But with self-tanners you are more in control of the changes in your skin tone. Fake tans have also gained in popularity because of the range of looks you can sport to lend color and variety to your life.

Beauty care has always been and will continue to be a rage, as we are constantly bombarded by images of beautiful celebrities with immaculate skin. So, manufacturing of beauty products follows as a natural progression of that trend. Tanning allows you to experiment with different styles and looks.

Why Fake Bake Products?

* You will get a quick tan that will last longer.

* You do not have to deal with a foul-smelling odor as is the case with other self-tans. The aroma is very pleasing to the senses.

* These products use a lot of high-quality natural ingredients. Therefore, the uneasiness regarding the side effects of chemicals used is minimized.

* The combinations used promote an even tan, so you are not subjected to a patchy or streaked appearance.

* A lot of research goes into these products to study their effects on the skin and to ensure there are no side effects. The level of investment inspires trust and reassures customers of the safeness of Fake Bake products.

* It promotes optimal skincare as its products fight ageing signs and cellulite.

* Its products cater to the different needs and textures of skin. All of us possess different skin sensitivities. Fake Bake takes into consideration the diverse reactions.

* Getting a tan at home with Fake Bake products also ensures you do not drill a hole in your air-tight monthly budget. At-home self-tans are much more economical than and just as effective as the ones you get at professional salons.

* There has been an effort to develop these products without polluting the environment or abusing its residents. Animals are not used as scapegoats in the name of advancements in the cosmetic business world.

Different Self-Tanning Devices

Tanning products are available in the form of airbrush tanning sprays, lotions, gels, moisturizers, powders, and mousses. So, even if you are a first-timer, you can choose any product that you are comfortable with. In addition, Fake Bake products come with a guide color that helps you understand the tan color you can expect. As this is purely cosmetic, it can be washed off easily.


* There is a possibility that you can still get a suntan after you apply a self-tan. So, do not forget to dab some sunscreen.

* Take care of your eyes, nails, and hair; keep them covered while applying the tan.
* Wait for some time before wearing your clothes to avoid stains.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Is the Buteyko self-oxygenation breathing therapy better cancer cure than foods and diets?

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Since this question was asked on different forums, I decided to write this article. To my knowledge, none of the previous or current medical doctors who practice the Buteyko therapy (over 200 people) claimed that this therapy can cure cancer. However, there are certain clinical observations and known scientific facts that I am going to briefly review here.

All available physiological evidence, starting from the Nobel Prize discovery of Dr. Otto Warburg, who in his speech "The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer" (1966) said, "In every case, during the cancer development, the oxygen respiration always falls, fermentation appears, and the highly differentiated cells are transformed into fermenting anaerobes, which have lost all their body functions and retain only the now useless property of growth and replication" until all available modern research, indicates that low body oxygenation in the body is still the prime cause of cancer.

The central test of the Buteyko oxygenation therapy and the main tool of the patient or student is stress-free breath holding time, which accurately reflects body oxygenation. [Exhale normally, pinch the nose, close the mouth, and measure your breath holding time but only until the first stress or discomfort. At certain moment of time, this discomfort starts to grow and, if one releases the nose at this moment, the test is correct and the breathing pattern does not change: it is the same after the test as before it.]

A typical Buteyko doctor had hundreds, sometimes thousands of patients who learned the oxygenation therapy to variable degree (starting with less than 20 s for early morning oxygenation and going up to 30, 35, 40, 60, 90 etc. seconds). There were no systematic cancer studies since the Buteyko method is focused mostly on about 15-20 other common diseases (like asthma, heart disease, bronchitis, epilepsy, sinusitis, insomnia, etc.) However, it is known that presence of any chronic condition is a risk factor for cancer. Hence, hundreds of Russian Buteyko patients with cancer experienced corresponding developments (see below), while none of Russian Buteyko doctors could make cancer cure claims based on a few or even several cases in the own practice. When all these cases are gathered together and their conclusions are the same, then we can speak about the following clinical findings.

These doctors consistently observed that when index of body oxygenation gets up to 35-40 s, tumors start to disappear.

It is not a surprise then that Doctor Buteyko, based on these persistent observations in relation to cancer and other diseases of civilization, stated that 60 s of oxygen in the body should be the norm of ideal health, since about 150 chronic diseases, cancer included, are incompatible with this physiological state. [You cannot have 60 s of oxygen in the body 24/7 and tumors at the same time.]

