Even More of A Boon to Your Health

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Come on, you already know you're supposed to eat healthier. And you already know that fruits and vegetables are better for you than junk food.

You're already aware that they are chock full of fiber and vitamins. You've read all about their preventative properties.

You know that you can prevent disease by eating them. Mom always told us to eat our vegetables and we all know we should eat more of them but do we listen?

Think about it before you pull up to the drive-through window and order those greasy burgers and fries for lunch the next time.

Okay, perhaps you're doing better than the average bear. Let's say you don't each lunch through your car window on a daily basis.

Good for you. But how often do you consume pre-packaged foods? When's the last time you indulged in a comfort food like potato chips or Oreos? These foods are cheap, convenient, and easy to access.

And, let's face it, they make us feel good when we eat them.. at least, for a little while.

Stop and think that you could have something both good and good for you, like an orange, or an apple, or a banana. They are easy and nutritious to eat after a quick washing off.

A marinade of Italian dressing is delightful with cauliflower, celery and carrots. Scientists know that we're not eating what we should.

They know that the turnips and tomatoes are going uneaten, untouched. Researchers are trying to motivate us to take care of ourselves.

Have you seen the "five a day" campaign? That's aimed at you. It was conceived with the purpose of increasing awareness of your eating habits and to issue a personal challenge to each and every one of to up our consumption of veggies and fruits.

It does at first sound like quite a lot, those five servings. Here a few good ideas to help you get your five.

Put together a basket of fruit to keep on your desk. Fruit can be used as a topping on cereals, pancakes or waffles.

For later in the day when you crave a snack, take along a banana or apple to school or work.

It is especially easy to increase your vegetable servings. Add a salad to your lunch.

When you choose a sandwich for a meal, be sure to pile on the veggies. Vegetables may be used in baked goods, or in meat and tomato sauces, or in soups and stews.

Celery with peanut butter is something you can try and it is also a good snack for kids to eat too. Since kids never seem to like anything for longer than a day anyway, simply make sure to offer them various foods.

They are always told to eat their veggies in order to get a sweet treat, but this technique doesn't do anything to make veggies more appealing. Imagine how it would be if we did just the opposite?

How about some broccoli after that chocolate cake? Drinking the juice is another method that people can use to take in more fruits and vegetables.

However, there isn't any fiber in fruit juice.

Kids won't want to eat their food if they have already filled up on sweet juice. Juices are also packed full of calories.

There are numerous benefits to your health when you eat the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables. It's getting harder and harder to pretend you don't know about them.

If you eat more veggies and fruit, you reduce your risk of contracting about fourteen different types of cancer.

You're that much healthier than folks who only get one or two servings a day. Increasing fruits and vegetables in your diet can also decrease risks of blindness, stroke, and heart attack.

This is information that everybody should know; nevertheless, we can come up with millions of excuses for not eating properly.

Some people claim fruit takes too long to slice on their cereal and besides, vegetables and fruits are expensive to keep in stock at home.

A lot of people just make up excuses for what they want to do. Instead of taking responsibility and admitting that they just want to eat junk, they'll swear that buying fresh produce is a waste.

"By the time I get ready to each that banana, it's already brown all over."

Cancer - The Problem and the Solution:

* Discover The Truth About Cancer And How To Eliminate Sickness And Disease Naturally. More details

* Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. More details

* Treating Prostate Cancer Naturally. More details


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