When oxygenation is below 20 s, even for 30 min, inflamed tissues and tumors are likely to grow.

When the breath hold is less than 10 s, the immune system offers little resistance even in the blood. Sepsis and metastasis are possible.

These observations are rather simple and they are in complete agreement with dozens of western professional oncological studies (cancer-tissue hypoxia link). Moreover, oxygenation-based observations are more accurate since they provide a simple measure of cancer development (for worse and for better).

We see that all available evidence, clinical observation and scientific research show that cancer development is based on tissue hypoxia, not on presence or absence of herbs, functional foods, vitamins, or other substances in diet. (Only when we are truly deficient in any essential nutrient, correct supplementation improves the health state and increase body oxygenation. This effect can be easily measured.)

The modern approach to cancer among many people in alternative health area is almost the same as the approach of most doctors in relation to disease and drugs. Instead of the medication or pill, it is suggested to use various supplements, herbs, colloidal silver, enzymes, etc. to fight cancer. For this mental approach, the person with cancer becomes an innocent victim of the vicious disease and the supplement (herb, enzyme, vitamin, substance, etc.) plays the role of the savior. It is the same situation as with medical drugs: innocent patients, treacherous diseases, and a doctor-savior on a white horse delivering the magic medical pill.

Moreover, reduced brain oxygenation, due to heavy breathing, makes cancer sufferers very susceptible to this "sweet supplement" myth when they participate in never-ending games searching for the cure. When the old savior (medical drug or supplement) disappears or gets unpopular, the new savior is immediately found or anticipated. Why are these fantasies so popular? Because these myths create an illusion of innocence and "re-assure" current, physiologically abnormal lifestyle of the sick person.

This has nothing to do with physiology of the human body, cancer pathology, and health, because the person can eat tones of herbs and vitamins, drink canisters of colloidal silver, and do thousands other promoted things, but if the oxygenation remains below 20 s (e.g., due to mouth breathing, or sleeping on one's back, or due to lack of physical activity, or due to inflammation and cortisol deficiency, etc.), no cancer improvement will take place. Hence, prevention of mouth breathing 24/7, prevention of sleeping on one's back, correct posture 24/7, physical activity with strictly nasal breathing, eating only when truly hungry, and many other lifestyle factors and hidden physiological obstacles (cavities, intestinal parasites, fungal infections, etc.) are more important since these, real factors address the foundation of cancer: low body oxygenation.

"Oxygen content in the organism can be found using a simple method: after exhalation, observe, how long the person can pause their breath without stress" Soviet Physiologist, PhD (Physiology), MD Konstantin Buteyko.

"Therefore, I emphasize, the fact established long ago, or the law: the less the depth of breathing, the more oxygen is delivered in the organism, and vice versa, the deeper the breath, the less oxygen is delivered in the organism." Dr. Buteyko speaking about breathing patterns

June 2010 Update. A clinical trial:
Metastasized breast cancer clinical trial: Fivefold reduction in 3-year mortality for breathing normalization group. One hundred twenty patients with metastasized breast cancer participated in this controlled study published in Oncology Journal (Kiev, Ukraine), 2001, v. 3, No.1, p. 77-78. PDF file of the publication (in English) is available on the internet.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Uterine Prolapse Treatment, Symptoms and Causes

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Uterine prolapse is dropping of the uterus into the vaginal canal. The uterus is held by muscles, ligaments and tissues in the pelvis. When these muscles and ligaments stretch and weaken, they no longer can provide support to the uterus and causes uterine prolapse. If the uterus slips and drops partway onto the vagina, it is called an incomplete prolapse and if it drops totally out of place it is called complete prolapse.

Causes - The condition of uterine prolapse may be caused by the following reasons:

1. Pregnancy: This is said to be the main cause of uterine prolapse in women. This condition can occur later or immediately after pregnancy. The stress, labor and baby's weight all contribute to weakening of the pelvic muscles.

2. Menopause: Lack of estrogen hormone after menopause can lead to this prolapse in women.

3. Chronic Constipation: Chronic constipation and the straining related to it can worsen this condition.

4. Weak Pelvic Muscles: Weak pelvic muscles may not be able to hold the uterus, thus letting it drop in the vagina.

5. Childbirth: Uterine Prolapse is usually found in women who have given natural births.

6. Persistent Cough: Persistent coughing weakens the pelvic structure and increases the risk.

7. Obesity: Obese women have a higher risk of prolapse.

8. Tumors/Fibroids: Women with large fibroids or tumors are at a risk of prolapse.

9. Genetic: Genetic collagen deficiency increases the risk of prolapse.

Symptoms - Every woman may experience different kinds of symptoms in this condition. Some may have more intense signs and symptoms and some may not have any symptoms depending on the severity of the prolapse. Moderate to severe prolapse can have symptoms like bowel movement problems, urinary problems, heaviness in the pelvic region, low back pain, feeling of something protruding from the vagina and loosening of vaginal tissues. You may experience some of these symptoms with less severity in the morning and which worsen during the day.

Treatment - There are some surgical options and some non surgical options for the treatment of uterine prolapse. They are as follows:

1. Surgical Methods: Uterine Suspension involves putting the uterus back to its original position. Special materials may be used to give support to the uterus. Another option is Hysterectomy which is the procedure of removing the uterus. This is a major operation which leads to the fact that once the uterus is removed, the woman can no longer become pregnant.

2. Non Surgical Methods: Vaginal pessary is a method where a rubber device is fitted in the lower part of the uterus to aid the uterus stay in its place. This rubber device is fitted by a health care professional. Estrogen Replacement Therapy involves taking of estrogen to limit the muscle weakness and the tissue weakness so as to support the uterus properly. This therapy may have side effects like gall bladder disease, breast cancer and blood clots. This therapy can be taken only after detailed discussion with your doctor. The other option for the treatment of uterine prolapse is exercises. Exercises like kegel exercises help to strengthen the pelvic muscles which are effective in the case of mild prolapse.

This condition may be prevented by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Avoid smoking, do not lift up very heavy objects and if done, it should be in the right manner.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Mommy, I Feel Sick And My Skin Hurts

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Exposure to the sun is associated with all forms of skin cancer, but the most common type of skin cancer is basal skin cancer. Frequent severe sunburns and intense sun exposure in childhood increase the risk of basal cell skin cancer. Basal cell skin cancers usually appear on sun-exposed areas, most commonly the face and neck, but also on the trunk and legs. The fact that it is showing up in teens and people in their 20s is of great concern to dermatologists. The incidence of basal cell skin cancer in North America is going up by 10% a year.

Apply sun protection cream half an hour before your children or infant go outside and reapply it regularly, particularly after they've been swimming or got wet. Also, use a product with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. Products with SPFs of 60 offer greater protection but they don't mean your child can safely spend four times longer in the sun. Sun screens reduce the damage done by the sun's rays but they don't block them out completely. You and your children should still cover up with clothes and seek shade during the hottest part of the day.

When there is no shade around, dress your children in loose-fitting clothes and give them wide brimmed hats and good-quality sunglasses. The more skin that is covered with clothing, the better. Look for materials with a tight weave, because they are best at blocking out harmful ultraviolet rays. Parents should be aware that when clothing gets wet it halves the protection given by the material.

Helpful Hints to remember before going out into the sun:

* Limit the time in the sun between 10:00AM to 4:00PM.

* Apply sunscreen every hour and a half. SPF 30 or greater and make sure it is not expired.

* Remember these spots; neck, chin tops of feet and back of hands.

* Bring some type of petroleum jelly to protect their lips.

* Bring hats and sun glasses for the entire family. Keep them handy all year round.

Some tips on how to avoid a struggle with your children applying sunscreen:

* Tell your child that sunscreen is a special makeup or paint made just for them.

* Try all types for sunscreens like foams, gels, and sprays.

* Let your child apply it themselves and then go over it yourself.

* Get a kid friendly brand that they identify with, like cartoon character, etc.

It is essential that parents change their attitude about spending time in the sun, and where better to start than with their infants and children. Regularly check you and your child's skin, and contact your doctor if you notice any irregular color changes in the skin. It's important that children are taught this sort of information when they are young, because at that age they pick it up easily and it becomes second nature. Children need to get used to wearing sun protection, for it is as essential as eating and brushing their teeth. Remember that a sunburn can ruin your fun day in the sun, but its negative effects can last a life time.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Are Macuhealth Products Effective?

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Have you ever considered the importance of your vision? What would happen if your vision began to deteriorate? Would you be able to care for yourself and those around you? Would you be able to continue working? Would you be able to live your life as you always have? The most likely answer is no. That is why you must always be aware of even the slightest of changes in your vision. The instant that you suspect that your vision is decreasing or you are having blurriness of vision or extreme to mild headaches you should immediately consult a vision specialist in order to learn what type of vision problem you have so that you can take control of the situation and seek out an effective treatment option.

The problem is that many people experiencing vision issues will put off going to the doctor. Many people do this out of fear, others do it because they don't have vision insurance and others simply believe that they are too young to have a serious vision problem. These are all foolish excuses! If you value the quality of your life then you must always take even the slightest of vision problems seriously.

Consider the fact that every year millions of people worldwide that are over the age of 50 are diagnosed with a disease known as AMD. This stands for age-related macular degeneration. This problem has become so severe that more people now suffer from this disease than they do from breast cancer and Parkinson's disease combined! Every year the number of people diagnosed with this disease continues to grow. People who suffer from this disease lose their central vision and in some cases go blind. These damning results dramatically change the quality of life for these individuals.

However, if a person does seek out medical treatment and diagnosis the moment that they begin experiencing vision issues of any type they can take immediate action and make use of proven treatment solutions. This can correct their current vision problems and can also prevent future vision problems from arising. The good news is that with macular degeneration in particular there are a wide variety of treatment options that a person can consider. Each of these options has been proven effective at correcting the problems experienced by those people that suffer from age-related macular degeneration.

One of the most popular methods of treatment for macular degeneration is the use of Macuhealth products. These are supplements that can be taken orally in order to provide the body and in particular the eyes with specific nutrients that they need in order to repair themselves. People who have been diagnosed with AMD that have made use of Macuhealth eye vitamins have experienced a positive change in their vision in little time. That is why many vision specialists recommend the use of Macuhealth products among their patients.

Additionally, when compared to other treatment options like laser eye surgery, the use of Macuhealth eye vitamins is much more affordable. This is good news for people working with a limited budget.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Even More of A Boon to Your Health

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Come on, you already know you're supposed to eat healthier. And you already know that fruits and vegetables are better for you than junk food.

You're already aware that they are chock full of fiber and vitamins. You've read all about their preventative properties.

You know that you can prevent disease by eating them. Mom always told us to eat our vegetables and we all know we should eat more of them but do we listen?

Think about it before you pull up to the drive-through window and order those greasy burgers and fries for lunch the next time.

Okay, perhaps you're doing better than the average bear. Let's say you don't each lunch through your car window on a daily basis.

Good for you. But how often do you consume pre-packaged foods? When's the last time you indulged in a comfort food like potato chips or Oreos? These foods are cheap, convenient, and easy to access.

And, let's face it, they make us feel good when we eat them.. at least, for a little while.

Stop and think that you could have something both good and good for you, like an orange, or an apple, or a banana. They are easy and nutritious to eat after a quick washing off.

A marinade of Italian dressing is delightful with cauliflower, celery and carrots. Scientists know that we're not eating what we should.

They know that the turnips and tomatoes are going uneaten, untouched. Researchers are trying to motivate us to take care of ourselves.

Have you seen the "five a day" campaign? That's aimed at you. It was conceived with the purpose of increasing awareness of your eating habits and to issue a personal challenge to each and every one of to up our consumption of veggies and fruits.

It does at first sound like quite a lot, those five servings. Here a few good ideas to help you get your five.

Put together a basket of fruit to keep on your desk. Fruit can be used as a topping on cereals, pancakes or waffles.

For later in the day when you crave a snack, take along a banana or apple to school or work.

It is especially easy to increase your vegetable servings. Add a salad to your lunch.

When you choose a sandwich for a meal, be sure to pile on the veggies. Vegetables may be used in baked goods, or in meat and tomato sauces, or in soups and stews.

Celery with peanut butter is something you can try and it is also a good snack for kids to eat too. Since kids never seem to like anything for longer than a day anyway, simply make sure to offer them various foods.

They are always told to eat their veggies in order to get a sweet treat, but this technique doesn't do anything to make veggies more appealing. Imagine how it would be if we did just the opposite?

How about some broccoli after that chocolate cake? Drinking the juice is another method that people can use to take in more fruits and vegetables.

However, there isn't any fiber in fruit juice.

Kids won't want to eat their food if they have already filled up on sweet juice. Juices are also packed full of calories.

There are numerous benefits to your health when you eat the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables. It's getting harder and harder to pretend you don't know about them.

If you eat more veggies and fruit, you reduce your risk of contracting about fourteen different types of cancer.

You're that much healthier than folks who only get one or two servings a day. Increasing fruits and vegetables in your diet can also decrease risks of blindness, stroke, and heart attack.

This is information that everybody should know; nevertheless, we can come up with millions of excuses for not eating properly.

Some people claim fruit takes too long to slice on their cereal and besides, vegetables and fruits are expensive to keep in stock at home.

A lot of people just make up excuses for what they want to do. Instead of taking responsibility and admitting that they just want to eat junk, they'll swear that buying fresh produce is a waste.

"By the time I get ready to each that banana, it's already brown all over."

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Pink Rubber Breast Cancer Bracelets

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Noticing changes in your breast contour? It could be nothing and at the same time it could be breast cancer, God forbid! But the only way to say is prompt medical check, if the doctor thinks it is cancer then early treatments will do you some good.

It is not all breast cancer patients that don't feel pain at the early stages of their disease. It is possible for breast cancer to be associated with early pain; it could be a small occasional pull and aches or a constant stabbing pain feel. You should be aware of these.

The advice of your doctor in the treatment of breast cancer is priceless. Although the choice of treatment method will be placed in your hands, the special advice your doctor provides should be considered critically before picking a treatment method for breast cancer.

It doesn't matter whether breast cancer has affected your mother and grandmother and they both died from it, you don't have to die from it too. You see, modern science has advanced so strongly that the diseases that used to kill people in the past no longer kill. If your breast cancer is discovered very early on, you can be sure you won't die. So, always ensure you examine your breasts for any signs of tumor. That can save your life.

Breast cancer can be caused by the degeneration of poorly treated breast ailments. This means that minor injuries on the breast if not properly treated can cause the development of malignant cells in the breast. It is advised then that minor breast ailments or injuries should be properly treated to avoid its degeneration into cancer.

Cancer can hit you in any part of the body. Breast cancer is simply the type that strikes you in the chest. Some folks think that only women get this, but that is not true; men contract it also. What people should focus on is how to put an end to the disease, starting with detecting it in good time
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Curing Fear Of Cancer With Hypnotherapy

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The fear of cancer, also known as carcinophobia, is among the top ten most familiar phobias, and it is not hard to imagine why. Nobody wants to develop cancer or see someone else develop the disease. Although it is normal to want to avoid getting sick, people with carcinophobia have an irrational amount of fear that sometimes takes over their lives. Overcoming carcinophobia used to take a long time, but with improved understanding of the phobia and treatment techniques, this has changed. Proven hypnosis techniques can help sufferers reclaim their well-being and happiness.

It isn't hard to imagine what can cause a fear of cancer. This fear is associated with a fear of death, illness, and loss of control. In many cases, sufferers feel traumatized by a friend's struggle with disease. People who have lost a friend or family member to cancer, or are at risk of developing the disease, live in fear of the day when they develop the disease.

The anxiety brought on by carcinophobia may lead people to make illogical life decisions. Some people frequently visit hospitals to confirm they aren't sick, while others avoid the doctor entirely, in fear of being diagnosed with a disease. Cancer phobia sufferers will become worried if they experience the slightest signs of illness, such as a headache, and worry that it is cancer. They will often do whatever it takes to avoid becoming sick.

People with carcinophobia often feel like they have much to be afraid of. Carcinophobia a persistent feeling that can affect both genders. An individual might worry, "Who will care for the family if I have cancer?" or dwell on other critical concerns. The phobia may be terribly sad for sufferers and their loved ones.

Some people can "control" their phobias by avoiding the source of their fear. People with arachnophobia can often cope by avoiding spiders, and claustrophobia sufferers take care to avoid small, enclosed spaces such as closets. Cancer phobia, however, is not the same. Carcinophobia is primarily triggered by a person's deepest ideas and anxieties. It can be crippling for a person to suffer from a fear they just can't avoid. This leaves many people with carcinophobia in a constant state of worry.

A number of phobia treatments are available today. Frequently used ones involve talk therapy and anti-anxiety medication. Traditional counseling can produce good results, but it may take a long time, up to several months for some people. Prescription drugs work to relieve a person's nervousness, but it doesn't eliminate the underlying causes of a phobia. Hypnotherapy is another option that delivers permanent results in less time than other treatments. Hypnotherapy has become a leading choice because it's a non-invasive, safe, and effective choice of treatment.

Hypnosis therapy combines stress-relief techniques with fear treatment to quickly eliminate a phobia. A good program will start with relaxation therapy to help alleviate the emotional anxiety caused by fear. When a person feels relaxed and stress-free, hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques will guide the unconscious mind into following a new, phobia-free thought process.

Traditional hypnotherapy utilizes direct, post-hypnotic suggestions to eliminate a phobia. This method is very helpful when an individual is responsive to it. Unfortunately, these traditional techniques are often futile because people tend to question direct suggestions and reject direct commands.

A serious phobia such as the fear of cancer calls for a more sophisticated form of treatment such as Ericksonian hypnosis. This form of hypnotherapy works best for those who are analytical, and who are experiencing chronic anxiety and fear. It utilizes indirect suggestions in stories, conversations, and metaphors to help them fight their fears.

NLP technology does not rely upon suggestion at all, so it can be effective for anyone. A simplified explanation is that NLP offers tools to train the unconscious mind to use the same exact thought patterns that are causing a symptom or fear, to eliminate it.

Since both hypnosis and NLP operate at the unconscious level of the mind, users describe feeling more in control and secure with these forms of therapy.

With Traditional Hypnotherapy, programs usually need to be specific to each phobia. One benefit of a well designed Ericksonian hypnosis therapy and NLP program is that both are suitable for use on any phobia, or even multiple phobias. This is an ideal help to some cancer phobia sufferers who also struggle with other anxiety disorders, such as general hypochondria or germophobia.

Carcinophobia is a serious condition, but it can be tackled by well designed hypnosis techniques. NLP techniques are a leading phobia treatment because of their ability to address the underlying cause of all fears along with the signs and symptoms. Sophisticated Ericksonian hypnosis and NLP techniques can help even the most severe phobia patients defeat their fears once and for all.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Alternative Cancer Treatments - Do They Really Work?

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As a individual who has come across many cancer patients, I constantly ask myself, can cancer be healed? How much time will the process take before you see results? How efficient are those treatments and how do they manage to use these medicines to heal many cancer patients. You may have the same concerns in mind.

I have searched numerous alternative cancer treatments and healing techniques, and I am happy to share the little information I've found from studying some articles and asking some cancer patients. This consists of alternative cancer treatments and just how it has helped many cancer survivors.

Alternative cancer treatment is an alternative and supporting treatment for cancer that isn't authorized or authenticated by the government agencies who are accountable for the regulation of therapeutic products. These treatments use natural procedures such as diet, exercise, herbs and manual procedures. The reason many government agencies accountable for therapeutic merchandise are against this kind of treatment is mainly because they feel that these aren't subjected to testing and backed with hard facts and evidences.

Many cancer treatment centers these days have various opinions in utilizing alternative cancer treatments. A number of them believe that they ought to work based on science, meaning they'll be using the newest formula, chemo, and medicines proven to heal many cancer patients. Some believe the treatments should not merely depend on what has been screened to work but something which is applicable and effective to the body makeup of the patient.

But the question at the moment is can it help? Did the proportion of people who've been cured by alternative cancer treatments grow higher than the preceding years? Let's see...

Based on a web site concerning alternative cancer treatments, it is said that each and every person has a cancer cell within the body. However, it is easily wiped out because of one person's active and powerful immune system. A healthy body enables you to steer clear of these cancer cells. Alternative cancer treatments gently eliminate the cancer cells leaving no unwanted effects. While doing so, they enhance the immune system which is vital in order to avoid and totally eliminate the cancer cells.

You will find over 500 natural treatments to eliminate cancer cells and these days many people rely on them. The increase in people turning to alternative cancer treatments is simply because it has been proven in past statistics that only 2-3% of cancer patients really benefit from chemotherapy. Everyone knows the unwanted effects of chemotherapy and people these days are prepared to risk going through alternative cancer treatments than subject themselves, and more importantly, their immune system to chemotherapy.

We've to keep in mind that our body has its distinctive and own method to heal by itself. And this will take some time, an alternative cancer treatment can get rid of the remaining cancer cells left after chemotherapy.

Whichever treatment you imagine can heal you doesn't make a difference, be it an alternative solution or traditional. Your healing begins as soon as your body is ready. The challenge of cancer isn't easy to conquer, bu

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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Chronic Viruses Can Cause Fibromyalgia

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Fibromyalgia is a disorder that symptoms include chronic muscular pain and painful response to pressure distributed in the entire body. This medical syndrome is not limited to pain but it can also be shown by other symptoms such as joint stiffening, fatigue, numbness and tingling, and sleep disturbance. The root cause of fibromyalgia is still undetected but medical experts relate it to several psychological and stress-related conditions associated with depression, anxiety, and post-trauma stress disorder. Others say that fibromyalgia can be caused by certain genetic factors or chronic viruses.

Experts find it difficult to diagnose fibromyalgia because it is related to many different symptoms and it can overlap with other diseases that can be caused by chronic viruses. Due to this, the cure for fibromyalgia is not yet determined. Clinical treatments such as exercise, behavioral intervention, and medication are given to patients to reduce its symptoms. Meanwhile, the growth of chronic viruses in the body is also aimed with the use of antiviral supplements to reduce the symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Signs and Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

People experiencing fibromyalgia show the following signs and symptoms:

1. Widespread pain
2. Heightened pain response to tactile pressure
3. Fatigue
4. Muscle spasms and twitching
5. Tingling of the skin
6. Palpitations
7. Weakness in the limbs
8. Sleep disturbance leading to headache and migraine
9. Irritable bowel syndrome

Most people experiencing fibromyalgia are diagnosed during middle age. In terms of gender ratio, more women have it compared to men but that does not mean that men aren't susceptible to chronic viruses that can cause this disease. Additionally, even children can acquire fibromyalgia that is why prevention should be aimed instead of simply curing it when it is there already.

Preventing Fibromyalgia with Gene-Eden Antiviral Supplement

Keeping the immune system strong is the best way to fight off chronic viruses and since fibromyalgia can be related to these viruses, ensuring a resilient immune system can greatly help in preventing fibromyalgia. Gene-Eden is an antiviral supplement that anyone can take to keep the immune system strong and free from growth of chronic viruses in the body. With Gene-Eden, the body's immune system is assured to have the capability to fight the development of chronic viruses which can lead to fibromyalgia.

Gene-Eden is a trusted antiviral supplement that is recommended by many medical experts. The regular intake of Gene-Eden can help in addressing susceptibility to fibromyalgia. Furthermore, Gene-Eden can also be recommended to decrease the symptoms of fibromyalgia and further growth of chronic viruses.

Choosing Gene-Eden Over Pain Killers

To address fibromyalgia, choosing Gene-Eden over pain killers is better because this antiviral supplement targets the chronic viruses that can cause this disease. Pain killers just cover up the pain and they do not improve the condition of the immune system. Gene-Eden makes the immune system stronger to be able to fight the development of chronic viruses. With little or no chronic viruses present in the body, the probability of acquiring fibromyalgia is low. Pain killers can reduce the pain felt from fibromyalgia but Gene-Eden can reduce the probability of increase in number of chronic viruses in the body which can lead to fibromyalgia.

For more information about Gene-Eden, go to the Gene-Eden website. Gene-Eden is also available on the Amazon website.

The Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease (CBCD, is a research center recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) non-for-profit organization. The mission of the CBCD is to advance the research on the biology of chronic diseases, and to accelerate the discovery of treatments for these diseases. The CBCD published the "Purple" book by Dr. Hanan Polansky. The book presents Dr. Polansky's highly acclaimed scientific theory of the relationship between the DNA of latent (chronic) viruses and the onset of chronic diseases. Dr. Polansky's book can be freely downloaded from the CBCD website.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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7 Steps to Break Any Bad Habit or Addiction

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1. Identify What You Really Need
You know what you don't want, but until you've clearly identified what you do want, how can you see any options to get it? The first step is to identify the subconscious needs that are driving your behavior. Once you understand what you are really after, you can choose a healthier way to get it.
For example, do you want a cigarette, or do you want to feel calm and in control? Do you want a drink, or do you want to feel more relaxed and confident? Do you really want to put another 0 chip on the table, or do you just want another round of excitement? What is the actual feeling you are trying to get through your unwanted habit or behavior?

2. Make It Essential
Ever notice how you usually accomplish the things you must do, while the things you should do typically get postponed? Think of your basic daily functions. Should you eat, sleep, drink, or bathe upon occasion? Or are those things you MUST do? How about getting dressed, going to work, or putting gas in your car? Are those things that you should merely get around to sometime? Or have you decided they are absolutely essential to your day?
The key in this step is to discover your own most compelling reasons for making the desired change. By fully associating to the undeniable consequences of your behavior, you'll quickly find the necessary motivation. What are three essential reasons that are compelling enough for you to finally get the job done?

3. Pick and Choose Your Beliefs
At the root of every action, you have many beliefs about yourself and your environment. Some of those beliefs are good for you. Some, not so good. Now you must decide which are which. You must figure out how to strengthen the beliefs that support you, and drop the ones that no longer do you any good - no matter how much comfort they may have given you in the past!
Within your environment, you must evaluate whatever is influencing your behavior - the external pressures that currently distract and threaten you. Within yourself, you must root out the mental, physical, and emotional patterns that reinforce your habit and tempt you to give in. More precisely, when you look at the actual symptoms of your beliefs - the things you typically think, feel, say, and do whenever indulging in your habit - you will get a pretty good idea of what's really going on in your head.
This is where the real work must be done, but contrary to popular opinion, it does not require years of therapy or anonymous support groups. What it takes is the courage to ask yourself better questions, the flexibility to choose better answers, and the courage to believe in your own highest truth. So what do you believe is true about your habit? What do you believe is true about yourself? And do those beliefs help you or harm you? Do they limit you? Or do they liberate you?

4. Replace The Behavior
All your behavior is driven by your beliefs. Once you know how to choose between beliefs that serve you, and beliefs that enslave you, you'll be free to make healthier decisions, and to behave in ways that are healthier for you all around. Remember, you can't just erase a behavior, you have to replace it with something even better. The best way to do that is by building on a solid foundation.
Start here: What is one invincible truth you're absolutely certain of, or what is one good thing you believe that has stood the test of time? Doesn't matter how small or insignificant it may seem - if its real for you, then its real important! Take a moment now to think of something you know in your heart is true, and then answer the following question: "Knowing that fact is true, how does it make me feel?"
The same thing goes when developing a new habit. With regards to creating a "powerful new identity", one that is stronger than your unwanted habit, what is one small truth that you're absolutely certain of, and what is one definite step you can take to immediately begin expressing it? Now what actions can you take in this very moment, to move towards developing an entirely new behavior, in support of a fragile new belief?

5. Over and Over Again
The fact is, you can instantly change your behavior, but the real challenge is learning how to accept your own truth as being greater than the stories other people are selling you. Here, repetition is the key.
Over the years, your mind has been unconsciously programmed to serve others, now, you must consciously train it to serve yourself. You must exercise your own power of choice over and over again, constantly choosing the new behavior in a variety of situations. Gradually, you will re-condition yourself to prefer the healthier option.
This is the part that always takes time, but don't get caught in the trap of perpetual recovery. The question to ask at this point is "How will you know when you have finally won the battle? How will you know when at last you have fully recovered, and there is nothing left to fear?" Whatever actions you have chosen to replace the old behavior, you must now constantly repeat those actions until you know the job is done.

6. Validate Your Progress
By this stage you are well on your way to transforming your beliefs and behavior. You have identified what you really want; you have acquired the necessary motivation to see it through; you have eliminated the unhealthy mental, physical, and emotional patterns that have been holding you back; you have replaced those unhealthy patterns with beliefs that serve you; and you have spent a period of time aligning your daily actions with your true values and objectives.
Now, the best thing you can do is constantly catch yourself doing things well. By focusing on the positive aspects of your progress, you not only validate your own judgment and self-worth, you invalidate the negative programming that had previously been oppressing you. As you focus more and more on the small but definite improvements you are making, you will quickly gain the momentum to break free entirely.

7. Environmental Support
For improving your behavior, a supportive environment isn't a luxury. It's a necessity. It is now imperative to catch yourself doing things well as often as possible. And, to reinforce your healthy new behavior, it's also important to get the encouragement of others.
By creating a supportive environment, enlisting the help of others who know what you are up against, and by surrounding yourself with happy, healthy people, you are far more likely to get where you want to go. You must avoid people who want to commiserate, lay blame, make excuses, dwell upon the drama, and generally drag you down. Instead, surround yourself with people who encourage your success. Seek people who have the ability, not just the desire to help you get results. Now you are free not only to choose your course of action, but to share what you have learned with others.
At this point there is no turning back. You have seen the truth of your own personal responsibility, and the power to create your fate.

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details
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